Tomorrow (Monday) the next Slipshine comic drops. Y’know, those literally-bangin’ sexytimes stories I do. If you’ve got a Slipshine subscription, expect this one tomorrow! If you don’t, maybe get one! It’s a sixteen-page story that features…. everyone above. Probably separately.
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Chin brace? Can’t be a NECK brace…
And a small part of me said, “Good.”
oh hi btw
Is that Lucy X Dina?
yeah, I like what Ana’s doing, but I missed having the most-recent-slash-commish Gravatars
Nice mind blow.
That’s a ship I never thought of.
……… I thought ….. you were Ana Chronistic….. Like you just changed your name.
too much effort changing names and getting them moderated =p
Wait… these comments are moderated? Why? It would be painfully easy to post under someone else’s name.
David has to approve all new posters, plus if any of us make a comment with 2 or more links, it has to be approved also.
I believe Willis’ Tumblr (at least, his It’s Walky one) has a fairly large number of examples demonstrating why the comments have to be moderated.
Hm. Is there a specific tag one can search for them?
The most recent one I could find doesn’t seem to have any tags unfortunately. It would be fun to go back and look at all the ridiculous stuff some asses have commented in the past. There’s been some hilarious shit. XD
That one is bizarrely hilarious. I wonder what universe they’re from where Dumbing of Age has no POC characters. Does the person not see all of the characters, or are they just conveniently forgetting about them? (I mean they would have to conveniently forget Walky, Sal, Billie, Sarah, Dina, Roz, Marcie, and Jacob. And that’s just the ones that have appeared enough to be on the cast page)
Yeah, I don’t know. Maybe they’re the kind of troll that purposefully says things that are objectively untrue in attempts to rile the would-be troll-ee up? I can’t think of any other explanation.
I don’t get it. Is POC a commonly used term? All I can think of or find for it is “point of contact”.
You’d have to know the email address the other person uses, otherwise you’ll get a different avatar and it will be extremely obvious who the imposter is. (The admins can also see email addresses in their control panel.)
Not if we’ve just been through another Gravatar changeup.
OBJECTION!! I was reading an earlier comic today and saw your gravatar under Jen Aside. Gravatars don’t stay the same on post, they change on the same email, even with different names.
I’d, uh, make a counterpoint, but I don’t really understand what the argument is…?
All the ones with the preview image Gravatars are posted using E-mail 1, which previously used “Jen Aside” in the Name field. Using E-mail 1 with a different name in the Name field requires one-time moderation for each time it’s changed. The “new” Jen Aside uses E-mail 2. Hell, ANYONE can put “Jen Aside” as the name, regardless of what e-mail they enter, but it will always have to be moderated once before it posts.
The comment section was of belief the new Jen Aside was the one who’s been posting, and you were a new, different person that was assumed to be Jen.
So did I… This is like finding out Superman was really Bruce Wayne all along…
Hey, that kind of happened in one of the shows: superman was filling in for Bruce while he was missing, so we had a batman who was bullet-proof and able to take way worse a beating that usual (and had abnormally good grappling around, almost like he was flying). Later on Bruce dressed like superman (but with a mask or something, I forget the reasoning for why there was a mask) and Luthor tried to kryptonite (yeah, I verb’d it) “superman” and all he got for his effort was a hell of a right hook (it might have been an uppercut…important thing being Bruce dressed as masked superman decked Lex Luthor)
That’s the one where Bane tosses a statue on “Batman” and is like “yeah I did it!” and when it gets lifted up Robin is all “he’s been working out!” right?
Knighttinme. One of the most fun episodes of Superman: TAS
Not sure if you are writing about Superman/Batman,
but Willis’ line “I am Batman and i can breath in space.” has become full canon!
That’s somebody’s photoshop. Batman did get powers, and those panels are real, but the text is from somebody on the Internet.
Huh, i have to admit i don’t own that issue and may have been tricked. I found it with a google search.
But there are other pages showing the same picture.
Complete reverse Fight Club moment.
Holy poopies I thought the same thing here!… Also I just realized “ana-chronistic” (anachronistic) and “jen-aside”(genocide) … welp that’s enought sanity loss for one day!
There was briefly a Sue Aside as we-
Oh o_O
Oh. Oooooooooooooooh. My mind = blown.
To be perfectly honest, I thought so too.
But if you’re here… Then who’s been commenting as Ana!? *dramatic sting*
And people thought the Amazigirl/Sal alters were bad.
After that punch from Joyce they had to create them.
He’s like a Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Toedad.
Shame they haven’t removed the bat that lives under his nose.
It can be dangerous to hastily remove foreign objects after an accident.
Well, here goes nothin’… or everythin’, as the case may be.
Toe bandage?
I want so bad for her to lay the smack down on him (word wise)
Becky is so fucking strong
Likewise! I’m sure she has something awesome to say.
Dude got thrown from a car, punched in the face, sustained enough injuries to require a neck brace, and once he recovers, he’s going to prison. He’s already gotten what was coming to him.
My guess is that Becky’s more sad that it had to come to this than angry. He’s still her dad, after all.
Actually, once he’s been checked out (and deemed to not have a life threating injury), he’s going right to jail, not prison, and once there, he’ll await trial. IF convicted then he goes to prison.
Prison==long term confinement;
jail==short term confinement;
Generally speaking of course.
Well, considering everything he’s going to first likely spend at least a day in the hospital first. The scene here is that of the kind of room one gets put in if admitted, likely for observation in this case, rather than other locales in a hospital such as an ER or what have you.
