anyway before we get flooded with UM ACTUALLY YOU CAN JUST TRACE WITH ANOTHER MARKERs here’s a website you should peruse
anyway before we get flooded with UM ACTUALLY YOU CAN JUST TRACE WITH ANOTHER MARKERs here’s a website you should peruse
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Oh look, it’s Amber! She’s been conspicuously absent during this whole danged dong fiasco. Hmm. HMMMMMMM…
Nothing suspicious here!
well OBVIOUSLY she was buying rubbing alcohol
“The line was really long today, I swear.”
And possibly swigging on it too.
I know you mean that as a joke, but that can kill you dead, like, QUICKLY
In Billie’s case, she would just swig the bottle, have a puke and go in for seconds.
Denatured alcohol like you find in a hardware store usually has methanol added in (think less-explosive gasoline) specifically to make it poisonous. It would kill you. They add it in so that it can’t be classed as a consumable and therefore subject to additional state taxes.
Source: I am a paint saleswoman and architectural coatings specialist.
Thanks for that, you learn something new every day.
Oh. Wow. In my country they just add substances that taste really bad, they don’t add methanol because no matter how many warnigs you slap on the bottle, some degenerate will try to drink it.
Yep, deader than Cooter Brown. Even street drunks will skip RA and squeeze speed stick or go on the syrup train.
Frequently, denatured alcohol has additives to make it too bitter to drink and/or make you throw up if you do drink it.
Actually, it’s not frequently. By definition, denatured alcohol has added denatonium benzoate or saccharide, considered the most bitter substances in existence.
Denatured alcohol has something added to make it unsuitable for human consumption, but that something does not have to be a denatonium salt. (BTW I thought that name was hilarious, like the “unobtainium” in Avatar, that I thought you were pulling our legs, but a quick Wikipedia check, and illbedanged!).
Anyway, one common, non-bitter, and quite toxic, denaturant used with ethanol is methanol. Careful with the cheap highs, folks…
Well, yes the main issue with denatured Ethanol is that it is not safe for human consumption, and therefore you don’t need a liquor license to sell it.
However, Ethanol and Water are impossible to separate by distillation, so to get the water out, putting Methanol or such is an effective technique. But poisonous. Methanol -> Formaldehyde in your gut, and so you will embalm yourself for your own funeral.
Also for the other chemical fans, Wet erase markers are water-based. So of course they don’t help with alcohol based markers (dry-erase).
@Alex P “Ethanol and Water are impossible to separate by distillation, so to get the water out, putting Methanol or such is an effective technique.”
Ethanol and water are quite easy to separate by distillation! That’s how basically all hard liquor is made… Distill wine and get brandy, distill beer and get whiskey (well, sorta).
Methanol is used to denature ethanol because those two substances are hard to separate by distillation, because their boiling points are very close together.
As i read years ago on “IF You Were A Superhero’s Girlfriend….” > Ever notice every time your boyfriend mysteriously vanishes in a time of crisis, Super Hero Guy shows up to save the day? Rub a few brain cells together and see what comes up…..
Same rule applies here.
From an objective point of view that analysis makes sense, but put yourself in said girlfriend’s shoes. Take Lois Lane for example, granted she was a super amazing reporter, but who, really, would ever have thought of Clark Kent as being Superman? I mean really. REALLY. Nobody, that’s who. Not unless they had an amazingly intimate knowledge of his background and personal life in general, and I mean as intimate as we the readers would have. I mean it just would. not. happen.
Seriously guys, people in comics aren’t dumb because they can’t put what we perceive as two and two together, they just see what they want to see, and likewise don’t see what they don’t want to see, or don’t know that they *should* want to see, much like people in real life.
This is why I found most of the second Superman movie to be dumb. Discussion over. Wait, you’re not talking about Superman..? Oh, well… The same rules apply here, anyway!
There, fun ruined. Go me! -zooms away-
No see, even silver age lois figured it out. It’s just that silver age superman had so many goddamn powers (including hypnosis and time travel) and friends with perfect disguise ability that he kept stacking evidence against the idea to counter her perfectly reasonable suspicions. That and Silver Age Lois was, like many other females in the dc silver age (and also jimmy olsen a lot of the time) more then a little bugfuck insane.
