Ruth’s late-night talk show interview continues over at Woody After Hours!
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Ruth’s late-night talk show interview continues over at Woody After Hours!
Is Dorothy into Joyce?
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Fuck math!
no wait fuck DOTTY
Walky got an F in one and is gonna give an F to the other
Seems more like he’ll be giving her the D.
What the fuck?
Underrated comment
I thought “that shirt (Walky) likes” was gonna say something like:
never know he might be in the mood to try for the A.
Dorothy doesn’t give A’s, she gets A’s.
This is the field where I grow my fucks
As you can see, there is only one
It is quite large
It is for you
Sucks to be the next person. At that point you’ll have no fucks left to give.
Neener neener, next person!
That’s just plain dirty pool Dotty!
Well soon she’ll be chalking up his Pool Cue.
She plans on sinking his balls into her pockets huh?
I first felt that this should be tabled, but the shark has been jumped so carry on …
We will CROSS that FRAME when we hear the REST. ^_^
I guess I can bank on not getting a break here …
I guess he will have to align his balls within her triangle.
I guess we know who’s calling the shots in this relationship.
I’m sure he will stroke her rack first!
I bet he’s good with his trick-shots.
Maybe, but he seems to be prone to miscues …
she sure snookered him, either way
You just know he wants to rest his cue in her scoring rack.
Hey he’s gotta use the rest he can get his hand on …
Hopefully for his sake she doesn’t have a chick-stick.
I dunno, jpic89, some guys are into that.
Also, if she scratches, does that mean Walky gets to put his ball anywhere?
But he got the F in Math, not English (yes this is still a pool joke)
An esoteric joke, but I’m sure a better spin can be put on it. In any case, Dotty’s probably a bit of a shark here.
First rule of journalism: Do whatever you have to to get the story!
Dumbing of Age: making “Journalism” into a euphemism. I’m sure Daisy approves of this development.
I choose to believe “journalism” was always a euphemism in this universe and Daisy just horribly misunderstood, thereby ending up in her current situation of only being able to do literal journalism instead of figurative journalism
GAH! Don’t aim it at MY head!
Not the face, not the face!
Actually, the first rule of journalism is YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT JOURNALISM
The power of wanting to find out stuff is stronger than Dorothy’s militant schedule.
I want a time skip so I can see these two as a married couple.
Nooo Dorothy’s goin’ away to Yale whenever, they can’t get married
If Walky were to buckle down and actually study, he could potentially go to Yale with her.
Who says going to Yale and marrying Walky are mutually exclusive?
Then Walky would be the first husband.
Oh god I want to see this so bad.
It would be Joe Biden meets Dan Quayle, and now I really wish these characters were real people so I could vote for Dorothy.
I mean, without any executive power and zero responsibilities. He’s first husband, not VP; just couldn’t think of any wacky First Ladies. They’re all so… dignified.
What, you never heard about Pat Nixon’s wild sex parties?
I’m sure Dolley Madison had her share of escapades in her day…
If they get married according to Dorothy the future president who is supposed to have time do no man
I recognize all the words, but I have no idea what this means.
Oh thank god I thought it was me.
No, newllend just does that sometimes.
Newllend, I’m guessing you mean that Dorothy’s already said she won’t have time for a boyfriend if she’s gonna become the future President of the USA? That is true, but then she decided she liked Walky enough to date him anyway. THEN she even went as far as telling Walky she loved him, but he’s still too immature to realize the importance of what she said, while still somewhat playing by the “This is just for fun till I upgrade Universities” setup Dorothy put in place when they started…
I think I’m learning about you Humans. Still looking for sentient anthropomorphic personal computers walking around tho…
There’s always the NoWalkyverse.
Walky can not resist Dorothy’s sirenlike wiles.
Especially when she gets her ‘Mac’ on.
I’m literally eating Easy Mac at this very moment, so I can sympathize.
Does that mean she’s gonna steer him into an iceberg or a cliff or something?
Nah, she’ll just lure him into the rocks and dine on his caramel flesh.
This is some healthy-ass relationship communication right here.