Once that’s done, they’ll book him then put him in lockup where ever they book him. From there he’ll be transported to an actual institutional jail to await a bail hearing, where because of the risk to a person or persons (Becky, Dina, Joyce) and the nature of and number of his crimes he’ll likely be held without bail until a trial (I can’t picture any DA in the US not pursuing this case since gun+school+kidnapping). After the trial where he’ll most likely be convicted of one or more crimes, then prison likely for much longer than the time period this comic has been stated to ultimately cover seeing he likely won’t be eligible for parole before these kids graduate at the earliest and likely much much longer. Each step of the way though there will be a lot of waiting around and bureaucratic red tape, so “right to” won’t enter into it.
By the time he gets to prison, Willis’s kids will be old enough to take over writing and drawing the strip.
Man, that must be almost a month in Dumbiverse.
The average time it takes to be formally sentenced and await a trial date is 36 months
‘I’m sure she has something awesome to say.’
Like, “I forgive you.”
A true Christian hates the sin, but still loves the sinner.
Wow, that *would* be pretty incredible.
She does not need to forgive him ever, and I just can’t imagine anyone successfully forgiving him yet. Understanding his mindset, yes, but forgiving? That would be superhero levels of Christian.
god tier Christianity
I thought god-tier Christianity would involve building a planet in seven days
If you read the story of Creation in Genesis, He created the planet in one day.
And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. God called the dry ground ‘land’, and the gathered waters he called ‘seas’. And God saw that it was good.
The rest of it — bringing forth plants, animals, and eventually man — was just spiffing the place up a bit.
He built the floor and the roof, but took a few days to get around to adding the walls, plumbing, HVAC, and dust bunnies.
Jesus is much better at forgiving than God. In fact, that’s sort of his purpose: to do the heavy-duty forgiving and to remind God (when he gets in smiting mode) that we’ve been forgiven. At least that’s how it always seemed to me.
Apparently some fundamentalist Christian sects put the onus of forgiveness on the victim, and pretty much insist that she forgive their abuser; if she does not, she’s ostracized more than the abuser himself because she refused to “forgive.” I only am familiar with this in Amish communities in situations of incest/rape; I don’t know if Joyce/Becky’s community would have similar rules, and whether if so, if this kind of gun-related-kidnapping would have a similar response.
tl;dr- I hope Becky doesn’t forgive him just because she SHOULD, but only if she truly feels it.
There’s no such thing as forgiving because you SHOULD. That’s not really forgiving, so much as just dropping the subject. You have to actually FEEL it, otherwise it doesn’t exist. Speaking as a victim of many family atrocities from the bible belt. I can sit in the same room as these people and smile and behave perfectly congenially, but I can’t forgive them. I’m expected to, because it’s the “christian” thing to do, but I just can’t.
If Becky can, good on her. If she can’t, I can totally understand why. But at least she has the strength to face him again when given the choice to walk away. I probably wouldn’t.
I think there’s a tendency in fundamentalist Christian communities, but not only there, to confuse forgiveness and reconciliation. Forgiveness was originally an accounting term. To forgive a debt is to cease to expect payment. It has nothing whatsoever to do with reconciliation. Becky could say, “Look, Dad, I don’t expect you to understand me or ever like me as I am, and I’m letting that go–and you are never going to see me again unless I am called to testify in court,” and that would be forgiveness.
by that definition her forgiving him is more for her sake than for his as she would no longer be expecting something from him that he is unwilling or unable to give.
Yes. Kind of turns the conventional wisdom about Christian doctrine on its head, doesn’t it? (Note: I am not claiming to have thought this up on my own. It’s one of about a zillion different strands of Christian theology.)
There is this. Victims are often called upon to “forgive” their perpetrator for things like violence, rape, and so on. And this is especially true of women or queerfolk.
This forgiveness doesn’t extend to things like being gay because a single action is a single action and deserves forgiveness as now they have “re-dedicated themselves to Christ”, but something like a “lifestyle of homosexuality” is a whole mood of behaving on a longer timeframe and is committing a crime against God rather than man and thus does not deserve the same forgiveness unless the person is ready to renounce said queerness and “rejoin the flock”.
So yeah, definitely a mite nervous about the hometown visiting Joyce later as I imagine they’ll at the least want to push Becky and Joyce into dropping the charges.
More like “Dad, you need to stop obsessive-compulsively washing your brain. That only leads to rash thoughts.”
where’s the dang like button
I’ve looked everywhere and I CAN’T FIND IT
I know she has something awesome to say. I’m waiting to hear what Ross says in response.
Something incredibly hurtful that hangs over her head for years?
Maybe we’ll be really lucky and he has his mouth wired shut.
Most likely the same extreme-religious-BS he’s been babbling the whole time, it’ll just take a few for him to overcome the surprise of seeing Becky actually visit him…
Probably he’ll just cling to the delusion that he acted righteously and that she’ll see he was right eventually.
Based on this. I don’t think so. I think… I think she’ll take the high road here.
Yeah, I don’t think she’s gonna say anything hurtful or “mean” or anything of the sort to him. I feel like she’s more likely to try to explain to him that this is who she is. I could picture her asking if he’ll ever be okay with this. I can picture her asking why he brought a gun. I can even picture her saying she forgives him for what he did to her – but then adding that she will never forgive him for attacking Dina nor pointing a gun at Joyce. But I can’t picture her insulting him. She just doesn’t seem to have the energy for that.
I’m not expecting insults, per se. I’m expecting sadness and disappointment in his actions today. That would probably be more effective than “suck a bag of dingdongs” or anything silly like that.
Well, “effective” is probably optimistic. Still, that’s the tone I forecast for tomorrow. It’ll be awesome all the same.