Some later Lois’ have less justification though, yes.
You never see fun and Hannah in the same room…
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh! D:
Or, someone who could see through the whole ingenious ‘glasses disguise’. Same build, though Clark carries it with slumped shoulders and general ‘meekness’. Same eye color. Same jawline. Same fingerprints. Sure, it’s foolproof.
Yeah, where has Ethan been this whole time? Maybe Joyce’s boyfriend is AmaziGirl!
I should have known!
Amber?? Well she was playing games online like always, jeesh, what were you insinuating that she’s Amazi-Girl?
Im not saying she’s Amazi-girl.. but her and Amazi-girl have never been seen in the same place…
Also conspicuously absent from classes. HMMMMM…
Hey Amber wouldn’t it be fun if you and Amazi-girl where in the same room at the same time?!
They’ll start making out.
Amber is secretly a ninja
Ninjas are always secretly making out with themselves? The things you learn in this forum…
Why do you think the clone jutsu was invented?
Let’s not bring clones into it…. or, LET’S!
You mean Other Rachel?
Somehow this makes me think she’ll have to rope Dorothy into pretending to be her at some point to protect her identity XD
Shhhh! spoilers!
There are 50 of them!
(Read the alt-text of the comic to understand this.)
How dare you.
Aw how nice
Nailed it…
And by that I mean Joyce has nailed that romantic fiction is a poor way to understand real life. Not that I have made any predictions from previous comics that have been proven true. If I had the previous post would have contained a link to said prediction. We now return you to your previous comment threads, already in progress.
Wait, you mean romantic fiction often ISN’T an accurate portrayal of how things work in the real world? Well, now I have to rethink everything. Awesome.
I’ve been standing around shirtless and oiled up with long flowing hair for NOTHING?!
Flowy-haired shirtlessness is its own reward.
It’s a moral victory.
You forgot to gaze off longingly* into the distance while the wind blows in your face. Preferably from an idyllic cliffside overlooking the sea.
* Or at least like you have really bad gas.
Some animal denoting manliness (a wlf, eagle, or stallion) should be visible around you at all times.
don’t forget the random billowing curtains or whatever even in an outdoorsy scene
Preferably in the background, even if that means it’s floating in the sky, looking majestic.
Pics or it didn’t happen
>Matt Smith
Actually, in this case, it all cancels out. Since webcomics are also not an accurate representation of the real world, whatever is said in webcomics is inapplicable.
-shakes head- Uh uh, nope. NO! Life totally IS like El Goonish Shive, and transformation guns totally DO exist! We just don’t know it yet. You can’t prove otherwise. Be quiet. I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING LESS!
-goes off to cry in the corner-
Oh wait, I misinterpreted your comment. Yay for double negatives equaling a positive! Gooooo MATH!
Wait, no, I stand by my previous statement. EGS is real. All other webcomics though, open to interpretation. -nods head in agreement with self-
There’re several anime about this very subject.
Ha! Forget the comic….I’m just amused that Willis is heading people off at the pass as far as comments about cleaning permanent marker from white boards. XD
Getting a few thousand people who don’t Ctrl-F before posting will do that to ya =p
He is a man of vision!
He is a man who reads every single comment posted here, no matter how redundant!
[you brought it on yourself, Willis!]
He’s a male that reads each posted comment here, regardless of repetition!
(you’ve doomed yourself, David!)
He’s a guy who peruses all individual comments posted here, no matter how superfluous!
(You’ve made your own bed, DW!)
He is a man! -punch-
(Hello, Mr Willis)
Truly a sight to behold. A man beaten. The once great champ, now, a study in moppishness. No longer the victory hungry stallion we’ve raced so many times before, but a pathetic, washed up, aged ex-champion.
(Better Off Dead, Dave!)
He is one man. ALONE. ABANDONED by the country he loves. . .
(Revenge of the Willis)
and porn. don’t forget the porn.
He’s trying to confuse us with facts.
About that, Willis: I have cleaned permanent markers off a white board with a dry erase marker. Works every time.
Although I’m sure your website is more true than real life.
(Maybe it’s the waiting a month. I’ve never waited more than a couple hours.)
