Hey everyone! Comfycon is back! Comfycon is the online-only convention where all the famous webcartoonists stay home and present panels via Google Hangouts and whatnot. The whole thing’s orchestrated by Randy Milholland and Danielle Corsetto and the schedule thus-far can be found here.
I am on four panels as of right now, so far as I know! Today, Saturday, I’m on panels at 3, 6, and 9pm Eastern. At three we have the perennial “Panel Roulette” where Joel Watson, Angela Melick, and I take questions and then take suggestions as we draw simultaneously on a webchat artboard thinger. At six is “I Was A Teenage Christian Cartoonist” with Joel again and also Randy Milholland. We will swap stories about being fundies. APPROPRIATELY ENOUGH, I will follow the Christian panel by swinging by the Slipshine panel at nine. Here I will probably drop which two lucky characters my next Slipshine comic is about, because it will be hard to talk otherwise about my current work. It’s just a practicality thing! Consider it a scoop. (That next Slipshine comic from me is due early December, btw!)
I have one panel on Sunday, the “He’s Got the Whole World… on His Show” at 1pm Eastern with Randy again and Wednesday Burns-White. We will talk about Christian cartoons like Psalty and Superbook and whatnot. Why? Because we friggin’ can.
Meanwhile, Dumbing of Age Book 3 (and Shortpacked! 5) have kind of stealthily shown up in the online store this past week. Might as well mention that now. I’m still cranking out Kickstarter fulfillment, so the Dumbing of Age Three Book Combo isn’t quite available yet, but hopefully soon it will be. I just gotta get more of the Kickstarter stuffs out the door first! S’only fair.
Keep an eye on me on Twitter today for panel video links.
Thanks, depression. You’re why we can’t have nice things. =(
I’m Ready…depression.
I’m ready…depression.
Exactly! This is what a lot of depressed people go through. For more of what depressed people go through http://www.depressioncomix.com/
I never understood depression cuz I always feel depressed but not DEPRESSED, if you catch my drift.
Yotomoe, enjoy that feeling.
Take it from someone who fought depression for a very long time (hell, still fight it when life really turns to shit), it’s terrible. Grade fuckin A terrible.
that’s the problem with depression :-/
That’s the bongo of it aye? Can’t ever really say what’s wrong. You say, “I’m depressed” to someone, and it doesn’t sound that bad to them. Honestly it should be more like, “I’ve fallen into the abyss, there are scary things around me that I can’t see, and I have no idea which way is up. For the love of God Help ME”
Even explaining all the horrible crap in my head seems like an insurmountable obstacle when I’m at my lowest. Like…where would I even start? It’s like trying to explain calculus to someone who doesn’t know algebra – their experiences are so far removed and I have to explain so many steps along the way that it seems impossible.
Or as it happens in real life:
“How are you?”
“Fine. I’m fine.”
Oh bother…I think I accidentally created yet another account. Sorry Willis.
Them: “You always look so sad, why won’t you talk to me about it?”
My Brain: “Every day when I wake up I can feel a loaded gun pressed to my head, and part of me wishes that gun wasn’t just imaginary. Everything I do either brings me no joy or makes me more miserable. You know the color black? It’d have to be an infinite darker for you to understand how I see this world. Part of me knows people care about me. The majority of me believes that they only act that way so I won’t find the nearest bridge and jump off it headfirst, that way they can’t blame themselves for pushing me to do it. I love everyone in my life so much, yet I can’t understand how they could possibly feel love to such a filthy ugly worthless disgusting mess of a creature that is me. And I also know that if I told you all of this you’d have me committed, or you would run away screaming, and personally I wouldn’t blame you, I’d blame myself for burdening you with thoughts of what it’s like to be inside my head. So…”
My Mouth: “I’m just having a rough time of things, I’m fine, I promise.”
I know how that feels shaggy. Don’t think you’re the only one who’s dealt with those issues, most people have either been depressed and/or considered suicide at one point in their lives.
As someone who’s faced depression and largely gotten over it, I can attest to the fact that it helps to try and find balance, like eating right, exercising, keeping a regular sleep schedule and going outside when it’s sunny. All of these things help to naturally increase your serotonin levels and produce endorphins, so while they won’t solve your depression, they’ll make things better at least. That’s just my experience though, hang in there man
The worst part is, even if you’ve mostly overcome it, it’s never over. It always find a way to come back and fuck with you at the worst times. I ended up joking with my pharmacist about my effexor saying that the directions should say “take two every morning until you no longer hate yourself… so forever”
Fucking depression, messing with my brain chemistry.