Yes, I wasn’t sure how to phrase what I wanted to say. First I wanted to write “I can’t picture her saying something mean to him”, but I felt like the concept of “mean” doesn’t really apply here given everything he did to her…
Anyway, after you’ve clarified your meaning, I don’t really disagree with you.
The first poster gave the impression that they were expecting Becky would tell Toedad off (maybe say something along the lines of “I am and will always be gay, suck it” and then do a dramatic walk-out) in a kickass manner, which I can’t really picture.
But yes, sadness and disappointment will definitely be there.
What if all she can do is say goodbye?
I can’t imagine anything more dramatic, or humanizing.
More dramatic? Here you go: “You should have stopped after Mom.”
And Becky takes the high road! Good for her!
I know, right? I wouldn’t have gone back to see him and say “hi”. I’d’ve just told the PC “good, I’m glad I don’t have to see him again”, and walked away.
You know what?
I can just see Toe-dad saying something idiotic like “ah, Becky! Jesus has brought you back to me! Let’s go home now!” (almost heartwarming moment…) “… where we will begin rituals to cleanse you of the taint of lesbianism!” (heartwarming moment fail)
Oh man, look at his face. He doesn’t even realise he did something bad, does he???
No. Barring some sort of traumatic brain injury, I doubt he ever will.
Oh, he does. But he only did what he had to, however it made his heart bleed. Jesus deserved no less. And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
So much for “love thy neighbour” really…this is why I’m an Atheist.
And I love that you gave that excellent Bible quote while having Atheist Dorothy as your avatar. xD
In my experience, atheists and agnostics are much more likely to know their way around a bible than the faithful who work with cherry-picked subsets and interpretations prechewed by their church.
I’m an Atheist myself. I know some of the basic concepts of love and tolereance – “love thy neighbour”, “turn the other cheek”, etc;… and some parts of the narrative, but tbh it’s been so many years since I learnt it (went to church until 10 and to church school until 16) that I’ve forgotten most of the details. xD
But really – “be nice to everybody else” and “everyone’s entitled to their own way of life as long as it doesn’t break any laws” should be pretty basic to everybody, I feel.
That woman is probably tougher and better than I could ever hope to be.
Good on her. Honest.
Right?? That’s what I call an emotional baddass.
awwww but he’s such a cozy little toe now
That made me laugh. XD And think of socks.
Well, Joyce socked him pretty good.
I wouldn’t blame Becky is she wanted to take a cheap shot here…after he signs the documents of course
What documents does he need to sign? Becky’s 18; she doesn’t have to be legally emancipated. She probably has to go home and locate her birth certificate and Social Security info. She probably has a SSN even though she doesn’t know what it is. Private colleges like the one Becky was sent to are expensive, and she would have needed one to apply for financial aid.
I assumed that what was in her hands was documents that need signing but thats not important here, what is important is Becky laying the smack down…though the police being ringside will put a stop to that
Toedad is going away for a very long time.
Well, at least she get’s to say goodbye. Not that he deserves it, but she might need closure.
Closure is sometimes the most important thing and it’s often something those of us who escaped have had to sacrifice along the way simply to be rid of the toxic people in our lives. Becky is being very brave and is accepting the potential for a lot of pain to try and get this closure. Unfortunately, she is not likely to get it.
Becky is just so unbelievably brave. I don’t think I’ve ever had that level of admiration for a fictional character.
You’ve heard it dozens of times/You say you’re “aware”/And believe that you care…
But do you care enough?/Where’s your Conviction Of/The Heart?–Kenny Loggins
*On the muzak*
Fixed that for ya.
As much as I’d love to see Toedad get BTFO by Becky, I feel like talking to him right now might only make her more upset.
Yeah, it probably will. There’s a lot you can hope for in a final meeting with abusive hateful parents. Explanation, understanding, admission of fault, apologies, or a finality to the interaction, but few actually get that. Instead any contact often just serves as one more piece of toxicity, until you can get away.
As awful as Toe Dad is, he’s adorable in his little toe cozy…such a cheerful lil’ toe.
“Now, Ross, what did you learn?”
“Dear Celestia, today I learned…”
“Oh, well. I’ll learn something tomorrow.”
“Women in blue and yellow outfits are the handmaidens of Satan!”
Must be those drugs they’ve got him on…
I really hope he gets what’s comin to him word wise
The cop looks familiar. Is he new or an alt from one of the other comics?
He vaguely resembles a taller version of Sierra’s dad. (the beard)
He looks kind of like Roy Greenhilt’s dad in Order of the Stick, only less stick-figurey.
In my head he has Morgan Freeman’s voice, because why not?
Damn you, Willis, your cliffhangers make 24 hours feel like a whole season break.
Good for Becky.
Ah closure. A fond farewell to a fiendish foe.
I hope it’s closure. That never really seems to come in real life, at least not to a satisfying ending.
Fiendish toe, you mean.
Possibly tiendish toe.
I can’t tell if that neck brace (does it count as a neck brace if he doesn’t have a neck?) makes him look more or less like a toe.
I can tell that he looks nervous and Becky looks like she’s about to tell him exactly how she feels, and that is exactly how it’s supposed to be. Tell him exactly how much of a douchecanoe he is, Becky. Do it for yourself, do it for Dina, do it for Joyce, do it for all of us.
frankly, it just looks like a turtleneck
On him, wouldn’t it be a toe-tle neck…?
I’ll see myself out now…
*Runs off laughing Loony Tunes style…*
it’s a toe poking through a hole in the sock
He looks pretty cheery to me, but I think that’s just a function of the button-eyes and the upturned mustache. Slightly less toeformed.
And painkillers.
Toe brace.
“Hey dad, I thought I should get one last look at ya, and let you know I just farted right now, like, a LOT, so, welp, see ya.”
