When we hit $50k, everyone who ordered a physical book gets a free Amber magnet! That’s pretty sweet. So close, so very close.
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When we hit $50k, everyone who ordered a physical book gets a free Amber magnet! That’s pretty sweet. So close, so very close.
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One thing I was wondering ; Dorothy said girls don’t get real pockets,so what’s the white tissue area below Carla’s minishorts ?
Her panties?
Buuu. Answer rejected.
Maybe they make panties with pockets?
Panty pockets, because it’s harder to steal from them than a purse.
Holy shit, they exist.
Great place to keep a vi-
-vacious life-affirming scripture!
I’d think emacs would be better in such tight quarters.
Those must have smuggled so many drugs.
Probably a lot more so than money.
That’s actually a thing: http://www.amazon.com/Womens-6-Pack-Pocket-Underwear/dp/B00K0WZ97C/
I thought there was some kind of rule of that internet thingy that anything you can think of already exist.
It applies to porn and it’s Rule 34.
I have actually had girl pants that had the entire lining of the pockets in them, but the pockets themselves were sewn shut. I don’t just mean a couple of stitches. I mean like someone at the factory took a sewing machine to them.
I hated those pants. Mum gave me so much shit for cutting through the stitching so I could actually use the pockets. To this day I still prefer guy pants because chick pants are fucking ridiculous.
Wow. Talk about wasting time and material.
I have recently learned just how bad the situation is. To the point where as of late I’ve realized I’m gonna have to sew new pockets onto all my new jeans. I feel so bad for all of you who’ve had to deal with this shit from birth. Pockets should be a right.
She bought boy shorts and cut the legs off?
I was wondering the same for Billie’s a few pages ago. Do we live in a nonsense world where short shorts gets real pockets but jeans don’t ? :O
Yeah, because then the pockets are for looks.
(I would not be surprised it there exist short shorts that either just have pieces of fabric sticking out to simulate the sticking out pockets, or the pockets are just unusable but there for looks).
Given that cut off shorts are often worn skin tight the pockets would be nearly useless since any amount of material inserted in the pockets would create unsightly bulging.
Shorts with pieces of fabric meant to imitate the look of pockets do actually exist.
So do short shorts with real pockets that you can’t use because they’re too tight.
Yes, such pre-made cutoffs with pockets that stick out beyond the bottom do exist. Strangely enough, I browsed through many of the usual suspects (H&M, Forever21, Urban Outfitters) and couldn’t find a pair of snug cutoff shorts with protruding pocket linings. Closest I could find was this looser fitting pair from Zara.
I think this is right. She’s trans, and dressing as trans is hard, but and making boy shorts that already fit into short shorts is practical.
My sister isn’t trans, but growing up she stole my clothes all the time.
Yeah, repurposing old “male clothes” to be less dysphoric and more girly can be a good DIY way of getting around difficulties finding girl clothes that are flattering, especially when one is first starting to transition.
Given that Carla has a pretty DIY punk aesthetic on top of that, and well… yeah.
Boy pants have decent pockets, something that many girl pants lack.
We may not have as much stuff to carry around, but it has to go somewhere.
Bad television tells me that you store all your stuff in your bra.
Women might do that, but they generally have purses to carry things in. Guys usually don’t have either of those.
And it’s a bro, thankyouverymuch.
It’s a braw if you’re north of the border. D’ye no ken hen?
Whoops, lost track of the comments and got my girl pants and boy pants mixed up.
And I misspell my email address and get another female character as a gravatar, further confusing things…
Context for the second comment)
I would’ve never thought you were the same person before you said so… I guess I identify people more by the grav than anything else.
broad city – nature’s pocket
I was recently discussing this with my non-Jean wearing sister and her reaction was that the difference between girl pants and mom jeans made no sense. Girls have as much right to usable pockets as Moms.
I’ve got some skirts with real pockets, and a dress, even. Such things exist, they’re just rare enough that that alone is enough to get my attention when shopping.
Now I’m wondering how much money I could make just selling pockets. Like a little kit where you can cut a hole in the fake pockets, velcro in my new ones, and have functional trousers at last.
All the money. Patent that now.