I’ve found that making daily goals for yourself and completing them helps. Even simple goals like “brush teeth twice a day,” “run one mile,” “clean room,” stuff like that. Just getting things accomplished and keeping track of all the stuff you have accomplished even if they’re small things help.
And most importantly of all, do NOT beat yourself up if you don’t finish the list for that day. This is the part I am having a lot of trouble with but just keep reminding yourself of what you did get done and that NOBODY is perfect, and EVERYBODY fucks up sometimes, and that not getting everything you meant to do done does NOT make you worthless.
Also, *hugs*
That’s me most days…..
As I found myself one day, sitting in front of my school having ditched classes.
“Are you OK?”
“I’m fine.”
I just don’t want to burden others with my troubles.
AustKyzor that’s exactly it. It is a never-ending war, with many skirmishes. You never win, but you can never let yourself lose either.
Exactly, you never get well, you just have a string of passably good days between bad days. As you get “better” you have more good days and fewer soul-crushing days, but you never really escape the soul-crushing days.
I suffer from really bad anxiety, and it resulted in a massive existential crisis (I’ve been an atheist since second grade and I’ve always had a ridiculously huge fear of death) and so I was seriously depressed for three days in a row (the power of medication saved me).
Also, suffering from gender dysphoria certainly put me in significantly depressed state every so often. I definitely don’t have continuous depression, but I know what it’s like. It’s really not fun. You feel like shit and there isn’t much you can do about it.
So wait. Thats depression? Then maybe I am depressed. I aways assumed it was me exagerating about stuff
Well… was mostly, i still relapse every other day, but I found someways to feel better(but there was a time that it was 24/7)
Depression does not prevent you from having nice things.
Depression prevents you from enjoying them.
It’s like depression is mocking you.
“I should get something nice for myself… ah, but I’d just ruin it… what’s the point…”
Yeah. Depression really sucks. =(
until the day my bullet finds me i do stuff like read this
Man, Willis completely, completely nailed the Depression Internal Monologue Two-Step.
omg this is so me, every fucking day almost.
Yeah! Back to Ruth!
Also Danny, who for some reason is wearing glasses and a fake goatee back there.
Pfft, that’s CLEARLY Miami Vice era Don Johnson
So, still all the same happiness.
Incidentally, what is Ruth majoring in?
She majors in femurs, with a minor in communications.
Removing femurs is a kind of communication.
Communication? I thought it might be Psych…
The idea of Ruth as a psychiatrist is kinda terrifying.
“I suggest two liters of vodka a day. Tell me how that works out.”
This is somewhat of a downer…
I remember last time a Ruth had someone she thought was worth living for. Trucks happened.
Trucks need to happen again, only to Mary. Then Ruth’s only problem would be the one in her head.
I’m sure Amazi-Girl knows where to find a truck.
The only trucks we need are those Amazi-Girl can land on top of.
So Hotwheels are out of the question right?….
Pelting Mary with Hotwheels could be considered fun though…
Sounds therapeutic to me.
Hot Hotwheels. As in, 900 degrees hot. Molten hotwheels. Flung by air-cannon. That, I would be happy with.
My big brother has a little scar in the middle of his forehead because I threw a Matchbox car at him like 35 years ago.
Mary and the inspiration for my gravatar* are both crossing the road. A truck falls out of the sky and crushes them both. The end.
*Not the Joker, the other one.
Let’s add Ryan.
Ryan’s driving the truck. It explodes on impact.
And Faz is tied up in the bed. For him, it’s the happiest death imaginable.
Faz ain’t so bad. The other three, I shed no tears for a fiery death by truck.
Yeah, Faz doesn’t deserve death, just hospitalization in some sort of psychiatric facility.
I kind of have this strange semi-headcanon that being devoured by lions is Faz’s wyrd, the fate that even knowing that it’s going to happen can never let him avoid, that must happen in all possible universes.
This may be partially due to the influence of the Machine of Death story TORN APART AND DEVOURED BY LIONS. I kind of like to think that every Faz in every universe would get that slip.
