(you should go read Oh Joy Sex Toy but only if you aren’t at work)
(there’s also an ongoing Kickstarter for an Oh Joy Sex Toy book)
(you should go read Oh Joy Sex Toy but only if you aren’t at work)
(there’s also an ongoing Kickstarter for an Oh Joy Sex Toy book)
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this is the best
If only she knew where that’s been.
If there was ever a time for a slow clap, this is it.
Also, Kudos to Willis for the reference to “Oh Joy Sex Toy”.
Tomorrow: Sarah backs away slowly and doesn’t return
like, ever
What is the It’s Walky joke you referred to in the alt text?
She actually DID use vibrators as curling irons.
How’s you get a gif in there?
How’d*. Sorry, typo.
He’s the admin. His powers are vast.
Great comment gif.
You just ended my humor. I used all of it up laughing at that gif.
She can’t, if she doesn’t make it stop Joyce might leave the room with it.
Speaking of which, why is there not an Oh Joy Sex Toy banner ad on this page?
Who is gonna tell her…..
Oh. My. God… so wrong… but so funny…
That phrase will make Sarah question the fantasies that Joyce has.
She’ll only use vibes on people that are also her father.
Out of context, this sentence is somewhat disturbing, Yotomoe.
As long cleans it after using it…
As long as Sarah*
Doesn’t matter. After learning of where it’s been, Joyce will still feel compelled to find several buckets of brainbleach, and attempt to bathe in it.
Clearly it’s a Sailor Moon wand.
No, it’s a Wii remote.
See now I wonder if this is the exact path Willis took, since Joyce IS autobiographical…
–actually, since she doesn’t recognize it, it must be a PlayStation Move controller
I can imagine Willis now:
Ohhh, it’s a Gii Remote.
For remote control of the Gii-spot.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a Wii-mote sleeve that is shaped like a “sparkly-plastic man-dangle”. But I really don’t want to go looking for it again.
Sailor Moon
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Penis
Sailor Uranus gets hew own toy, for sanitary reasons.
Oh, I think I’ve read that doujin!
Which one? There are like a dozen minimum that could fit that bill. Then there’s the lemon fanfic, such as the one where Ami has a BSOD from finding a vibe that leads to an inner senshi orgy and the ones where they all find… interesting, if unsanitary, uses for their transformation wands and that disguise wand.
I thought he was talking about “Sailor and the Seven Balls” instead of a doujin.
… Yes, I’m that old, I saw it when it was new…and I was legal. 😐
I would go look for those, but I don’t want to ruin my memories of Sailor Moon. I have, however, seen the Sailor Moon/Ranma webcomic, that makes Ranma in girl form the missing sailor scout. I thought that was pretty good, but sadly it stopped updating.
Sailor Baboon!
Sailor Jerkury!
Sailor Penis!
Sailor Tard!
Sailor Stupider!
Sailor Saturn (vroom, vroom!)!
Sailor Uranus (heh, heh)!
Well, there was such a thing as this, so maybe…
This brilliant animation immediately came to mind
Looks like linking to that Chappelle’s Show clip yesterday was appropriate after all.
Everyone loves Chappeles show. Even Willis 6 months or so ago.
Maybe not season 3, if only because Comedy Central’s decision to air it is part of the reason why we were subjected to Mind of Mencia following Dave’s departure.
I don’t hate Carlos Mencia.
Come at me.
I don’t care enough to do so. I’m content with knowing he’s largely forgotten at this point.
Carlos Mencia is both good and original, but what is original is not good and what is good is stolen from better comedians.
I may not agree with what you say but I will fight to the DEATH your right to say it.
Nobody cares,
even though you’re Voltaire.
Funny is not he, clever are not you,
Now leave, and go do whatever you do.
Actually it was Evelyn Beatrice Hall who first said that.
“Abject horror is allowed.”
Panel 3: Joyce has now officially had oral sex. Or at least what she probably imagine oral sex is.
So now she’ll want Ethan to rub it on her throat?
Maybe if Joyce was a chain smoker.
They’ll invite the Watergate whistleten.blower? Nice.
And here I wish comments were editable.
our cat is for some reason terrified of vibrators. he’s the definition of not giving a rat’s ass about ANYTHING until you whip out a buzzing phallus.
then he freaks, attacks you, and hides for a day or two.
I am also afraid of vibrators. I will do the same if you try to get close to me with one.
Why were you coming at your cat with an active vibrator in the first place?
Confusion involving colloquial terms for the female genitalia?
No idea the colloquial tribe had another word for vagina.
Doesn’t everyone?
I used to have a cat who was a music lover. Every time I started singing, she would come over and bite me until I stopped.
Singing, or reciting poetry. At least she let me talk on the phone.
My kitten (just had her for a few weeks now), likes the vibration when I play guitar, and puts her head against the strings.
D’awwww! This is why cats are my favorite.
At least Sarah caught her with it before Ruth had the chance to throw that out the window.
It would land in Faz.
Oh my god, i hope that was intentional and not just a typo!
“The Great Faz is not sure how to feel about this, but is leaning toward the positive.””
“Faz has registered a posterior breach.”
“My safeword is ‘saltines.'”
“The great Faz has definitive evidence showing that girls find men who do this to be incredibly sexy. The great Faz estimates that this will increase the chance of women sleeping with him by an amount almost as great as the great Faz.”
Would it drop with enough force to rip through layers of clothing? Furthermore, are you suggesting a moment of “serendipity” such as Faz doing a handstand when it was thrown?
