The day is come! It is Friday, and so you will find me at Vintage Phoenix Comics in Bloomington, Indiana, from 5-7pm! I will have books and magnets and my lovely unshaven double-daddy self.
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The day is come! It is Friday, and so you will find me at Vintage Phoenix Comics in Bloomington, Indiana, from 5-7pm! I will have books and magnets and my lovely unshaven double-daddy self.
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The Beckisaurus lays a clever trap for the elusive Walkertonus Ignoramous, but is fooled by his deceptive coloration.
W. Ignoramus avoids prey by taking an extremely erratic and unfollowable course through wooded areas.
…I mean, you COULD follow it, but your forehead would start getting EXTREMELY sore – if not from the tree impacts, then from smacking yourself on the forehead repeatedly.
“Tell you what would make this even more comforting, if we both took off our hats and… WALKY, STOP TOP-BLOCKING ME”
Becky getting some much-needed cuddles is making me very happy
Becky should have all the cuddles.
But that would completely destroy the Affection Futures Market!
Nah. Cuddles are contra-supply-side. An increase in supply is actually met by a greater than proportional increase in demand. Thus, “You can never have enough cuddles.”
Walky just curdled the cuddle.
If this doesn’t enter popular vernacular within the next 24 hours I will be severely miffed.
Outside of this context in what context is “Top-blocking” appropriate?
I mean the use of the phrase, not the action? itself.
getting blocked on the way to second base?
I guess that it could refer to an activity of middle-aged and older men dealing with loss of head hair, leading to strange hairdos. (Cue presidential candidate omitted…)
When your silk hat is bent out of shape?
I would interpret ‘top-blocking’ as blocking one’s attempts to ‘top’ – which, as a verb, often refers to one being a dom in a dom-sub relationship.
So, basically, whispering encouraging and supportive ideas into the sub’s ear while they’re tied up?
That’s kinky.
“Yeah you like that, don’t you? I hope so because your happiness is paramount to me.”
I’d be into that.
It’s also about being the one giving rather than receiving in gay sex, somewhat surprised no one mentioned that connotation.
….. dammit, now you’re making me imagine a haberdashery with a lacy, frilly section for adult heads.
Wasn’t that in a Futurama episode?
Dina immediately recognizes her arch-nemesis.
The proud people of Thingley have notoriously bad eyesight.
Ah right, the bucolic borough of Thingley, where Mr. Magoo is mayor.
Speaking as a resident of Thingley (It’s in Wiltshire, England) I can assure you we are far too small for a mayor, let alone a Duchy. Since this is the 2nd time DYW has mocked my address I’m hoping it’s a sign my book & magnets are on their way.
Well, by the time I click post I’m sure there’ll be comments before mine.
True, but if there hadn’t what a terrible first post that’d have made.
It’d have made myself laugh for the idiocy of it if nothing else
I think it would have made a divine first post 😉
That’s what I thought, but…
I wasn’t as wrong as I thought… it’s normally more like 12-15 comments that show up… not… just 4.
I mean I wasn’t as right as I thought?
Most of the time, partly right is good enough.
You’ve clearly never grown up surrounded by “Almost only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades.”
And nuclear weapons.
“Within the hemisphere,” is good enough if you are lobbing planet-busters.
Love Horseshoes & Hand Grenades.
would that make a good name for a band?
I am in the artillery. Almost is considered a target round.
This is just a sly subversion of the ‘FIRST!’ post, isn’t it? Good thing it wasn’t first…
I suppose it indeed could be considered that, but that genuinely wasn’t my intention.
Re: alt text, why not both tags?
I knew I couldn’t be the only one who thought this…
… er, Trittoed? Dammit, what’s the word for that?
Seconded! Thirded! Carried!
(Previous word would be Thirded, I guess.)
#reginald duke of thingley
best tag is best
even the weakest alias is an alias.
The Duke of Thingley is secretly bethrodden to Miss Angry McCrankyPants the Sixteenth, of course.
Just as Joyce always said!
She truly is a prophet.
I think he might be second cousin to the Dukes of Hazzard as well!
Reginald is my favorite character
I wonder if he’s the same as he was in the Walkyverse. I loved the storylines he shared with Guns and Bloodrose.
I personally loved his showdown with Monkey Master way more than those, the buildup was INCREDIBLE!
Aye aye, Becky.
Time for a new favorite character poll. Go Reginald!