Dunno if I’d call it a happy ending…
But I’D cheer.
Your grav makes this comment even better.
In point of fact, it wasn’t someone worth living for.
It was someone worth dying for.
Was he though…WAS HE REALLY? (the answer is actually yes.)
If you think about it, Ruth helps Billie find a great love in two universes… Here by being it, and there by dying so that the person who will fill that role can live.
So glad she doesn’t have to die this time!
Knock on wood…
Word of God on this one is that nobody will die in DoA, which is bad because Blaine will still be alive…
And mary, too
Yeah, learning you have something greater to live for sucks. Turns your whole damn world on its head, don’t it?
Yeah. Living just ’cause you’re too stubborn to die is fine, but when there’s a reason to live, it just gets way too complicated.
The problem with dying is that the universe wins…
I identify with Ruth so hard right now.
like too much.
where’s Joyce I need Joyce
But Joyce is frustrating for DIFFERENT reasons!
We need 15 CCs of Joyce, stat!
Cherry head or not, she is working on getting her self out of the blackthoughts mindset she was in. I think maybe she is on the right track to the better life?
I hope. For both her and Billie.
It took me a minute to figure out that that was a typo of “cheery”, not some term for redheads I hadn’t heard before.
It even fits with her particular shade of red.
My happiness is slowly creeping back…
And then stabbing me in the face for being so stupid as to think I can have nice things.
“Why is my happiness such an asshole?!”
-Ruth’s Brain.
Face #3 … almost a smile!
Well no wonder she’s depressed. |:/
That maple leaf jacket would drink the hope from ANYBODY.
Could be worse. Could be a Cleveland Browns jacket instead.
Imagine Billie wearing that sexy neglige, Ruth.
It looks like this. NSFW.
or this. NSFW
Your mileage may vary.
Thank you, based Yotomoe.
All hail.
Wow, it’s scary how much I can relate to the inside of Ruth’s head.
I may find that last panel a bit too familiar.
Well you see her first problem is she’s a Leafs fan. Think Cubbies with ice skates.
Hey, I’ve seen Back to the Future Part 2! Cubbies going all the way next year!
Oi! Spoile- oh wait that movie’s been out for a while.
Carry on.
I’m thinking of literal ice-skating bear cubs.
Now that might get me to watch organized sports!
They’d probably be better at hockey than the Leafs.
Oh my God.
Truly, the Apocalypse is upon us. oO
No. Observe carefully. Those are simply refurbished speaking balloons.
yeah, but they’re fancy minimalist thought balloons, not those bourgeois cloud things, ugh.
Yes, and see what color they are? Willis is showing how bleak and beige Ruth’s life has become via her though bubbles. An excellent visual metaphor for mild depression.
I’ve noticed the previous lack of thought balloons. Was wondering if Willis has anything against them, but I guess not, then?
I recall he’s said before that that main reason his characters tend to monologue their thoughts rather than thinking them is because thought balloons are a pain in the ass to draw.
Probably as close as we’ll get to DoA soliloquies.
Dammit. I want to complain about the untimely segue away from our favourite threesome, but this is good characterization (regardless of the fact it is internal conversation and essentially thought balloons).
Our favorite threesome? You mean Becky, Walky and Joyce, right?
For some reason you spelled Dorothy’s name “Becky”.
No, add her and you get our favorite foursome
And she’s not with them right now, she’s studying
Or crying and hitting her wall. Depends on just how hard she’s taking this Walky nonsense.
Danny, Amber and Amazi-Girl?
I think we’re just moving around short scenes in classes right now cuz its been a while since we’ve actually seen them in class
Life always seems simpler when there is nothing left to lose.
Tis because that’s freedom.
This strip reminds me how little like Ruth I actually am. I’m a Sens fan and therefore hate the Leafs.
I think, yes, that this is the first time we’ve ever gotten a strip that (the teacher’s inconsequential dialogue in the first panel aside) was pretty much 100% Ruth? More please!
Also, I wish to give Ruth a hug right now…
Also, her internal monologue here, while vaguely depressing, is simultaneously hopeful. She’s acknowledging that she has something worth living for. Yet, at the same time, she is also expressing concern over Billie, and doesn’t wish to hurt her…
I’m still sure they will have many bumps on the road ahead of them, but I read this to mean that on some level, she will want to improve herself so that she won’t be the sort of person who will cause hurt to Billie. (And hopefully, this will be a mutual sentiment… I think after seeing what lying about not drinking caused, Billie will be more conscious of such things in the future.)