Why does that even exist?
Because the Internet, that’s why.
I would say Rule 34, except it’s… not really porn?
For some people, it certainly is.
Because Pokemon fans are fucking weird.
Just…don’t tell her where it’s been.
She’s never going to stop washing her neck.
On her throat of course. Where else would Sarah be putting it?
Why is that a concern? I am sure that Sarah, like all women, ensures her toys are always properly cleaned before being put away.
She already knows it was in the DRAWER, silly.
or the fact that there is no sink in the room
…then what’s in the adjoining bathroom
She walks to the bathroom, dildo enclosed under a fold in her shirt?
And when, in the middle of the night, when absolutely no one is about, carefully, quietly, and thoroughly washes said dildo?
Being a girl is tough. All I need’s my weenus, at least one hand, and antibacterial soap to keep said hand clean.
Or she could just walk in normally carrying it, and if someone happens to walk in at the same time she could be all just, “Yo, I’ll only be a minute, just have to use the sink.”
People get WAY too bent out of shape over sex toys. :p
Well, there’s a reason that the parts sex toys interact with are called “private parts”.
( i got your reference its ok)
Thank you
For those of you that didn’t get it you need to watch more Archer
Said Ray
I hope Sarah doesn’t spoil her fun.
Pretty sure the rest of us hope she does.
I expect someone to have finished making one 10 minutes ago
“And Sarah said, ‘let me show you what that’s used for’ and Joyce watched, amazed. Then they fucked.”
Bum chicka wowow.
Next On DOA:NSFW Sara explains what that thing does, in excruciating detail, and when confronted with a perplexed and incredulous Joyce, offers to demonstrate how it really works, starting with the phrase “just relax, close your eyes, this shouldn´t hurt”
Towel Sarah is eternally the best Sarah. Even in Roomies.
Love the Joyce jokes, but definitely want more Towel Sarah!
A gift from Yotomoe’s past.
Is your icon from Ranma 1/2, perchance?
Your name also sounds like it would come from Ranma 1/2.
I really hope I’m not mistaken
There’s no character by that name in Ranma 1/2, but there is one in a different manga about a guy who changes into a girl. (From the yes-theres-more-than-one-of-these department)
Didn’t say it was a character name, just sounds like SOMETHING from Ranma 1/2.
Really? I have seen so many variants, I thought it was a rule of manga that the male protagonist has to turn into a girl at least once.
Or be too androgynous for it to matter, e.g. Edward from Fullmetal Alchemist.
Almost the best. Sarah au natural is the best Sarah.
No Joyce, you rub it on your tummy!
To be honest, that would probably get someone all jazzed up. Or puke. Or both.
It seemed to work for her in her dream
She must never know.
The title 🙂
…and the fact that she put it on her throat, please don’t ever tell her what it is.
Thank you Willis.
Joyce has seen Star Wars? You’d think that’d be off-limits.
Why? There’s nothing sacreligeous about it. Heck, the unbeliever gets choked out by the believer in the first movie.
Yeah But only THE LORD has the force.
Plus, Leia’s slave girl outfit is decidedly un-christian.
Yeah, but her quote is from Empire. Maybe she never saw Jedi.
Yes, but she doesn’t choose to wear it. The evil overly-fat-totally-not-Jewish-you-can-tell-because-he-doesn’t-even-have-a-nose makes her. So she’s just like a martyr, except she doesn’t take the first chance to die, so she’s not a very competent martyr.
(Note: I do not actually think that Jabba is a Jewish stereotype.)
He’s not. He’s Irish.
I’m pretty sure Jabba’s Italian.
As for Joyce (and by extension Willis) being allowed to watch Star Wars, the original trilogy is more universal in it’s source material, which makes sense, since they are directly influenced by Hero with a Thousand Faces. By contrast, the prequels are way too Buddhist for Joyce’s parents to have let her watch them.
I’ve been trying to figure out what to say about these past few strips. You humans are even more messed up than any of us Autobots realize. What Optimus Prime sees in you guys is anybody’s guess. Although I hear Thundercracker enjoys your soap operas.
I was gonna say, the one who’s supposed to be a Jewish stereotype is Watto, and when I was a kid I just saw an alien that wasn’t taking Qui-Gon’s shit.
I’m pretty sure you could make a half sensible argument that it “endorses eastern religion”
Please don’t bring that up… it’s been tried numerous times by myriad people whose only source of info on any religion that isn’t the specific flavor of Christianity they follow (typically fundamentalist evangelical, but not exclusively) is cliche stereotypical hearsay. To any of us who have studied, let alone follow, such religions it is usually the most trite and insulting garbage.
Actually, Joyce’s quote more resembles the line from Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure when they play with swords, than any actual line from Star Wars.
Though I also can’t imagine Joyce’s parents letting her watch a movie wherein a utopia is founded solely on the principles “Be Excellent to Each Other” and “Party on, Dude!”.
That’s not nearly enough commandments.
Despite my mom’s very strong embargo on stuff that “promotes eastern religion,” she said it was okay for me to watch Star Wars “because it’s a very good movie.” I think it has more to do with it being a thing that existed when she was younger than it had to do with its content. Joyce’s parents are the same age. It’s only the new stuff which should be feared.
(Plus that line is just kind of culturally ubiquitous anyway.)
I know people who have never seen any starwars movies, but know that phrase. Kinda funyy when im describing the movies to people who are older than I am and recommending that they watch it.
from the title to even the background, every aspect of this comic is perfect
I almost thought she licked it in the second panel.