I hope she tries to help him understand
That’s not going to work and will just let him abuse her one more time. Not to say she won’t try. She’s a good person and she wants her dad to understand and love her again. But I can speak from experience that all the effort in the world can’t help family like that actually understand and actually see you as a person.
Well I guess that helps anyones fears that the cops would take Toe-Dads side
Toedad has become…TRAPJAW.
Good. He’s going away. Deserves it 100%.
What is the point of the neck brace when it’s been clearly established that Toedad has no neck?
I’m going to pretend that the police officers asked the doctors to put it on so they could all have a good laugh.
Alt text.
They wrapped it around him like a scarf, couse they couldn’t get it to work any other way. Notice it’s not a frame type, just a foam type…
The neck transplant was successful. The brain transplant didn’t work out.
It’s bones all the way in. Just when they thought they found the brain, it turned out to be marrow.
Well, bracing is the way to deal with a broken toe…
“Gimme my social security number, or you’ll need TWO neck braces.”*
*Don’t try this in a room crawling with cops.
“I am 18 and he is withholding my SSN from me.”
Don’t see the problem. Mind you, at this point, I don’t think they’d quite “hear” the latter part of your sentence. She must have been mumbling.
Since his shirt is white, I’m not imagining him in a full body cast. Because he should hurt for what he’s done.
Not to mention how much PT would hurt after getting said cast removed.
im just kidding i know he was in a car crash and a dinosaur mauled him
I’m choosing to believe that this was all from the Joyce-hadouken.
Purely guessing, so no spoilers, but…
“Hi Dad. I came here to give you one last choice. I’m in love, I’m happy and I’m satisfied with how my life is going. You can either share in my happiness by accepting me for who I am, who I love and how I live… OR… You can stay alone in your cold lonely little world, with no one else. Mom’s gone. She won’t be there for you anymore. It’ll just be you. I’m giving you this one last chance to make amends.”
“Goodbye, Becky”
“… Ross”
…Wow. That’s . . . A poignant way to draw taht line.
I am also guessing she chooses to not call him Dad anymore.
Good Becky. Strongest person in the strip.
I don’t think I can imagine what I’d say to him in her position.
I hope it’s just, “Goodbye, don’t look for me when you get out.’
Well, that explains why no one was freaking out over Becky being ok in the last comic. Everyone can put there over-analyzing keyboards away, and take a second look, and see she wasn’t there to fawn over to begin with. ;P
If I were in Becky’s place, I would run far away and never look back. I tend to go great lengths to avoid confrontation, even when it’s the most self-defeating thing I could possibly do. Maybe it’s for the best that Becky doesn’t follow my hypothetical example.
Here’s hoping for an epic “The Reason You Suck” speech.
TIL: Toe cozies are a thing.
Becky is showing incredible bravery here. I don’t know what I’d say in the same situation. But I know that, for me, there’s nothing i could say or hear that would make me feel better. The actions said it loudest.
I hope it doesn’t hurt too much for her.
Is he in a Body-Cast ?
( Damn, Joyce punched him harder than i thought )
or is it a straight-jacket?
Well, there was the whole car crash incident too.
No matter what happened, he’s still her Dad and no girl can write off her Dad that easy. A daughter’s live is a strange and wonderful thing. I know, I was blessed with two daughters. She’ll need to vent, cry, and then decide how to move on. Awkward doesn’t even begin to describe the conversation that’s about to start.
That should be “a daughter’s love.” Danged fingeragraphical errors.
Oh, boy.
This is right after Becky looked down at her girly jeans, and then caught a look at her rad hairdo in a mirror. And then, cut to commercial!
After all this is said and done, I hope we find out what happened to Amber.
There is no (longer) Amber. There is only
ZuulAmazi-Girl.She made it back to the Amazi-cave, and is being tended to by her trusty butler Jeeves.
Because after everything, he’s still her dad. I hope things don’t end in a clusterfuck; Ross did have a few moments of apparent clarity during this mess and with any luck he’ll have some here, too. An argument between these two isn’t what I need to see…(i miss my daddy).
Here’s hoping “Dad” is stronger than “Religion”.
What were the few moments of apparent clarity?
Clarity of purpose, I guess? He was 100% completely certain the whole time that God wanted him to kidnap his own daughter at gunpoint.
Clarity of a totally effed-up purpose is still clarity of purpose, right?
There really were NO moments of clarity.
I think the only moments of clarity he had were while he and Amazi-Girl were desperately trying to stop everyone from getting killed in the imminent car crash, and then only in the context of not actually wanting everyone to get killed in said imminent car crash.
I honestly don’t understand these “he’s still her dad” comments. Like, somehow that’s supposed to erase all the shit things he’s done just cause they’re family. What’s that about. I honestly don’t get it.
Abusive shitfaces like Toedad do not deserve relationships with other people, even if they are family. He is a horrible person and needs to go away forever, and is nothing but toxic to Becky. All he does is cause her pain, and yet it’s all OK cause “he’s still her dad”
He’s the man who raised her and while it is very twisted by his fundie beliefs Ross’s actions come from love and concern for Becky. From outside we see the whole situation as very fucked up and wouldn’t blame Becky for not talking to Ross ever again – the policeman makes sure to give her that option in the strip. But for BECKY this is still dad. If nothing else, she needs some sort of closure. This is as safe a setting as she’s going to get to try to actually TALK to Ross and I don’t blame her in the least for taking the opportunity. If the conversation devolves to tears and heartbreak Becky has people who will stop the conversation (police) and people who will support her (Joyce, Dina, other friends). Yes, I realize the whole thing’s likely to go the sad route, but for now I’ve stated elsewhere that I like my glasses with a slight rose tint.
