Doesn’t ethanol have a hydroxyl group? Checks Wiki. Yes it does but modern chemical notation doesn’t include that any more. When I went to school it was still C2H5OH, having changed from CH3CH2OH designation that showed more of the structure of the molecule. Yes, I’m old. That’s one of the things that happens to us unkillable badasses, we get old. Well older.
I use C2H5OH for ethanol personally – less ambiguous than C2H6O. But what got heavily stressed in school for me was the nomenclature of chemical names – they’re a lot more specific than chemical formulas.
There are different levels of specificity for chemical formulas. “C2H6O” just indicates the relative ratios of the elements in the compound, but gives no information about their arrangement. It could just as well be dimethyl ether. “C2H5OH” indicates that it’s an alcohol, but doesn’t tell where the OH group goes (there’s only one possibility for ethanol, so it doesn’t mater, but it does for larger alcohols). Finally, CH3CH2OH is a full structural specification. They’re all correct in different contexts.
Okay, I understand. And the answer is simple, she just puts her arm under the bottom of the shirt and lifts it to her mouth. It’s outside now because she needs a refill.
Do a search on “caramel drinks” and you should turn up some recipes. You can buy caramel vodka and the like commercially, but I know I’ve seen DIY mixes that use caramel syrup.
Well, Billie only brought a small flask of alcohol (presumably vodka or whiskey), didn’t pour the whole flask in Walky’s glass and it probably was diluted with something else. Also, we don’t know if he has drank everything already.
It’s hard to compare the amount of alcohol he swallowed tonight with the whole pint of beer (maybe more ?) Sal drank with Jason .
The Walkerton twins should be subjected to a standardized alcohol-resistance test; is what I’m saying.
It’s not that hard to compare various alcoholic beverages. Proof / volume. 80 proof vodka at 1/128 of a gallon vs 8 proof beer at 1/8 of a gallon (less for light beer). Use the Alky as a standard of measurement (1 non-light beer = 1 alky) which approximates one Oz of alcohol independent of the volume. Wine at 24 proof and 6/128 of a gallon. Can be used to compare the value of a twelve pack vs a fifth. Note that this is a measure of quantity of alcohol and not quality. But still a reason to avoid light beer.
Every time Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity is broken out, the same thing happens. The game is not won… it’s abandoned. Just doesn’t hold the appeal that I thought it would.
Well, the CAH folks do have a faster playing print-and-play game. Look on their site under Clusterfuck. Even my booziest friends can manage to finish a game, although if anything it’s probably even more prone to mortally offending the sensitive.
I have played both games literally dozens of times in my life, and I don’t even know how you win according to the official rules. If you just set your own limit for how many rounds you want to play without getting bored, whoever has the most cards at the end of that is the winner. That’a why they’re the two easiest games to finish.
My housemate (who owns a copy and more often than I do) tells me N=10, but he concedes that almost no one actually plays by the rules. Winning isn’t really the point with party games anyway.
I think it’s REALLY dependent on the group. I’ve played Apples to Apples with some groups and it’s been fast paced and fun and gone on for several rounds, and played with other groups where nobody was really into it or thinking up funny stuff. Not everyone likes/is good at every game, and that’s ok.
Both games have always been a big hit in the groups I’ve run in–different groups, very different age brackets, very different beliefs, very different.
But both groups had in common an enjoyment of wordplay and cleverness. Because everything is about the wordplay and cleverness with these games. The moment when you can apply ‘fuzzy’ in the naughtiest way possible. (which, again, is a very different level of naughtiness if you’re playing with the Christian youth group…)
I used to love playing AtA at church… and I went to a Pagan church so it’s not like we had anything against CAH. We could get the little(r) kids to play against the adults when we played AtA.
Her hat is alive, obviously. Also, I’m pretty sure Cards Against Humanity is the asshole version of Apples to Apples, what with Apples being around first.
She’s running on whatever she could conceal in that no-pants outfit tonight. That’s the equivalent of stone cold sober for her even before she shared with Walky.
It’s definitely a real thing you’re supposed to do if you’re about to go to a club where each drink will cost you 10 bucks. Billie has just applied this rule to parties where the drinks are free, because Billie is all about rules that let her drink more.
Applying it to a (theoretically) dry party is also not a bad approach, unless you overdo it or the host/other guests are uncomfortable about being around someone with a buzz going.