What IS that flavor…not bad just…interesting…HEY SARAH!
Yeah, i was right there with you. I thought “no, she can’t possibly lick the thing.” Then i finally figured out she was doing the robot voice thing.
Curling iron, you say?
Pulled open tonight’s comic hoping for this reference. Was not disappointed.
No joke. That looks incredibly uncomfortable.
“Abject horror is allowed…”
Five minutes of Muttley laughing (I really need to get that checked) later and I still can’t get the grin offa my face…
Oh dear.
Darek Joyce is best Joyce.
Oh dear
Was this the original title of the strip, or did you change it after reading yesterday’s comments?
I don’t need the comments to tell me about a very popular strip written by one of my most esteemed peers.
I’d like to think that Bill wasn’t just referring to all the people mentioning OJST, but specifically to me making nearly the same pun… but more likely, nobody even noticed. 🙁
Oh, well. At least I predicted something in DoA (without even trying to). 🙂
“The best swordsman never fears the second-best…he fears the worst, because he has NO IDEA what his opponent would be stupid enough to try.”
I’m gonna just throw my sword at people. It works in Smash bros.
And Nidhogg.
Not so much Dead Rising.
That quote always annoys me. I’m not the best swordsman, but I’m pretty good. I worry about swordsmen who are almost as good, because, given the vagaries of battle, “almost as good” can translate to “better, on that particular day, under those particular circumstances”. I don’t worry about the worst swordsman, because, while I may not know exactly what stupid-ass thing he’s going to do, I do know that he hasn’t got the technique to do it well enough to get through my guard, and there’s a pretty good chance that it’ll be something that just straight-up doesn’t work at all. The main question is whether I’ll have time to kill him before blocking his attack, or whether I’ll have to wait until after.
What if he’s so bad of a swordsman that he just uses a submachine gun?
He’d better have it already out and pointed, or be more than about twenty feet away.
It’s been my experience.that the one most sure the other guy is no.good is the one that loses.to.the other guy.
DSL might be on mobile. Many touch screen keyboards have the . right beside the space bar so sometimes unless you are dead on target it’s a matter of going back to correct . when you meant to add spaces.
I find the opposite true, actually. Confidence is intimidating, and going into a fight expecting to lose is an excellent way to ensure that you do. “Morale is to the physical as ten is to one,” and all that.
Ignorance is bliss
She is very creative.
I GOT THE REFERENCE IN THE TITLE!!! Please tell me someone else did?!?!?!
The very popular webcomic title? Yeah, we got it, Captain Rogers.
… I was going to be offended but it’s hard to be angry/upset with someone who called me Captain Rogers. 🙂
Oh yeah, I got it. Read it every week I got it so much.
Judging by the second panel , Joyce must have seen “Revenant”.
Begin countdown until someone edits panel three by moving Joyce’s arm four inches higher.
Best day ever.
Yotomoe’s probably already done it and posted it to Rule 34!
I’ve got homework. And I’ve never posted ANYTHIN’ to Rule34! >.>…People post stuff there in my name though…Not that I mind a li’l recognition…
Which IW! gag is the hovertext referring to?
Curling irons
Huh, that’s an old one. I forgot Willis was already making this kind of joke in 2001.
aaargh that comic makes me cringe. I can just feel my skull rattling from the power of vibrators. Joyce, why.
It’s weird how she got them to all turn on at once, too
It’s her abductee power
I could see Sarah walk in and say your holding it upside down, and it actually be a toy lightsaber just to make some one say Damn you Willis
“Okay, Sarah, think! You’ve got a full scholarship to this college and you’re on the fast track to becoming the world’s greatest lawyer! WHAT DO YOU TELL JOYCE YOUR VIBRATOR IS?”
Well, she IS going to be a professional lier.
Also a Liar.
I am really, REALLY hoping she will just tell Joyce the truth.
Just to watch her break.
I think at this point she’s still on, “Wow, I guess it isn’t possible to actually die of mortification.”
I’m surprised she’s seen Star Wars, given her parents….
Nothing sacrilegious about Star Wars. It’s practically a Jesus story.
That makes it at least two of us. I can’t imagine mum and dad not frowning upon the whole Force thing.
Hahhaha Yeah Surprised she saw Star Wars as well
Okay, so I freely admit that I understand female biology the way I understand cold fusion, and I’m aware I’m about to betray that lack of understanding with this question, but what is that hook thing and what is it for exactly? It seems as though it would be, at best, an obstacle to the device’s intended use.
I love how many guys have asked this
Mostly it depresses me.
The hook is to stimulate a female fleshling’s clit. The reason fleshlings find ignorance of this sad/depressing/funny or some other emotion is that knowledge of fleshing recreational sex is extremely limited. Also, this knowledge is considered essential for female fleshling enjoyment.
It doesn’t help that your media greatly oversimplifies sex. When it’s not oversimplifying it, it’s depicting it in an exaggerated fashion not likely to teach anyone anything.
Thank you for making my admittedly not-very-long yet day.
I’m sorry I know little of this organ I don’t have nor have seen nor want to!
Their poor girlfriends/wives.
It’s still better than my favorite oft repeated chestnut from reading much lemon fanfic many years back where the guy sticks his member in the clit. It was such a common mistake on the sites I read such material on back in the ’99 to ’01 period that I wrote a minific lampooning it.
How does that even work?
Probably in a similar way to the nipple-fucking found in hentai manga.
I was just reading yesterday about the story idea where a former queen becomes a pirate, and names all her ships “The Clit”. When asked, she simply states that the king will never find them.