Black market pockets?
On rare ocasion someone has pity on us women and we get real pockets…
Still pending on those civil rights things. Here, have some pockets while you wait.
They are ornamental pockets, which no joke exist.
But probably they’re actually pockets. It happens.
The pockets peeking out under the shorts would ANNOY ME SO MUCH OMG. Carla is a much stronger person than me if this doesn’t bother her at all lol. Or if this on purpose, she’s truly a sartorial rebel (even more than the skates, gloves and statement shirts already indicate lol).
There’s a lot about her fashion choices that are just brave as all hell. She’s clearly looked at the internal “passing” debate in trans circles and decided to just nuke it into orbit with a “fuck that noise”. Shirts that hide breasts? Short shorts? Pockets of the converted jeans clearly visible? Fuck it, it’s punk and she’s never going to let herself feel miserable about how she looks ever again.
I just fucking love her the most.
“But Carla, maybe you should dress less provocative”
“I could do that… but then again I’M AWESOME”
*Skates off, flips double bird*
Short shorts often have pockets peeking out, even girl shorts. It’s just the difference between “I can kinda fit my phone in here” and “I am currently carrying my phone, my wallet, some gum, and the entire state of New Hampshire.”
I had a girlfriend who had a pair of cutoffs (store-bought pre-cut) that she bought partially because they visibly had pockets, only to discover the first time she wore them that the pockets were sewn shut at the top. Not only did they literally exist only to provide the “pockets hanging out the bottom” look, the manufacturer had gone to extra trouble to render otherwise perfectly fine pockets useless.
This…this is so stupid 😐
Seconded. 🙁
In my experience, as long as they’re functioning pockets under the stitching, that’s just there so they look good on the hanger
I buy work trousers specifically with pockets (need em working in schools) , and there’s usually a loose stitching that’s easy to unpick to get in there
Yeah. Mail suit pockets are also often sewn up like that.
The problem is that a lot of women’s clothing has actual fake pockets–it’s just a sewn on piece of decoration. They can’t be used like a real pocket, even if you took off the top stitching.
Trust, I know.
Contrary to my name on here, I’ve been wearing women’s clothes all my life.
It’s pockets. You can see the lines of the top of the pockets on the shorts themselves.
On rare occasion, the Fashion Gods will deign to give ladies legwear with the proper amount of pocketage. It’s just that because ladies’ pants are usually made to be tighter, there’s not as much room to put pockets, so they’re either a lot shorter or nonexistent. Pants made with practicality in mind over fashionability will have better pockets.
(Also purses probably factor into there somewhere. Why should the fashion industry give ladies proper pockets when it can corner them into having to buy pants to wear AND purses to keep their stuff in?)
The worst part of all is when the pockets are fake. Fake pockets were probably designed by Satan or something. WHY MAKE IT LOOK LIKE A POCKET IF YOU CAN’T PUT ANYTHING IN IT.
Phone manufacturers are getting in on the game too, by making phones bigger and bigger so they won’t comfortably fit in anything but trenchcoat pockets. (They sell more cases that way.)
Welcome to the return of a lady/man purse just to be able to hold a phone that holds everything else you need, except that manicure kit where you only ever use the file. Or mini Swiss army knife.
Hehe. Dunno about that. I have a note 4 which is big for a phone but still fit in my jeans pockets. And I have a pretty big case covering an extended battery.
Not easy to get out when I’m sitting but still comfortable. I usually get it out before sitting when I need it though.
I think she’s just tucked her shirt in and it goes down that far.
They are real pockets, but those are some tight shorts. She can’t use them. Real pockets are a damn rarity in women’s pants and when they are there the pants are too tight to actually put anything in, let alone a cell phone if you don’t want to press every single button.
I used to have a pair of shorts with cargo style pockets. They were attached at the top only and I had to add a tack stich near the bottom to stop them from flopping around BUT they were AWESOME because I could put anything I wanted in them, including a PB&J in a ziploc. Like I said AWESOME!
I mean I do have short shorts with pockets. It does happen. It’s not like girl’s shorts never have them.