That’s what she told Ruth. But the very last strip of that storyline showed that was a lie. (And its foreshadowed in the strips that show Ruth is experiencing withdrawal but Billie isn’t).
Well it was Billies drink, this is a guy who probably hasn’t had a full drink in his life, drinking from the flask of an alcoholic. Of course he’s going to get drunk quickly.
At first I was disappointed it wasn’t Settlers of Canaan, but then it made sense. I mean, she was playing that thing that was apparently the secular version of it at that other party, and that ended rather poorly. Avoiding it in favor of Apples to Apples seems like a pretty good idea. Also, Apples to Apples is just better.
I don’t think Joyce owns Settlers of Canaan, she probably just played it at church group, or somewhere. She does own AtA, however, and apparently drags it out at every party she attends.
If you think Apples to Apples is more “Christian” than Cards Against Humanity, you’re playing it wrong. (Nothing like trying to justify why “Adolph Hitler” is a good match for “Sexy”…)
Willis says there’s a Christian *edition* of Apples to Apples. May or may not be this, but it’s not hard to imagine that Joyce thinks of the version she grew up playing as the definitive one.
technically, cards against humanity is the raunchy version of apples to apples, because ATA came first. (ATA was published before 1999, and CAH was published in 2011.)
In my head canon, the Simpsons were killed in a freak accident leaving only Lisa alive. She was adopted, but because of ties to the mob had to change her name, she eventually gave up on being Buddhist and became an atheist (perhaps amnesia) she then went to school at Indiana.
So you’re the guy who makes the impossible….possible! But that guy usually blows up inside his mobile suit heroically saving the woman he loves. How sad for you! ;P
Just watch: The first green cards are going to be things along the lines of “arousing,” “sexy,” and other things.
Also, kind of surprised Joyce even knows what Cards Against Humanity is.
I know for a fact that some coddler parents (not even particularly religious ones) have singled out CAH as “something you need to warn your kids to stay away from” material. They wind up inadvertently publicizing the game in the process of giving those warnings, of course.
The company’s probably proud to be up there with the Unholy Trio of sex, drugs, and rock & roll.
Ah, it’s harmless enough. Some people just look for things to complain about. I’ve worked in game stores in years gone by and seen it over and over again. The moral outrage over D&D being disguised devil worship, Vampire the Masquerade encouraging homosexuality, Magic the Gathering teaching literal witchcraft, and Pokemon training kids to torture animals – it’s been done to death.
Funny how the uptights never seem to notice stuff like Tentacle Bento, though.
I’ve played Apples to Apples Bible Edition multiple times (my girlfriend’s ex worked in a Christian bookstore). Considering that we took it as a contest to see who can come up with the best, most accurate blasphemy, I think Joyce was smart to pick the normal edition.
(The ex-Catholic school kids always won, in case anyone is wondering.)
My youth group had the family edition. Is that the same or is there one even more restrictive out there? Ours even had a card titled “Pokemon.” While my church was not that conservative (I am even a Pokemon fan), I know of churches that have called Pokemon “pocket demons” and would not like that version of A&A simply for that card.
Best part about CAH is that it is open source. You can make your own custom decks by downloading the templates. We always play Cards Against Librarianship at conferences, which include Dewey Decimals, storytime and such, along with standard CAH play.
I actually like the idea of a Christian version of cards against humanity. Anyone can make crude jokes with CAH. It takes true comedic skill to make crude jokes using a completely wholesome set of cards!
I always felt that for Apples to Apples to be fun you pretty much had to try and be clever about it. CAH games always relied too heavily on shock value for laughs and halfway through the game it would tire out.
For my birthday, my girlfriend made me a combined set of Apples to Apples Bible Edition and Cards against humanity. It is glorious. There’s a red card – On your knees
Hahaha he’s drunk.
“What’s gotten into you ?” Well, litterally…
Embenzalmine nitrotomine.
I dunno, what’s Billie generally packing these days?
Doesn’t ethanol have a hydroxyl group? Checks Wiki. Yes it does but modern chemical notation doesn’t include that any more. When I went to school it was still C2H5OH, having changed from CH3CH2OH designation that showed more of the structure of the molecule. Yes, I’m old. That’s one of the things that happens to us unkillable badasses, we get old. Well older.
