Just one week left on the Dumbing of Age Book 3 Kickstarter! That includes reaching $75k so that all pledgers get sweet Slipshine PDFs!
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Just one week left on the Dumbing of Age Book 3 Kickstarter! That includes reaching $75k so that all pledgers get sweet Slipshine PDFs!
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She didn’t wanna toss into a trash compactor.
I Think Mr. Random is ranting about the shoe again.
Regardless, it just looks like a question about wanking into a trash compactor.
May is International Masturbation Month, if memory serves.
My birthday is on International Masturbation Month? Makes me glad my dad doesn’t celebrate it. That’s a near miss for my existence.
nah, as long as your conception wasn’t in May [unless you were WAY past your due date]
Or way, way before it.
Or she could be talking about Dorothy
Your avatar looks vaguely like Woolie of TBF Zaibatsu
Why a trash compactor? Why not an airlock?
Hard to find in a College Dorm, not impossible just difficult. Plus there’s all that security.
Besides, when they realize you’ve discovered everyone is actually living in a giant spaceship, you mysteriously disappear. Or die from high voltage.
I was expecting Dark City =o
I was expecting Megazone 23.
It has awoken…
That could have been a LOT worse.
Not that it’s OVER.
Yeah, frankly it reminds me of this: http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=25
Sorry, I’m not sure about the policy on linking to random things. This is just a webcomic called saturday morning breakfast cereal. It’s not spam or anything.
friggin’ SMBC.
We’re mostly webcomic chaps here, we know about smbc!
What is this “webcomic” you speak of?
there are OTHER web comics besides, Shortpacked, DoA, Sabrina Online, Between Failures, SNAFU and Gunnerkrigg Court??
*enters conveniently located bathroom*
I have a medical condition that makes me incontinent so I crapped my pants but for totally different reasons.
My TMI aside I do wonder what Dorothy will do about Amazi-Girl now that she’s unamasked and has a face to equate with the mask.
Chair bursts through door in: 5… 4…. 3…
The chair will follow Dorothy, no matter where she is.
Two chapters later, the chair will burst through a wall and nail Walky.
Walky and Chair Perform a Sex?
so….the Chair is DOA’s Blue Spiked Turtle Shell O’ Doom now?
It’s like a Blue Shell.
No, the door to the shared half-bath is behind Amber. She’s throwing it… towards the window?
And the it hit some poor sod outside.
Probably Danny
except Alt Text says it bounces and hits Amber =C
No need to throw a chair at ME, Amber. I didn’t out you.
That is a fucking awesome action pose for throwing a chair in frustration. That’s how you know she’s a superhero.
Amber needs a game that will relieve stress. Perhaps Dark Souls.
Might I suggest I Wanna be the Guy?
Or Superman 64!
Yeah, what could help relax a superhero more than playing a game where you get to be a superhero?
Superman: Shadow of Apokalips?
Flappy doge 2048?
….Doc, we need talk.
Again! It took Danny 2 FUCKING weeks to figure this out.
Yeah, and so did Dorothy and she’s a valedictorian journalist who lives next door wait
BUT, Danny was sort of caught up in the middle between Blaine and Amazi-Amber. He didn’t fully realize she was the same person until the mask fell off.
He *did* have a heavy petting session with her at one point, though. Can’t imagine she woulda used her Amazi-girl voice the entire time.
She is very dedicated to her craft. And slightly psychotic.
Slightly psychotic? My friend, you are doing Amber a grave disservice! We’re way past slightly psychotic!
Slightly psychotic to her craft, or very dedicated to slightly psychotic?
Yeah, Danny totally should have recognized that Amazi-tushy.
Living next door to someone means nothing. Not everyone interacts with their neighbors.
I have been in this apartment of 10 units for over two years and I think I could pick out maybe one of my neighbors in a crowd.
Same for me with my current apartment, but a college dorm’s rather different, especially freshman year.
What are “nay-boors”? Are they those things just outside the apartment that make noise when I’m trying to sleep?
Remember, nay-boors are just as afraid of you as you are of them. When you are confronted by a nay-boor, make yourself look large and intimidating. The nay-boor will back down and maybe shut up for a night.
Yep. For all I know, I could very well be living next to a couple of superheroes.
Or supervillains, for that matter.
I live next door to the phone company. I’m pretty sure that qualifies as supervillains.