She’s got that healthy ass coming right up
“Healthy Ass Communications” sounds like the title of the next slipshine.
“the next Slipshine” is the next “band name” meme
Or the title of Jim Carey’s biography.
They are talking about their feelings instead of doing dumb drama. What comic are we even reading?
WtG Walky, the lightbulb lights.
Dorothy, that’s no exactly nice, but what the Hell.
I love these two so much.
I know this feeling
Sex, always haft to use it to get what to want huh
Unless it’s sex that you want, then you have to use something else.
I refuse to accept that one can’t use sex to get more sex. If memory serves, it’s actually pretty effective.
Keep them satisfied, & they might just come back for another round…
I wish I had things ladies wanted…
Some seem to like humor, so maybe you can get some hope from that?
Alternatively, maybe you could donate some blood or a kidney?
Or maybe grow your hair out and then donate it to Locks of Love.
What a hair razing suggestion!
Finding someone wait on you hand and foot tends to cost you an arm and a leg.
Well at least that still leaves you (a) hip ….
So does Alchemy.
Only if you try to resurrect someone with alchemy.
Nothing a little sex can’t cure!
As Amber once said, some secrets are only unlocked via orgasm…
These two are amazing.
Dotty needs to stop with the badgering of Walky, let him open up in his own time
Why wait when she can just open up first hurrr hurr.
She’s not really badgering him. She’s saying, outright, that she’s not going to push the issue but she’s right there and willing to talk whenever he feels like it. It’s a remarkably smart way to go about these things, especially with Walky.
She is also planning to have sex in an attempt to get Walky to open up. It’s almost like she has a pathological need to ferret out anything she doesn’t know. Granted, she also wants to help, but her methods are still questionable.
or maybe she just likes sex…
… if you think that counts as a honey badgering her guy then you’ve either been incredibly lucky or something has happened to make you just a bit oversensitive … maybe we’re siblings?
Dude, i’s Walky, he’s never going to open up on his own. He’ll ignore the problem until it goes away or he flunks out.
It’s the macaroni shirt, isn’t it?
That’s what it says in the alt text.
Bad Dorothy! Using sex as leverage to make your boyf tell you something he doesn’t want to.
But I don’t really see why Walky is closing down so hard about this in the first place.
(a) She’s being an idiot. (b) He’s being even more of an idiot.
So why do I ship them so hard?
Because they’re a Ship of Fools?
She’s trying to get to emotional intimacy by way of physical intimacy. Ain’t like that’s inherently worse than the reverse.
It’s not nearly as wrong as you make it sound. She’s just trying to cheer him up because she can tell that something’s wrong.
Also she wants to ride his caramel ass, but that’s a perfectly valid thing to do too.
idk i think that sad sex isn’t the greatest thing to do idk….
It’s not “sad sex” or anything like that. She just wants to cheer her boyfriend up because he’s sad. That’s, like, the most girlfriend thing in the universe.
That seems like a sufferer way of saying what I said. Plus I was defending it, not trying to make it sound wrong.
not “sufferer”
(just for posterity)
Yeah, but they’re both still, you know, bad.
What? No they ain’t. That was my point… Human emos are like this big sloppy stew and there’s just no separating things sometimes. And I can’t see anything wrong with that.
this kind of made me sad
Am I the only one who saw the “Yaranaika?” meme on the 4th panel?
Well I was clearly way off yesterday.
Eh, to be honest, I’m kind of torn. On one hand I appreciate a character in a webcomic not acting like an overdramatic lunatic and instead be able to approach her relationships with a good level of dignity and maturity, but I do find myself bored by Dorothy most of the time.
Like, no matter what happens, she always picks the right choice, and whenever I have any problem with her behaviour the comic bends over backwards to make sure she’s right. Reluctant to hurt Danny by breaking up with him? Good thing he insulted her ambition right to her face. Get dismissive about Roz’s sex tape? Well all she needed to do was hear why Roz felt the way she did and she’s instantly apologetic. Threaten to dump Walky because he wore pajama jeans one time? It’s a good thing Joyce showed up and screamed in his face until he agreed to date her again. She finally learns Amazi-Girl’s secret identity? Eh, no problem. She won’t even consider leaking it for even a second. Try to steal her ex’s shoes? Let’s have Danny act like a possessive, manipulative, vaguely misogynistic shithead because otherwise we might have two people with valid points or something!
