Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Cyanide & Happiness
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Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
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Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
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TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
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So much has happened with Kevin Smith since that article. The movie it initially mentions as then being planned as his last (Hit Somebody) transitioned development into a miniseries (which I haven’t heard him mention on his podcasts in a while, so who knows), then he wrote Clerks 3, then there was a whole slew of hurdles to get that green lit (primarily getting the cast to come back and getting Miramax to decide if they wanted to make it or if they’d let Kevin make it himself since they had a contractual first dibs setup from making Clerks 2), then he wrote the recently released “Tusk” (which delayed the aforementioned Clerks 3), THEN there was a Christmas-themed horror anthology movie centered around the krampus (which I guess is still in the works?), and “Yoga Hosers”, and “Moose Jaws”… and some TV pilots as well. Dude’s been super busy lately, but his attention span isn’t the greatest.
‘He femurs’? Is that like ‘He demurs’? (Then again, is there any instance where you’d use that particular verb in the third-person singular present tense?)
It reminds me of a very old Yiddish song involving misplaced modifiers:
Boris sat upon a horse, sagging in the middle
Boris sat upon a horse, playin’ on the fiddle
It was Boris, not the horse, sagging in the middle
It was the horse, not Boris, playin’ on the fiddle.
(Boris, Boris, save me save me, from the Cossacks at my heels, hey! hey! hey! / Boris, Boris, save me save me, there are only two more reels…)
On the other hand it’s been interesting to see a VERY different Joyce recently. She would never have forced an entrance like this. And she DEFINITELY would never have done this before. Let’s just say, a Mike/Joyce ship is actually POSSIBLE in the future, it’s just not a future anyone would want to live in…
Oh dear — I seem to have ended up on board this ship by accident. But now that I’m here, I think I want to stay on . . . So, where’s the good ship Joke (or is that Mice?) going to take me???
As a masochistic acquaintance of mine once remarked, you can always identify the masochist in an S&M couple by which one says the most things deserving of pain.
It’s was weird , she thought the bear was some chick named Ruth and she tried to make out with it, the bear was confused for a moment and it all just went down hill after that.
…It’s not your fault, but got dangit, now I have that silly moose song from that Old Navy (or was it the Gap?) winter commercial from a few years back.
Jäger is German for “hunter”, and is part of the names of two liqueurs: Jägermeister (“Huntmaster”), which is turpentine licorice flavored, and Bärenjäger (“Bear hunter”), which is honey flavored.
The Jägermonsters from Girl Genius are of course a pun on Jägermeister, though their name does actually make sense in context.
I agree, her hair and the light on her face, and her expression, is just what you would want to see if you’re looking at a face looking down at you when you’re waking up.
Except for the nose. Those DoA close-up noses that have only one nostril. That kinda creeps me out when I look at it too long, and I can’t seem to not do that.
Like this strip, neat grouping of people on bunk bed.
Also wondering why Joyce seems to be becoming human, and a smart ass one at that.
Love Mike as usual, and if you go back far enough, he and Joyce have had conversations before: for some strange reason, he appears to like her-as being opposed to hating everyone else or being totally indifferent to them.
As noted: as fine as these guys are drawn: never a problem looking at them to know pretty much exactly what they are feeling, and as fine as the animation can be and the artistic backdrops:
WHY do they all have one closeup nostril? Creeepy?
She’s always human. We’re pretty complicated critters, wonderful, horrible, and generally more than meets the eye.
And on this nostril issue – I just see it as the underside of the nose being in shadow from the angle. It may not work in every scene, but it perfectly suits this one.
I’ve always understood that it’s a shadow; it makes complete sense. But now that someone has pointed out the one nostril thing, I can’t unsee it. Damn you not-Willis!
I would think it’s becasue there are richer targets in proximity for most of those. The dicking of Joyce’s whiteboard was their first “solo” interaction, devoid of other targets. Joyce would be low on his target list because life away from a sheltered homeschooling is going to do most of his work for him. The white board is an example where no one else but Mike would have dicked it, out of deference to Joyce.
Well after the tibias are removed the femurs aren’t much use. Not quite as bad as going the other way around as tibias are completely useless without femurs.
I am wondering, is this the first time in this comic Mike is blatantly lying? He usually seems to favor hurting people with the truth or variations on the truth.
Mike has been known to lie before, on at least one occasion. Specifically, when a girl asked to duck in his room so she could spy on someone else. Mike then approached the couple and claimed he and the girl were making out.
This guy wants to join a Fraternity at U of Alaska. The brothers tell him he has to drink a fifth of Yukon Jack, go out into the woods and kill a grizzly bear, then come back and seduce a college girl. So he slams down the whiskey and staggers off into the night.