There’s always a point where you gotta wonder just how many people know you’re lying but go along anyway.
I’m noticing that people are generally smarter than they seem in that regard.
I want to hear the one about the tower of bab–
I’ll tell you all about it, but it’s all Greek to me.
Heh, that works on at least two different levels. Clever.
Is the tower of bab- gonna be this web comic’s version of Candle Ja-
No, no, the way it works is that you have to say ALL of Candle Jack’s name. After THAT, h
Well, at least he’s not going to need to charter a bus today.
I was thinking that, too. I’m sure that, like the firmament yesterday, it’s even weirder than I thought it was.
It was a gift from Buster, but the “s” fell off 😛
No relation?
No relation *high fives*
The tower of babies?
That’s the title of Willis’ autobiography.
she has simple butt reasonable rules
I’m guessing a rule were people are required to keep both butt checks covers while in public?
Your butt should never write a check your ass can’t cash.
Walky, the real Duke of Thingley is going to be very unhappy when finds out you’ve been pretending to be him.
This can only be settled by an Affair Of Honor!
Prepare the yaoi goggles!
“You took his name and now he wants it back.”
And you didn’t even give him a number.
“I am not a number, I am a free man!”
“You are Number 6.”
“I think I am the third.”
Who is number 1? You are number 6.
Watch out, Amazi-Girl, there is a new and SUPER CONVINCING secret identity person in town!
fight fight fight fight fight
And then make out at the end, right? That’s how that works? That is what fanfiction has taught me 😉
They’ve already been seen to have chemistry together. This is well on it’s way out to sea.
I wonder how a Walky/Amber ship would work. Would Walky be up for being a support pillar to his partner for something more complex than arguing about cartoons?
Maybe Amber would have better luck with Sal.
Cue dramatic reveal and “You look just like her[Sal]!” and AG BSODing over the implications of her seeing Sal in her villains.
Or not. Duke of Thingley is a good villain name regardless.
I am just worried that Becky will come to associate creationist ideas with DinaSnuggles™, and develop some weird fetish…
The saddled ceratopsian sculpt someone linked the other day could do that all on its own.
Let’s just avoid what a daddle is…
honestly, even as a child’s toy that’s a bizarre idea to meThat is hysterical.
Nice callback to This strip. I love how much of Dina’s dialog and way of expressing herself is borrowed from her friends. She really tries social interaction, but she is a bit hit and miss about it.
Damn You, Willis!!
You Killed Kenny!!
Good thing I scanned the threads, I was about to post the same thing, and bask in my cleverness.
Great, now there are TWO people running around campus, getting injured, and using false names to hide their true identities.
And So It Begins.
Great Kosh cosplay there!
One moment of perfect beauty.
He must be looking for Gary
Aren’t we all.
Oh damn, that’s amazi-girl isn’t it?
Nope, it’s her sidekick “Rooftop cookie boy”
It’s the secret second twin! The one in the pink mouse costume!!! He has come for Walky!!!
“I have unfinished business with my cohort, Count Beartato of Stuffinton! We’re gonna ride bikes.”
Regrettably, the esteemed Count has run afoul of a nasty case of katana-inflicted lacerations, as diagnosed by the infamous Dr. McNinja.
I gotta point out Becky’s hair-eye. I get why it’s there in the last panel, but it’s getting close to creepy.
I almost expect her to turn around but have the eye kind of float in place.
That’s not her eye! It’s a Becky eyeball shaped barrette 😉
Actually Madeye Moody using Polyjuice Potion.
You don’t mean Barty Crouch Jr. ?
Nah, I think he’s pretty solidly out of the picture.
Becky eyeball shaped barrettes should definitely be in the DoA store.
Special discount if bought with a Dina Dino Hat?
… yes. Funniest gift for a fan yet! Plus, it would be a fun edition for anyone who wants to cosplay as her 😉
yeah, it was… pretty bad in the last strip. Wasn’t even on the same level as her other one in at least one panel. Pretty clear that he drew the hair, then the eye wherever it would fit.
Those I’m fine with, it’s just marking out where her eye is under her hairline and it’s an established art style.
The trouble I’m having is between the last 2 panels it’s hard to tell she moved her head at all unless you not the nose and mouth. It just looks like her eye was buried for a bit and pushed its way back to the top layer.
What is that fuckboy doing this time?
Same thing as last time?
Picking a fight with a tree, as far as I can tell.
His bark’s worse than his bite.
He was nuts to start with.