For that she could have just named them all the Penis, depending on how much of an idiot he is.
Physiologically, the clit and the penis are the same part, so it’s not that far off, either way.
and the follow-up comment where a lesbian pirate finds her ship immediately and they join forces.
Don’t worry, eventually you get over the depression from it!
It speedbags the hooded man in the canoe
+1, made me exhale through my nose rapidly
That is the exact reaction I just had.
It’s for the clitoris.
Just google “Rabbit Vibrator” will you?
it’s not female biology, it’s the physiology of vaginas
not all ladies have vaginas
I’m pretty damn sure that “female” is still an allowed term for a person’s biological sex, regardless of their gender. And not every statement and inquiry needs to be qualified to account for transsexuals, especially when it’s blinkin’ obvious what’s being asked and that no offense is meant. (Good grief.)
1) no, sex does not have gender, vaginas are genderless
2) don’t say “transsexuals”, say trans people or transgender people
3) why would you intentionally leave anyone out when it’s so easy not to
all he had to say was that he didn’t understand how vaginas worked
why is this such a big deal
I feel you, but ‘female’ is also often used for sex and not gender.
“female” is a gendered word, and it implies that trans people aren’t fully the gender they identify as
there’s no reason to gender anatomy
vaginas don’t stop being vaginas if they aren’t referred to as “female”
penises don’t stop being penises if they aren’t referred to as “male”
for that matter, penises don’t stop being penises if they are referred to as “female”, and vice versa with vaginas being labeled “male”
gendering genitals just upholds gender essentialism
My problem with this is it leaves no room for us to have words to define the difference between a male or female. Like it or not males and females are born with different physiology. Being a Trans person is as far as I know a state of the mind such as being gay, being straight, being anything. Because of that it is limited not by a person’s body but by how they mentally feel they should be identified. By rejecting terms like male and female you’re basically not allowing for any account on gender disparity. A female body will have problems a male body won’t have and vice-versa. That’s just factual. And regardless of how deeply you feel ingrained into another set of gender stereotypes this is important to recognize.
“males and females” are not born with anything
infants have no concept of gender
they are born genderless
gender is imposed onto them by adults
did you know that there are cis women without uteri/functioning vaginas ?(nsfw)
however do they cope I wonder
seriously though, there is so much variation within the sex binary (not to mention intersex people), that giving bodies these broad labels is meaningless
it’s not like doctors need to gender bodies in order to recognize what they’re treating
they don’t need to think of penises as “male” in order to understand how they function
(also, gender =/= gender stereotypes)
“Males and Females” are born with certain things that differentiate them from each other. Not all of them are noticeable or applicable from birth, but that doesn’t mean there’s no difference. (Gender is (as far as I know) usually defined by stereotypes. I don’t mean stereotypes in the extreme term, but stereotypes in a nuanced, how one acts and appears.)
male is a gender
female is a gender
infants do not have gender
bodies do not have gender
some bodies have certain parts
some bodies lack parts that are expected of “males and females”
some bodies do not fit society’s definition of “males and females”
there is no reason to gender bodies, because not all bodies are the same
not even within their assigned gender
if assigning gender is so important to treatment of certain bodies, then ladies born without uteri/vaginas shouldn’t be considered female
hell, eunuchs and women who get hysterectomies shouldn’t be considered “males and females” either
But a cis lady born without a uteri is still biologically a woman. The same as a man born without an arm or testicles is still a man. Just because you are missing something doesn’t make you any less your sex. You seem to be under the impression that the only things that gender a person are their genitals. There is DEEP DEEP chemical programming within the human body that assigns their sex. Just saying “Oh, she’s missing a uteri means she’s not a woman” isn’t what makes someone biologically female. Just because I’m “Light Skinned” doesn’t make me not black.
how is a cis lady born without uteri biologically a woman?
what about her makes her a woman?
what qualifies one to be female?
you can’t just vaguely say “chemical programming”
that’s not real, measurable criteria
it’s, at most, a platitude
unless you can give me a definition that somehow includes all cis women but excludes all trans women, I’m not buying your gender essentialist argument
a woman with a penis is a woman
her penis is female because she is female
But, by Wikipedia’s own admission it’s like…fewer than 5 in 100,000. That is clearly the exception, not the rule.
so? if chromosomes determine sex, guys with xx male syndrome aren’t male, they’re female
But there’s a GENE IN the chromosone that is giving it the value of another chromosone while stil. It is just a sub form of the chromosone that is effectively designating it male. So while it’s technically an X-gene, the chemical makeup of THAT gene is such that it is accepted as a different gene.
“Clinical diagnosis
Standard XX karyotype in two tissues (with at least one, or both, containing the male SRY gene)
Male external genitalia, sometimes showing hypospadias
Two testes which may or may not have descended the inguinal canal. Most XX males have descended testes.