I can confirm that it works, but not with older marker, and not as well as alcohol. That’s the point here, not that it *doesn’t* work, just that it’s not the *best* option.
The actual point is that it’s a detail that would by design be addressed later in the comic (just leaving permanent graffitti is an unsatisfying “conclusion”) that’s been barraged by helpful tips from every angle before the comic can even begin to develop naturally. As though, “HEY DID YUO NO U CAN USE MARKER TO MARK” would cause the next comic to suddenly switch to “oh look, now all the dicks are cleaned up, whatevs” and we would not have the subsequent character development.
I mean, I get that folks like to think they’re being helpful, but maybe check once in a while to see if someone e:fb’ed you first??
Actually, I used the dry erase-over-top tip the other day to clean permanent marker off a Tupperware container in no time, and that had been on there probably about a year (plus through the freezer, microwave, and sink with no discernible lessening of the writing), so it’s not just to do with how briefly it may have been there. At least on smooth, cheap plastic containers, anyways.
Though, perhaps ironically, he underlined the fact that dry erase markers do a “fair” job of removing permanent marker from whiteboards, which is more than enough to obfuscate a tiny dick pic.
And Amber might be the only person who’s ever had rubbing alcohol in a dorm room, while most people with a whiteboard have a dry erase marker.
I take it you’ve never met anyone with earrings before?
Not in the Dumbiverse! (Or Walkyverse!)
Never trust books Joyce never trust books….
Except that one. You know, the one you grew up with. That formed the foundation of your upbringing.
What I’m saying is always trust Green Eggs and Ham.
That book was a total lie we all know it was red beats and yams
Or maybe im the one who shouldn’t be trusted O.o
Red beats can go fuck right off.
Sick beats and jams
I thought you were talking about Poorcraft!
[“grew up with” part will be true in another few years]
I could see basing a religion around that book. I mean, I never quite read the whole thing, but the a strong message about avoiding green eggs and ham is unmistakable.
You didn’t actually read the whole thing??
The third act twist is AMAZING. It’s all “mass hallucination pandemic embracing the madness” kinda shit
I think you mean “Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!”
Any thinker who thinks can come up with a few.
Damn Seussical. Yes, they made a musical all about Seuss, or rather, Horton Hears a Who and Horton Hatches an Egg, narrated by the Cat in a Hat.
And movies. Dear god, not the movies…
Never trust books – On the other hand they couldn’t put it on the Internet if it wasn’t so.
You mean like how certain members of the commentariat (WTF!?! my spell checker says that is a real word that I correctly spelled) are ?
joyce doesn’t really read 50 shades of grey, does she-
I suddenly get the joke
“I’m disappointed. I’d heard that an encounter with the ex-girlfriend could result in a catfight, and I was looking forward to it…The cats don’t really fight though, do they? They just, like wrestle and snuggle like cats do? Do we need to bring our own cats, or are they provided?”
So not only is Joyce not familiar with catfights, but she’s also not familiar with cats?
Nail polish remover IS acetone, no?
Yes, but it’s a low level of acetone.
Rubbing alcohol has a higher concentration so you don’t have to put as much pressure and scrubbing into getting all the stuff off.
Rubbing alcohol doesn’t contain acetone. It contains a mix of isopropyl alcohol and ethanol.
Mostly, there are oils added to protect the skin a little and help prevent drying the nails out.
Not the non-acetone stuff!
I wonder how long Willis has been holding onto that link, just waiting to post it to all the dry-erase-marker advocates.
His entire career has been leading up to this moment.
Congratulations, Willis! You made it, man. You made it.
I bet Sarah figures out the mystery of the second she see her.
I MEANT to say, I bet Sarah figures out the mystery of Amazigirl the minute she sees Amber.
It might take a few meetings, she was there for the aforementioned blow-up:
Its easy use a water marker of the same color as the permanent draw over the drawing and later erase it works.
I can write on water??
Well, I can walk on water — provided it’s frozen — so I assume you can write there, too.
It’s how cavemen wrote books in the Ice Age.
We had vast libraries in all the glaciers. Unfortunately I never got to read any of them because my account was frozen.
You know I really want to have an annex of the Wapsi Pun Jar opened on this comic…
Mostly it’s just weather reports from the last few hundred years.