….Did amber have extended makeout sessions with amazi girl? that’d be awesome.
I’d love to see someone do a riff on this, but with Amazi-Girl, Danny, and Dorothy. Sure, it wouldn’t make much sense, but it would still be cool.
Actually took Dorothy even longer. Keep in mind, Danny was not actively looking for Amazigirl, Dorothy was. She has met Amazigirl in person multiple times before this, as well as Amber at least once, so if Danny was supposed to guess just due to looks, Dorothy failed that test, too.
Dorothy’s very smart, but Costumed Hero logic fools everyone but seemingly Dina. Danny’s not the dunderhead we’ve grown complacent in thinking he is. well, at least on this front, he did fuck up some other things.
You can’t compare Dorothy and Danny and just say ‘Dorothy should have figured it out, if she couldn’t do it, why would you expect Danny to?’ Why? Because you’re comparing essentially seeing two images overlapping for two minutes with other images flashing on the screen rapidly with seeing them overlapping for 2 and a half hours with one image lazily floating in the way at random.
Dorothy has a) other distractions in her life – she was studying, dealing with Joyce, dealing with Walky, her mind was all over the place with a lot of stuff and b) way way less encounters with Amazi-Girl and Amber for very short periods of time. She saw Amazi-Girl three times, but only briefly, and Amber she pretty much only passed by – you wouldn’t tie random strangers together like that.
Danny however spent extended periods of time with both Amazi-Girl and Amber while not doing much else – to the point where he essentially called himself an idiot for not noticing because it was incredibly obvious when he saw her picture in the paper. He noticed her hair was similar because he thought it would look nice if done like Amazi-Girl’s, their shape was obviously similar especially after multiple extended viewings, and she said things that would seem odd like ‘Amazi-Girl won’t mind!’ and ‘Amazi-Girl likes you for that’. Amber has never mentioned hanging around her, so how would she know what Amazi-Girl would think/why she likes him? The similarities and oddities should have been piling up for Danny, but he just overlooked it all.
No. It took Dorothy two fucking weeks to figure this out. (Give or take, depending on when exactly you count as the start.)
Danny never did.
Dorothy was trying to figure it out. Danny said he didn’t want to figure it out on his own.
And he didn’t!
I don’t think that’s how Danny spent those weeks.
I hope she talks. She needs to talk about this.
Listen, Dorothy. You seen nothing, hear nothing and move to another state if you know what’s good for you.
Listen to me nothing is going to be ok, fake your death, I repeat fake your death.
Then make a new identity and move to another continent.
It is generally a good idea to change your name and move after faking your own death. Otherwise you get into far too many awkward conversations.
I’m my -er, her identical twin! With the same name! Um, my parents weren’t very creative.
“My parents didn’t believe in twins” might work.
Holy… Amber’s the violent one, not Amazi-girl. :c
(Sorry if I’m a little late to the game.)
New gravatar! Yay!
Amber violents for the wrong reasons, Amazi-Girl for the right ones.
Dem cheeks
“Fuck this chair in particular.”
“But I’m not Waste Disposal…that’s Tailgate’s job.”
“Hey, I’m a Bomb Disposal Guy…err..Bot. See this sign?”
@Jen Aside This comment wins all of the internets.
And everything falls apart at once.
Somehow, this is Danny’s fault or something, I haven’t commented in a while so I’m not caught up on the scapegoats.
Kidding aside, yikes.
That pose looks painful to me. I guess I am not a superhero
Amber completely threw out her back. Noone would suspect a crippled woman to be Amazi-girl.
Or Amber is demonstrating “Why Won’t My Hips Unsway”?
She’s practicing that infamous “brokeback pose” frequently seen on comics covers.
Seriously, you got to practice and train to be able to pull that off. An amateur trying it will totally break her back.
Amber as drawn by Rob Leifeld?
Amber may need to get shipped off to the loony bin
@evilpenguin you do realize that half of the characters should be shipped to some type of loony bin.
You do realize all of the characters (save a few minor ones) are 18-19? It’s called ‘Dumbing of Age’ for a reason.
She should befriend Amber and become the Jimmy Olsen of DoA.
No. Amber is not Superman, this shit needs to be stopped. It needs to be stopped soon and for good. Amber needs serious professional help.
Good thing she has you to look out for her.
The part of me that studied psychology screams every time she’s on panel.