Absence of Müllerian tissue”
“Males typically have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome in each diploid cell of their bodies. Females typically have two X chromosomes. XX males have two X chromosomes, with one of them containing genetic material from the Y chromosome, making them phenotypically male; they are genetically female but otherwise appear to be male.”
according to wiki, gender assignments really are as arbitrary as “penis = male”
saying that they’re technically male because one of the x chromosomes has a bit of y chromosome genetic material is a copout
it’s still an x chromosome
science still considers a man with xx male syndrome “genetically female”
what about trans women with xx male syndrome?
since they’re “genetically female”, they’re “biologically female” too, right?
what about the distaff counterpart of xx male syndrome, xy gonadal dysgenesis?
women with this particular condition are “phenotypically female”, but cannot go through puberty without the aid of hormones because they have no ovaries
let me repeat this: in order for them to go through “female” puberty, they have to take hormones
sort of like how (some) trans girls have to take hormones
what’s the difference?
of course, it’s all bullshit, because humanity does not fit perfectly into the sex binary
the very premise of a sex binary is flawed because of cases like this, not to mention intersex people
why are you so attached to the sex binary?
who does it help to be labeled “female” or “male” at birth?
who does it help to assign gender to bodies?
certainly not trans people, and I can’t think of a reason it’s beneficial to cis people either, other than I guess the security of being cis
people with penises don’t need to be labeled “male” because they have penises regardless of their gender
they might even have breasts
they might even be taking estrogen
a lot of trans men don’t get bottom surgery because it’s hard to build dicks
they still might be taking t
they still might have breasts
I guess I concede. You clearly are well educated in this subject so it’s far beyond me to refute you. I will say that while I respect your beliefs I don’t 100% share them but respect your right to believe in and debate them. I’m not really smart enough to argue you on your point so *shrug*.
Whilst I’m generally well in favour of the three-aspect definition of someone’s fe/maleness (expressed gender, physical sex, genetic sex), this whole thread makes me want to zap the entire world with a neutering ray and a side order of EMP, and then kill myself by jumping headfirst into a woodchipper, just to make quadruply sure I never have to witness such a thing again.
This thread needs trans vegans.
I might be able to scrounge up some trans Virginians. Close enough?
I’m a genderqueer vegetarian? I know that’s, like, the low fat and caffeine free version of what you were looking for, but kinda close.
Sorry, I like my meat 😀
Cue Portuguese laughter.
Kerry, one slight problem with your request that he said vaginas instead of female biology is that the clit isn’t located in the vagina. He may have a great understanding of vaginas, but no understanding of the clit. There’s a lot more to biological females’ genitalia than just the vagina, despite what popular media would have people believe. 😉
eh, I kinda knew that
I prolly should’ve said vulvae, but most people think of them as the same thing
You could say the same about ‘woman’ and ‘female’. And be just as wrong.
I… don’t get what you’re saying here?
like, are you trying to tell me most people don’t equate “female” and “woman” together
because that’s definitely not true
oh my fucking god
I agree that the term “physiology” may be more accurate than “biology”, and that not all females are human or even animal (and hence may have no vagina), but the original poster said nothing culturally insensitive or confusing. I say: may he learn the structure and sensual properties of genitalia in peace and without shame. 🙂
I’m glad you’re speaking up for transgendered issues, and indeed I agree that for the sake of clarity, “gender” should be regarded as completely unrelated to “sex”, sex being a classification purely of genetics and anatomy. (That’s also the opinion of many, including many TG.)
However, the term “female” taxonomically does refer to the sex of an organism, specifically those that produce egg cells for reproduction. Certainly not every female human can produce ova (numerous reasons including not having been born with the required reproductive organs), but the vagina is inarguably a female sex organ regardless of whether it can develop or be surgically constructed on non-females.
TL;DR: I support transgender equality but disagree with your stated opinion.
genitals do not inherently possess gender, because gender is a human social construct
and your argument is self-defeating, because if the criteria for “female” is “produce ova”, then not even all cis women should be considered female
that’s ridiculous though, because as humans with the concept of gender, we associate “female” with words like “woman” and “girl”, so we consider those cis women female regardless of their biological functions
by classing sex with gendered terms, we misgender trans people
an alternative is just calling people with vaginas, people with vaginas
or maybe one day we’ll come up with a new word, free of gender associations
(p.s. transgender, not “transgendered”)
“Female” was a sex-identifying term for a very, very long time before it even became a concept to have “gender” mean something different from “biological sex”. The fact that gender identification has borrowed the word doesn’t change the fact that it’s also used to talk about the biological stuff. Meaning you were out of line for jumping down someone’s throat for doing so.
this sounds like the homophobia argument
but if we’re going to play the etymology game, “female” comes from latin “femella”, meaning “girl”, which is a diminutive of “femina”, meaning “woman”
its association with gender came long before your nonstandard “strictly scientific” definition, because the western world by and large has always associated sex with gender
but even then, who knows, maybe you live in some isolated bubble where “female” is not synonymous with the gender (which is inaccurate anyway, but whatever), but that’s not most of the english-speaking world
also, nowhere did I jump down anyone’s throat for anything
I said “it’s not female biology, it’s the physiology of vaginas
not all ladies have vaginas”, which is pretty much as stark and neutral as you can get
I am not responsible for the way you chose to read my words, and if anything, you’re the one being unnecessarily pushy and rude
The part where somebody was clearly making no attempt to be offensive, and you immediately corrected an “error” that it seems nobody but you thinks they made, corrected in a manner that implies you thought they were being deliberately anti-non-standard-gender-roles. That would be the part where you jumped down their throat.