Fashion trends have changed in the 6 years since this comic started. I see girls wearing short shorts with protruding pockets all the time now. My guess is that it is done to make the shorts look shorter than they really are.
Willis is a Secret Master of Fashion?
Or just a fashion seer?
how did this entire thread happen without someone telling you they’re called daisy dukes
they’re called daisy dukes
“my revenge will be TOTALLY SICKNASTY, yo”
What will it be?
more cookies plz or taking cookies for granted or some such?
I’m thinking it’s Carla’s quote from panel 3.
If you’re talking about the hovertext, my guess is “Plus The Machinations of My Revenge Will Be Cold, Swift, and Absolutely Ridiculous”.
“Aw yeah, sugar rush!”
“Feh. Mary.”
Wow, I guessed that fourth.
hey, i just realized, whichever quote it is, it means that carla will be the cover girl for the next book! just don’t call her “easy, breezy”…
We WILL call her “beautiful”, though…
Calling Carla a cover girl makes me think of her laying down suppressive fire…
it speaks volumes about a character when you can take a relatively unambiguous phrase like that and make it fit too perfectly with them by considering an alternative definition.
lay down that fire, carla. and then jump it.
The smart money’s on “I’ve already taken those for granted” as most, if not all, of the previous titles were last lines in comic strip.
Hoo-Ray! Nothing depressing this strip!
Also my guess for Book 6 title?
I’ve already taken those for granted
Carla gets diabetes?
and then the comic turns serious
Fufufufu, main characters don’t get diabetes. Everyone knows that.
Just ask No-legs Johnson, owner of the largest bakery in all of Milwaukee!
Turk was a main character in Scrubs and he got diabetes.
It wasn’t diabetes, he was just having a water balloon fight and his clothes got wet.
Whenever you find a strip with nothing depressing in it, just read the comments and you’ll likely find something to fix that issue.
My guess:
The Machinations of my Revenge will be Cold, Swift, and Absolutely Ridiculous
dumbing of age book six: MRNMF!
Actually now I’m thinking “Dumbing of Age: Feh. Mary.” would be perfect.
Sums up everybody’s feelings about Mary and her role in the book quite nicely.
A “Feh, Mary” would be the opposite of a “Hail Mary” – a pass that’s short, accurate, predictable, and absolutely boring.
I know: the title will be “more cookies, please” !
Gotta hand it to you, “More Cookies, Please!” is a great name for book 6.
I see three potential titles:
-“Aw Yeah, Sugar Rush!”
-“My Revenge Will Be Cold, Swift, and Absolutely Ridiculous”
-“More Cookies, Please!”
The title of Book 6 is gonna be panel 3, right? If so, I fully approve. It’s so applicable to so many characters. Namely the Gunman.
The Book 6 title will clearly be Feh. Mary.
Ahhhh drat, a few seconds too slow!
That would be so great, too. Because to te uninitiated it would be like ‘what does this title meeaaaan?’ and we’d just be here smirking, like, ‘feh, mary’. Good times.
Like that time when Ruth slapped Mary and gave a tattoo? Yep, good times.
My pick for book title is “Feh, Mary”
I have to ask this like a serious question, is Carla a transgender in this universe since ya know she wasn’t originally a car? I ask cuz Mary was on her about it or did I miss remember?
Yes, she’s trans. This has been now established numerous times in this comic. Also, it’s not *a* transgender. It’s just transgender.
the biggest clue was probably when carla recently said she is, in dialogue
Yeah but can she still have a third extendable arm pop out of her chest?
Unfortunately, you need your chest to live, much like femurs.
Okay, what about a third arm just grafted onto her back then? Or maybe headlights instead of eyes.
I feel like I’m writing a horror novel for some reason.
“Turbo Teen’s Insurance Picks the Lowest Bidder“
funny enough, you do not need femurs to live. Your chest is much more essential
Actually, a lot of your blood cells are generated in the large bones of the body, like the femurs. People who lose legs often have persistent anemia, because their remaining bones don’t produce enough blood.
An insubstantial telekinetic one, like Gil the ARM.
Hoy carp, someone besides me remembers those stories.
The Long Arm of the Law, chasing down organ-leggers.