Ya…that’s not gonna happen.
So she’s Batman then. Or Batwoman? I don’t know anything about her backstory/alter ego, so I don’t know if she’s as psychologically messed up as Batwayne.
Spoiler alert! Amber was emotionally and possibly physically abused by her father. Five years(their time) ago, she froze when Sal took Ethan hostage during the robbery. She later knifed Sal through the hand.
Yeah, I’d say that she is at least as messed up as Dick Grayson, if not Bruce Wayne.
I don’t think it’s spoilers when it’s stuff that’s actually been shown in earlier comics.
I was thinking about Batwoman….
What, so they can tell her she’s crazy and needs to stop?
I mean, did Bruce Wayne get counselling? No, he travelled the world, got a crazy costume and fought against nutcases even more batty than him in a war of criminal escalation. He even found the time to endanger a few children! He turned out alright!
That’d be fun, she already has a Lois Lane.
Or possibly Dorothy is Lois and Danny just thinks he’s Lois when in fact he’s Lana Lang.
Can Danny be Lucy Lane?
I just want to see him get punched by a kangaroo.
Holy shite indeed. British swears sound so proper.
Well, Prowl flips table, Ironhide decks people…I guess Amber throws chairs.
Amber flips tables and decks people, too.
She doesn’t so much “deck” as “mangle”. Granted, there were plenty of extenuating circumstances, but still.
*sniff* I miss Ironhide, he lived such a great life kicking decepticone ass, everything he said and did all the way up to the point of his death was a heroic badass moment. Why did they kill him off those sons of bongoes .
Because he indulged in heroic nonsense!
To make room for new toys.
So does that mean she’s Liam Neeson?
She’s Bad Cop!
I’m no connoisseur, but this may just be the rage-iest webcomic I read consistently.
Oooh, try Two Guys and Guy.
Only, it’s not genuine feelsy rage, like here. It’s fun-rage. Both awesome, just in different ways.
I’m channeling the Lego Movie’s Bad Cop and his utter hatred of chairs now.
Now Dorothy has choices to make. Stick to her journalistic roots or risk some very ill feeling in the future. Sympathy for someone in pain or public responsibility? I’m curious to see what she does.
She might go talk to Danny again. His inside knowledge plus her common sense could lead somewhere good.
I think that’d be her smartest move right now, yes. Good call.
Which tells you *what* about it happening (in the context if it being in DoA)?
In that case, I’d be awfully curious about Danny’s reaction will be when it comes up that Dorothy knows Amazi-Girl’s identity. He *did* say to stay away from her.
Not saying he’ll get violent, but still.
I hope she pulls a Sarah (the time with Dana, not with Joyce) and gets Amber the help she needs. Not by calling dad, obviously, but still.
I hope so too. It’d be the best solution. Talk to Danny, as timemonkey suggests, and get Amber to therapy.
Holy shit, Amber has a fan.
(In-comic fan, I mean)
We all have a fan…or in my case two of them.
I have a heater does that count?
Being British I don’t have an actual fan, but I have a fan oven, what about that?
Dammit Walky, now Dottie’s contracted your Disconnected Eyebrow Syndrome.
This just in: Disconnected Eyebrow is an STD or VD, depending on where you live.
If you live on Venus, it’s a VD?
A very potent one. She got it just from looking at his naked junk that one time.
I get the feeling Dorothy may need to RUN FOR HER LIFE
I think its time we switched over to something a little more light hearted and fun. Maybe Ruth can yell at Billie some more for lying to her?
That is a nice action shot of Amber with the chair. Fantastic art, Willis.
I’m convinced that that is his favorite panel (as referenced earlier on twitter). I mean, it’s fantastic.
Agreed. When it comes time to do the Kickstarter for this book of DoA, a large print of that panel would make an AWESOME incentive.
I think it’s been mentioned that Dorothy doesn’t swear much (around the time Joyce was mocked for her tic), so this means Dorothy is really perturbed. In fact, I don’t think Dorothy has dropped the S-bomb specifically before now
Man…that sucked.
What? You’re expecting a beatdown?
No, it sucks that her identity’s been revealed..again. Amber seems understandably angry about it. It sucks.
Typically, we with anger management issues get ticked when something we want to control becomes beyond our control. Lashing out is a form of last ditch effort to regain control… and when it works (that we regain some form of control) we feel rewarded for the behavior and continue it. Only when the cost of the outbursts becomes higher than the reward do we try to change the behavior. Losing Danny, or another relationship that’s important to her MIGHT do it.