I use C2H5OH for ethanol personally – less ambiguous than C2H6O. But what got heavily stressed in school for me was the nomenclature of chemical names – they’re a lot more specific than chemical formulas.
There are different levels of specificity for chemical formulas. “C2H6O” just indicates the relative ratios of the elements in the compound, but gives no information about their arrangement. It could just as well be dimethyl ether. “C2H5OH” indicates that it’s an alcohol, but doesn’t tell where the OH group goes (there’s only one possibility for ethanol, so it doesn’t mater, but it does for larger alcohols). Finally, CH3CH2OH is a full structural specification. They’re all correct in different contexts.
Heh, another chemist named Ryan.
Not sure if that is a really a Chemist thing. I have only taken a couple of college level organic chemistry classes and knew that much.
Wishful thinking, then.
…I miss chemistry so much…*tear*
At my school (in Norway), the alcohol formulas we’re taught are of the C#H#OH variety.
Back in my day, alcohol was made of just 2 elements! Fire and Water!
Liquid Courage!
Hey, you can’t comment first!!! That’s Jen’s job!!!
Jen was too busy pulling out her old Apples to Apples game and changing all the cards to funnier versions (like Chains to 2 Chainz).
Some cards always win though. Like Hiroshima – 1945. For some reason.
I’m the only person I know who finds it kinda cool that my birthday is the anniversary of the Hiroshima bomb. Oddly. >_>
Sorry Mario, but our Jen Aside is in another castle.
Woo, fellow bomb-day baby! High-five!
*high fives*
Yeah, our birthday is DA BOMB!
The best play I’ve ever seen though:
The green card was “Senseless.”
The winning red card was “Helen Keller”
Old joke is getting old.
Sorry, did someone call me? Oh there is a “party” going in Joyce’s room in your comic as well. Who is getting flogged in your party?
…How is she drinking it?
Who drinking what|?
Dina, her drink through ethan’s jacket
Also isn’t she hot as hell in that ? ^^;
Dina’s hot as hell in anything
Not my idea of a sexy ensemble, but whatever floats your boat.
(” ) I should have formulated that better.
Anyway, it gotta be kinda suffocating.
I forget, is she cold blooded or has science disproven that theory?
Dina drinking Sprite. Is the mouth on her hat functional?
She sticks the end of a crazy straw out of the mouth of her hat. She figures a hummingbird is a modern dinosaur, so it’s ok to drink like one.
I presume Dina drinking her sprite.
Dina with the Sprite, presumably.
Dina has mastered the art of drinking without removing sweatshirts, just like ninjas eat without removing their masks.
“How is she drinking it?”
Like a boss presumably.
Okay, I understand. And the answer is simple, she just puts her arm under the bottom of the shirt and lifts it to her mouth. It’s outside now because she needs a refill.
Her dino-hat has a top jaw. Therefore, a mouth exists. Boom. Drinking.
Its actually really easy in sprite of what you might think.
Eventually the answer will pop into your head.
When you realize what it is, you’ll be like, so “duh!”
Fabric is porous. Hopefully Ethan doesn’t mind.
emergency induction port
That’s a straw…
Emergency. Induction. Port.
A bit of things. Has. …. Billie.
Mr. Random living up to his name.
It’s not that random…it’s clearly supposed to be Walky’s drunklish reply to Dorothy.
Apples to Apples is my JAM.
Oranges To Oranges is my Marmalade.
I wanted oranges, now I’m jelly.
Cream? So sweet in between?
Sorry, never heard of it before today. Just another pop culture reference I’ll have to decide to Google (along with ‘CAH’).
Joyce mentioned it a few weeks ago…that is…in 2011.
Well, that confirms everyone’s suspicions about Walky’s alcohol tolerance.
The Walkerton genes are high in caramel content, low on alcohol tolerance.
Pretty sure caramel dissolves in alcohol, so that makes sense.
I must now try this.
Do a search on “caramel drinks” and you should turn up some recipes. You can buy caramel vodka and the like commercially, but I know I’ve seen DIY mixes that use caramel syrup.
Bet the most fermented thing he tried before tonight’s alcohol is cheese nachos.
They weren’t fermented!
Ok, sure, he left them under his bed for a few weeks. But they were still good!
Sure they were, cheese is milk fermented by mold. Don’t they teach you kids anything these days?
Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
Except mitochondria is plural.
They’re also an alien species bent on conquering the world and melting humanity.
What? Parasite Eve is a documentary, isn’t it?
Well, mitochondria are a completely different species that live inside of us, if you look at it a certain way (the rest is of course bunk).
Bunk? That’s what I’d expect a mitochondria sympathizer to say.
Does pocket sushi ferment over time?
…I hope to never find out.
But science demands it!
There is the possibility that the contents of Billie’s flask are only meant for experienced drinkers.
That stuff’s delicious!
Get drunk, fuel your car, and strip the paint all at once!
You forgot sterilizing your hands!
He’s still vertical and coherent. He seems to have beaten Sal.
I don’t think anybody expected that.
Well, Billie only brought a small flask of alcohol (presumably vodka or whiskey), didn’t pour the whole flask in Walky’s glass and it probably was diluted with something else. Also, we don’t know if he has drank everything already.
It’s hard to compare the amount of alcohol he swallowed tonight with the whole pint of beer (maybe more ?) Sal drank with Jason .
The Walkerton twins should be subjected to a standardized alcohol-resistance test; is what I’m saying.
It’s not that hard to compare various alcoholic beverages. Proof / volume. 80 proof vodka at 1/128 of a gallon vs 8 proof beer at 1/8 of a gallon (less for light beer). Use the Alky as a standard of measurement (1 non-light beer = 1 alky) which approximates one Oz of alcohol independent of the volume. Wine at 24 proof and 6/128 of a gallon. Can be used to compare the value of a twelve pack vs a fifth. Note that this is a measure of quantity of alcohol and not quality. But still a reason to avoid light beer.
You can’t spell ‘Walky’ without ‘Alky’.
Love Apples to Apples and Cards against Humanity. Haven’t played either in a while. Miss it a lot.
ever combined them? pretty funny that way too!
Every time Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity is broken out, the same thing happens. The game is not won… it’s abandoned. Just doesn’t hold the appeal that I thought it would.
It’s like the opposite of a game of Spades.
Well, the CAH folks do have a faster playing print-and-play game. Look on their site under Clusterfuck. Even my booziest friends can manage to finish a game, although if anything it’s probably even more prone to mortally offending the sensitive.
Joyce couldn’t even say the name, could she?
I have played both games literally dozens of times in my life, and I don’t even know how you win according to the official rules. If you just set your own limit for how many rounds you want to play without getting bored, whoever has the most cards at the end of that is the winner. That’a why they’re the two easiest games to finish.
I’m pretty sure the standard rules are just “until someone has won N cards” where N is like 5 or 7 or whatever.
My housemate (who owns a copy and more often than I do) tells me N=10, but he concedes that almost no one actually plays by the rules. Winning isn’t really the point with party games anyway.
I think it’s REALLY dependent on the group. I’ve played Apples to Apples with some groups and it’s been fast paced and fun and gone on for several rounds, and played with other groups where nobody was really into it or thinking up funny stuff. Not everyone likes/is good at every game, and that’s ok.
Both games have always been a big hit in the groups I’ve run in–different groups, very different age brackets, very different beliefs, very different.
But both groups had in common an enjoyment of wordplay and cleverness. Because everything is about the wordplay and cleverness with these games. The moment when you can apply ‘fuzzy’ in the naughtiest way possible. (which, again, is a very different level of naughtiness if you’re playing with the Christian youth group…)
I used to love playing AtA at church… and I went to a Pagan church so it’s not like we had anything against CAH. We could get the little(r) kids to play against the adults when we played AtA.
ain’t no party like a Joyce party because everyone is kind of sad for different reasons
Also, more importantly…
How is Dina drinking soda?
She brings the cup under the coat. It’s not like she has her arms through the sleeves or anything.
As someone else already mentioned…Emergency Induction Port
Her hat is alive, obviously. Also, I’m pretty sure Cards Against Humanity is the asshole version of Apples to Apples, what with Apples being around first.
Yeah, but it’s a recurring joke that sheltered Joyce does not realize which game came first. She made the same mistake with Settlers of Canaan.
Hell yeah! Sprite baby!
Also, you guys realise that Joyce is now the Queen of Walky, as per her previously established title.