The main moment of clarity I was referring to was at the fountain, and yes it’s a bit subjective. You can read Ross allllmost catching himself with a “My God, what am I actually doing?!” when Becky was trying to talk him down.
Right! and, the moment he doubled-down on his “mission” was when she invoked “do it for mom”. I hope we see what the backstory was, there! We know she died of cancer (sucks), but what else was happening…
*muses*… maybe when she goes through papers, at home (for her SSN/Birth cert/etc) she might find something interesting.
That wasn’t *really* a moment of clarity, though. He was always convinced that everything he was doing was morally just and in Becky’s best interests.
If he had realized that he was doing insane, violent, reprehensible acts to his daughter and her friends, then that would be count.
Social expectation. The word “family” is rife with social power and often, people are called upon to suffer abuses they would never be expected to put up with normally with a smile on their face if it is coming from “family”.
On top of that, abusive families tend to hammer home the concept and importance of “family” above all else. The “family” means things, is unbreakable, is important and must be deferred to. So if you try and escape, you have done wrong.
Even if you didn’t have that direct enforcement of that narrative complete with accusations of betrayal when one tried to prioritize the law or what was right, it’s socially hard to admit and defend one’s choice to break away from family.
And even when society isn’t making you ashamed, society is filled with images of the “importance of family” and family is a common refrain of a lot of what we encounter. So, things like Christmas and Thanksgiving become emotional hotspots.
Yeah I come from that kind of background. Mum likes to claim that the reason I’m not a drug addicted murdering psychopath or something is cause “we eat lunch together as a family every day” (this is literally what she says). I get that they claim family is super-important.
I’m also in a relationship with a Korean guy and family is super-super-super important in their culture (mine too but thankfully HE didn’t have awful people as parents). I avoid talking about my parents to him cause I don’t want to have to explain why I never want to see these people ever again and it will be over my dead body that they ever come anywhere near our future children. Obviously this conversation will have to happen at some point but I’m still trying to figure out how to explain it without either a) sounding like an ungrateful monster, or b) completely breaking down during the conversation.
What I was saying was I don’t understand why other people feel the need to defend Toedad by being like “well of course she wants to talk to him, he’s her dad~” Toxic people, whether they have “good” intentions (in their eyes) or not, “family” or not, should be cut out of the lives of the people they are being toxic to. (also, I believe your family is anyone who actually cares about you, and is not necessarily defined by blood but hey what do I know)
He’s probably gonna be all like “Oh thank the Lord. You came to me to apologize. You’ve finally seen the light.”
There is nothing funny but everything good about this comic… but damn, that alt text gave me some much-needed laughter. (Not much-needed because the comic was serious, but because life.)
Thank you Willis.
So did Joyce punch him so hard that he grew a neck and then proceeded to break it?
“I… where do I put the neck brace? There’s no neck.”
Maybe they just slid it down like a game of ring toss.
He stubbed his toe.
Dad, why you so crazy?
I’m struck by how, after this has all shaken down, Ross is in a hospital bed, in a neck brace, bandages on his nose and face, and oh yeah under arrest, and Becky is standing straight and tall, unscathed and free.
Because she’s strong and awesome and her best friend and her girlfriend and all their friends and acquaintances and a couple of random bystanders all stepped up and were strong and awesome for her too.
Because she was inside the car wearing a seatbelt, not hanging out the window trying to shoot someone at short range with a rifle. Becky was the smart one of the family, I really wonder what her mother was like now.
Lovely, intelligent, longsuffering and brave, with really terrible taste in men?
Sadly, I expect Becky may have been unintentionally describing her
mother awhile back: “so when some gross dude claimed me I could
homeschool our dumb kids. The danged extent of my allowed
aspirations. My life goals.”
Yeah, I don’t think we’re going to get a magical dead parent here. A lot of the dialogue suggests that Becky’s mom was as compliant in the decisions concerning Becky’s life (no cellphone, go to Anderson) as Toedad.
She probably won’t be as bad as Ross, because that’s a statistical improbability of astronomical scales, but she’s not going to be Lily Potter either.
The word you’re looking for is ‘complicit’, but ‘compliant’ almost certainly describes her. The Man’s Word being Law being a large part of what Becks was running from, and all.
dangit dude stop correcting my misuse of words
youre gonna give me self esteem issues :C
That’s not quite where I was going.
I suspect the difference between Becky & her mom may just be that her mom didn’t escape. She got dragged, whether she wanted to or not, down the path that was laid out for Becky. It was probably also harder to escape 20 odd years earlier.
It’s also quite possible that her mom did have a large effect on Becky’s upbringing, even if not on the big obvious rules.
It’s interesting to note that Becky’s apparently an only child, which isn’t common among religious families of such ilk.
Mostly that “Lovely, intelligent, longsuffering and brave” may well be completely true, but that her taste in men may not have played a large role.
That could be the case. And that might not have made her particularly pleasant either. People who’ve lost their lives to bad choices tend to be very adamant about the importance of said choices, because otherwise they might question their own decisions and that would hurt.
Momma I wanna be a Becky when I grow up
Ok seriously tho ever since she came back from Anderson Becky has repeatedly shown how strong she is, and she just keeps topping herself! She deserves everything and it’s clear she can and will get it. I don’t know what’s gonna happen these following days, it’s hard picturing Becky being too mean or too open cos of her energetic facade, but just going in there takes more balls than to fill a pit at mcdonalds.
wait, does that bad analogy work with a lady? it takes more pussy than… a… pride at the savannah? a vets’ office at a witch neighborhood?something like that idk point is we could all be a bit more becky byeForget your balls and grow a pair of tits.