Tree hugger
PickingLosing a fight with a tree, as far as I can tell.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Fixed it for you, Bagge.
Leaf him alone!
His shoelaces didn’t get him, but his hoodie did.
Apparently he is a druid.
*plays Sergio Mendes’ “Alibis” on the hacked Muzak after “From The Beginning” finishes*
I Wonder If Willis Is Playing ME By Now.
Every time Walky says something really stupid and embarrassing, he risks his hoodie coming alive and trying to eat his head.
The hoddie is all “OhmygawdSHUTUP. I’ll eat your HEAD, that will teach you to shut up.”
The hoodie is kinda a dick.
so essentially Walky is Chrona
Nah, Walky’s gender is definitively male.
He is turning into a Dementor, albeit one with more fashion sense.
I like the way becky thinks.
I just like she always has interested with Joyce, after all. With Joyce she said “poop” to get a reaction. With Dina she just found out she has to bring out the creationism.
I wonder if Jesus Math will do the trick too.
Because ‘Yeah, I’m skippin’ class’ is such an unthinkable thing to say.
Well, it was for me in my first year at university.
That’s the thing. It WOULDN’T be a big deal for Walky. It WASN’T a big deal back when he and Dotty overslept when he thought he didn’t need it.
But NOW when he truly skips class, not because he is too smart for school but because he feels he ISN”T too smart for school it becomes an enormous deal.
He really isn’t even skipping class so much as fleeing it. Irrational, hard-to-explain panic is not fun to admit to
I feel the irrational, hard to explain panic a lot. I’m feeling it now since I’m procrastinating on my already late home work to write this. Yeesh. I need to college better.
You know what helps people college better?
…. no, not really. Go do your homework. It’s like a rip-the-bandaid-off thing, only it’s LESS painful the faster you do it.
But that’s what they say about the band-aid thing too…
i still just think it’s stupid since you were the one who picked the class. It’s not like you 1) were forced to take it (usually) or 2) unable to drop it. But I did miss all my classes last monday to attend Rosh Hashanah services, so I can’t say I’ve never intentionally skipped class.
1) He probably does need it for his major, and thought he could handle it. It’s not like you can gauge that perfectly, especially as a freshman when you have no baseline for how hard the classes are gonna be.
2) It’s a month in. He can drop it, but it’s probably too late to do so without it affecting his GPA.
3) Making bad decisions is a key step in learning not to make bad decisions.
Walky said he took math because ‘smart kids don’t rest on our crap, we take the next level up!’ which I will bet you cash internet money is his mother (or possibly his father) talking. Sal also heavily implied her parents pressured her into that class as well.
*Specifically why he’s in calculus.
This. It looks like it’s not at all required for his major, he just took it for his ego and now his ego is taking a blow from it.
Walky coasted through (at least) high school so he never had to learn how to study. Now that they’re out of review material, he’s hit a wall.
i know the feel too well. I didn’t really coast so much as get an A even if it was a last-minute struggle, but it’s similar. My panic work is no longer good enough
It happens all the time to bright kids who never had to bother working to ace high school. What they run into is that everybody in a dedicated faculty is going to be full of those self-same kids and the material and speed is geared to that, and so they’re no longer the top of the curve but the middle, if they work at it. The dropout/transfer rates for some programs is 50% or more.
tldr: going from a big fish in a small pool to a minnow in the ocean is a harsh realization.
RE: alt-text: keep the tag. Reginald Duke of Thingley could be his alter-ego. Already doing that with Amber and AG.
No, Willis! Use this the same way Amazi-Girl is distinguished from Amber.
Amber has some form of DID. It would cheapen her status if “Reginald”, an alibi Walky (who doesn’t have DID) just made up.
…. maybe Walky’s going to come down with DID here? I mean, it’s a traumatic enough experience for HIM, and the coping mechanism COULD help him deal with math class, and….
…. nah. Waaaaaaaay to silly for such a serious issue.
You know, Walky, normal people just fake a headache or something.
They ain’t as genius as ol’ David Walkerton.
He doesn’t have to fake it any longer.
This is DoA. The only headaches that happen are hangovers, or detox symptoms, or something similar. Not normal headaches.
All things considered, a bout of insanity is FAR more plausible in this setting.
Now I’m just imagining that Walky’s been having sex dreams about math tests.
Of course he has. Twin telepathy again.
Dorothy only gave him a score of 26
(insert 69 joke here)
Insert it where?