And I have NEVER BEFORE HEARD anybody, anywhere, ever, in any context, be it book, movie, or television, find fault in the claim that vaginas are female genitalia. For a simple example, the goddamn definition of “vagina” on http://www.m-w.com uses the term “female” to describe it. Twice. (Four times if you count the medical definition and encyclopedia entry.) All of this leads me to conclude that, yes, standard usage is still standard, and you’re being hypersensitive over a word use that is completely and unambiguously standard and correct. ‘Nuff said.
oh my god, stop blaming me for your hypersensitivity
I noticed that there was an undercurrent of cissexism throughout this entire comments section
I saw that he said “female biology”
I’m used to people saying things like that, it’s ubiquitous in this society
I decided to respond to his post instead of addressing everyone else because his stood out the most to me
I said “it’s not female biology” and “not all ladies have vaginas” because I assumed that he wasn’t aware/thinking about it at the time of writing
I didn’t assume he was doing it on purpose, that’s you reading into my words because you can’t handle me having an opinion about something that negatively affects trans people everywhere
that is LITERALLY all I’ve been saying this entire time
have you ever interacted with people before, or have you lived in a sterile, controlled environment free of social nuance and subtle oppressive structures your entire life?
I never said anything about genitals having gender. It seems that when someone writes “sex” you equate it to “gender”, and I think that is incorrect. You are of course free to think otherwise.
However, you make no sense when you claim I said something I didn’t. I said that “female” is a taxonomical classification (a generality). I then specifically stated that some human females don’t produce ova and some don’t even have the related reproductive organs (including vaginas). You may agree or disagree with those statements, but please don’t state that I believe the exact opposite.
The term “sex” is used to indicate the type/appearance of genitals. That is the case both legally and medically, hence the terms “sex change” and “sex reassignment surgery”. Traditionally the terms used have been “male” and “female”, but it now more accurately includes “intersex” and possibly others.
Anyway, I see “sex” and “gender” as two completely separate ideas. But for nearly 99.9996% of people, their sex matches their gender and I can understand society equating the terms.
Gender being different than sex is the new idea to society here. It will take time to catch on. But it will take much longer if the pro-gender people tell societies that they must stop using their millennia-old words for core fundamental biological and sociological concepts, especially if the pro-gender people don’t even give them new words to use as replacements.
(oh, and p.s. “transgendered” was a typo.)
no, my point is that you are equating sex with gender by calling cis women “biologically female”, but trans women “biologically male”
the word “female” is gendered, whether you like it or not
I’m down with finding a new term to describe people with vulvae and people with penises, but in the western world, “female” has meant “woman” since its origins in latin “femina”
(a lot of people erroneously use the term “transgendered”, so forgive me for not realizing that you understood the difference)
OK, that’s the second time you say I said something completely opposite of what I actually typed, and criticized me for something I never even hinted at. This will be my last comment on the matter.
apparently you won’t respond to this again, but from my understanding, you were saying that we should continue using “female” and “male” to describe sex, and I am objecting to that
above are my reasons why
Yeah, thanks for pointing out that “transgendered” is not grammatically correct. It’s so annoying and common :p
well said! im trying to be less cissexist in my everyday speech, and not gendering genitals is a really good way to start (even tho my fav euphenism is “lady garden”, alas). i dont understand why this bothers people. its a small change and it makes others around you, who may or may not be directly affected by the issue, a little more comfortable.
thank you for your efforts
it kinda sucks going back on your writing and uncovering all the shitty, pervasive cissexist thinking littered throughout, but once you get used to the whole not gendering genitals thing, it gets easier and easier to avoid
I’m sure it works the same way with casual speech
wow, I am (pretty much) single-handedly responsible for 31 extra comments on this comic all because I pointed out some casual cissexism
You are now officially in the Willis forums. Well done!
My little sister is staying with me for awhile, and now I see I’m justified in hiding mine in fear, three boxes deep in the back of my closet. I could see her doing this and I don’t fancy having the talk (or yell) Sarah is about to have.
You have my deepest sympathies.
That just ain’t right, man.
Ruth: “….You know what? Go back to the gloves. Please, for the love of god, go back to the gloves!”
You gotta use a glove when you’re handling another girl’s vibe.
They make vibe gloves… well, the vibes are on the fingertips, but same thing
I like the shout out to another webcomic in the title (Oh Joy Sex Toy)
I Want too see her pretend to be a pirate, Joyce:” At! You’ll never Get my Body!” ( I feel as if this is the perfect time to make sex jokes at Joyces expense)
Damn I ment to say body…then again this works to.
Your Autocorrect loves to piss me off.
Boody! Fucking auto correct I hate you with a pashion unrivaled by anything else
I think it’s booty. Which is even more appropriate.
I give up. Fuck this I got a report I got to get done in two days I’m taking the night off see you guys tomorrow.
Another poor soul, taken out at his prime, by auto-correct. WHEN WILL THEY FIND A CURE??
I’m surprised Joyce has seen Star Wars
Sarah: Gettin’ real tired of your shit, Joyce.
Uh-oh! This is bringing back repressed memories….
well she has the toy part down… though she may not wanna keep that near her mouth…
Or she might. Don’t judge!
If only you knew the power of the Dildo-Side of the Force, Joyce.
So was Joyce allowed to watch Star Wars as a kid, or did she have to pick it up through osmosis?
She has seen the internet after all
(sorry, tried to find the reference, couldn’t)
That’s my problem! I thought it was in book 1.
And now I realize that someone else already raised pretty much the same question before me. Derp.
And then a laser blade comes out revealing that Sarah is a Jedi knight.
If it actually came out of that little hole, I would die.
This is better than Slipshine right here.
I can’t fap to this!
Can you really fap to slipshine though? Or just laugh and get mildly aroused.
Do you really want me to answer that?
That ^ kinda answers it though…
Oh gods, she really hadn’t sussed out what it was for? I assumed there was just some low level denial going on in panel 5 of the last comic.
There’s a fair chance she still might be in a subconscious state of denial.