Sometimes I think Niven wasn’t entirely serious when he wrote those. 🙂
Maybe because she is on skates all the time she will need to carry one of those extended gripper things to reach stuff on the ground?
Exactly. This is the new ‘Is Ethan gay in this universe’, isn’t it? =/
Ethan’s gay?! Next thing you’ll be telling me that he likes playing with tiny plastic robots.
sorry I didn’t look back just thought I’d ask and thank you a lot for the info 🙂 I really appreciate it.
Who has time to read the comic when there’s comments to be typed?
Wait? Are you saying that time when she said out loud that she’s trans right after facing transphobic violence was actually a clue that she might be trans? Whoa, mind blown. Next you’re going to tell me that Ethan saying he’s gay was some sort of clue that he was gay or something like that.
Really, if you want us to understand these sorts of things, you’re going to have to spell it out much more clearly!
Of course her saying that she’s trans isn’t proof of anything save her desire to invade the privacy of female bathrooms. Just ask half of the lawmakers and two thirds of the pastors in this country, who are of course experts on what goes on in other peoples’ brains.
But DON’T ask the American Psychological Association, who of course are NOT experts on what goes on in other peoples’ brains.
And ESPECIALLY don’t ask them about what’s going on in the brains of the people who know that what’s going on in the brains of transgender people is that they want to get into female bathrooms.
Sat for about 10 minutes trying to come up with a good joke response to this, but it’s just, nope, that’s literally the landscape that is our national debate thanks to all the professional homophobes migrating over to focus on transphobia. Which is somewhat depressing to focus on.
On the other hand, Lily Wachowski:
aw, dang. now that they’re both out, the “and the Wachowski sister, Dot” joke doesn’t work anymore. :p
Hasn’t really worked since Lana came out, anyway.
Are you gay? Sounds fine.
Are you a gay? Hmm, sounds wrong.
Are you a gay person? Sounds fine.
Are you lesbian? Sounds fine.
Are you a lesbian? Sounds fine.
Are you male? Sounds fine.
Are you a male? Sounds fine.
Are you female? Sounds fine?
Are you a female? Sounds fine.
Are you transgender? Sounds fine.
Are you a transgender? Huh, yeah it does sound wrong.
Are you a transgender person? Sounds fine.
Minor quibble: I can no longer read “a female” in anything but an exaggerated Ferengi voice.
I always hear it in Be Busta’s voice. For some reason all the stories he reads have A/S/L written in the first sentence and people always say “I am a female” or “I am a male”. It honestly bugs the hell out of me.
Erm, it’s because some of those are nouns and some are adjectives, whereas male and female are both. IMO, you cannot say “Are you lesbian?”. That sounds really wrong to me and I believe it to be because lesbian is a noun.
Wait a minute. If I learned anything from Orange is the New Black, it’s that “They lesbianing together” is an actual sentence. That makes it a verb, too.
The other is that there’s literally nothing good about the prison system.
Stop verbing nouns.
But,but.. can’t all words be verbalized ?
What about the article “a”?
Yeah. That weirds language.
Stop nouning verbs.
Are you a cop? Or were you in the military? Because, otherwise, “a female” sounds quite wrong. Female is used as a noun for animals, not people.
To the point that it’s kinda common MRA talk.
I remember reading an article to this effect. Or maybe it was a long comment. Either way it was interesting to read that swapping the gender for pronouns can have a different connotation. That shouldn’t happen.
Are you cis?
Are you a cis?
Carla is a transwoman in this universe. I suppose she was in the old universe as well, but she’s a more typical human one here. It hasn’t been said officially, but based on Mary’s comment, I presume she was – and forgive my ignorance of terminology here – raised/born male (assigned male? Is that only used for intersexed people? Are babies “sexed” like animals are?)
So essentially she’s going through a similar personal arc, but without the science fiction element.
Only it *has* been said officially. By several characters, most importantly CARLA HER-ACTUAL-SELF.
I appreciate a good righteous indignation as much as the next person, but that’s not what I said was unconfirmed. That she is a transwoman is confirmed. What isn’t confirmed is what she’s transitioning *from*, which isn’t important in itself because who she is is a woman, but is pertinent to mister gray’s question because in the Walkyverse she transitioned from “car”.