Valid. Presumably her claim lapses when you sober up though. If not, she’d be the sovereign of Billie, Ruth, and Sal as well.
Since when is Billie sober?
She’s running on whatever she could conceal in that no-pants outfit tonight. That’s the equivalent of stone cold sober for her even before she shared with Walky.
Unless she got predrunk, which is apparently a real thing you are supposed to do.
I suspect it’s just the logic of an alcoholic.
It’s definitely a real thing you’re supposed to do if you’re about to go to a club where each drink will cost you 10 bucks. Billie has just applied this rule to parties where the drinks are free, because Billie is all about rules that let her drink more.
Applying it to a (theoretically) dry party is also not a bad approach, unless you overdo it or the host/other guests are uncomfortable about being around someone with a buzz going.
Wasn’t she three days sober during Freshman Family Weekend?
No, apparently that’s her standard lie she gives. She never even tried to stop.
That’s what she told Ruth. But the very last strip of that storyline showed that was a lie. (And its foreshadowed in the strips that show Ruth is experiencing withdrawal but Billie isn’t).
No one wonders how booze is at a JoyceParty?
Maybe they soon will.
Why would they, they all saw Billie show up.
Amusingly, Ruth’s narc brought the booze.
She is the agent provocatour.
Ruth bursts in.
“I am shocked, shocked to see drinking at Joyce’s party!”
Billie steps up and hands her a solo cup.
“Your drink, ma’am.”
Indeed, Billie is booze, so booze was invited.
Smart money says Walky’s only had one drink.
I doubt he’s finished his first one.
Well it was Billies drink, this is a guy who probably hasn’t had a full drink in his life, drinking from the flask of an alcoholic. Of course he’s going to get drunk quickly.
There was enough left for Dorothy to smell the ethanol in it.
Smelling if a drink is spiked with heavy stuff isn’t hard when you’re sober and the person in question is acting drunk
Believe me.
True that.
You get stuck as designated driver a lot too, I’m guessing?
The Walkerton siblings are unable to process alcohol across all incarnations.
Joyce’s disapprobation will not be assuaged by that fact.
Holy crap, I never realized before that Cards Against Humanity is essentially just Apples to Apples. I love both games.
Sometimes it’s fun to mix the decks and see what happens.
Very dangerous. Good chance that CAH will infect the other game and all the ATA cards will suddenly read Nickelback.
Cards Against Humanity is how everyone played Apples to Apples and never admitted.
The fact that it appears that it’s Dina’s hat that is enjoying the party is utterly slaying me. Having it on the outside of Ethan’s coat… oh god…
Definitely also my favorite part. She took the time to make sure the hat was still not only visible, but prominent.
Hovertext chemistry humor. Dig it.
The Walkerton twins don’t hold their liquor very well.
If anyone is curious about Cards Against Humanity, here is it’s entry on BoardGame Geek:
Well something’s going to get inside Dorothy.
If Walky’s still conscious, maybe. He’ll be lucky if he doesn’t wind up propped up in the hall like Sal at this rate.
Twist: It’s Dina.
Yeaaaah not tonight.
I don’t think Dorothy would try to take advantage of her drunk boyfriend.
Or be interested, for that matter.
How about Apples to Orangutans? It’s the Calvinball version of Apples to Apples.
Read the alt text.
At first I was disappointed it wasn’t Settlers of Canaan, but then it made sense. I mean, she was playing that thing that was apparently the secular version of it at that other party, and that ended rather poorly. Avoiding it in favor of Apples to Apples seems like a pretty good idea. Also, Apples to Apples is just better.
And how great is it that Dina’s wearing her hat OVER Ethan’s jacket? I’d say very, but I’d like to hear your opinions.
Settlers is only really good for 4 people. There are expansion sets, but eh. Apples is a good party game.
I don’t think Joyce owns Settlers of Canaan, she probably just played it at church group, or somewhere. She does own AtA, however, and apparently drags it out at every party she attends.
You don’t need alien super powers to get drunk easy
Getting drunk really easy is classed as a superpower now? Surely it’s a weakness.
It saves money, I guess. Mostly though it means you have to choose your drink carefully, because you’re only gonna get the one.
Having the ability to make other people get drunk really easily would qualify, though. Maybe Billie moonlights as Lowered Alcohol Tolerance Lass.
That’s just drunk talk!