We lost a lot of history when most of the archives melted.
Wait, you mean to tell me that happened just last Sunday ? I thought happened at least like a couple weeks ago.
Time goes by so slow in this man I forgot about what they did a week ago in their time ;-;
A week ago was the day that Billie found Ruth passed out in her room.
Wow, did they at least have one holiday, I mean when are they going to hit October ?
You got the wrong year on that
Two Words – Periodic Archive Bing. Three Words…
Today is the Wednesday after that Sunday, so we still have another 4 days to go just for this week.
3 days have passed in 9 months?!?
of course. Did you not realize that David Willis is a master of time and space capable of making one second take twelve hours?
Well kind of expected really. Each of these strips records about 5 minutes of action top. And Willis has MANY MANY MANY parallely occuring events, and he has really stuffed a dense amount of drama in their lives.
Drama: Suspended.
Who thinks wet erase would work?
The logic doesn’t add up with that one.
Dry erase markers can remove permanent marker marks. They are not used to clean white boards FFS.
I can’t help but be amused that, even with a link to the contrary, we still can’t escape the cycle of “But wait! What about dry erase—”
Welcome to the internet! =p
The link actually says that they do a fair job of it…
I’m beginning to think that they’re taking some LIBERTIES with this romantic fiction junk!
The characters in said fiction certainly have no qualms taking liberties on each other.
This seems relevant:
That was amazing.
Overalls! Squee! I do get a little tired of everyone wearing jeans.
Better to Flask Forgiveness than Flask Permission?
“They’re sharing a drink they call Loneliness–but it’s better than drinking alone!”–Billy Joel
We all could do with a melody.
And you’ve got us feeling all right.
How many bad Romance movies did she watch to get said ” Romantic fiction” anyway?
She wants her love and she wants her revenge
She wants her love, she doesn’t want to be friends.
Twilight and sequels. That’s enough.
I want Joyce and Amber to start hanging out, it would be the most awkward situation ever for Ethan.
I second!
I also like this idea, it would spice things up in just the right way.
Bring in Danny to the mix. Romantic hijinx shall abound!
This could actually end well.
Horribly, horribly well.
sadly, joyce is the only one with unrequited feelings
I’d feel kind of bad for her >:
True, but part of the “safety” of Ethan is that the feelings aren’t requited!
They should totally go on a double date.
Danny would prefer going to the bathroom with Ethan.
Not yet, certainly, and probably never. Why make love in a bathroom when you have two perfectly good bedrooms available?
This, and jokes like it, are tedious repetitions of a number of homophobic slurs. I really wish that they would stop.
Why did you assume that was a sex joke?
Because I’ve heard it too many times. I know, I know, I’m hypersensitive, and I should just relax about it, yes.
Now, where else have I ever heard that?
i like this scenario! i.. ship it?
“The line between romantic fiction and romantic fact–”
“And romantic CRAP!”
From educating people about queer and racial issues, to educating people on proper dry erase board care techniques, Dumbing of Age has something for everyone.
How dare you override my fiction with reality!
Oh, just substitute your own.
Aw, Amber and Joyce are acquainted.
Please please please become regular friends. Let this be the beginning of a new friendship that doesn’t just crop up once in awhile! I would be really interested in their dynamic!
D-awwwwww…. MAKE OUT!
this is close?
haha i do love the blush applied on them
Wouldn’t it be funny if after all this time there were actually two amazi-girls? Amber is the Amazi-Girl that has the bad attitude who always wants to beat people up. but Dorothy is the Amazi-girl is the one who fights for social justice and actually helps citizens in peril.
She’ll enlist Amazi-Troops and print out masks for them to wear
Sort of like Batman, Inc.?
A-ha! So Joyce really IS going to rub out all those dicks.
That sounds so weird to me…
Joyce snaps and rubs out a billion dicks.
Darnit, you two are supposed to be making out right now. Once again yuri fanfiction lies to me.
“…how I blew up at you on Sunday.”
Wait… you mean that everything that’s happened in the comic in the last nine months IRL has taken place in the space of less than one week comic-time!?