(Seriously, fuck the Shoes arc. It was just the worst.)
I guess it’s just a natural consequence of having other characters going through really dramatic shit, but comics about Dorothy strike me as just kind of bland. I certainly don’t hate her or even dislike her, and Willis deserves high praise for the powerful feminist inclinations embedded in Dorothy’s character, but I’m particularly crazy about her either.
counterpoint: the shoes arc was extremely good
I think the fact that the shoes arc even happened is proof that Dorothy isn’t perfect and infallible. Also that she’s bad at wacky hijinks.
Also, she did consider outing Amber. She just decided against it. I know there are people around here who would argue that that was the wrong decision.
It’s not necessarily that I think Dorothy is perfect, it’s just that even when she’s wrong, the comic makes sure she’s right. There’s no acknowledgement that she’s acting inappropriately, and inevitably, someone always acts way worse so she comes off as better.
The Shoes arc is kind of the biggest indicator of this. It starts with Dorothy trying to rob her ex, but the comic focuses more on Danny’s flaws and mistakes, progressively acting worse and worse, and ends up turning him into the antagonist that Dorothy has to overcome, and at no point does anyone even acknowledge that she was trying to rob him, or broke her promise to him again just for her own convenience. The only one who even calls her out is herself, and that’s only because “it’s not fair” to ask him for shoes and a story, rather than the other awful shit she did.
You were right about her considering to out Amazi-Girl, though. There were a few pages and it’s not like Willis could have her think about it during the big dramatic fight between Amber and Sal without spoiling the outcome.
Dorothy makes bad choices about as often as the rest of the cast, but she is really good at recognizing when she has done something wrong and chose a smart way to make amends. And she learns from her mistakes.
With Danny she hoped he would get the hint instead of being clear when she wanted to end their relationship, with Walky she is being as clear with her feelings as she can and encourages him to do the same.
Her first act of journalism was to slutshame Joe (which would have been a pretty big deal if he didn’t honestly like it). Then she dismissed Roz as an attention seeker but changed her mind when she got her side of the story. When she started to chase Amazie-girl she pushed her without second thoughts, but when she realized who was behind the mask she backed down and talked to Amber.
Here it seems to me that she is pushing just a tad too much, but she is much more respectful for Walky’s boundaries than last time. Next time will be even better.
I really like Dorothy.
But she’s NOT being entirely respectful of his boundaries. He’s repeatedly shown and outright said over the last few strips that he doesn’t want to talk about it. I realize she wants to be supportive and help Walky feel better on top of wanting to know what’s up, because that’s the kind of compassionate person she is. Even though getting Walky to open up to her isn’t her only motive, it’s still one of the motives she has for giving this issue so much attention.
“And if in the afterglow you JUST SO HAPPEN to open up your heart to me…”
Even if it’s not malicious, it’s still manipulative in a way that shows blatant disregard for Walky’s desires. It doesn’t sit right with me, at all. She has a very subtle way of doing this– and has done it multiple times throughout the comic especially where Walky is involved– that disguises how manipulative her actions are in a specific situation because each situation is presented (to the audience and to the other person) as a “win-win.” In this case, if she can get Walky to open up, she feels that what she has is closer to her ideal relationship and might be able to help Walky, and Walky (from Dorothy’s perspective) will feel a ton better by talking about it and getting her help.
Despite being one of the most self-centered characters in the comic, I’d also like to say she’s one of my top two favorites, for several of the things you just said.
Yeah, but she kind of needs to do that with Walky or they wouldn’t get anywhere. He holds way too much inside.
Boundaries aren’t static. Dorothy is respecting the “don’t ask me about X” boundary in a direct manner, but still wants to help Walky deal with the thing that’s hurting him enough to warrant the boundary in the first place. So she offers to relieve his stress (first via cuddling and cartoons, then by cunny and harpoon) to see if he’ll be willing to open the boundary to her later.