I’m so sorry. My reading comprehension today is not all there lol. I now see what you meant. And you’re also right in that it shouldn’t matter, because she IDs as a woman. I’m sorry I got (un)righteously indignant at you^^
She’s a trans woman and she was assigned male at birth (because she’s American and we only have the two categories on our birth certificates). This is why she initially thought a penis drawn on her door was part of a hate crime and why Mary made the dig about “leading her to the boy’s wing where she belongs” was so devastating.
However, assigned male at birth doesn’t mean male body. It can mean intersexed, and they just tossed a coin.
Hell, I know someone on another forum that this is exactly what happened to her.
Assigned male at birth (AMAB) or designated male at birth (DMAB) would be acceptable terminology to many trans people. I’ve seen both of those in common use. Another one that’s less common is “coercively assigned male at birth” (CAMAB), because as you said, many people dislike the idea that babies are sexed in the same way as animals. Obviously all these terms can work for someone assigned female at birth as well, by replacing the M with an F. I wish there was a third sex designation, if only so that when I legally change my gender I wouldn’t be switching from one option to “the other one”. I also think intersex children shouldn’t be placed in the weird boxes from the get-go. But that’s all politics and I started off just informing about terminology.
It is a very similar arc for Carla’s life, though – I think that’s exactly what Willis was going for. Beyond her being trans which is awesome, I’m personally a huge fan of the fact that she’s still canonically asexual. Representation for two very marginalized and ignored categories! Woo!
Yeah, as a fellow homoromantic trans ace, I will never not love Carla for the representation angle alone. Especially since I do not expect to ever see that identity reflected in the media I consume possibly ever again.
Feel you. Wish there was a neutral one, instead of binary m/f.
Carla, you’re such a Cookie Monster.
because cookies are awesome is why
Delete all of the cookies!
^^^^ That’s the title of the next book, folks!
Vengeance is a sometimes food.
Best served cold.
^^^^ That’s the title of my next book~
Pretty sure it’s best when fried. And produced by Troma.
She’s also being a bit of a jerk, though. :-/
Yes, but in a classy-awesome way. Antiheroine-ish.
I am now shipping Carla/Mike.
Cold, swift, and absolutely ridiculous!
If not the title, let it be someone’s high school yearbook quote.
Like laxative ice cream!
Re: alt text ‘The machinations of my revenge’? Because that would be a GREAT title for anything, not least an industrial heavy metal album.
I was assuming “More cookies please!”
So, who gets the cookies? Sal or Ruth?
Ruth, she would have just given the cookies to Sal herself. they don’t have any beef with each other usually.
Except when Billie gets drunk and attempts to make out with the nearest woman.
Ruth, else why involve Carla? Billie could have just given them to Sal herself.
She might figure Sal won’t accept them from her, thinking it’s a pity gift. On the other hand Sal presumably knows what her mom’s cookies look like, making the deception pointless, but Billie isn’t exactly Ms. Super Planner.
She might not know though 🙁
That aside don’t cookies usually come in their standard shape of “poorly drawn circle”?
“What is this strange thing”
“It’s a common token of motherly love”
“Oh, never seen it before in my life”
I wouldn’t have trouble recognising my mom’s home made chocolate cookies versus someone else’s.
Yes, but would you need to eat them first?
“Okay, so take these to Ruth and tell her that they are for her and Sal to share.”
One of the things I really like about pages like this is that the dialogue always feels so natural. It never comes off feeling contrived or forced. Good job.
I doesn’t really have anything to do with this strip, but I greatly improved a dumbing of age strip
That was actually the strip I was on when I realized it was update time. Looks good!
In Bloomington Dwells a Demon!
The people over better have the exorcist’s number on speed dial.
*plays the Jackson Five version of “Junk Food Junkie” (from their TV series) on the hacked Muzak*
But how will people take me seriously when *I* tell them the machinations of my revenge will be cold, swift, and absolutely ridiculous if that’s the book title?
I know, right? I mean, Willis already ruined announcing that you’re a lesbian for everyone. Now when you loudly shout it in a crowded library, the librarian just says “We don’t have it yet, but the Kickstarter is looking good.”