A couple hours later he comes staggering back, clothes all torn up, covered in bloody scratches, generally mangled. “OK, where’s this college girl I have to kill?”
So, unrelated to the comic, but I think there was an allusion to “It’s Walky!” in this weeks “Agents of Shield”
They refer to “The Sound of Music” while torturing/brainwashing someone.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing
paulaptb@paulaptb.bsky.social ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer)@leftistlawyer.com ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling USA@usapolling.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
but where’s Billie?
My day…You’ve made it.
A+++, Jen Aside. Now…EVERYBODY WORK!
This show doesn’t get referenced enough.
It’s been 30 months since the announcement of its revival, and that makes me sad.
So much has happened with Kevin Smith since that article. The movie it initially mentions as then being planned as his last (Hit Somebody) transitioned development into a miniseries (which I haven’t heard him mention on his podcasts in a while, so who knows), then he wrote Clerks 3, then there was a whole slew of hurdles to get that green lit (primarily getting the cast to come back and getting Miramax to decide if they wanted to make it or if they’d let Kevin make it himself since they had a contractual first dibs setup from making Clerks 2), then he wrote the recently released “Tusk” (which delayed the aforementioned Clerks 3), THEN there was a Christmas-themed horror anthology movie centered around the krampus (which I guess is still in the works?), and “Yoga Hosers”, and “Moose Jaws”… and some TV pilots as well. Dude’s been super busy lately, but his attention span isn’t the greatest.
He apparently made Tusk to raise money for Clerks 3.
Phone was bear.
It’s not like some of that story wasn’t true.
Alt text = “Once a bear drunkenly mauled me in my pyjamas”.
OK, two questions…why was a bear drunk and what on earth was it doing wearing Willis’ pyjamas? o_O
How he got in my pajamas I’ll never know.
I can think of worse ways to die than drunkenly wrestling a bear.
If I’m gonna die drunk, I’m gonna light me a torch and blow in the face of my enemy. It probably won’t work, but at that point, it can’t hurt to try.
It’s in my top 3. Has been for a few years, actually.
She just died in the mama bear’s arms tonight.
(It must have been something she said.)
It musta been some kind of lesbian interspecies drunken kiss.
I should’ve Walky’d away… I should’ve Walky’d away!
Well, Billie was drunk first, but she’s like 40% ethanol by volume, so eating her got the bear drunk too.
…Maybe Billie shouldn’t be roomed with a smoker.
Are you saying that Billie’s breath is combustible?
I think Billie herself is probably pretty combustible.
According to Game Theory, you are correct – people who drink often and in excess are more likely to spontaneously combust.
* The More You Know.
I read your username and comment and I keep thinking Inspector Ruth and Constable Billie.
Well she was a cheerleader for the Golden Dragons.
Mike doesn’t need his shins to live, just he femurs.
‘He femurs’? Is that like ‘He demurs’? (Then again, is there any instance where you’d use that particular verb in the third-person singular present tense?)
I should have said his femurs, I guess I had a small brain fart when I wrote that part.
A bear once bit my sister…
carl320 was sacked. Management apologizes for his posts.
(Mind you, bear bites kan be pretti nasti)
And she did carve her initials into it.
How the bear got in my pajamas, I’ll never know.
beat me to it!
Ah, good. Somebody’s already got that covered. Thanks.
I checked the comments for this, too.
It reminds me of a very old Yiddish song involving misplaced modifiers:
Boris sat upon a horse, sagging in the middle
Boris sat upon a horse, playin’ on the fiddle
It was Boris, not the horse, sagging in the middle
It was the horse, not Boris, playin’ on the fiddle.
(Boris, Boris, save me save me, from the Cossacks at my heels, hey! hey! hey! / Boris, Boris, save me save me, there are only two more reels…)
I was going to be very disappointed if no one got to this joke by now.
Me too.
…why was the bear wearing your pajamas?
-hit in face with pie-
If that’s a Three Stooges reference, I love you.
Guys. I’m kinda shipping Joyce/Mike. Somebody stop me.
She won’t be able to change him. Nor he her. Ship only if you live for tragedy.
It’s a David Willis comic. All ships end in tragedy.
Why do you think I call the Joyce/Mike ship Joke?
Not Mice?
For once I’m actually on board for a random ship.( pun not included)
On the one hand, NO.
On the other hand it’s been interesting to see a VERY different Joyce recently. She would never have forced an entrance like this. And she DEFINITELY would never have done this before. Let’s just say, a Mike/Joyce ship is actually POSSIBLE in the future, it’s just not a future anyone would want to live in…
Eh, I’d ship it…
Could you not!?
Oh dear — I seem to have ended up on board this ship by accident. But now that I’m here, I think I want to stay on . . . So, where’s the good ship Joke (or is that Mice?) going to take me???
