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2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
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Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
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Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
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Countdown to Countdown
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Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Guilded Age
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That’s a slippery slope. At first she finds Jacob in her pants, then her panties, then her pantings and finally her pans. But let’s not think about breakfast already.
“I have written my first name with your last name so many times I’m on my second notebook.”
“I have specifically sought out pornography with actors who resemble you.”
“You wore that outfit 2 years and seven days ago. What? No, I wasn’t stalking you back then, I just have memorized every photo you are tagged in on facebook.”
She doesn’t want any teenage drama like I don’t want to waste my day farting around on the internet. It’s a complete and utter waste of my time but…well….here I am!
Like there isn’t already a secret “ARPANET for digital scents” being abused by government employees who want to indulge in pornography using an extra sense.
OK I LOL’ed at that one. And now the cat is giving me a dirty look for waking him from hour 27 of his nap… I have a very lazy cat, hasn’t caught a mouse in 4 years… Not that I have seen any evidence of a mouse since then, but still there are all those mice outside he could catch. And why am I hearing Andy Rooney talking?
Ten years from now, everyone will be happily married, and will die horribly in a train wreck (So Willis can work on his Shortpacked sequel about Joyce/Walky’s kids that are in school that is inexplicably more popular than DoA at that point).
Just so he can say that everyone’s relationships ended in a massive train wreck.
Whaaaaat? No. No. Willis would never do that to us. He is our friend, and we can trust him. He would never hurt or betray us nor crush our hopes and dreams in any way. Jeez. Where’s this cynicism even coming from?
BTW, I am not suggesting that Sarah is a lesbian. I’m just saying that if a random girl were to run into Billie and fall under the same spell as Ruth and (partially) Joyce fell under, then run into Jacob, would she become straight again, or remain a lesbian?
I see how you are, Willis. You tore our hearts out with Amber and with Billie/Ruth and now you have to set up another thing we want so bad only to regret it when we get it. I see now why so many damn you.
It’s gonna be interesting to see how this goes. Sarah seems like the sort of person who’d take a lot of distance and wouldn’t even approach Jacob because everything can fail horrifically and sitting back and safely idealizing them is safe. (it is super cute how encouraging Jacob is for her to spend some time with him as a friend though)
While I don’t see the cuteness, it seems reasonable that Jacob would ask her to join him up front. Perfectly natural reaction on his part. It is a little odd after one has been introduced to just ignore each other in a public place when no offense or insult has been given.
And Jacob seems like a friendly guy overall. I mean, he didn’t make toooo many weird faces at Joyce when they met, so that has to say something about how friendly he is.
But yeah Sarah seems the type to look but not touch. But, I mean, Jacob’s pretty touchable.
Well, people I’ve become aquainted with through my friends tend to stick to their already formed cliques, at least as far as I’ve seen. Unless my friends are there, I wouldn’t even get so much as a hello. People like Jacob would definitely be out of the norm for me. Then again two of those groups were full of shitty people afterall and the other aquaintances I’ve met look down on me for being a geek. Still, even online I tend to avoid speaking up because I feel like I’m making an ass of myself.
I hope Sarah doesn’t avoid Jacob if she thinks she did something stupid like I did with my crush =_=
oh come now everyone, we all know where its going… straight to that slipshine site where Jacob and Sarah do a dance… hmmm or is it they do a cuteness white out? or …. i dunno… but that’s where its headed!
Is it bad to want another multiracial couple in DoA just for the sake of being progressive? Because knowing that it might get looked down on in my hometown just makes me want to see it all the more in this comic.
Kind of. On one hand, it is good to want everyone to be free to have relationships regardless of appearance but on the other, it is unfair to expect people to only want people that aren’t the same as themselves in appearance.
Makin’ bigots angry is, uh, one kind of being progressive, I guess. But having a black person/black person relationship is actually way more damn rare than a mixed one, because there’s usually Just One Black Person in an ensemble cast and Additional Black People are not sought out. For many folks, a mixed race relationship is more comfortable versus having no white people. Because white people.
