Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
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2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Cyanide & Happiness
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Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Kadi Fedoruk
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If you look at yesterday’s comic, there’s a video embeded in the post of something just like this. I think he wanted us to know it actually existed before people could say they didn’t believe someone would make it.
Well, to be fair, the actual thing he’s basing it off of isn’t as blatantly brainwashing. It is still complete tripe though, with a bit of nightmare fuel.
Also to be fair, any good brainwashing is marketed as good, just, and harmless. Its kinda like how most villains truly think they are doing right. Like that one guy honestly thought that if he ate his boyfriends/abductees that they’d never leave him and he’d never be alone.
Good brainwashing is done by people who honestly believe in what they are doing.
I’m surprised by how many people are surprised at the content. The kind of language (make me a servant) is straight out of actual church songs, if not the bible itself.
Most of us, I think are adults looking back on the kind of heavy-handed conditioning fed to us as children, only now able to analyze it for both intent and effect.
Also a bit shocked that what we think is probably an American-born black dude under all that makeup is touting the virtues of slavery to a new generation of children. Seems like the wrong century to be pushing that mentality.
How’s that national anthem go? “Land of the docilely obedient, home of the paranoid?”
I dunno if it’s the wrong century, numerically the slavery is bigger than it’s ever been (if not by percentage). 27 million now vs. 12 million then…
It’s not the legal and mental institution that it used to be, but it hasn’t stopped being highly convenient and profitable to own all the labor of another human being. The whole racism that accompanied the old style was really just a convenient excuse to justify the economic profitability of slavery.
Oh Hell that one again? I was drinking long before that one came out. That’s the Israeli Sesame Street, right? I have seen that, but I have seen telenovelas that were more frightening. Hell Sabado Gigante is scarier than that.
That’s not bad. It’s Sesame Street for Israel with hebrew and an echidna instead of Big Bird. We watched it in Sunday school at my synagogue, and I don’t remember any real biblical stuff from it aside from episodes for various Jewish holidays (“let’s dip the apple in peanut butter so the new year will stick to the roof of our mouth!”).
For a minute I was like “Why would Israeli Sesame Street use a terrifying Greek monster instead of Big Bird?” and then I remembered that there’s a type of anteater called an echidna.
Not that I saw. It was filmed in the town I grew up in, but I didn’t see any of them outside of church. And I only knew because I heard some people whispering every now and then.
Actually I think that was a bleak and scary future of costumed folk singing feel good show tunes. I have the same look on myself whenever faced with Mitten the Kitten O_O
I was thinking more special effects from Beauty and the Beast (the late ’80s tv show) gone bad…which is no good when you take Ron Pearlman out of the equation.
Well there is this one scary looking mouse puppet/animatronic in one of those video board game…I don’t know what’s it called but I saw it once on the intro of the Black Hole of Boardgames.
The farther you get, the more skilled their writing gets, and the higher the videos grow in quality. Honestly, I think it might actually rival the show itself in terms of quality.
Well at least Earthquake never got the Ladies Man gimmick and at least Mark Henry got better with the World’s Strongest Man gimmick. Khali….at least he didn’t go Giant Gonzales.
Does Billie have any alcohol? Yes, Dorothy, yes she does. In other news, the sky is still blue, the ocean still smells of salt, and the sun continues to be a mass of incandescent gas(es). Just in case you wanted to double check.
I thought the sun was a group of nuclear reactions localized around a certain gravitational point as particles continuously bonded hydrogen into helium.
Also this is the perfect time for Joyce to give some Holy Biblical life advice to her friend but she’s not doing NOTHING!
she just like ,”Hey I don’t care about your problem just watch this dumb crap show with me, I mean its not my job to give you advice to deal with your personal problems, I mean what do think I am a Christian? Oh wait…
The more we hear about this Hymnel the Hymnal thing, the more utterly terrifying it seems – and that’s leaving aside the actual ideology it’s pushing! And it’s intended for children? Shudder.
The Dumbing of Age tumblr is just flat orange, maybe it’s not showing properly? The It’s Walky tumblr is some kind of blurry out-of-focus obscured-by-text-boxes clown thing. I’ll admit that clowns are kinda evil and terrifying though.
“My name is Jesus Christ, King of Kings; look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.”
Then I think I’m glad it’s obscured by the text boxes. Truly, the god who can create such a thing is the same god who can create wasps which inject their larvae into live spiders.