It’s settled; the kids of Indiana are waay too good. The fact that someone questions a freshman about skipping an AM class before 10 has solidified my thoughts that everyone is a really just a super nerd.
I like that Dina is STILL salty that Walky said feathered dinosaurs are not cool. I think this might be the author’s opinion showing, based on how Willis himself reacts to those comments here
That and his use of an non-cannonical dinosaur
Look, Walky, next time she asks that, just say PENGUINS.
Dina voice: “Listen, there are some lines you just do not cross.”
It’s also a reference to the time he cut through Dina and Amber’s room to reach Dotty during the nerdfight with Carla.
It might also be that the dinosaur girl who wears a dinosaur hat and a different dinosaur-themed shirt every day is kind of serious about dinosaurs
Just maybe
Ooooh, oooooh!!!!! What if Becky and Walky help each other study math? I’m sure her “Jesus math” could use a brush-up, and than they could spend time together and support each other and he woiuldn’t be so anxious about school and everyone would be happier and…
…yeah, OK, when I say it out loud it sounds unlikely.
Actually, math is one of the few things YEC homeschoolers get mostly right. (Though they like to say that God invented numbers and math.) And Becky’s good at math, IIRC.
The rational exchange would be for Becky to help Walky with math, and for Walky to help Becky into the world of pop culture, with Joyce dragged along for good measure.
I am very sad this will not happen, since Walky’s not going to be mature enough to ask for help. Mostly I’m sad because I root for any scenario with even a halfway-plausible chance of ending with Joyce being educated on the topic of religion by George Carlin.
I believe it’s Joyce who’s good at math.
Saying that God created numbers an maths is reasonable enough (in that it fits in fine with debates about realism in maths that don’t have any particular relevance to a/theism).
I’m always delighted for more of Walky and Becky being goofballs together. ‘New Best Friend!’ was a beautiful moment, and not just because of the look on Joyce’s face.
Now is not that time, though. Now is the time for dinosaur snuggles.
I ask – no, DEMAND – that the real Reginald, Duke of Thingley, show up later as an exchange student, and that he look exactly like Walky
He is Jason’s nemesis, come to settle things between them. But will Sal save the day?
Exactly! Then they exchange identities, like the Prince and the Pauper!
Turns out the real Duke Reginald is thrice winner of the prestigeful British Master of Math championship, and when he takes on his identity Walky will be expected to compete in the Math World Cup.
Walky: “Goddamit!!!!”
Master Of Math? Well, that just raises the question of whether the ‘real’ Duke is an imposter himself! Otherwise he’d be the “Master Of Maths”.
But that’s only if he’s a duke of ENGLAND!
Thingley is actually in Austria.
Ahem. Thingley is an independent nation which has been cruelly and illegally occupied by Austria. Duke Reginald is rushing off to raise funds for the Thinglian Peoples’ Popular Front in their noble struggle.
Technically speaking, it’s a civil parish in the village of Corsham, Wiltshire, England.
Is Reginald, Duke of Thingley some sort of reference, or just random silliness?
Random silliness. It doesn’t become a reference until we start quoting it ad nauseum.
….. oh, wait, it’s a reference.
But will it meme and then go viral?
She just said nope.
I wonder if Reginald can compete with Jessica for new fan favorite?
A very common name.
Jessica was just a one-off, though. She didn’t even have her own tag. Reginald here is clearly going to be a repeat character.
Even though she appeared in multiple comics…
“No! This isn’t my hood! I am hiding in the cave of Alibi-Ba!”
that took me a sec
“Mustn’t run away… Mustn’t run away… MusAHSCREWIT!”
He had one job.
Even one job is too much for him.
Get in the fucking math class, Walky.
We need a history class in DoA, with some old guy droning on and on about Second Impact.
This is one of the funniest I’ve seen in awhile.
Walky, avoiding Calculus class won’t improve your grade. Believe me.
I’m afraid Becky is right. Informing on Walky right now would be just kicking a man when he has reached rock bottom. He may need that kick but that doesn’t make it nice.
I wonder if this Reginald fellow is acquainted with the rogue Dirk Lonestyle?
Now that you mention it, they’ve never been seen in the same place at the same time…
Pretending to be an Englishman won’t make you better at math, Walky. The secret to Jason’s success is actually the bowtie.
I can’t stop giggling at this strip.
Inner Becky : let him go away, we have more hugging to do.