On the other hand, It’s not unheard of in some stories to pair characters off just because they share race. (Black Panther and Storm comes to mind.) My experience is that mixed-race relationships in popular fiction are often specifically motivated by a political motivation, albeit one I agree with, less than a desire to have at least one white person in the mix. The author is trying to say, by putting the relationship in there and not making a big thing of it, that mixed race relationships are okay.
(But in real life, you -are- more likely to run across a same-race couple than a mixed one, and you’ve definitely gone out of your way to address race and racism in an evenhanded and intelligent way, so I’m not suggesting that you’re doing either of those things, and yeah, I don’t see the point of making every relationship mixed race just to piss off a bunch of people that don’t even read the comic angry.)
To your point as a kid, all I feel I saw of black relationships were the two black people automatically got together. Or they are just forever alone. It’s been engraved in my psyche so much that I was happy that my first girlfriend was black because I felt like my mom would be disappointed in me if I was dating anything else.
I feel your pain Sarah, the cute guy in my class sits behind me which makes it so hard to stare at him. I have to turn and pretend to be looking at the person who is talking in the class discussion just to catch a glimpse!
He works fast. It took me and the wife about half a semester to move slowly from siting on opposite sides of the room to sitting next to each other. Apparently the rest of the class was tracking our movements as we talks until class began and then seperated to marginally closer desks each time until we were at the center of the room together and dating. Gah, in retrospect we were embarrassingly cute. ;p
I’ve scanned the comments, but I didn’t see whether anyone had asked this yet (sorry if I missed it):
Why does SHE have to move?
She was there first. If Jacob wants to sit near her, he should get back up, walk back there, and say, “Mind if I sit here?” From the previous strips it looks like there is an empty seat right next to her.
Sarah has to move because the Rule of Funny dictates that she stand up, walk toward the front of the class displaying THAT outfit, further mortifying her and entertaining us, the reader.
If this were real life, I’d see your point.
Yeah, Rule of Funny is pretty much the only reason I can think of too. Since this comic does deal with real life issues, though, I hope this whole “I demand you conform to my world” thing is addressed in some way at some point.
She chose to sit in the back, so are you saying Jacob is assuming not only that she wants to do well, but that she has never heard that people who sit up front do better in class? Combine that with his forcing her to be sociable, and he comes off pretty condescending to me.
“I know what’s best for you, person I met one time! Do as I say. Isn’t that better?”
Thank you! That makes so much more sense than him deciding Sarah should sit up front for her own good.
He’s still asking another person to make allowances for him rather than him making allowances for that person, but a lot of people do that unconsciously, and I’m sure he’s no exception. That unconscious impulse to have other people adapt to you rather than the opposite is actually what I was trying to get at.
So apparently the core of the comic comments section is either insomniacs or live outside the US Eastern Time zone. Look at all those early AM time stamps.
He was also a sex addict. I’m not familiar with sex addiction, but maybe that increases the chances of him messing around with a dude even if he is not gay?
No, I suppose not. I was just going by Willis’ assertion that everyone is the same sexual orientation. I know that sexual addiction isn’t an orientation, but I suspected that might carry over as well . . .
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 1d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
oh my gosh that’s maybe the most adorable thing i’ve ever seen.
“…I already did”
[well, Joyce wasn’t lying, Jacob noticed]
She practices her inconspicuous staring at home, on her Staremaster.
I looked for a like button and then an upvote button
Here have this instead
And now we will never hear the end of it
Who would have thought that Sarah would have this much in common with Walky?
Holy crap, I hadn’t thought of it that way but it’s totally true!
oh Joyce are you in trouble.
I think it’s best we don’t hear the creepy thoughts in the beginning of each relationship.
“I wonder what they look like without pants.”
“I wonder what he/she would look like in my pants.”
“I wonder what I look like in those pants.”
“I wonder what those pants look like without anyone in them”
“I wonder what my pants look like in those pants.”
“What are pants?”
“Honey, where are my pants?”
“I could use pants.”
A Lego movie reference has gone spoken and unanswered. I am shocked. Shocked I say.
Also: “I wonder what their pants look like when used as impromptu rope…”
Honey, I shrunk the pants.
*pant pant*
Found your pants, series is over.
“I wonder if I’m wearing pants.”