Nah, I don’t think so. If she was aware, on any level, where that thing has been, I don’t believe she’d be pressing it to her throat or swinging it around with innocent abandon. This is the kind of play born of pure obliviousness.
She HAS looked up strap ons. How much different is it in her mind?
Funny as Hell. Joyce is such a dipshit. And Sarah’s exression……love it.
Also surprised that Joyce has seen Star Wars.
Hell yeah, tell her what it is Sarah, and while you’re at it, tell her to keep the hell out of your personal effects. That drawer is not hers. After today, I don’t think that’s gonna be a problem.
(If she doesn’t tell her, she’s liable to pull the thing out and take it to class to ask what it is…)
It’s a Dildo! Slop it in your snatch hole!
I missed the strip before this, and has assumed that Ruth had left Joyce unattended, with a dildo.
“She’ll figure it out on her own…”
Serves Sarah right for leaving her toy where a child could get it.
Classic. Comedy gold. Nice work, Willis.
This one makes me giggle.
Shouldn’t be snooping round other peoples belongings
Oh come on, who hasn’t done this.
I think most who have done this usually did it under full acknowledgment of what that device is and its purpose, and possibly for the shock value of making the owner go D8 like Sara is right now. Joyce however… I’m pretty sure her ‘ignorance’ is just a coping mechanism of her purity driven mind to be silly with an object that, deep down, she knows WHAT it is and what it’s for, but can’t openly admit it. It’s like the picture I saw once of a little dog in San Francisco that found a foot-long dildo on the beach (apparently people throw that stuff away in the Bay) and, according to the guy that owned the dog and took the picture, was trotting around with his ‘prize’ and shocking older couples by trying to play that “keep away” game dogs are so fond of with it… except the dog obviously doesn’t have a deeply ingrained complex from getting the bible drilled into its skull since birth.
I’m pretty sure Sarah isn’t weirded out by immature uses of her vibe, just is dreading having to explain this to Joyce. Or not, as the case may be.
Two things:
1) The title of the strip is simply perfect. Best pun ever.
2) In that third panel, Joyce looks like she’s either about to lick it or put it in her mouth.
Trauma incoming!
I want this to have actually happened with little Willis. She’s autobio, afterall.
And that last panel comes RIGHT as I’m finishing up a Star Wars novel. Willis, you magnificent bastard…but seriously, this is really funny.
I’m more impressed she knows Star Wars…
To be fair, even people who have never watched the original Star Wars are likely to know some of the most famous lines from those movies.
I find it funny as hell that the Artist looked through ALL of the comments and represented them in the strip.
So he has a time travel device? Cause he is currently making the strips for September…
There is no way you’re going to convince me that Willis doesn’t have a time machine.
Also for a moment I thought panel 3 Joyce had licked the thing. Also, panel 4 out of context before the word balloon was filled in must have looked so -weird-.
Come to think, this whole -comic- looks completely different if you take out the word balloons.
It took me a whole minute before I could breathe again. This might be the most hilarious DoA ever.
Will Sara show poor Joyce how to use it?
I love this!
Just keep repeating….
It’s a neck massager.
It’s a neck massager.
It’s a…..
You sir
get a cookie.
Then I demand milk with my cookie! 😀
Of course!
Silly Joyce… Luke wasn’t wielding his lightsaber in that scene, his hand had just been cut off causing him to drop it.
Sarah, please please PLEASE tell Joyce where that’s been, and then take a photo of her reaction to immortalise it for eternity. XD
Keep your hands of Sarah’s Joycestick.
If the roles were reversed, you know Sarah would keep her hands off of her roommate’s Joycedick.
(i am so so sorry)
“That’s not true… that’s IMPOSSIBLE!”
“Oh but it is, innocent Joyce.”
I’m dyin’, Willis. Just leaving this here so my wife knows who to go after to avenge me X3
Joyce: “You’re not my father!”
Dildo: “Kid, you have no idea…”
So Joyce tries to be cool and ends up using a dildo as a light saber.
Sarah, get your phone and record this shit. This is gold. Literal youtube gold.
Wait … Joyce watched Star Wars?
This…this is why we need Sex-Ed. People need to know what things are so they don’t brandish them like lightsabers in ignorance down the hall. Brandishing them like lightsabers knowing what they are is a different story, even if it’s gonna get someone hurt by Ruth, but this…
I can sense it in the force. Joyce is heading down that same path she did in It’s Walky. It may not be the same route and it may not end up exactly the same way but make no mistake: Joyce will not stay the goody-two-shoes that she wants to be.
Since this strip is semi-autobiographical and we already know Willis has turned from a proper little religious fundie into a Slipshine pornlord, this would be what is known as a foregone conclusion.
I know that was the case with the original Walkyverse but has Willis said he’s taking the same route with Joyce this time around?
We do have “sex ed”, but at least in the US it describes only the biology of procreation. Discussion of “pleasure” is very much avoided.
Some states make it illegal for sex ed even to mention “gateway sexual activity”. That’s potentially sensual pleasure that doesn’t including genitals, like grabbing an ass or touching a thigh. And then Tennessee even tried to classify kissing and hand-holding as “gateway sexual activity”. (That failed.)
Well of course we do have it but there are a lot of people who refuse to allow their children to take it. I have friends who didn’t know anything about human anatomy until they were in their 20s because their Christian families wouldn’t let them take stuff like that and allowed them to believe it was purely a dirty thing and that it should just be avoided at all costs as if it was detrimental to their life. That’s how Joyce is now.