Whenever an unsympathetic character exhibits horrendously stereotyped ethno-religious traits, drink! (Only once per distinct trait, we’re not trying to kill people here.)
Whenever something is presented as indisputable truth that is neither factually nor Biblically correct, drink!
Whenever something absolutely horrible is presented as a life lesson for children, drink!
Whenever you wake up screaming in horror in the middle of the night, drink until the nightmares go away! (That’s not really part of the game, just something you gotta do.)
Oh, and, I think Dorothy really ought to watch this. For Joyce. Not “because Joyce wants her to”, but so she’s seen the face of the enemy. So she knows. Because she may think she knows, but she doesn’t. She so, so, doesn’t.
(I’m saying this as someone who had a similar upbringing to what Dorothy’s appears to have been, and lived most of my grade school years in the Bible Belt, and thought I knew, but is still continually amazed and horrified by the things Willis reveals about his upbringing.)
Unrelated-to-today’s-comic question: is Sarah being relieved that Jacob has no interest in Roz a bit hypocritical? She herself said that her interest in Jacob is purely physical. Maybe she was unintentionally slut-shaming and she realized and that’s why she looked sad in the last panel. (as in: if she really only wanted to bang Jacob, she should have no problem that Jacob had sex with other girls before her, Roz included.)
If you go back, the last panel shows that she realizes that Jacob isn’t going after Roz, which means she still has a chance. However, after that she realizes that Jacob literally said he didn’t want a one night stand which was what Sarah wanted. I think. In a way, I think it shows that Sarah, after getting to know Jacob a little might actually want a relationship with him. But she still hasn’t mentally adjusted her goal from Bang him to Date him. Once again, I think.
I suppose I really should mention that: Before I came back to the comments on this page I started the first Gorillaz CD playing. I’m now up to the track titled Punk.
This Girl has finally caught up with the whole comic From start to finish in a few days so yay :D. And D: cause no more comic to read.
As for the episodes. I think I would be very very scared to even glance at them o.o
Man Willis, I’d apparently blocked all Kids Praise stuff out of my childhood memories as some form of PTSD and now all the horrible flashbacks are coming back.
I used to watch Psalty’s Songs religiously (heh) when I was a child. Charity Churchmouse, too. I’d successfully blocked out that portion of my life and completely forgotten about it until I started reading this story arc, but now, it’s all coming back to me. Damn, fuck, and shit.
Here’s the famous background image, just so the uninitiated and unscathed can enjoy a small morsel of the suffering I’m now experiencing.
Am I the only one who is consistently going “Wait! What is a Christian like Joyce doing listening to someone with so obviously a Jewish name like Hymmel? For that matter, what’s a nice Jewish book like Hymmel doing singing to a bunch of the goyische?”
Omigosh, I’ve actually reached the newest page. I was scared this would happen. I love this comic why did it have to end so soooooon. jk. but I do love this comic. I have never cared for comics and stuff that had a lot of main chars, but this comic has really helped me enjoy the unique personalities and lives of each char. Amber Sal Billie and Ruth are my faves tho. cus they all got zesty lifes.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
Waiting for the TV show to come out….
I… I want to say there’s no way it will happen… and yet, I fear if I do, the universe will make it so just to spite me.
Are you telling me you would not watch this?
If you look at yesterday’s comic, there’s a video embeded in the post of something just like this. I think he wanted us to know it actually existed before people could say they didn’t believe someone would make it.
Well, to be fair, the actual thing he’s basing it off of isn’t as blatantly brainwashing. It is still complete tripe though, with a bit of nightmare fuel.
Also to be fair, any good brainwashing is marketed as good, just, and harmless. Its kinda like how most villains truly think they are doing right. Like that one guy honestly thought that if he ate his boyfriends/abductees that they’d never leave him and he’d never be alone.
Good brainwashing is done by people who honestly believe in what they are doing.
I’m surprised by how many people are surprised at the content. The kind of language (make me a servant) is straight out of actual church songs, if not the bible itself.
Most of us, I think are adults looking back on the kind of heavy-handed conditioning fed to us as children, only now able to analyze it for both intent and effect.
Also a bit shocked that what we think is probably an American-born black dude under all that makeup is touting the virtues of slavery to a new generation of children. Seems like the wrong century to be pushing that mentality.
How’s that national anthem go? “Land of the docilely obedient, home of the paranoid?”