“Luke, I am your pants.”
Ancestral Hamster, you win.
“Why are we both still wearing pants?”
Ancestral, wasn’t it rather “Luke, I am [pfff-pshhhh] your pa[pfff-pshhhh]nts.” ?
@Opus the Poet: Why, thank you!
“Why are the wearing my pants?”
Cragalanch needs to proofread more
“Pants? Where we’re going, we don’t need pants.”
“Time is an illusion, and so are pants.”
“There are no pants”
“For you, the day pants graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.
You can have my sword,
and my bow,
I am done with all of you…
All your pants are belong to us!
Bring us up the pants.
*cue art of jacob and sarah wearing the opposite’s pants, and standing about awkwardly* welp, this has been an interesting experiment!
Jacob stuffed into those shorts Sarah’s got painted on would be less “awkward” and more “painful”, I think.
That’s a slippery slope. At first she finds Jacob in her pants, then her panties, then her pantings and finally her pans. But let’s not think about breakfast already.
And then he pants .. and then she pants … and that’s a pair of pants!
“I wonder what they cook like…without pants.”
“Pants are an illusion.”
“I have written my first name with your last name so many times I’m on my second notebook.”
“I have specifically sought out pornography with actors who resemble you.”
“You wore that outfit 2 years and seven days ago. What? No, I wasn’t stalking you back then, I just have memorized every photo you are tagged in on facebook.”
You sound like Faz.
I’m pretty sure if we could hear Faz’s thoughts, we’d all open our skulls and pour bleach on our brains.
No, Faz’s comments would all be about himself.
“I’ve found you a list of pornography with people who look like me in them that you should watch because once you go Faz you never go back.”
“The Faz wore this outfit on a date and almost got lucky so I haven’t washed it. Now we will get double lucky, yes?”
“These are not my pants. Whose pants are these anyway”
Ahahahaha, Sarah. Man, and suddenly I ship these two on account of more than just wanting Sarah to be happy.
I’m getting Walky Deja Vu. Please tell me she does The Face at some point. And chucks something at Jacob’s head.
Just as long as it’s not a baseball bat..
She’ll throw one of her “toys”.
She will throw herself at him.
Walky threw a toy but what will Sarah throw?
Something that requires 4 AA batteries?
Why would she be carrying a TV remote?
Why would she be carrying other battery-operated “toys”? Because she didn’t want anyone else to have it.
Two words: “novelty toy”.
Why would anybody buy a novelty toy TV remote?
Lady boner at critical mass.
Is…is that good or bad? If one’s lady boner “explodes” wouldn’t that mean in this context that…you know…
No, spooge. Get it right
Thanks, it’s not often I get to use this GIF.
Holy crap this made my morning.
Sarah doesn’t want any of that teenage drama.
She doesn’t want it. But it caught sight of her in that adorable outfit, and now it wants her.
She doesn’t want any teenage drama like I don’t want to waste my day farting around on the internet. It’s a complete and utter waste of my time but…well….here I am!
It’s only 12:07. You’ve still got 23 hours and 53 minutes of farting around ahead of you.
Am I glad smells can’t be transmitted over the ‘net!
Like there isn’t already a secret “ARPANET for digital scents” being abused by government employees who want to indulge in pornography using an extra sense.
“Oh god, I might actually get laid!”
On the other hand, yeah, it’s cute as Hell.
Jacob confirmed for Really cool dude.
Good Guy Jacob.
Loving Jacob! Thanks, Willis! (I speak for myself and my gravatar.)
Cragalanch approves
Sarah now understands how guys are with awkward boners
Now I’m imagining her with a boner. Not sure if want.
…Mr K…Don’t make me have to draw this. I will not be merciful.
Would it be like Pinoccio’s nose? the more she tried to lie about it the bigger it’d get?
Please please please please please pleaseOh no, ANYTHING but that! D:
Search your feelings, Yotomoe, you know it must be drawn.
“Thanks a lot, guys”
“is scolling up”
Hey what’s this link?
“clicks link”
Hey its a sketch of Sa………………………………………………………………………..
…..I’ll be in the basement.