To be entirely fair to American education… she’s still in their bedroom, not the hall.
That actually reminds me of a German teenager comedy where two boys were actually fighting each other with glowing dildos (and yes, one was green, the other red).
I can see Sarah calling up Jacob: “You will never BELIEVE what I just caught Joyce doing!”
In unrelated news, if I was as naive as Joyce, I’m not sure that I would be able to figure out what it was. After all, penises don’t vibrate naturally (in my experience). But does Joyce even understand the, umm, mechanics of sex? I have wondered since the “rub your thing on my tummy, Ethan” dream . . .
Then she would have to admit to Jacob that she has a vibrator. Considering how tongue-tied and flustered he makes her (except when she’s complaining about Joyce), I don’t see that happening soon.
I’ve just kinda always assumed ladies have toys. If they don’t it’s whatever, if they do, I’m not surprised.
It’s one think to think someone might assume you have them, but it’s another thing entirely to start talking about them to someone you don’t know very well but have a massive crush on. 🙂
True. I wouldn’t go up to a crush and go “I was just jerking off and-” even though most people would assume that’s what I do.
Joyce owes Sarah some batteries.
She’s holding more like someone holds a baseball bat.
You know, Willis has to keep doing this sort of thing on Monday mornings! Really makes my morning let me tell you 🙂
Joyce’s innocence is breathtaking sometimes.
Yeah. Because we are laughing so hard.
If Sara is merciful, she will refer Joyce to Google so she can be embarrassed in private. Or wait, I used Sara and merciful in a sentence.
Far as I can remember, Sarah’s the only character in Dumbing of Age who’s ever apologised to someone for hitting them.
Pretty sure Joyce still hasn’t ever apologized to Joe for punching him in the face repeatedly, and I doubt she has any intention to do so either.
come to think of it, hasn’t she seen strapons? doesn’t she kinda already know how dildos are supposed to look?
I think the handle and “ears” are enough to throw her. Based on her one nightmare sequence, I don’t think Joyce has a *ahem* “firm” understanding of what a penis actually looks like, and subtle variations on the theme could render it unrecognizable.
Also, I’m slightly afraid to find out if Joyce fully understood what the strapon joke meant. I could see her assuming it’s for boys to use on girls (or even maybe girls on girls), but completely missing the implication that she peg Ethan.
Yeah that’s kind of confusing. Joyce has brothers after all, some are close in age to her. I have sisters, so I knew what girl bits looked like long before I was interested in sex.
I had three sisters of various ages was raised in a rather fundy household (mormon, specifically), and the only private parts I saw were my own and those on small babies. That sort of thing is actually pretty easy to avoid if anybody’s trying.
In my experience, you only see your siblings’ plumbing if you change their diaper. It’s not really something you stumble across otherwise. Joyce, being the youngest, would not have this opportunity.
Depends on the family. My (5 years) older sister used to help me bathe up to about the age of 5. Come puberty, 7 years later, I had a vague memory of what girl-bits looked like, but it was much like Chubsius says above.
She’s technically right, isn’t she?
It would probably be a pretty terrible as a curling iron.
I think she’s using ‘terrible’ in its original meaning, ‘inspiring terror’, as opposed to its modern usage, as a synonym for ‘bad’.
This is a great “What would you do?” scenario. I would yell at Joyce to get her grubby hands off my stuff and hope that closes the book on it.
I would rather mistake a dildo for a lightsaber….
Than mistake a lightsaber for a dildo.
Talk about a horrible, embarrassing way to die…
Joyce being a rebel sure escalated quickly. She’s a bad, bad girl.
So… much… hilarity.
Hmm, I can’t decide if this will improve Joyce’s standing with the readers because she referenced Star Wars…or if it will lower her standing because she didn’t quote it correctly…
“My name is Joyce, you killed my father, prepare to die!”
“You gonna tickle me to death?”
This is just too funny! Kudos!!
I definitely did that throat thing with my friends vibrator in ninth grade, but I knew full well what it was.
Doesn’t she know what that is? She had that demonic dream where than is rubbing her stomach with a dildo.
I think she broke Sarah.
Tomorrow: High five from Roz
I’m just waiting for the trauma when someone explains EXACTLY what that is.
My guess is, Sarah will confront her, ask if she know what it is, Joyce will say no, then she’ll whisper in her ear what it is. Cut to Joyce’s horrified expression.
Just like Sari breaking Optimus Prime by explaining (in a whisper) human reproduction.
I wish the vibrator had a name and its own tag.
Sarah: “Oh for fuck’s sake, the ONE time I don’t clean it immediately afterwards!”
Joyce’s descent into the real world continues.
Eek! I love OJST 😀 also lightsaber-rabbit. That is totally what I did when i first held a dildo.
Lordy Lordy
And when Joyce found out what it was, she ran away and hid forever.
This totally happened to me in real life when I was bored at my friend’s house!!! The Star Wars reference and everything was there. Though, I already knew what the toy was 😛
Well, I do consider myself a fan of your work but… could you please redirect us to the old “it’s Walky” gag? I am lost there.
Wait, Joyce has seen Star Wars and doesn’t condemn it for promoting Eastern religion or something?
Not sure what’s funnier…That Joyce is using a vibrator as a lightsaber, that she gets Star Wars references, Sarah’s face, or Joyce’s face.
Why in all my born years has the idea of using a vibrating thing as a comedy voice modulator never crossed my mind? This must be done. FOR SCIENCE!
But only after properly sanitising everything.
Probably the best use for a vibrator.
This one made me laugh out loud.