By bumps you mean mountains made of broken shards of glass right?
I think the mountain made of broken shards of glass was when Billie lied about quitting drinking. One hopes the bumps will gradually get progressively less horrific from there. (So perhaps the next one will be a mountain of course, pointy stones? That’s slightly better then glass, yes?)
I agree totally. Ruth’s internal monologue seems to be her growing up, as it seems. I really hope this leads to the two of them stopping their B.S. Of course, this is DoA. That will not happen for a few years, at least. Until then, man the tear-boats
There’ve been a couple others recently that… well, Billie was technically present, but unconscious.
I think the first strip that was all Ruth all the time was clear back here, though.
I got my Kickstarter books in the mail! (Vol 3 DoA and Vol 5 Shortpacked!)
I think it’s a sign that I’m on the internet too much because I started to float my hand above the pages of the book so that I could read the hovertext. /headdesk.
Also, typo: you put -Daniel- Corsetto in the announcement instead of -Danielle- Corsetto?
Ruth’s giving herself emotional whiplash. Maybe it’s starting to break her out of her depression. I can soo empathize.
The hardest thing in the world is learning to enjoy having something to lose.
It’s the risk
Heavy. But the prize!
An entire strip of Ruth faces is the best strip.
Ruth Ruth Ruth!
Ruth, I didn’t get it before, but the main reason you were such a jerk to Billie before was that you were trying to resist inviting her into your life, right? You thought, much as you do now, that she would let you down, or that you would poison her, or that she would force you to face that horrible spectre: chance of happiness.
… Ruuuuuuuuuth. Counseling center. PLEASE.
All of them, really.
Dina has things pretty together. Otherwise….pretty much, yeah
The Great and Powerful Faz is perfect in every imaginable way, how could you think he needs help with anything?
Billie’s hug senses should be tingling right about now.
Billie did say that she doesn’t want to leaver her alone, ever. Alas, classes…
Hmm, sounds like the voices in my head most of the time. :p
We need to get out of this state, don’t we?
Livin’ in your own private Idaho, huh?
Ruth would be a lot happier if she wasn’t a Leafs fan. The Leafs are responsible for much of the instability of my friends in Toronto.
That said, I’m glad Billie’s made it thru Ruth’s shell.
Ruth is kinda like Hobbes and how I would imagine teenage Calvin rolled into one. Does anybody else get that? Maybe it’s just her face
Consider that Hobbes is an imaginary friend, and therefore part of Calvin’s head, already. You’re essentially saying Ruth is Calvin.
yeah but sorta orangey
Hobbes had tangible effects on the world. Watterson explicitly left the question open as to whether Hobbes was real.
Well this is oddly similar to my brain thoughts.
Ruth honey? Don’t do what I do.
Finish the degree for billlie? Even if you have to word it weirdly like that it will help things
Is it too early to look forward to this guy….
….ending up like Blaine? Pretty sure he’s the one that put all these thoughts in this kid’s head.
That is a big question mark that has yet to be addressed in any way, shape, or form.
I think that Ruth has plenty of other reasons to be in crisis. I don’t think that whoever was abusing her on the telephone call *helped,* but I don’t think that he can be solely blamed for her falling apart.
The number of people commenting to say how much they identify with Ruth’s thoughts here is distressing.
(ps i’m one of them)
*raises hand* Same here. The only real differences are our genders and her substance abuse. Though I’ve been tempted to get blackout drunk. A lot.
Please don’t … those of us who can identify with Ruth do NOT need our problems enhanced … I can assure you that alcohol is a depressant. Overuse helped me go from depressive to depressed. A terrifying blackout (wondering why I’d woken up crusted with vomit and eventually what I’d done before getting there) was enough to smarten even me up …
If you need help you don’t need to damage yourself first – please – just get it …
Tempted only. I can’t sustain any interest in intoxicants for any period of time. It takes too much of them to affect me (my metabolism is running flat out, and somehow I burn through them quickly), and I don’t like the sense that I ‘lack control’. The only thing I feel any power over is my own brain. If something is jamming the signals there, then I’ve lost even that.