Cisgender women have balls. We call them “ovaries” and put them on the inside where they could get some padding.
Hey, It’s not our fault sperm requires 34 degrees (Celsius) to develop while the human body is 37 degrees!
Who designed that … and why?
So much for “intelligent design”… nothing intelligent about that in the least!
I hope those papers are a bunch of restraining orders.
That alt text was fucking brutal.
Time to rise, Becky. Don’t back down.
*Remembers how Amber was at the petrol station Sal held up, how Sal then held Ethan at knifepoint, trying to force the attendant to hand over the cash, then once the cops nabbed Sal, Dickdad Blaine taunted Amber rill she took the knife off the Cop & stabbed Sal in the hand…*
*Remembers how Toedad chased Becky & Dina, then held Becky & Joyce at gunpoint, forcing her to get in the car, then tried to kill anyone who tried helping Becky.*
*Realizes Toedad’s now in Police custody, plus he’s the type to probably keep spouting the same religious BS to Becky even now, as well as the fact the Cops there probably are armed with sidearms…*
Hey, someone tell Amazigirl she’s about to get a new sidekick, Firehead, just as soon as the “Temporary Insanity” plea is accepted…
I think Becky’s neuroses are different. Blaine’s abuse of choice was “You are weak for doing things no sane person would dream of doing”; Ross Babies McIntyre’s was undoubtedly “You will be punished by God if you don’t repent for your sins”. Furthermore, Becky has had ample opportunity to wind down from her last encounter with her male parent, while Amber never had a break before she broke.
You know.. Maybe I missed it.. but did we ever find out what was up with Becky’s mom?
He kept half bringing up Becky’s mom, but I don’t know if we ever actually found out what happened to her…
According to Willis in the thread a few months back (maybe even a year ago), she’s “worm food”, but I’m not sure if it’s been established exactly how she died. Cancer’s a good bet, but it might have been through some other means, natural or circumstantial.
if only toedad had preyed the cancer away harder.
I think it’s (march 2015).
I totes thought the cop in panel 3 was wearing a gas mask at first.
Yeah, his gray moustache & beard make a regrettably odd contrast to his skin at that scale. To me it looks like he’s been eating way too many powered donuts without a napkin. : )
Will Becky have to be at the trial?
Generally speaking with things like this, they’d allow a sealed testimony to be made before the trial began. Also, there’s enough witnesses they might not even need Becky or Joyce’s testimony.
Most cases end in a plea, in fact almost all cases. No real bargain for Ross, since they have a dozen charges to choose from and 2-3 will be quite sufficient. Unlikely Becky would have to appear in court.
Unfortunately, I think Ross is stubborn enough not to accept a plea bargain. Partially because he honestly thinks he did nothing wrong, and partially because Becky would have to show up at a trial.
It also wouldn’t surprise me if he turned out to be one of those “Freemen on the Land / Sovereign Citizen” wackos. Those guys never take a plea because they refuse to acknowledge the authority of the court.
I’m gonna put my money on us definitely getting to trial for a lot of the reasons you said. Plus, I imagine the church back home will be inserting themselves into this, which will be a new layer of awful for both Becky and Joyce.
Though by doing this that means becry will no more drama present to the story, we need Moore turmoil……her ex girlfriend comes to win her back! That should be enough right?
There’s going to be a lot of scars and a lot of healing. Plus a lot of logistical barriers (money, housing, survival, education), not to mention potential discrimination plotlines (she’s visibly not heteronormative and not going to be particularly shy about her girlfriend in a state where the RFRA was and still is a thing).
So don’t worry, Becky will have a lot of turmoil for a good while yet.
“I’m sorry you couldn’t accept me for who I am, Ross. I hope you have a nice life with Jesus. Goodbye.”
Just because it’s an opportunity to have it on the record, I would like to state that I really hate the phrase “He’s still her/your dad.” Used way too often to let abusive dicks off the hook. Yeah, I’m looking at you, Season 2 Doctor Who.
It’s a tough thing to understand if you have a dad who is marvelous, or who is a little tough but basically nontoxic, or whathaveyou. If somebody made a hard line in their family, it’s best to assume that it was very difficult and completely necessary.
Yeah, I’m looking at you, Season 2 Doctor Who.
I have recently binge-watched Season 2 Doctor Who, and Pete Tyler came across as incompetent (in our timeline) but not evil. The other-timeline version of him played a part in saving his world, and he saved the daughter of his counterpart in battle of Canary Wharf. In the finale, the Tylers plus Mickey appear to be a functional family unit. Are you referring to a different dad? I don’t recall there being any in Season 2.
Season 3 is a whole ‘nuther kettle of fish…
Series 2? Possibly the asshole dad from The Idiot’s Lantern?
Unless they were referring to something from season 2 (by which I mean the one from 1964-65) that I haven’t seen. Not many Dads there that I can recall.
Precisely, the one where the Doctor uses the very phrase “He’s still your dad” at the end.
Yeah, it’s just really bizarre. I don’t get along with my dad because we’re related; I get along with him because he’s a good dude.
Abusive parents can go fuck off. They forfeited the right to be a parent a long time ago.
I have a couple friends who have complicated feelings towards their fathers. I remember one girl in particular, whose father did unspeakable things to her as a child, ex-communicated him when she was in her 20’s.
When he died years later, she was surprised to find that his death had quite a powerful impact on her, though she had basically wished him dead her entire life. She went through mourning for him like any other kid would mourn their dad, except it was confused with all the sour feelings she also held.
I think “He’s still her dad” is just pointing out that even if you hate your dad for being horrible to you, you’re still gonna have some conflicting feelings for them because they were your parent. Or at least that’s how I understand it.