Mice. How has no one posted that yet?! It’s even better!!
Especially after that Hymnal incident…
“You were right, Joyce, the Mike boy is pretty cute, once customed appropriate.”
whoops I can read farther down the page, huh
I sense a lot of bondage in this ship’s future…
Passing ships, night etc
If you don’t stop now, from this moment on I will respond to each of your comments with this line:
But the boar only has two shoes!
Every. Single. Comment.
You’ve convinced me good cephalopod. I will only ship them in the alternate universe wherein Mike has a goatee and Joyce has gone evil.
NO! you will continue damnit!! this ship is too horribly amazing not to launch!!
Mike’s not a fan of his shins, but he is a fan of gratuitous violence inflicted on his person, it seems.
As a masochistic acquaintance of mine once remarked, you can always identify the masochist in an S&M couple by which one says the most things deserving of pain.
I… I’m sorry, were you wearing the pajamas, or was the bear?
It’s was weird , she thought the bear was some chick named Ruth and she tried to make out with it, the bear was confused for a moment and it all just went down hill after that.
Billie’s not asleep at the end of Book 4.
And a moose bit Walky’s sister.
…It’s not your fault, but got dangit, now I have that silly moose song from that Old Navy (or was it the Gap?) winter commercial from a few years back.
Same company, so mox nix.
I’m going to have to have you sacked now. Tell your sister to stop carving her initials into moose.
His parents were trampled by ducks.
Mike’s probably not a fan of The Shins either. Which is his loss.
It’s a shame. It really took off after the third season.
More Mike is always welcome. I wonder if he’ll get his own existential college crisis subplot.
Your Gravatar makes this comment wonderfully introspective.
And your Gravatar is the very definition of introspection itself.
This comic tends to focus on the dumb shit young people do.
Mike’s not really dumb. Just a dick.
In a manner of speaking Mike is not wrong.
ANIMAL!!!!! How could you???
He was drunk! He was just trying to shake hands, and stumbled!
And by “bear” he means “Ruth” and by “mauled” he means “screwed her brains out”.
And now, Walkerton, we begin Orgy 101.
I was half-ready for a ‘Wait, this dream again… Awesome.” line from Walky, except he’d probably wonder why it was Joyce.
Bärenjäger strikes again!
Girl Genius reference?
(Because the thought of the bears drinking the Jägerdraught excites me in all the wrong ways.)
No, Bärenjäger is just a honey liquor I know about.
Ah. I never heard of it. I only know Jägermeister.
Good pun, though.
Jäger is German for “hunter”, and is part of the names of two liqueurs: Jägermeister (“Huntmaster”), which is
turpentinelicorice flavored, and Bärenjäger (“Bear hunter”), which is honey flavored.The Jägermonsters from Girl Genius are of course a pun on Jägermeister, though their name does actually make sense in context.
Billy wrestling with a bottle of Bärenjäger sound amazingly appropiate XD
By the way, David Willis, I *love* how you drew Dorothy’s hair in panel two!
How you make it show that she’s leaning over Walky, is what I mean—not just that she looks cute (though that’s also true!).
I agree, her hair and the light on her face, and her expression, is just what you would want to see if you’re looking at a face looking down at you when you’re waking up.
Except for the nose. Those DoA close-up noses that have only one nostril. That kinda creeps me out when I look at it too long, and I can’t seem to not do that.
Huh, I don’t notice those single nostril noses. My brain labels them as lines so I don’t see them. But now I do. Oh horror!
Willis claims they’re shadows, but yeah, they do look a tad bit too big.
Of course that bear mauled you, you forced it into your pajamas, no one wants to wear those!
I’m likin’ this new Joyce.
Violence is not the answer.
It’s a question.
And the answer is frequently yes.
Here’s the new Joyce.
Same as the old Joyce.
Second Joyce, same as the first!
Hey, he’s just trying to weasel his way into some more pain here.
How it got in my pajamas I’ll never know!
Am I the only one who made a Mii Fighter from the Amazigirl Mii Willis posted years ago?
i made one
I made here a brawler and gave her the tracksuit I believe. Seemed to fit the best.
I made mine from like the first wave you put out. Less angry eyes.
I like aggressive Joyce.
It fits her so well.
Ooooh Dorothy you got caramel fever!
Careful, Joyce. Mike likes excessive force. A little TOO much.
Since when was Joyce so chock-full of badass one-liners?
The power of ding dongs courses through her veins?
For quite a while.
“How much do I have to pay you to not say anything at all?”, towards Joe.
“Our fists were instruments of the Lord!” Joe, again. Quite far back, too.
Like this strip, neat grouping of people on bunk bed.