Makes me sad that you are even tempted (and abuse of intoxicants can damage you even if you don’t feel affected in the short term — I say abuse because it sounds like you feel like a blackout might be desirable).
If you are open to advice from this random weirdo on the web you might find this helpful:
I also found personally that (after years of therapy and medication) volunteering helped me feel worthwhile — a useful way to get started if you are in the US is:
Take care …
Thanks for the links, Tyresome. Most of my problems are directly related to depression. There are illogical and irrational thoughts that enter into my mind. Substance abuse isn’t really a part of it. I’m getting help for it, but like many people with mental illnesses, I have trouble sticking to it.
Some of the people I live with get high regularly and become abusive towards me. Sometimes I wish I could be like them and just get high and shut up the liar in my own skull. But I have responsiblities. I don’t get high. I don’t drink with any regularity.
You’re being helpful and showing empathy and concern. This is appreciated. It’s the most sincere thanks I can offer. Please continue to be good to others. Bright spots in the world are hard enough to find.
Keep the faith.
Hi Darwin – I’m really glad that you are taking steps to take care of yourself and get some help.
Taking the time and making the effort to get better will pay off — I recall feeling frustrated that I wasn’t making any progress for quite a long time even after adding an anti-depresant to my therapy — and then I started to get all weepy over silly stuff that had nothing to do with me — I thought it was yet another damned side-effect, but fortunately I was helped to see that being aware of having emotions other than anger and despair was actually a sign of progress, even though initially they were mostly ‘negative’ …
I don’t know what kind of abuse you are suffering, but I hope you will find a way to put a stop to it … you deserve better and us depressives really don’t need external abuse to add to the self-abuse going on within … I think people who behave like that are usually pretty messed up themselves (at the very least unhappy and insecure), but that shouldn’t become your problem!
I’m glad if I’ve been of some help … I can’t help but feeling that if I’m a bright spot then the world is in even worse shape than I thought, but that’s just my ‘demons’ talking — I guess its time to dig up my CBT worksheet
Be well!
::raises hand also::
Please get counseling, Ruth and Ruth-like people.
The human mind is dangerous, don’t go in there alone.
I can’t even imagine what a Psychonauts multiplayer would be like.
You know I understand that you can’t see things about yourself all the time and she’s making positive changes, bell I know Ruth is a frolicking sweet caring woman who want to make sure her girls are taken care of and are safe we seen that in a lot of her actions. But it’s times like this that make me want to take her hand tell her it’s ok to be weak and tell her options and get her help.
…. I want to point out I’m posting from a “smart” *cough* yeah right *cough* device and it auto-corrected hell and fricking ( I did not say frolicking but it is funny)
BOY i hope she doesn’t die this time.
she’s so realistic.
Willis, reminding us that it’s still possible to hit Funky Winkerbean levels of doom and gloom. We needed that reminder after the joy of the Becky strips.
Uh, will this be on the test?
The realism of this strip is why Ruth is my favourite character.
Then who was your favorite character before today?
Also Ruth, for similar reasons.
Ruth needs a dose of They Might Be Giant for that Hopeless Bleak Dispare. Actually the whole of the Mink Car album. Drink! Mink Car. Yeh Yeh. And IMO the best for the current state of mind… Another First Kiss.
someone watcher her would probably think she’s having some kind of aneurism.
D… Did Ruth just admit she was depressed?
Or on the verge of depression. For all we known, though, she may well have been aware of it all along. This is the first time we get to see what she’s thinking.
though this felt less… emotionally drastic, you know? like slightly more just neuroticism than actual depression? to me, at least.
She knows she’s depressed. That’s not the issue. She just doesn’t believe she’s worth caring about, including her own depression.
Oh, Ruth. Just don’t do anything drastic. Like get killed by a truck for a stupid pretentious loser prude who thinks he’s better than most people.
Willis has (for whatever that’s worth) assured us that no one will die in the DoA-verse. Of course, that still leaves maimed, paralyzed, in a coma, or suffering from a mental breakdown still in play.
Let’s be real here. Who among us has NOT had this same conversation with ourselves at one time or another?
I know there are some, but I’m willing to be they don’t leave comments on this strip.
Not particularly about someone you’re dating, but yeah.