I love the last panel.
Becky is brave as hell, honestly.
She’d probably have to talk to him to get her SSN, birth certificate and other personal documentation she needs.
Nah. Just go home and tear the house apart to find it. It’s all got to be there somewhere.
What does happen to his property while he’s in jail?
Nope. When he goes to court that can all be ordered and delivered to her.
County courthouse back in — La Porte? — oughta be able to help with of most of that if the necessary documents are scarce at Chez MacIntyre. Some search, copying fees, yes, but not insurmountable.
If you know the hospital/city/county you were born in, replacement documents are available for a small cost. I had to get a copy of my birth certificate in my younger years when my mom couldn’t find the original.
She doesn’t have to, no. However I think that she wants to. Because, in the end, he’s still her dad and that makes things very, very complicated on an emotional level.
Ross’ real-life double, the Seattle gay-basher: sorry I don’t know how to make a proper hyperlink.
That photo…the resemblance is a little eerie!
Aw jeez
Becky says her piece, leaves. Closes door.
Dina: “Also, I can kill you with my mind.”
“Yeah. I know” might be one of my favorite Becky lines ever because it’s such a clear demonstration of what has been clear for a long time now – Becky knows exactly the stakes, Since her escape from Anderson’s she KNEW that this was goodbye from her father, and any further interaction between them would be another repeat of him trying to catch her and she fleeing. She was fully prepared to do it again until Amaziegirl stopped him, and she would have kept doing it for as many times it took to be free.
Joyce is in shock, partly because her belief in parental authority died when Ross pulled out a gun. But Becky is not shocked by what her father was capable of, because she already knew.
I eagerly await tomorrows confrontation.
Becky might not even have a SSN.
If she hadn’t been at Anderson, I’d agree with you. Anderson considers the SSN optional for applying (I looked), but they use the FAFSA and have on-campus employment for students, and those require SSN’s. Unless Ross had a spare $160k sitting around for Becky’s “education,” she’s got a number somewhere.
“In hindsight, this might not have been the best course of action, Becky.”
Maybe it’s a toe splint?
Wow, my respect for Becky keeps growing.
I’ve been hiding from my parents for YEARS, and they were way less bad than toedad.
“Dad, I’ve just got to ask…why do you look so much like a toe?”
Don’t bother with this scum, Becky. You don’t need the further emotional scars.
Toedad’s comments to the cops must have had them scratching their heads.
“So, sir, you tried to kidnap your daughter at gunpoint then you were set on by a Masked Vigilante and a Blue Rider, who stopped you escaping. You were then knocked out by an 18 year old girl a third your size. Is that right?”
His answer? “Yes, Satan won this time, but the Lord will give me the power to win in the future.” Cops response: “Sure thing, good luck with that. (make sure the restraints are good and tight.)”
This series just had a thrilling car chase. Shots were fired. Grapples were thrown. Masks were worn. Roofs were leapt upon. The female lead will have her forearm covered for the foreseeable future. And now we see the man who fought to retrieve a runaway young woman covering the bottom of his face for medical reasons.
Yep. This storyline was totally based on Mad Max Fury Road.
Oh dear this is probably going to lead to tearful feels…
So where did Dina bite him?
Right cheek.
*his* right cheek.
Toe Dad, you could almost have been called adorable, if you didn’t try to kidnap your daughter, hit her, attack her girlfriend, and threaten to kill her friends.
So in Slipshine related news, we have confirmation that Sayid is among the ranks of DoA’s queer dudes.
“Dad? I think we should be seeing other people.”
On my phone that beard looks like surgeons mask…. Got confused till I zoomed in
Becky’s first words to him: “Remember, I still get to pick out your nursing home.”
That police officer said Becky was free, that she probably won’t have to talk to him for the rest of her life. But how long is Ross going to be in jail? Yeah, he could be charged with attempted murder, except the one he attempted to murder was wearing a cape and a mask.
He might get 10 years, maybe, but he’ll be out of jail eventually. She could get a restraining order, but that’s no assurance Ross won’t try to contact her.
There is the kidnapping, but how many years does that give him in jail? Plus, the trial. He still has to have a trial.
Longer than the comic will last? Which is really all that’s important. Even the trial is years of our time away.
And in 10 years or even 5, she’ll be in a much better place to deal with him.
Discharging a weapon on campus, kidnapping, attempted homicide, reckless endangerment, and many other charges could keep him behind bars until he’s too old to be much of a threat. If the school campus is a declared Gun-Free Zone, and he’s convicted on that charge, he’ll also be prohibited from owning (or even touching) a gun for the rest of his life.
In the UK, they’re called restraining orders. Toedad would face incarceration if he attempted to come near Becky.
They’re called that here too.
They’re often not much use. If someone wants to attack you, murder you or kidnap you, they can just show up and do it. The restraining order doesn’t change that.
They can be useful – often the person won’t escalate immediately, giving the police time to respond to the violation of the restraining order.
I had a bit of a look at Indiana law on-line, and I reckon that Ross is facing more than thirty years in prison. The the most serious charge will be criminal confinement (of Becky) while armed with a deadly weapon, a Level 2 felony bringing a sentence of ten to 30 years (advisory 20 years) all by itself. Then there are two counts of assault with a deadly weapon (against Dina and against Joyce), bringing three to 16 years (advisory nine years) each. Then there is unlawful discharge of a firearm. Brandishing a firearm in a threatening manner. Possibly improperly carrying a firearm on the grounds of the university. And reckless driving endangering life. That’s without even mentioning Amazi-Girl.