Sweet, beautiful drunk talk…
Well, he’s not wrong about her.
Dorothy’s leg in the second-to-last panel.
What’s gotten into Walky?
Maybe Arsenic and Old Lace?
What’s gotten into walky? No the real question is what’s about to get into you.
I think she has more decorum than that.
Translation, she ia going to kill Walky’s joy.
Unless brewer’s droop gets it first.
Omg. Dina’s hat on top of Ethans jacket. That is priceless.
Will Walky end up on the floor before he ends up in Dorothy?
Joyce notices Walky “offering” Dorothy doctored Sprite and/or “forcing” himself on her.
Joyce gets triggered hard and freaks out.
The plausibility-rating is high, and I don’t want it to be.
Yeah, that would be bad. OTOH, Joyce is kind of oblivious, and I question how long Walky will be staying awake.
Being biracial and one-drink induced inebriation, that’s two things Walky and I have in common.
And your current Gravatar, coincidentally.
Yep, that too. I’m half-Chinese so I’m more of a Billie-Walky hybrid, heaven forbid.
If you think Apples to Apples is more “Christian” than Cards Against Humanity, you’re playing it wrong. (Nothing like trying to justify why “Adolph Hitler” is a good match for “Sexy”…)
It’s the mustache. Ladies love that mustache.
I know the last time I played Apples to Apples, we ended up having the combinations of “Delicious Amputation” and “Manly AIDS” get played.
Naturally, they won.
Last time I played, I stuck Bill Clinton with ‘Chewy’. XP
I was gonna say something about this. I prefer AtA to CaH because it can get just as filthy, it just takes more creativity.
Willis says there’s a Christian *edition* of Apples to Apples. May or may not be this, but it’s not hard to imagine that Joyce thinks of the version she grew up playing as the definitive one.
technically, cards against humanity is the raunchy version of apples to apples, because ATA came first. (ATA was published before 1999, and CAH was published in 2011.)
I believe that’s the joke.
I think I played Apples to Apples once. It was certainly…. different.
In my head canon, the Simpsons were killed in a freak accident leaving only Lisa alive. She was adopted, but because of ties to the mob had to change her name, she eventually gave up on being Buddhist and became an atheist (perhaps amnesia) she then went to school at Indiana.
Did…did you just ship Walky and Lisa Simpson?
Yes, yes I did.
Well an 18 year old Lisa Simpson at any rate.
I do not know the meaning of impossible!
Groo does not know the meaning of the word “fear”!
Also the words “prevaricate”, “mendicant”, and “mulch”.
It helps your posts a lot that I read the FOOLS! out loud in front of each one.
I’m glad you do.
So you’re the guy who makes the impossible….possible! But that guy usually blows up inside his mobile suit heroically saving the woman he loves. How sad for you! ;P
Except Galasso was unable to save the woman he loved in the last universe.
But Dorothy is so much more likeable than Lisa Simpson.
Oh Walky, you lightweight!
admittedly, I have around the same tolerance for alcohol as Walky does.
Meh, I was hoping for Setlers of Canaan myself.
Looki at this – we haven’t really seen it because of all the DRAMA so far, but Joyce is a good host.
In the end of the day it wasn’t very hard for Billie to get Walky and Dorothy together.
Gotta love Dorothy in panel 3 just enjoying the heck out of this party.
I know, that is the content smile of a self appointed “friend mom” when everyone is having a good time
She’s probably especially happy about Joyce considering the way the last party went.
Walky’s current “good time” requirement may be a bit problematic, though.
Walky has become smoochy Faz!
Panel 4: Walky is Faz?
Countdown to walky making a real ass off himself?
Just watch: The first green cards are going to be things along the lines of “arousing,” “sexy,” and other things.
Also, kind of surprised Joyce even knows what Cards Against Humanity is.
She’s had internet access. I wouldn’t be surprised if she thought the game was funny but was too embarrassed to play it herself.
I know for a fact that some coddler parents (not even particularly religious ones) have singled out CAH as “something you need to warn your kids to stay away from” material. They wind up inadvertently publicizing the game in the process of giving those warnings, of course.
The company’s probably proud to be up there with the Unholy Trio of sex, drugs, and rock & roll.
Considering I own a copy, I think my kids will likely be the screwed up type that perhaps played it way too early.