She might stop if her lashing out hurts Dina. It’s been established she doesn’t check for Dina before she starts lashing out before. Only a matter of time before she gets hit by something.
Gasp! Dorothy lives next to Amazi-Girl!
And all this time she thought she was sharing bathrooms with “Danger Woman“, instead…
I’m guessing Panel 4 being Willis’ favorite panel.
I was thinking panel 3, it represents his true rage and frustration that we fuel every night.
I’d go with Panel 2 myself, with Amber/Amazi-Girl suddenly being thrown into absolute powerlessness.
So Dotty should be happy because she discovered who amazi-girl is
brings to mind something about being careful what you wish for…
(Great storyline by the way)
“Prowl Table Flip!” … “Crap! I’m in a dorm room! Prowl Chair Flip!”
And this is how Dina dies. Impaled by a chair thrown by Amber who had no idea Dina was even in the room.
That ended better than expected. Although delayed resolution will make Amber’s tension and paranoia worse … think pressure cooker. Eventual explosion will be HUGE.
Well Dorothys on Amazi-girls list now, along side joyce,Sal, maybe Ethan.
Throwing chairs, and this takes place in Bloomington? Am I the only one to think of Bobby Knight’s infamous chair tossing stunt from many MANY moons ago?
We need an alt panel with the ghost of Bobby Knight looking on in silent approval (even though he isn’t dead yet).
Throwing chairs: a venerable IU tradition.
It’s right there on the school’s brochure.
It doesn’t matter how cool the art is, Amber’s actions are still troubling.
The shit is out of bag now
Or the cat hit the fan.
Did Blaine sneak in through the window?
Why else would she suddenly look AWAY from the door?
Chair: (internal screaming because it has no mouth in with which to scream with)
And I Mouth Scream, you would say?
I fixed it for you. You get a +1 anyway.
It was a terrible attempt at a pun but I’ll take the +1, thanks.
I haven’t been following the webcomic too closely til recently, so I may have missed a couple details. But how did the scene last week prove she was amazigirl?
The shoe that fell out of the trash as the other half of the pair that led Dotty and Walky to AG during the chase the other day. They showed that pretty explicitly in the last comic’s flashback.
Dorothy saw both that shoe and a transformer toy (specifically the one Amber threw) when she was pursuing Amazi-Girl.
Dingdingding, you win best answer. Much appreciated everyone!
A brunette with a similar build to Amazi-girl who’s reluctant to talk about Blaine O’Malley, with a sneaker that matches Amazi-girls and also collects transformers?
And really wanted to prevent Dorothy from getting a good look at one particular Transformer, for some reason.
Ahhhhh…. thank you!!
At first glance I thought that Amber was attacking Dorothy! Then I realized she was out of the room by the second panel.
Good reaction.
Come back next time to see who else finds out that Amber is Amazigirl!
It’s everyone!
Excellent action art as usual.
Dorothy’s pose in last panel dosn’t seem to denote “Wow like I’m living next to Amazi-girl” fandom, more like “Oh boy am I in big trouble now..”-I hope it’s the last one. Run fool.
Amber’s pose in the 2nd panel looks to me like surprize, or maybe lost. If lost then ok, she dosen’t know what to do except rage..so she throws a chair. Understandable. This is mild compared to beating her bastard dad to crap.
But if she is surprised…at what? Someone behind her come in the window, so she throws the chair…like at Blaine?
I said awhile back I hoped that seeing Danny was starting to get a clue maybe he’d go talk to someone about her. And then when she bounced in thru Ethan’s window in street clothes and her mask, maybe Ethan might talk to someone about her.
She has been falling to pieces and nobody see’s it. Ah community sharing and neighborly feels. [Yeah, I know, I’m a hermit myself. Hindsight is great).
Do all college dorms get their shitty almost-rocking chairs from the same place
because those are identical to UIC’s
And CNU’s, although mine personally hasn’t armrests
Looks like there weren’t any tables handy so she had to settle for a chair.
Dorothy, Quick ! Write a letter and mail it to your lawyer, then inform Amber that, anything unfortunate should happen to you, he has instructions to send it to the Indiana Student Newspaper.
Did Amber just fling a disguised Plastic Man across the room?