Which of those would require them pressing charges though? I’m not sure Becky would be willing to go to court against her dad, and I’m not sure about the others, either. I suspect some of those (discharge of a firearm, for example) will be prosecuted by the State or Federal prosecutors, but I suspect not all of them.
I don’t know about the law in Indiana. In Australia the police don’t need a complaint from the victim in every case. Not for murder, obviously. But I think I read earlier this yer of a successful prosecution for ABH in a case of spousal abuse in which the battered wife declined to press charges. Dunno about the circumstances and rules, and of course, that’s not Indiana.
I’m trying not to laugh at how ridiculous this toe looks. But I can’t so allow me this reprieve to say he reaped what he sowed for being a total dick.
Brave girl. Now Becky has a tough road ahead, but she’s free, at least free to live her life as she wants. Ross, in the other hand… He’s already in the middle to late road of his life, and this “failure” will eat him from the insides, unless the next strip shows us otherwise. Let’s see. (May wisdom bloom in your head, oh you poor sod). Maybe he can change, maybe not…
“You know, Pop, that neck brace is a look. You should keep it. Maybe when you get out, you can hook up with Coraline’s other mother”
Now our story has begun, shades of Toedad number one! Where’s your neck??? The man has no fucking neck! Hi it it, neck!
Yeah yeah; still, better late than never, right?
ok so now on rereading (anxious for new one obviously), who is on Ross’s right (visually to the left of Ross)? oh mannnnn
Security, I’d assume? Looks like the same color uniform shirt.
maybe, but why would they have a hand on his shoulder like that? a reminder for self restraint? it’s sure not actually restraint.
It’s a nice piece of comic craft- because you see security dude in panel 3, you can piece together that it’s another security dude/lady in the last panel just from shirt color.
Time to lay down some truth.
“Wait. That time I fell off the teeter-totter — didn’t you tell me that neck braces were Satan’s turtlenecks?”
“Yeah. I know. He’s Toedad”, said Becky. Toedad angered people. Sometimes he angered them into punching him. But he always angered them. That was his downfall.
She sighed.
“But I’m me”, she said.
Ok, going to start with an analysis bit:
That panel 1 means she’s not even telling her friends about this, because she knows they would worry or it may upset them. She’s still somewhat stuck in martyr mode, downplaying the bravery and heroism of her actions, the lengths she will go to in order to preserve the mask of the happy-go-lucky girl who refuses to be a Debbie Downer.
But it also reveals a bit of how she will try and heal later. Joyce is not here for this hardest moment, nor is Dina. When she is preparing to be emotionally vulnerable with her greatest abuser, she brings no one to help hold her up. And well, if she’s going to get through all the scars she will carry, she’s going to need to learn how to lean on others, though I know from personal experience how hard that can be when you are used to being “the one who keeps it together”.
And that panel 2 and 3, just frozen on the door, building up the strength to see the man who nearly killed her and all her friends today. To see the man whose rejection of her core self is so strong he refuses to even see her as a human being. To try and get closure, to try and reach out, to maybe even make him understand or just get somewhere in a conversation. To not even know what, but to still want to try. She knows she can just leave. She knows that this ends in her just leaving, but she risks the scars of trying anyways, of absorbing more abuse and hate and blame and rejection, because that’s who she is.
All through the kidnapping, she has extended her hand out to her father, responding to him, trying to protect him from getting himself killed, putting herself at risk to save her friends. She’s the type to try and do right and to reach out. To note Bagge above, she’s not the one who has poisoned and ended this relationship of father and daughter, even though she accepts this is sadly likely to be the end. It’s a beautiful idea. And it’s going to hurt her. Bad.
And then that last confrontation, Becky stern-faced with all that she has mustered outside and Toedad injured, weakend, probably surprised, but no less what he is. What comes next is important and will probably shape key portions of Becky’s personality in the years to come. And it’s going to hit probably harder than his slap in the car.
And now the personal bit:
Fuck this plotline hits me close to where I live and I expect this next section to hurt like a motherfucker (hopefully in a good, healing way and not in a reliving bad traumas way). I’ve been where Becky is… prepping myself, trying to figure out the way to interact and explain who I was to a father who refused to accept that. Trying to regain some closure or sense of family or even an acknowledgment of harm from a man who sent me frequent abusive emails and messages, poisoned my relationship with the rest of my family, and caused enough stress in a romantic relationship to make it almost impossible for her to continue finding the happiness in it. I reached out a lot to him and that whole side of the family, explaining, sending books, pleading, taking it slow and… it was all for waste.
What Becky is about to do is natural and common and shows her good character, but guys like Toedad exploit good character to achieve their power (we’ve seen that directly in how he used threats to Joyce as a means to get Becky to surrender into the car) and any interaction is just going to hurt her in everything she thought was true.
It’s painfully hard to realize that family is a poisoned concept. To realize that one’s father is a title held by an asshole that means nothing. To lose all the illusions of home and growing up and realize that you are without anything because of how somebody toxic reacts to who you are.
Complete breaks to family… it’s not easy. And in seeking this closure, Becky is going to go through some really hard times, but maybe, if she’s lucky it won’t go quite as bad as it did for me.
I don’t know if you need one or not, but if you do, here’s a **hug** for you.
sympathy via light touch
I wonder if Amazi-Girl would make a late night stop by his room, showing up in his window to remind him that Becky and her friends are happy, and if he or anyone comes after them: they. are. protected.
Of course she’s not in much of a shape to do anything along those lines, but Amber’s not one to follow the sensible path at times.
I think the romanticizing of Amazi-Girl has reached a screeching halt.
Kinda like the way that truck did when it nearly turned her into hamburger meat.
I meant to go to yesterdays comic but accidentally hit first instead of previous and went back to Becky and Joyce making a poop joke
Good times