I’ve had crippling depression, but it usually manifests itself as “Life is meaningless and I will never be happy again”, not as “I am worthless and don’t deserve happiness”. And I have never, not even for a second, had suicidal thoughts, which I am immensely happy for in hindsight. (Also happy for the ability to be happy.)
I feel you, sis.
Out of my head Dave, out of my head.
Fighting depression most of my life (and one suicide attempt) this hits close to home.
FFS Willis, this happens every day. I’d email you, except you have no email address.
At least Ruth’s still in college and getting a degree. I dropped out because the culmination of anxiety and depression was overwhelming. I didn’t think I’d need a degree because I thought I’d take my own life. I’m in a slightly better place now, but I can’t help but lament my decision.
Slightly related, I really hope Ruth gets help. It’s good she has something to live for, but what if Billie and her fight or break up? They’re not the most stable of couples, tbh.
Stop pulling dialogue from my head. ._.;
Ruth, shouldn’t you at least be the one that would be aware of a counseling center
Being AWARE and actually going are different. I had an RA have to walk me to a counseling appointment once, because he knew I wouldn’t go on my own accord. He woke me up at 7, took me for coffee, and then waited with me until he saw me go back with the doctor. When you’re depressed, it’s almost impossible to seek help. It takes a lot to finally get that help.
Maybe this is why I like Ruth (apart from being a redhead, and Canadian). She thinks the same way I do.
I was thinking the same, except for the red-headed bit.
This is so real for me though. Because it IS easier when you’ve decided to stop going. It’s hard to keep going, to push through daily struggles. Sometimes you wonder if the rewards are even worth it, but it’s always great when you realize, yeah they do. But then it also sucks because you realize that if you decide you’re done, you’ve ruined those people forever.
Thank you Ruth, for describing me pretty well.
This is exactly what happened to me with my first girlfriend. She was even American and I Canadian. This entire Ruth/Billie rollercoaster essentially sums up our relationship (minus sexy lesbian suicide pacts), because at the time we were both super in denial about our sexuality. And the emotions, and the self-hatred, and the unhealthy amount of time spent with each other in secret… Willis, are you a bi woman?
‘Thankfully Mary bought that crappy act, a problem solved’
Something that just occurred to me… It is perfectly realistic to me that a person suffering from the various things Ruth is (alcoholism / depression) would be of the mindset to blame themselves for things…
But here, Ruth is thinking, “(Billie) deserves better.”
The rational part of my brain is responding to that by saying, “Remind me again which one of you two actually made an attempt at stopping the drinking?” So remind me again, Ruth, why Billie — [b]Billie[/b], of all people, is in a position to be deserving of better, and why you apparently don’t qualify as that yourself?
(Of course, I [I]do[/I] understand that, unfortunately, “rational” is not a word to describe Ruth’s thoughts here. Still, her realizing that her own negative thoughts are stupid, [I]and[/I] that she has something “worth existing for,” at least help the positive to shine through the negative a bit.)
That all being said… I think they both have an excellent incentive to work harder on quitting drinking. Surely, sloppy lesbian sexy times are much better when you don’t fall asleep when things are just heating up, and when you can remember them clearly the next day!
Aaah! This is what happens when I post here after posting things elsewhere online… I slip back into using the wrong formatting for bolding and italicizing!
This couple. I can’t decide if I love it or I can’t bear to watch it.
This comic puts me in an awkward position. I hate Ruth while enjoying her as a character and want to see something horrible happen to her, her relationship fail, and her life to go in a different direction. Presumably far far away from Billie. But I feel rather awkward feeling all these horribly negative feelings to someone suffering from depression as I have dealt with many people, including friends, who have.
I’m interested — what do you hate about Ruth? Is it her sadism? Her antisocial personality? I mean, there’s plenty to hate about her — what is it you particularly hate?
In general, I dislike her lashing out at Billy who is a bundle of self-esteem issues herself and this leading to a relationship. In short, I’ve had to deal with a lot of bullies and don’t much care for it.
this depiction of depression is very… accurate.
The irony of talking about Cultural Narratives, to a Canadian in Indiana.
Is that the guy who was in the background of the sign-vandalizing strip back there?
got into one of these sorts of relationships last year and still come back to this strip frequently. really defines that period in my life. kind of pathetic i guess
There is no reason to keep existing. Accept it and carry on doing so anyway. It is the only way.
So is THAT what thought bubbles look like in the Dumbiverse.