Pfft, Thingley is clearly a baronetcy, everyone knows that. Walky’s alibi is already falling apart.
“I am the great Cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole!”
What an idiot.
Oh no! What if Walky comes down with amnesia from hitting the tree, and thinks he really IS the Duke of Thingley?
Walky already acts brain-damaged on occasion, now he really can be brain-damaged (or it might knock some sense into him).
[Insert Need ‘X’ For It To Be Damaged Joke Here]
I say, I knew a Reggie Walkerton at Eton doncha know. Dashed fine fellow. Not a great one in the noggin department, but a real whizz at dressing up for the Eton v Harrow bunfight! Toodle-pip!
Becky is such a bro. Go Becky.
Becky’s a good wingperson in general so far
This Reginald guy looks a lot like a brunette Dorothy.
Does Walky not know he can drop this class? It’s still like two weeks into the semester isn’t it?
No. More like a month. He probably can’t without it affecting his GPA.
Doesn’t matter. Dropping would require him to face his failures and shortcomings and limitations and their impact on his self-image, and he’s NOT DOING THAT.
And dropping doesn’t solve any problems. Sooner or later he’ll hit a class he needs that he can’t excel at without work. Postponing that isn’t really a good idea.
Better to learn to work at it now on a class he can afford to not do well in than later on in something more critical.
Eh, dropping now gives him some time to develop better study habits.
Theoretically. If he bothers to do so, once there’s no pressing need. Remember who we’re dealing with here.
I almost feel like this is Willis’ reaction to people saying he has so many lesbians in his comic you can’t walk five steps without tripping over one.
Well, Millennials are the gayest generation ever after all.
You know, there’s only actually three lesbians in this comic; Becky, Lesli and Daisy. All the other queer ladies are bi or unlabeled in Dina’s case.
It’s bilistic in here.
I laughed, so hopefully that was a joke, other wise I’ll feel bad.
Comic Reactions:
Panel 1: Heh, I love the little happy giggly smile and the way her eyes are looking up at Dina’s hat. This isn’t just a cuddle from a girl she loves, this is like the equivalent of the girl she loves putting her face in her boobs. Becky is definitely in happy scalp land right now.
Panel 4: Oh, poor Walky, freaking out, panicking, in need of support, but too stubborn in letting go his worldview of himself and how the world works to reach out and request that support no matter how badly he needs it.
And that’s a nice little parallel to Becky systematically clearing out the cobwebs of her mind. Becky is cleaning out the junk that was holding her back as Walky continues to try and hide and cling to it even though its no longer working in its intended purpose and is just making him feel like crap.
But it also gives me hope that eventually something will have to give and he’ll have to push through the hardest barrier of toxic masculinity (admitting vulnerability) and get the love and support he needs to move forward in one way or another.
Panel 7: I love love love this panel.
A) Because Dina with her worried face, checking in with her girlfriend. It feels like an obvious lie, but she knows she has limitations with that kind of thing and may be genuinely mistaken and he really was someone else, so she asks her girlfriend for clarification.
And it’s such a lovely parallel to Becky using the same method to check through all her old creationist garbage. The way they complement each other is so beautiful and healthy I just want them to be happy forever and analyze dino bones and make phylogenies and head cuddle.
B) Because Becky. Like, of course she’d want to make sure not to kick Walky’s alibi while he’s down. It would only be fair in her mind.
Because she’s been there, panicking, lying her ass off about her school “being on a break” and probably feeling so fucking obvious and transparent. And Walky fully supported her, even gave her support for her plan to reveal her love for Joyce, played along with her excuses. Walky supported her when she was down and clinging to a desperate alibi, so she’s gonna do the same for him.
Duke of Thingley? Sure, bud. I got your back.
Really nice parallel between Becky and Walky, again highlighting their connection.
Just as you say – Becky was COMPLETELY FREAKED OUT OF HER MIND back then, just a few hours after her escape from ToeDad with the threat of his return hanging over her head. And Walky had her back. No questions, no demands. Just a fart joke and – when she came out – an “huh, that’s awesome.”
And now it is Walky’s turn to freak out. And Becky knows exactly, EXACTLY just how much he is freaking out. Not because of his school trouble that she doesn’t know about but because they shared the vigil over Billie yesterday, and Becky knows that Walky is afraid he will lose his best friend to suicide.
Duke of Thingley? Sure, bud. I got your back.