Wow. O.O
Probably for the best Dotty got out of the room when she did. She might be heavier than the chair, but I’m not sure if that would have prevented Amber from giving her similar treatment.
Don’t throw with your back muscles, Amber, use proper body mechanics.
If the hovertext is any indication, the next time we see Amber wakes up, she will have amnesia.
oh lord…
This is not a drill, the rotational blades have been struck by the airborn fecalmatter! I repeat: THE SHIT HAS HIT THE FAN!!!
Excrement is shifting rapidly to a lower vertical position! SHIT IS GOING DOWN!
The excrement immediately left the virtual world and now exists in actuality! SHIT JUST GOT REAL!
I think the appropriate phrase here, Dorothy, is “be careful what you wish for.”
(Also, “oh shit.”)
That’s an anti-materiel chair, she’s gonna hit Dorothy piercing through the wall!
But what if she misses?
I like how her reaction is horrified and embarrassed but there’s also totally a little bit of fangirl in there. “I live next to a real live superhero!”
…and a minor-sociopath
Wait, why did she throw the chair? Out of frustration? Or to block the door?
I’m more curious to know if Dina was in the room while all this was happening?
Nice to know she has that whole anger management thing under control…..
And this is where we see Dina in the corner telling Amber that chairs have been known to upset her on occasion too.
I do wonder how Dorothy will react to the loud crash behind her.
I agree that the idea of Dorothy going back to Danny to talk about this would be an excellent possible way of getting Amber into therapy IF, and only IF, Dorothy can keep her Walky-sucking mouth shut and look at the situation as a human being instead of a glory-seeking reporter. I think she has it in her, but only if she can put aside the need to exceed…
She doesn’t have enough information to make a story yet. Just a really good headline.
When has she ever *not* dealt with situations like a human being? An ambitious human being who sometimes makes mistakes, yes, but I have no idea where people are getting the idea that she’s some kind of amoral glory-hound.
Also, what does her sex life have to do with anything?
Because as soon as a woman has sex she’s an amoral pleasure seeking whore instead of a pure innocent maiden.
But seriously, if you found out someone was concealing their identity and beating people up, you’d be worried. If I were in that position I’d never publish because I’d be too worried about my own capacity to be beaten up.
The red-mist descends. She won’t remember a thing. Trust me.
So, where is she throwing the chair? Out the window? I’m not good at 2D space, but the door is behind her so it’s not that.
Wow . . . powered by Amazi-Rage, the chair is literally breaking the fourth wall!
(I cannot tell if that should be a literal “literally”.)
It took me two days of archive diving but I finally found the QC strip where Penny gets a delivery from Pizza Girl.
(see yesterday’s comments for the comment I am replying to)
BTW QC has a huge archive… and no tags on the comics to find two characters together.
Unreliable narrator.
Whoop, back to Amber.
Okay… I’m lost here.
How exactly does Dorothy know that Amber is Amazi-Girl from finding transformers on her shelf and Walky’s shoes in her room?
Didn’t he just kick ’em down the hall?
Oh, nevermind. I reread some of the archive.
Please fill me in. I re-read the whole “walky kicks his shoes off” comic and several comics before and after and I still don’t get it. Especially because the shoes he kicked off where black and the shoe in Amber’s trashcan is white? And Amazigirl wasn’t around? I’m so lost.
Ohhhh, nevermind, I was reading the wrong comic. Whoops.
People should read this comic if they are confused: http://www.dumbingofage.com/2014/comic/book-4/01-the-only-dope-for-me-is-you/broad/
Man, if I were Dorothy when I heard the loud BANG of the chair hitting the bed or whatever, I’d piss my pants.
Or at least get the hell away from that door.
On thing I find interesting is that in DoA’s new banner (as shown on dumblr), Dorothy is front and center, but Amber (or AG) is completely missing.
Coincidence? I don’t think (as in, my think-pan is powered down).
I wouldn’t find it too interesting. Those arts seen in the banners are created when I need to draw a new change of clothes for a character, and Amazi-Girl doesn’t really need those.
I mostly found it interesting in the context of people suggesting that Amber/AG will kill Dorothy … and then was too tired to post about it for a day.
I am not suggesting that it means that Amber gets jail or therapy.
Damn, Dorothy’s eyebrows-going-above-her-head game tho
This is one highbrow strip.
Dina, duck!