I’d agree that it is manipulative in a way! But manipulation can be used for positive purposes, such as in therapy or inspirational speeches or getting the Karate Kid to do your chores while secretly teaching him to block incoming punches.
The deciding factor in whether Dorothy is being a bad person is the specific case of “maybe Walky still won’t open up after sex.” If she reacts badly to that happening, then yeah, she’s being terrible. If she’s still willing to back off from the boundary at that point, then everything is cool.
I agree. Dorothy is not handling the situation with Walky perfectly, but she is handling it better than last time. and she will probably handle it even better next time.
One of her big character flaws is that she has a tendency to build a script for how a situation is supposed to go and take it upon herself to make sure it happens (much like Joyce).
Like with Joe and Roz. She was supposed to be the upstanding reporter who talked some sense in two dumb teenagers. But when she talked to Roz (and to some extent understood Joes perspective) she realized that her script was wrong and changed it to “the socially aware reporter who helped one woman’s fight for sexual freedom” and it worked much better. With Amazie-girl she is pretty much in Lois Lane mode, even if she perhaps should be more concerned about her health and safety
With Walky she follows her “concerned girlfriend who helps him talk about feelings”-script, and takes it a bit too personally when he doesn’t play along. On the other hand Walky not following her expectations seem to be a bit of a turn-on for her, just as Walky seems to enjoy being lightly hen-pecked sometimes, so it seems to me they are trying to find a balance.
That’s a good way to look at it. I’m so used to characters going through development because of sweeping, dramatic changes, so Dorothy’s gradual maturing has probably slipped by me. I notice that she’s become nicer and less uptight since the earlier comics as well.
Its good to remember that Dorothy started about as insecure and immature as the rest of them, but since her maturing is smoother than the rest it is easy to miss.
Dorothy…where are your freckles?
But we cant see her shoulders.
I think that’s the problem
’bout time you snapped out of it.
Okay, Dorothy, now try that same method to get Joyce to open up to you.
I read that in my mind as “premature le shanky panky” and that is as beguilingly lyrical as it is baffling.
(You meant premarital, right?)
No, no, “pre-maternal les-hanky-panky”. That comes before a secret lesbian baby.
I’ll get the water gun!
It means that Harley shanked someone before she was supposed to.
(“shank” = “stab fatally”)
kick Sierra out of her room?
And wear the shirt Joyce likes.
“For fudge sake, are all by best friends trying to make me a lesbian now?”
Probably NSFW
Oh, that’s why you were asking about the freckles.
I think this strip is probably the best reference this side of the paywall. (Also probably less SFW than yours.)
Awesome! Look, Walky, who can be depressed now?
Wait, why is Walky so off again? Is it just because his sister yelled at him?
It’s because he bombed the math test. It’s likely the first test he ever failed.
He failed a math quiz, which he previously believed to be unpossible.
Oooooooooooooohhhh. I looked back a little bit to when he was teasing Joyce and his sister got all up in his grill about it. I figured that’d be a small thing to get so out of it about.
BTW: I made a fan-cast of Dumbing of Age where if Dumbing of Age was comprised of Harry Potter characters. If you like that sort of thing.
That is remarkably apt.
You just made Ruth’s and Billie’s relationship so much more awesome.
That’s mostly spot-on, but I can’t imagine why you would make Walky some weird amalgamation of Lee Jordan and Fred Weasley, instead of just making him Ron. Ron maps to walky pretty much perfectly; They’re both unmotivated, they’re both immature, and they both somehow end up with Hermione despite her being way out of their league.
Yeah I guess I have a Ron negative-bias. If you asked Joyce, she would tell you about Walky’s mean streak, so I guess it works. And Ron IS good at wizard’s chess so he does have some smarts.
In the twin’s defense, I do think they are more likely to laugh at poop jokes. Ron seems more bro-y and normy than that. But yeah. Ron should win. I concede.