On your observation for panel 7, one of the things I’ve consistently enjoyed about Dina’s character is that her being neurodivergent is never something she has to overcome. She’s not the helpless baby the people around her consistently treat her as in a noble attempt to protect her from being hit on, but likewise we’re never going to see her solve a whole bunch of prime number puzzles in an attempt to escape the deadly cube everyone’s been trapped in (let’s see if anyone catches that reference). Dina’s just Dina.
Phi Brain? I didn’t finish that…
I’m seeing this as also a parallel to her trying to understand Amber/AG’s thing.
I figured it was from the “Cube” horror franchise. Never saw them, but got lost on their pages on tvTropes.
I don’t think it’s just toxic masculinity that’s keeping him from admitting weakness and asking for help, though I don’t doubt that’s a big part of it. I think it’s also the American ideal of “rugged individualism”, the idea that people should be able to pull themselves up “by their bootstraps” on their own. Which is horseshit, of course, everyone relies on other people to some degree or another. But when someone is used to solving problems on their own, especially if they do so easily, they have trouble asking for help until they have utterly exhausted themselves in attempts to do it themselves/avoiding the problem until they can’t anymore.
(Source: I have this exact same problem)
I always thought those were one and the same.
I’ve heard id said that the best tutors are the “B” students, because they had to work form their grade, and as such know how to impart it. Not sure how true the statement is…
Walky’s surrounded by a hard-working intelligent cohort, which must make “admitting his vulnerability” all the worse. His girl-friend is an all-time hard-striver.
I’m not sure we can put it down to his “toxic masculinity” though – I’ve not seen any strips where Joe admits to having problems studying, for example – and I have a hard time viewing Walky as a “rugged individual” when he can barely lace his shoe-laces up; I think he’s more a case of the brightest child not achieving as much or as well he thinks or his parents think he should. Then there must be some competition with Sal.
The Slipshine of these two is going to end with Becky just being a puddle, isn’t it?
And suddenly I’m remembering Disney’s Robin Hood. “I am Reginald, Duke of Chutney!” I wonder if it’s simmering in Walky’s backbrain too.
Either one!
Wait, isn’t Dina skipping this class, too? I seem to remember something about her going all “squee” over Walky’s T-Rex doodles on one of his math assignments. I can’t remember the specific stip to check, so I could be missing something. Was Jason having one class grade another class’ work, or something?
She’s in a different section, one on Tuesdays.
You know, that day…
No, that was Joyce.
(I have it on good authority that Gary man-married Dirk Lonestyle and they now run a bed-and-breakfast in Conneticut.)
They’re thinking of this one:
But no, Dina isn’t skipping – she’s in a different section, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Jason (or Prof. Rees) got the notes mixed up.
the first time walky trips all comic and it’s not because his shoes are untied….
My money was on the laces, hadn’t realised he was that much of an idiot.
calling this. His mom is going to find out he dropped a class and give a master course in passive-agressive dissapointment about his “laziness” and “living up to expectations”.
It will involve something about “I would expect this stuff from your sister, but not you” and that will be when he snaps and calls her out.
“Did your sister talk you into it?”
“I knew we shouldn’t have let her go to the same college as you. That girl is a bad influence.”
Next Week: Sal moves in with Kaitlin over at Anderson. Hilarity ensues*.
* Where Hilarity = Mayhem
Has those two words ever been anything but completely overlapping synonyms?
Granted, while you’re Emperor of the Internet, does it extend to England at all?
Maybe leave the Reginald tag and just add a walky tag? Yes, no? you’re probably not going to listen to a random commenter? okay then.
I wouldn’t mind seeing a Becky and Dina discussion about the Tower of Babel. Beyond the “It didn’t happen” statement, there would be more to it, in terms of what is there about humanity that prevents their unifying. Why the Christian religion in America is split into as many ‘isms’ as there are.
Not tying your shoes, such a retardicon
And it looks like he trips over them, not his laces. And then runs into a tree because he can’t see.
An invisible tree? Is it bisexual?
(Can trees be *not* bisexual?)
Some trees (linden, ginko) are dioecious.
You’re welcome.
For DYW:
Thingley is absolutely lovely, this time of year. The foliage is quite spectacular.
There’s a lovely cottage available too!
Ah, don’t change the tag. Just treat it like Amazi-girl. He’s Walky up until panel 5. ;p
YES this.
Don’t change it! Or if you have to change it, add the “Walky” tag but don’t take away the “Reginald, Duke of Thingley” tag