That’s not a boner, that’s a strap-on. You are sentenced to 3 weeks of futa porn 18 hours a day or until you can graw a proper lady with a boner.
It’s just ripping trough her panties! Cut me some slack! I’m animatin’!
I don’t think I’ll click on that, Yotomoe. There are things I have seen and things I don’t have to see.
I will only think better of you for it.
Tee hee…
He will you know, girl boners are his speciality. =3
If Joyce is a size 6, what size does Sarah wear?
Size bigger than me, apparently.
Am I crazy or did Joyce’s plan actually work??
Oh sure, only let us pick one.
OK I LOL’ed at that one. And now the cat is giving me a dirty look for waking him from hour 27 of his nap… I have a very lazy cat, hasn’t caught a mouse in 4 years… Not that I have seen any evidence of a mouse since then, but still there are all those mice outside he could catch. And why am I hearing Andy Rooney talking?
I can already see this working out for a while then drama happens resulting in an emotional train wreck.
Like every relationship in this comic?
Pretty much.
Ten years from now, everyone will be happily married, and will die horribly in a train wreck (So Willis can work on his Shortpacked sequel about Joyce/Walky’s kids that are in school that is inexplicably more popular than DoA at that point).
Just so he can say that everyone’s relationships ended in a massive train wreck.
Ten years from now they’ll have gotten past the first quarter.
Whaaaaat? No. No. Willis would never do that to us. He is our friend, and we can trust him. He would never hurt or betray us nor crush our hopes and dreams in any way. Jeez. Where’s this cynicism even coming from?
This seems adorable. I have to assume that means the countdown timer on the drama bomb has already started ticking.
“Sarah” master of seduction.
Question: If Billie turns women gay, can Jacob turn them straight?
BTW, I am not suggesting that Sarah is a lesbian. I’m just saying that if a random girl were to run into Billie and fall under the same spell as Ruth and (partially) Joyce fell under, then run into Jacob, would she become straight again, or remain a lesbian?
You are walking into a minefield, sir.
And in turn, turn men gay?
Then Billie turns them straight?
When their powers combine, they just turn everyone bi.
Will no one think of the hermaphrodites?!?!
They can turn the hermaphrodites bi, too!
Mr K already did in this thread above.
And Yotomoe claims he was “forced to draw it”!
That wasn’t a hermaphrodite! She only had one part and it was the dude parts!
And boobs, don’t forget the boobs. Why doesn’t anyone think of the poor neglected boobs?!?
Boys can have boobs! Sometimes they even lactate!
I am hoping with all of my heart that this is the subject of the next Slipshine porn!
I see how you are, Willis. You tore our hearts out with Amber and with Billie/Ruth and now you have to set up another thing we want so bad only to regret it when we get it. I see now why so many damn you.
The DoA fandom is complex for a reason! That reason is Willis!
Jacob really wants a friend in class.
Sarah really wants Jacob in her.
Somehow I think they’ll make this work.
“You’ve got a friend in me” has never seemed so dirty!
“Say hello to my little friend,” has never sounded so… interesting.
It’s what Sarah will say to Joyce when she asks how the new dress worked!
Every man wants a friend in the classroom and a Jacob in the bedroom.
No, wait…
No, that sound correct.
It’s gonna be interesting to see how this goes. Sarah seems like the sort of person who’d take a lot of distance and wouldn’t even approach Jacob because everything can fail horrifically and sitting back and safely idealizing them is safe. (it is super cute how encouraging Jacob is for her to spend some time with him as a friend though)
While I don’t see the cuteness, it seems reasonable that Jacob would ask her to join him up front. Perfectly natural reaction on his part. It is a little odd after one has been introduced to just ignore each other in a public place when no offense or insult has been given.
And Jacob seems like a friendly guy overall. I mean, he didn’t make toooo many weird faces at Joyce when they met, so that has to say something about how friendly he is.
But yeah Sarah seems the type to look but not touch. But, I mean, Jacob’s pretty touchable.