Ron was probably the member of the trio who’d be deemed “naturally intelligent” independent of any studying. He grew up in the wizarding world, surrounded by magic every day, so he just sort of knew things that would be hard-earned discoveries for others.
Admittedly this falls apart a bit when you contextualize him within the larger wizarding world, rather than just in relation to the core trio.
Then again, it kind of falls apart for Walky too when you contextualize him within the larger world, and not just in relation to highschool. So maybe not all that strained after all
Ron is not smart enough to be Walky. Nor is he likeable enough.
Ron is far more likable than Walky. But you’re right about the smart thing.
Meh. I don’t even like Harry that much. Hermione is the only one of the power trio I really like that much. I find most of the other characters in HP average less likeable than characters in DOA
I don’t really like Harry or Ron much either (which just tells you how irritating I tend to find Walky) but Hermione was awesome. The series might as well have been called Harry Potter and Hermione Does Almost Everything.
Oh my glob you’re brilliant.
That’s just great! But who would be Voldemort? Galasso maybe?
Or toy shops. Toy shops work too.
Grade-A Walky. I’ve missed having some classic Walky
Legs first maybe heart later
I feel like this is exactly what I would do if I were offered sex at any time.
Except without the yelling.
Well we know ONE solution to Walky’s depression now.
It’s no secret that offering sex is rather effective cure to depression, next to chocolate.
Well, apparently both do release large amounts of endorphins (your brain’s happy drug) in you Humans, so add some body chocolate to the mix…
What kinda college has a Chick-Fil-A? I just remember a whole lot of the same horribleness as high school, but for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Mine has a chick -fil-a among other places I never even heard of. Hell we even have a Starbucks, and about a few others places to eat on campus that I haven’t even seen yet.and I’ve been there for 4 years now.
WOMEN, a creature that has been using sex to manipulate men since the beginning of time.
MEN, a creature that has allowed itself to be so blinded by sex that they have always been easy prey since the beginning of time.
Thank you
Cybertronians, have no real need for gender, yet still have it, apparently it is used at times tho…
OMG, things were bad. Walky almost… ALMOST – turned down sex! What was he doing, contemplating oblivion, or something??
Thank Gods for Dorothy. I know what some people here are saying, but there’s a difference between unwanted attention, and unasked-for attention. Dorothy sensed something was wrong, and applied just enough pressure to penetrate Walky’s despair-bubble. She has good instincts about people – it will serve her well, in higher office.
Screw sex. Give me a couple cinnamon rolls and I’ll do or tell you almost anything you want.
We’d get along so well.
And this is why, despite my joy over the other relationships in DoA, Walky and Dorothy remain my favorite couple. Walky, never change.
About the Woody after hours… Walky is going to be eaten by wild dogs, isn’t he?
It would be fun to see a showdown between Ruth and Joe at some point.
Openly manipulative Dorothy is adorable.
If she opens her legs he’ll open his heart? sounds legit
Well that’s how many female spys were able to extract all sorts of information from guys for 1000s of years.
Well, yeah. 150,000 years ago Neandertal men, in the afterglow of sex with a comply Neandertal maiden, probably gave up their best mammoth-hunting spots.
Good for Dorothy. Most healthy couples need to exchange some good-natured teasing about sensitive subjects, just so they don’t take themselves or each other too seriously. If she were really being squicky-manipulative, she wouldn’t lay out her whole nefarious plan for Walky (and any passersby) to hear.
Dorothy is being reeaaally manipulative here, and I don’t know how I feel about it. Except that I know it’s unhealthy relationship-wise.
I really don’t see how Dorothy’s being manipulative, like at all. Her boyfriend is clearly upset and doesn’t want to say why, so instead of confronting him about it, she’s fielding ways to cheer him up, and maybe he’ll tell her when he’s in a better mood.
what i don’t get is how walky didn’t see the grade coming?? like if it was that low, wouldn’t you kinda see it as you’re taking the test? ya know, not knowing anything on it and all
They are gonna Have Sex… and then Do Calculus.
learn that chain-rule
I love her sexy face in the fourth panel.