Internet delivery for a Doctor_Who, would you sign for your Internet here please?
Carla is really goddamn adorable. Then again, so is Billie in her way.
The title of Book 6 will be specifically “The Machinations of My Revenge Will Be Cold, Swift and Absolutely Ridiculous”
It will be one of the few books where the title runs over onto the back cover.
I don’t know. Is it actually longer than:
“I beg you, don’t cast your Body into the Cragged Shame Pits of the Lust Wolves”?
There’s something of a tradition of ridiculously long titles for DoA books.
I recommend “The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade”
And this one is not even close to longest book title.
Panel 3: Ah, my heart, this is why I love the little jerk. This is gonna be fun.
I really hope we get to see Carla’s revenge, if only because I want more Carla in my life.
Carla’s Revenge would be a great name for a fishing boat.
I always need more Carla in my life as well, so I’m hoping for this too. Or, y’know, Carla doing anything. Skating around, eating lunch, read the phone book…. oh, Carla. *dreamy sigh*
Infinite Carla for the win!
InfiniteCarla is like the ship name of me and Carla, because my nickname on most social media has the word ‘Infinite’ in it, so I appreciate this comment more than you intended lmao.
The title is obvioulsy “Aw, Yeah, Sugar Rush.”
S-U-G-A-R! Jump into your racing car! It’s Sugar Rush! Sugar Rush!
How many of those cookies did Billie even end up having for herself in the end?
Probably not many. Billie isn’t very good at receiving affection but very good at giving it.
Too true.
Often in the form of cash.
She learnt that from her parents.
Yup. For a self proclaimed alpha bongo she is a very giving person.
also solving (other) people’s problems.
She already ate the other three bags that were in the box.
The title of the next book should be “That’s the Book Title”
Welp, Billie no longer has a controlling interest in her cookies. Let this be a lesson kids, be careful not to give away too much of your cookie equity. In unrelated news, I hear snickerdoodle futures are up this month.
Every time you give away a cookie it is like a petal being plucked from a flower.
Mary’s gonna get hit with a pie, isn’t she?
Next Monday, ‘natch.
(But the comments will all be about the comic being almost two hours late.)
Hrm, “Cold, Swift, and Absolutely Ridiculous” – yeah, a pie to the face would fit, as long as it’s a cold pie. Lemon meringue, or chocolate cream…
“….Look, you can have half of whats left” is the title of book 6?
I feel fairly confident stating it won’t be “Mary Doesn’t Bother Me, and She Never Will”. Now, cut off the second half and slap an “Anymore” on the end there, you now have a potential Book 7 title.
Living well is the best revenge, but a pie to the face is good too.
My headcanon about the bother me line is, until proved otherwise, is Carla’s father (Joe’s dad) had Mary murdered. 🙂
I like your universe. Let’s live there.
As long as there’s no other murders.
Love dis jerk. Lookit her, bein’ a jerk. Throw a pie in her face, Billie, irony lives.
Also what’s that, Billie? Are you saying feelings don’t just vanish because of one flash of anger and shitty circumstances? That’s weird.
The book 6 title will totally be: “MRNMF! Aw yeah, sugar rush!”
I am guessing “Alone since yesterday”, and it ends up proving much bleaker than this strip would suggest.
I’m guessing just “since yesterday”
I am really liking carla more and more.
Carla is joy.
Does anyone else really want book 6 to end with a fist fight between Joyce and Mary?
Joyce: That’s the difference between us Mary, I’ve grown, you could never stop being scared of the world!
Mary: NO! Kicks Joyce down a flight of stairs.
Give Willis $300 on Kickstarter and order art of them making out. Much better.
Becky: “Aw, COME ON!”
So much for negotiation with Carla. Just hope you hit her cookie fill spot, and that she will deliver the others to (Ruth) their destination.
Man, I love Carla’s deflections here. Just, you know what, fuck deconstructing that whole mess, yay for cookie victory, and wait, how does this random person know about that awful moment with Mary… um, quick, ask her how she knows, no wait, show how little you care and how you’ll totally get even in a ridonculous way, because damn are you not going to ever show vulnerability again and, crap, she’s not buying it… uh, selfishness bail me out, MORE COOKIES, yup, we’ve changed topics, mission accomplished.