Well, people I’ve become aquainted with through my friends tend to stick to their already formed cliques, at least as far as I’ve seen. Unless my friends are there, I wouldn’t even get so much as a hello. People like Jacob would definitely be out of the norm for me. Then again two of those groups were full of shitty people afterall and the other aquaintances I’ve met look down on me for being a geek. Still, even online I tend to avoid speaking up because I feel like I’m making an ass of myself.
I hope Sarah doesn’t avoid Jacob if she thinks she did something stupid like I did with my crush =_=
oh come now everyone, we all know where its going… straight to that slipshine site where Jacob and Sarah do a dance… hmmm or is it they do a cuteness white out? or …. i dunno… but that’s where its headed!
I’m shipping these two harder than I ever thought I would.
So am I
I mean misanthropes need love too, right?
Sarah: “You are my jewel. I can’t lose my jewel because it thinks I’m weird!”
Jacob: “I still can’t hear you.”
This is immediately what I thought of when I read Sarah’s last line…it’s the same concept but with gender reversal!
Don’t frick this up Sarah.
But do frick him, Sarah.
Frick him til he can’t frick anymore.
Then exchange numbers so you can frick again.
Let there be fricktion! Oh wait. Nevermind.
Is it bad to want another multiracial couple in DoA just for the sake of being progressive? Because knowing that it might get looked down on in my hometown just makes me want to see it all the more in this comic.
How are Sarah and Jacob in any way multi-racial? I mean other than being multi-racial themselves?
That’s his point. They’re not.
Why does your name make me think of matyrdom?
Kind of. On one hand, it is good to want everyone to be free to have relationships regardless of appearance but on the other, it is unfair to expect people to only want people that aren’t the same as themselves in appearance.
Makin’ bigots angry is, uh, one kind of being progressive, I guess. But having a black person/black person relationship is actually way more damn rare than a mixed one, because there’s usually Just One Black Person in an ensemble cast and Additional Black People are not sought out. For many folks, a mixed race relationship is more comfortable versus having no white people. Because white people.
On the other hand, It’s not unheard of in some stories to pair characters off just because they share race. (Black Panther and Storm comes to mind.) My experience is that mixed-race relationships in popular fiction are often specifically motivated by a political motivation, albeit one I agree with, less than a desire to have at least one white person in the mix. The author is trying to say, by putting the relationship in there and not making a big thing of it, that mixed race relationships are okay.
(But in real life, you -are- more likely to run across a same-race couple than a mixed one, and you’ve definitely gone out of your way to address race and racism in an evenhanded and intelligent way, so I’m not suggesting that you’re doing either of those things, and yeah, I don’t see the point of making every relationship mixed race just to piss off a bunch of people that don’t even read the comic angry.)
(that don’t even read the comic-period-. -_- I need to stop hitting send without proofreading)
If ALL your non-white folks end up in mixed race relationships, that’s kinda just as conspicuous, is what I’m saying.
To your point as a kid, all I feel I saw of black relationships were the two black people automatically got together. Or they are just forever alone. It’s been engraved in my psyche so much that I was happy that my first girlfriend was black because I felt like my mom would be disappointed in me if I was dating anything else.
I am kinda dreading bringing home my white wife, and that is one of many reasons. I mean, I’m brown, not black, but still.
Hope Willis doesn’t make this go horribly wr- wait, what am I saying? Of course he will, just so he can replinish his supply of our tears.
things that start good end bad and this is a good start so there’s going to be a drama bomb at one point or another
He needs our tears so he can stay young.
I guess that makes him a vampire. A sadness vampire. He feeds on our sadness.
Ok, I’ll say it:
Sarah’s 3 faces look like she’s trying to hold in a fart but it ends up coming out anyway, and now she hopes no one can smell it.
Cannot unsee!
as a ass blaster master i can confirm what you are saying is hilariously true
Get up there, girl! He recognizes the hotness that is you!
Dear Willis,
Please make her face in the last frame an icon.
Sarah’s dreams are coming true
Quick, throw a Monkey Master action figure at his head! Works every time.
No, no, it has to be a shared interest. The law textbook will work better and its already in her hand.
“Throw the book at him.”
Jacob, the court sentences you to one hundred hours of servicing…uh…I mean service…community SERVICE.