Since this comic began in september 2010, less than four weeks have passed in-comic. Welcome to the glorious world of webcomic time.
at least we now know there an almost correlation of 1 week dumbiverse: 1 year real time
…what do you mean ‘now we know’? It’s been like that the whole time. Hell, it’s an excellent way to keep the timeline moving without having to progress past the point you want since it’ll take over 50 years just to finish the first year.
I think it’s actually slowed down the last year.
I’m guessing someone here has never actually seen a cat fight? Otherwise would never use cat fight, and snuggle in the same sentence.
Interesting combination of characters. Gotta love how Wilis uses his cast of characters to bring conflict into motion. Hats off to you Mr. W.
Now waiting to see Sarah’s reaction to Amber.
In my experience 91% Rubbing Alcohol works better than 70%.
in most of my experiences 91% of 70% far outdoes 70%.
In 91% of my experiences, 91% outdoes 70% of the experiences where 70% of 91% outdoes 91% experience, which is 70% verifiable experience.
Well, this comment thread sure went by the numbers.
And what about the other 9% of the 30%?
Dry erase markers work well when you’ve written on the board with a dry erase marker and then left it there so long its dried out and you just assume you used a permanent marker. They don’t do crap for actual permanent markers.
Actually, I had great success getting ancient permanent marker off with them.
If it’s just really dried on dry erase marker, breathing a little moisture on them is usually just enough to get it off with the usual eraser.
Isopropyl is fantastic for cleaning up any number of adhesives, too, especially the ones they use on CD and DVD cases sometimes. I’ve cleaned price tag glue off of paperbacks and magazines, and gotten Sharpie ink off of just about everything.
Keep in mind, though, get the 91% Isopropyl if you can, the 70% has too much water and other useless chemicals that can work against you.
Yeah, I use it to clean all sorts of stuff. Amazing stuff.
Lighter fluid works great for taking stickum off of books. We used to use it in the warehouse at a publishing company I used to work for when dealing with price labels on returns.
I kinda feel like I need some sort of calendar of events from the Dumbiverse’s perspective of time so I can know when “Last Sunday” was to me… :/
Really? Did you really forget the time Amber flipped her shit, and a table, then screamed in Joyce’s face in the cafeteria? Right before the Blaine thing?
I was actually working on one of those, but then I discovered that it’s possible to search for the intersection of multiple tags, and that’s covered enough of what I wanted it for that I haven’t gotten back to finish it. I’ve had the browser window with this strip, which was as far as I got, sitting open untouched for like six months now.
“it’s possible to search for the intersection of multiple tags”
Probably no one is ever going to see this because it’s two days ago now, but: Separate the search terms with ‘+’s!
Like so:
What I’m thinking on the outside: A great end to a great story.
What I’m thinking on the inside: FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Kiss, kiss, kiss.
That’s one more thing that Walky and Joyce, despite their constant quarrels, have in common. So we have :
Taking social cues from fiction pieces.
Clinging to out-of-date gender norms.
pining for Dorothy ?
*insert unwarranted opinion disregarding link here* I figured i’d see more of these.
Yeah, this really turned into the Cleaning of Age forum
Where can I find the rubbing alcohol that comes in bottles that look like a whiskey flask/glue bottle combo?
Try in Ruth’s room.
I like how when circling the bad ones, you also circled the best one
Aww, I friend-ship them.
I {click} Like this.
I want to know what dumbass used paint stripper on their whiteboard and/or why it was ever suggested as a cleaner for whiteboards. O.o
I want to know why they didn’t try toothpaste.
I want to know why they didn’t try sand-blasting. It’s super effective.
Possibly a product tester(at least documented). Mind you, it would get rid of the permanent marker stains…and the dry erase coating on the whiteboard.
Personally, I’ve always wondered about gasoline. With a match.
At this point I’m starting to view Amazi-Girl as the real Amber & Socially-Awkward-Amber as the flimsy disguise. Is Amber’s discomfort here real or an act?
Also, “blew up at you on Sunday”? Not a thing I can remember reading. How many weeks ago is this already?
It’s a compartment of a whole. Would you say how you act as an employee is an “act”? Or just a realization that there is a time and a place for certain behaviour.
This is “Sunday”:
“Or just a realization that there is a time and a place for certain behaviour.”