No one can ever tell that that incident actually genuinely bothered me. Secret (that I care about) is safe for another day.
And it really reveals how Carla is processing the whole Mary thing. Refusing to show any vulnerability in public even though it clearly does bother her a lot on the inside. I’m going to guess based on some of her panicked faces in upcoming preview panels, that we’ll see a different Carla when she thinks she’s alone again.
Yup. All of this. Or when she is with someone she trusts. Ruth might actually be that person.
Well, her revenge is already sweet.
Get it? Get it?
Sixth Book: Revenge Will Be Cold, Swift, and Absolutely Ridiculous
Revenge is best served with cold milk.
Possible revenge ideas, with a 1-5 rating in meanness:
A bucket of cold milk over Mary’s door. (3)
Pour cold milk over Mary’s bacon at breakfast. (5, mostly because you don’t do that to bacon. Yes, I know that the bacon will end up in Mary’s mouth to give her pleasure, but still, it’s better to just steal the bacon and let someone else eat it instead).
Hide the cold milk when Mary’s making her mac’n yellow powder* (4).
Convince Mary that real Christians drink a gallon of cold milk every day. (No idea what will actually happen, but it probably won’t be good)
*Which is what the Kraft dinner is going to be now that they’ll stop using orange colouring in their “cheese” powder.
Actually, many seem to be concluding that a cold pie in the face would be the most Carla-esque form of revenge.
Sooo… pour cold milk over the pie, then?
After you whip it into a sweet, frothy cream, sure.
I hope that if it is, it means (Carla’s) revenge will happen during this book (although I would settle for revenge on Joyce’s parents)
See how Little she bothers me. See, see!!!
Yeah, Carla was bothered, alright. She was very bothered. She’s trying to hide it under her goofy façade but you can tell that it kicked her legs from under her to the point where she’s unhappy about other people knowing about it.
Now what will Billie do to
bribeconvince Carla to take the rest of the cookies to Ruth?C’mon Billy. Of COURSE Carla takes those cookies for granted. Look at her awesome hair! Listen to her clever wit! You could even say that she is ginger snappy.
Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week!
*Readies tomatoes.*
Heh, ginger snap. That was witty!
Hey mind if I eat that tomato?
Looks a bit rotten.
Carla has quickly become my favourite character.
She’s not as mindbogglingly awesome as Mike, but damn is she pushing it.
And that’s what happens when crazy people get a sugar rush!
Does she want the other half of the cookies go to Ruth or to Sal?
My thoughts exactly. I was thinking Sal, but a lot of people seem to think it’s Ruth.
My vote is down for Sal.
I like pretty much every line as a book title! Which one is it???
Yes. Panels 3 and 4. My love for this character knows no bounds.
Cold, swift, and absolutely ridiculous?
I’ve already taken those for granted?
So, um, Carla…?
I’m going to guess the title of the next book is: “Guess – The Title”
Carla…my girl..please stop robbing my other girl.
It suddenly occurs to me that Billie has inadvertently ‘outed’ her relationship with Ruth to Carla. One wonders if Carla will make the necessary connections to understand this and, if she does, how she’ll respond.
Or conclude that Billie just ‘outed’ her relationship with Mary to Carla. 8->}
Not necessarily. She could think that gossip has gotten out about what Mary said. Maybe Ruth let it slip to try to get everyone to get back at her.
Of course, that could be even more hurtful, thinking everyone knows. She can’t pretend it didn’t happen anymore.
Oh my god, there are at least three perfect DoA book titles here:
The Machinations of my REVENGE Will be Cold, Swift and Absolutely Ridiculous.
Less Likely:
Aw Yeah, Sugar Rush.
More Cookies, Please!
Dammit. Everyone gets cookies.
“Latest” button isn’t working again. Took me to yesterday’s comic. (I forgot to update my bookmark yesterday).
It worked fine yesterday (I had viewed the comic on mobile the day before.)
(by not work, I mean it pointed to the wrong comic)
I still want to know what’s in Sal’s box.