I feel your pain Sarah, the cute guy in my class sits behind me which makes it so hard to stare at him. I have to turn and pretend to be looking at the person who is talking in the class discussion just to catch a glimpse!
Is it weird that I’m out on a Friday night and drunk-checking DOA because I love this comic so much
Hungover on a mates sofa- first thing checking on phone.
I guess you win though
Sarahhhhh why ar eyou me
He works fast. It took me and the wife about half a semester to move slowly from siting on opposite sides of the room to sitting next to each other. Apparently the rest of the class was tracking our movements as we talks until class began and then seperated to marginally closer desks each time until we were at the center of the room together and dating. Gah, in retrospect we were embarrassingly cute. ;p
Aww. Jacob is awesome.
But that desk is too small I guess I could sit in your laaa….. *faint*
I’ve scanned the comments, but I didn’t see whether anyone had asked this yet (sorry if I missed it):
Why does SHE have to move?
She was there first. If Jacob wants to sit near her, he should get back up, walk back there, and say, “Mind if I sit here?” From the previous strips it looks like there is an empty seat right next to her.
Sarah has to move because the Rule of Funny dictates that she stand up, walk toward the front of the class displaying THAT outfit, further mortifying her and entertaining us, the reader.
If this were real life, I’d see your point.
Yeah, Rule of Funny is pretty much the only reason I can think of too. Since this comic does deal with real life issues, though, I hope this whole “I demand you conform to my world” thing is addressed in some way at some point.
Students that sit at the front of the class tend to perform better anyway.
Exactly. Front row is where you sit if you want to learn and car for your grades.
Last row not so much; you can barely even hear the lecturer from this distance (see comic).
Last row is when you want to take a nap; chat and woo a new partner or play Mario Kart on Danny’s 3DS (Hey Sal!).
Jacob simply assumes that Sarah is in here for learning and getting good grades.
She chose to sit in the back, so are you saying Jacob is assuming not only that she wants to do well, but that she has never heard that people who sit up front do better in class? Combine that with his forcing her to be sociable, and he comes off pretty condescending to me.
“I know what’s best for you, person I met one time! Do as I say. Isn’t that better?”
Jacob is near-sided and doesn’t have his glasses.
Thank you! That makes so much more sense than him deciding Sarah should sit up front for her own good.
He’s still asking another person to make allowances for him rather than him making allowances for that person, but a lot of people do that unconsciously, and I’m sure he’s no exception. That unconscious impulse to have other people adapt to you rather than the opposite is actually what I was trying to get at.
Wow, Jacob’s just a really nice, cool dude. Let’s see how long it takes Willis to screw that up.
Wait a second. Does this make Sarah officially worse at boys than JOYCE?
Sarah’s expression in Panel 1: FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP
When girls do it it goes “squish, squish, squish, squish, squish”…
The onomatopoeia I’ve heard is “shlick”.
Squeeeeee!!!!!! Overloaded by cuteness!
Sarah is a second-year student, right? Does this mean Jacob is also a sophomore?
Look at her expression.
Wet as October.
So apparently the core of the comic comments section is either insomniacs or live outside the US Eastern Time zone. Look at all those early AM time stamps.
Midnight hardly qualifies as insomniac I think
US Central Time where I’m at, so the comic updates at 11 PM local time. That’s not late at all.
I live in EST, but I tend to be nocturnal when left to my own devices.
“We can barely even hear each other! I mean, I could still hear what you just said about staring at me like a creepy person, but only barely!”
So what’s the odds on him being gay and shipping with Ethan.
Pretty low, he was straight in SP. I mean, enjoy, but you asked for odds, not my blessing to ship as you will~
He was also a sex addict. I’m not familiar with sex addiction, but maybe that increases the chances of him messing around with a dude even if he is not gay?
While he was a sex addict in SP!, it doesn’t mean that he will automatically be one in DoA.
No, I suppose not. I was just going by Willis’ assertion that everyone is the same sexual orientation. I know that sexual addiction isn’t an orientation, but I suspected that might carry over as well . . .
Perfect for each other
I don’t know if “what’s she like?” proves anything, but to me it suggests he would be interested in women in DoA too.
nah, irl guys b all pussies like you talk to me first!