OTOH, you’d be surprised how rare that understanding is.
So “Sunday” is way back right before Amber realized where she’d seen Sal before. That’s been a while, eh?
Amber’s discomfort is real in panel 5 & 6. She’s really embarrassed at the scene she’s caused & that she became angry at Joyce of all people. But in panel 3 she’s acting the part of the socially awkward girl, because she *knows* who Joyce is, but doesn’t want to reveal Amazi-Girl’s identity.
I don’t think that’s quite right. AmaziGirl is everything Amber wishes she could be: caring, self-confident, competent, assertive…a really nice person. Amber is everything Amber hates about herself: distant, anxious, withdrawn, self-hating…a wreck of a person.
Tragically, except for the anger, AmaziGirl is the Amber that should have been. Amber is what’s left after Blaine worked his will on her.
But Amazi-girl is supposed to be where Amber compartmentalizes her rage and aggression. It does seem that she specifically tempers that with all the other heroic traits to control those darker feelings, and Amazi-girl ends up with a lot of those other positive traits.
But I think there’s a good amount of stuff that’s compartmentalized in Amber that isn’t bad. As far as we can tell, she’s cruising through her computer science classes easily, she still cares deeply for her friends, and can be very kind. Remember her interaction with Billie after Amazi-girl went after Sal; Amber was clearly more in the right that night. Here, too, she’s being kind and supportive towards Joyce as Amber. There’s also nothing wrong with being an introverted gamer.
I think it’s actually fairly mixed, with some positive and some negative in both of her personas. It will be interesting to see how she grows with that. Will she start adopting more traits from Amazi-girl into Amber? What about the reverse? Will the two converge or become more divergent?
I’m really interested to see where this goes.
Yeah, gotta remember that creepy grin she gets every time she confronts someone she considers a target. If Joyce hadn’t started crying this could have gone very differently.
Fair enough. In fact, now that I think about it, I kind of hope that the cops find Ryan before AmaziGirl does. I don’t really think that I want to think too much about what would happen to Ryan now that AG’s seen how much damage Joyce took at his hands.
*Amazi-Girl strolls past the local prison where there’s a Monopoly-style “Just Visiting” strip and sees Ryan inside*
“Aw, nuts, that’s anticlimactic.”
I think it’s highly unlikely, at this point, that Ryan would ever face any legal repercussions for what he did to Joyce. So I’ve gotta root for the Amazi-Girl solution. Better brutal vigilante justice than no justice at all.
So. Was joyce calling her friend because she wasn’t doing well.. or did something happen to Becky?
Cause.. I think whatever was going on also slipped Joyces mind after all that
My guess is that Joyce was feeling vulnerable while alone in the common room, and was hoping that talking to Becky would be better than nothing.
Ironic, since my self defense instructor thought talking on a cell phone while in a vulnerable situation made you more vulnerable to attack.
That would go to situational awareness. If you are yacking on a phone you aren’t putting brain power into watching/monitoring your surroundings.
The overlap is demonstrable. This is also why talking (cell or not) and driving don’t mix. To simulate this, for anyone, try playing a video game and performing improvisational comedy at the same time, and make 0 mistakes. Just watch anyone who live streams for a living. You’ll see one of two things happen when things get intense. They either start failing at talking, or start failing at play. Failing to play in a car or keeping situational awareness can mean something bad can happen.
Not saying I disagreed with him. It is also the reason I don’t wear earbuds while exercising.
But thank you for explaining it so I wasn’t having to answer the “Why would a phone make you more vulnerable?” question.
I feel you, Joyce.
I’m still mad at fiction for the lack of jetpacks.
-Why, Clark, you know Superman??
-Uh, yeah, sure, we… talk… sometimes…
Watching Amber flit back and forth from Amber to Amazi-girl is exhausting. Poor girl.
Also yay for Joyce recognizing nuance! That’s a hard thing to do when you’re trapped in her mindset.
Joyce has all things considered had a shitty day, having to deal with guilt and shame about the dingdong drawing incident, fear about being find out and having to lie about it, dealing with her room-mate putting things into things and on top of it all confronting the assault once again. So when her boyfriends ex shows up, who up to this point has done nothing but heap abuse and almost violence on her, I think it’s perfectly understandable that Joyce…
…accept her apology, admit that she was wrong about her and take the reached out hand…
Well, Joyce, you are officially a Good Person. I’m impressed.