My guess for the next book title is panel 3 minus the “Plus”.
Ridiculous revenge is best revenge.
The only combination of great title and fits-on-a-book-cover is “My Revenge Will Be Cold, Swift, and Absolutely Ridiculous”.
Is Carla supposed to be endearing or annoying as she thinks she’s being endearing? I honestly can’t tell. Then again, I’m as close to Sarah in RL as most people here.
Weirdly, I like her either way but I’m not sure if Carla’s Genkigirl-ness is meant to be taken at face value.
I think Rachel summed it up in one of Carla’s early appearances: Oh right. Sometimes we forget you’re an asshole.
She’s very insistent that she’s an asshole, and some of the other characters agree with her, but it’s kind of an informed attribute at this point. I think coming up to someone who’s not really a friend and demanding cookies that she’s not in any way entitled to is the most assholy thing we’ve actually seen her do, and on the other hand we’ve seen her being kind and helpful to Amber for no reason beyond the goodness of her heart, and trying to defuse the parking lot brawl thing.
I have kind of a knee-jerk reaction to her, because I still see Ultra Car’s new chassis when I look at her, and Ultra Car was the worst. One-note character, and that note was “being a dickbag for no reason”. It wasn’t until the girlbot chassis that she started getting any character depth at all, and Shortpacked! ended not long after that.
I have the same problem with Malaya… Dumbiverse Malaya doesn’t seem nearly as awful as Shortpacked! Malaya was, but I have trouble separating them in my subconscious, and Sal treating Malaya like she’s Shortpacked! Malaya doesn’t help.
I think that’s kind of intentional. She likes the reputation of being an asshole and she sometimes does kind of obnoxious things – the cookies, skating everywhere, loitering around with Sal sneering at people, but she really is too nice to actually pull it off.
More interested in having a rep than in earning it?
Yeah, it’s a safety thing. If she’s that asshole who doesn’t give a fuck about society or what it thinks of her, then she’s not that acceptable target that’s prime for harassment. Her front of not giving a fuck about anything (and the rudeness that comes with it) is her means of trying to prevent exactly the sort of encounters she had with Mary.
But we’ve also seen that even when she is livid and hurt and attacked, she never turns violent and she often reaches out to those on the fringes like Sal and Amber, showing her kindness and empathy if not snarkiness there. And when she sees someone bleeding and alone, she even drops the snarkiness.
Honestly, Malaya and Carla are two I think really benefitted from the universe change. Malaya because she’s actually got more solid points than she doesn’t. And Carla… Carla, because she’s earned her disillusionment. A misanthropic talking car whose a jerk is one thing, but someone who puts up a front of being a jerk because she’s a young trans girl growing up in Indiana with all the horribleness that suggests becomes way more nuanced and complex and we’ve seen that in her characterization.
Personally, I think that makes her moments of rudeness more bearable than say rudeness from Joe or Walky, because there’s often a layer underneath. But I’m sure there’s an annoying bit for others there too. Especially since at the end of the day, this pose of too cool for school leaves Carla a bit immature at times, which I think many people find annoying.
The Marys of the world have given Carla a lot of reason to hate humanity, but she’s not a misanthrope. So she wears her ‘tude like armor, but she’s not actually a mean person. I don’t think she actually cares whether she’s endearing or not, though.
Book Six for ‘Dumbing of Age’: ‘More Cookies, Please!”
So does the trident thingy on Carla’s shirt have any particular meaning?
It’s an ‘I’ and ‘U’ superposed, for Indiana University. It’s their logo.
Really? I kept thinking it was the letter Psi.
<a href="http://satwcomic.com/not-norway" CRUEL AND UNFORGIVING!!!
Aww poop… I meant
“Mary’s left you alone since yesterday”
From what I remember, Mary was never bothering Carla in the first place. It was Carla that wouldn’t leave Mary the fuck alone. Did Mary approach her even once? Even when Mary was bugging Ruth about the prayer in the meeting room. Carla hung around on her own, Mary didn’t say two words to her.
There is exactly no reality where the cissexist bullshit Mary fired at Carla is ‘not bothering her’. Fucking asshole.