I’m also getting the NSFW deck of Exploding Kittens in about a month, so there’s that too…
Ah, it’s harmless enough. Some people just look for things to complain about. I’ve worked in game stores in years gone by and seen it over and over again. The moral outrage over D&D being disguised devil worship, Vampire the Masquerade encouraging homosexuality, Magic the Gathering teaching literal witchcraft, and Pokemon training kids to torture animals – it’s been done to death.
Funny how the uptights never seem to notice stuff like Tentacle Bento, though.
My dad won “natural” with “AIDs” Im not sure how christian this game can truly claim to be
I’ve played Apples to Apples Bible Edition multiple times (my girlfriend’s ex worked in a Christian bookstore). Considering that we took it as a contest to see who can come up with the best, most accurate blasphemy, I think Joyce was smart to pick the normal edition.
(The ex-Catholic school kids always won, in case anyone is wondering.)
They literally trained for YEARS in preparation for this !
I do not understand the alt text. Was the name of the game abbreviated originally, then changed?
The title of this strip is simply “CAH”
So it is! I rarely look at the title, hence my confusion!
Hooray! Walky is a friendly drunk!
Also “There you are Walky.” That dorm cannot be big enough to loose track of someone.
Huh. And here I always called CaH “Adult Apples to Apples.”
Is it just me, or does Walky look like Faz in panel 4!
I wonder if this alcohol-infused Walky will be more open with Dorothy about his scholastic failings?
Wait, something just stroke me.
Why does Dina has a that-bad attack of social anxiety now, when she was OK during the beach episode? Or did I miss something?
Distance, people were not “in her face” at the beach so she wasn’t having to process as many people at one time.
Mmh, maybe, but in the bus? Well, anyway, MST3K Mantra like Tv Tropes would say
My youth group had the family edition. Is that the same or is there one even more restrictive out there? Ours even had a card titled “Pokemon.” While my church was not that conservative (I am even a Pokemon fan), I know of churches that have called Pokemon “pocket demons” and would not like that version of A&A simply for that card.
Well, they ARE pocket monsters, after all.
The part I found the funniest is that Walky was semi-sober in panels 3 and 4, a little drunk in 5 and full on drunk by 6, as shown by the boozles around his head. Explanation of “boozles” can be found here
Best part about CAH is that it is open source. You can make your own custom decks by downloading the templates. We always play Cards Against Librarianship at conferences, which include Dewey Decimals, storytime and such, along with standard CAH play.
Cards Against IT is a thing too. I’m in college in a computer program, so I get tons of the references. It’s pretty nifty.
I actually like the idea of a Christian version of cards against humanity. Anyone can make crude jokes with CAH. It takes true comedic skill to make crude jokes using a completely wholesome set of cards!
Yeah. I lost the taste for CAH after playing a similar game where everyone got a tiny markerboard to write/draw their answer.
In CAH the winner is whoever got the “German dungeon porn” card, but you’ve got to have a really twisted mind to win at a game where anything goes.
now that I think about it, a christian attempt at cards against humanity would probably actually not be as sucky as actual cards against humanity
I remember when apples to apples was all there was!!!
people still tried to be racist with it.
though apples to apples could never have a card as good as “rush limbaugh’s soft shitty body” which is probably the greatest card of all time????
I personally feel that Apples has a lot more lasting power than CAH.
I always felt that for Apples to Apples to be fun you pretty much had to try and be clever about it. CAH games always relied too heavily on shock value for laughs and halfway through the game it would tire out.
Am I the only one who finds it hilaradorable that Joyce is completely chill with Dina standing there with a coat over her head.
Has anyone else been having a problem with Patreon updating? The most recent entry I can see is from May 28.
It’s updating, but it’s not putting updates in the feed. I think you have to come visit me manually. I’ve asked about it, haven’t heard back.
Alt text, I’m sorry, I just don’t understand you sometimes.
The strip title is “CAH” which is a reference to Cards Against Humanity, not…the other things in the alt text.
“I wanna put my face on your face.”
I’m writing that one down to use at a later date.
Talk to the hat.
For my birthday, my girlfriend made me a combined set of Apples to Apples Bible Edition and Cards against humanity. It is glorious. There’s a red card – On your knees
Anyone else getting a slight sense of the great Faz in panel 4? o3o
Damn, that is some strong shit that Billy has.