Was there a doubt?
Not really, no, but it is nice to see her pass the test again and again, even under these circumstances.
Joyce is pretty awesome, all things considered. She had a crazy upbringing and that’s lead to some ridiculous beliefs that are sometimes really damaging. But in so many ways, she’s such a good, strong person. Not many people raised like Joyce could become best friends with an atheist, especially even when confronted by their parents.
Actually, you can just trace with another marker.
actually, nobody reads
Or he’s doing it on purpose for the reaction. It did make running joke status.
Hey, Willis, is it true that Carla is AmaziGirl?
You should probably check out Willis’s commentary right below his comic before commenting. It will save you from mocking in the future.
Actually, instead of just wiping the board, you can go over the drawing with a small surface area tool and THEN wipe the board.
Actually, you can buy a whole new whiteboard for like $2
You win the Internet. Use it wisely.
I watched a coworker try the two marker thing while the rest of us were zoned out in a meeting. It kinda works eventually, but you and that chart are right: pretty much any other technique works better.
most whiteboards I’ve seen explicitly state do not to use rubbing alcohol or acetone to clean them because they will ruin the surface. as for the dry erase markers not working to remove permanent marker, empirical evidence suggests otherwise
(I’ve done it, it works).
Nail polish remover works best for getting sharpie off of laminated and whiteboard surfaces!
The reason white boards say don’t use it, is because it can damage the ability of other markers to write on it, but if you come behind your clean up job with a whiteboard conditioner, you’re stellar.
Acetone doesn’t damage regular laminated surfaces, so sharpie and un-sharpie to your heart’s content!
how can nail polish remover exist in a world without nails?
Joyce seriously needs to read 50 Shades of Gray.
My favorite permanent marker cleaner is methanol. Not as smelly as IPA. But most people don’t work in chemistry labs, so IPA works the best.
But isn’t that a waste of perfectly good beer?
Methanol (CH4O) =/= Ethanol (C2H6O)
Drink beer and then you don’t care what’s on your whiteboard?
Wait… with this, and the dechroming happening at Shortpacked!, you must be huffing a lot of fumes, Willis.
Silly Willis, do you seriously think facts will make us give up a beloved meme?
I actually forgot all about that
I never understood why the exes in fiction were always so hate-able. The people dated at some point. They had to at least like each other and get along at *some* point.
How often do fictional couples break up in a way other than betrayal? It’s more dramatic to have things blow up instead of just fizzle out friendlish and then more dramatic when you bring them back.
It’s the same mindset why nobody in this very comic can just be happy and stable.
There are a few authors who do amicable breakups, where the ex wanted to focus on career instead of relationship. This will then serve as a tension for the new love interest when the ex returns thinking they can pick up the relationship where they left off.
Wait…did Joyce and Amber date? I am so confused by the out-of-character-icity.
No, Joyce was referring to Amber as “the ex-girlfriend” because she’s Ethan’s ex
I love how your comic has characters that actually grow and mature. So much fiction relies on the characters never really learning any lessons in order to maintain conflict, but you do a great job of allowing characters to grow, learn, and become better people. Then we get new drama out of new situations from those characters when they get into new situations and interact with new people. It keeps things fresh and the drama actually pays off with character growth and advancement rather than just being a universal constant.
But Joyce doesn’t recognize Amber is AG, even though they were talking together just minutes ago. Maybe microseconds at the speed the comic runs. So in-world, Amber is not much like AG to most eyes and DYW has demonstrated this yet again. Just like he demonstrates the proper way to remove dongs from whiteboards.
So she has her Joker (Sal’s completely evil because she has real mental problems and is presented more as a force of nature than a person), her Two-Face (the White-Board-Ding-Dong-Bandit is multi-natured and friends with her secret identity)…I’m just waiting for Danny or Ethan to start stealing
Well, Danny is -clearly- Catwoman.
Then I want to see him dressed as the Batman Returns version.
Time to rub lots of dongs
*reads description*