Also wondering why Joyce seems to be becoming human, and a smart ass one at that.
Love Mike as usual, and if you go back far enough, he and Joyce have had conversations before: for some strange reason, he appears to like her-as being opposed to hating everyone else or being totally indifferent to them.
As noted: as fine as these guys are drawn: never a problem looking at them to know pretty much exactly what they are feeling, and as fine as the animation can be and the artistic backdrops:
WHY do they all have one closeup nostril? Creeepy?
She’s always human. We’re pretty complicated critters, wonderful, horrible, and generally more than meets the eye.
And on this nostril issue – I just see it as the underside of the nose being in shadow from the angle. It may not work in every scene, but it perfectly suits this one.
Why DO they only have one nostril? Before I thought it was a thickened line to indicate shadow. What.
It’s not a nostril. It’s a shadow, like the one under their chins.
I’ve always understood that it’s a shadow; it makes complete sense. But now that someone has pointed out the one nostril thing, I can’t unsee it. Damn you not-Willis!
D: Sorry Willis ilu
I would think it’s becasue there are richer targets in proximity for most of those. The dicking of Joyce’s whiteboard was their first “solo” interaction, devoid of other targets. Joyce would be low on his target list because life away from a sheltered homeschooling is going to do most of his work for him. The white board is an example where no one else but Mike would have dicked it, out of deference to Joyce.
To everyone who mentioned the one close-up nostril business, I was having such a nice morning not seeing all of that. Thank you so much.
meh, i can see it. mauled by the bear of her drunken worthlessness
And from that day forward Mike constantly wore shin guards.
Later events caused him to add armored athletic support to his wardrobe as well.
After Joyce takes his shins, Ruth can have his femurs.
Well after the tibias are removed the femurs aren’t much use. Not quite as bad as going the other way around as tibias are completely useless without femurs.
Worthless?? The femurs are the longest bone in the human body, great for making useful tools. Or flutes. If only we didn’t need them to live…
(Not to mention they’re probably the largest producer of red blood cells in the entire body.)
Tibias are pretty worthless without femurs to transmit the motion from the glutes…
Totally read that last line as “really not a fan or your shit” and that caused a bit of a double take coming from Joyce.
Read it exactly the same way, twice…. on the third time my brain decided to read the word correctly.
He must not be, Joyce.
“How he got in my Pajamas, I’ll never know.
Mike isn’t so wrong with his joke. At least about the drunk part that is. XD
Joyce is actually becoming cool. Hooray for character development!
Joyce has been aggressive like this before. It just takes a lot (or rather, something rather specific, as in Joe’s case) to piss her off.
Joyce and Mike should hook up.
I am wondering, is this the first time in this comic Mike is blatantly lying? He usually seems to favor hurting people with the truth or variations on the truth.
Unless… he’s not lying! That really did happen! :o!
Mike has been known to lie before, on at least one occasion. Specifically, when a girl asked to duck in his room so she could spy on someone else. Mike then approached the couple and claimed he and the girl were making out.
Bear == Ruth perhaps?
She’s a shapeshifter. This is now a superhero webcomic.
It’s been a superhero comic since Day One.
…but what color are the pajamas? And the bear?
We have the bear necessities of life, so we can begin.
This could get weird when they explain that they’re here to make sure he’s not sexin up his sister.
Please look up the word “animation.”
To be fair.. we have no idea how hairy ruth actually is… I think? Mayhaps the next slipshine…
“Walky… this is an intervention.”
Three panels of pleasant good morning and smiles. Then Mike speaks and a panel full of anger, confusion and angst. It’s a good day for Mike. Winning.
This guy wants to join a Fraternity at U of Alaska. The brothers tell him he has to drink a fifth of Yukon Jack, go out into the woods and kill a grizzly bear, then come back and seduce a college girl. So he slams down the whiskey and staggers off into the night.
A couple hours later he comes staggering back, clothes all torn up, covered in bloody scratches, generally mangled. “OK, where’s this college girl I have to kill?”
Course no, Joyce, he is a fan of your mom.
Shin-kicks for all!
So, unrelated to the comic, but I think there was an allusion to “It’s Walky!” in this weeks “Agents of Shield”
They refer to “The Sound of Music” while torturing/brainwashing someone.
If a writer on Agents of SHIELD is a fan of It’s Walky, my fangirl squee circle will be complete and I can die happy.
Wow, when our little Joycey doesn’t like someone, she REALLY and violently doesn’t like the,.
Its true. However at least in this case its Mike. The one who aggreed to shaparone Joyce’s date so long as he got to punch people.
Wait…what kind of bear? Was he cute…
That might’ve been one of the saltiest things I’ve seen Joyce say yet.