I dunno if it’s the wrong century, numerically the slavery is bigger than it’s ever been (if not by percentage). 27 million now vs. 12 million then…
It’s not the legal and mental institution that it used to be, but it hasn’t stopped being highly convenient and profitable to own all the labor of another human being. The whole racism that accompanied the old style was really just a convenient excuse to justify the economic profitability of slavery.
Wow, I managed to use “if not” twice in two replies, and it means something different in both of them.
I am the hack-est writer.
What i meant is a DoA Tv show coming out.
Isn’t there some rule that says if someone has thought of a thing…
then there is Internet porn of it?
*twitch* *shudder*
That would be ‘Rule 43’, always a useful phrase to append to other search terms.
That’s not always necessary, “Rule 34” seems to frequent many drop down suggestion menus while doing a Google search.
Yet another feature that Bing doesn’t provide. Suck it, Bing.
Next: Dorothy x Billie
I support this idea fully, but Walky might feel a bit left out.
Clearly the solution is Billie x Dorothy x Walky x Joyce x Dina = Pure awesome.
One True Fivesome?
it’d be the voltron of group sex!
You think Walky wouldn’t be okay with watching, at least for the first few times?
With a bit of Ruth for spice.
Your comment implies this wasn’t furiously shipped already.
I’m just saying it’s NEXT
This sounds absolutely terrifying.
Just checked his Tumblr and Holy crap it is scary as shit.
I’m scared….
Don’t you mean… you’re Confused?
*dodges pointy rocks*
Why would you need to dodge? Everyone knows you only hurt yourself in your confusion.
What was that? Did he say “Punch myself in the face”? okay Squirtle Time to shine!
Yeah, I would have started drinking if someone dumped that on me as well.
Recently I have discovered there is a show called Shalom Sesame. What say you, Mike?
Oh Hell that one again? I was drinking long before that one came out. That’s the Israeli Sesame Street, right? I have seen that, but I have seen telenovelas that were more frightening. Hell Sabado Gigante is scarier than that.
That’s not bad. It’s Sesame Street for Israel with hebrew and an echidna instead of Big Bird. We watched it in Sunday school at my synagogue, and I don’t remember any real biblical stuff from it aside from episodes for various Jewish holidays (“let’s dip the apple in peanut butter so the new year will stick to the roof of our mouth!”).
For a minute I was like “Why would Israeli Sesame Street use a terrifying Greek monster instead of Big Bird?” and then I remembered that there’s a type of anteater called an echidna.
Now I want to see that.
Hopefully she has some wine, then they can pretend it’s like a Catholic mass, with a lot more communion.
There’s going to be blood to pay for it. His.
Love your neighbour!
I’m pretty sure I’d rather drink than watch that too
Drinking does not have to be the only option! Dental visit… Football game… Flu shot…
Getting beaten into unconsciousness with a rusty golf club…
The unconscious part is key. Otherwise you run the risk of coming to before the show is over.
The problem with that is that “getting beat back into consciousness” is a thing.
*intense internal screaming at your gravitar*
Yeah, I’ll be getting rid of that one soon.
I-I…I think I’m gonna go get a drink, too…
What a coincidence! I seem to have some right here!
Your gravitar is almost perfect for that comment. It’d be incredibly perfect if it was posted a week later.
I’ve got a bottle saved for just such an occasion.
I just want to see a scene where everyone gets drunk, just Flat out drunk.
Is this close enough?
Holy shit that’s horrifying.
This reminds me of the time I found out Barney and his relatives went to my church
As in the dinosaur?
No, Stinson.
Why not both?
Why both?
How about Barney Stintson dressed as Barney the Dinosaur?
“Barney, you could never score with a girl dressed as Barney the dinosaur.”
“Challenge accepted!”
Why would you want to score with a girl who dresses like Barney the dinosaur???
Is it true he was using drugs?
Not that I saw. It was filmed in the town I grew up in, but I didn’t see any of them outside of church. And I only knew because I heard some people whispering every now and then.
Ahh, you live either in Plano or Carrolton TX.
Combine Santa Claus and the Ice Cream Bunny with Chuckie Cheese, and add a dash of Veggie Tales.
Only a dash?
Yeah, only a dash. He’s shown what this is based off of, and it’s MUUUUCH worse than Veggie Tales.
Let’s put it this way: Veggie Tales took off in the Christian video market because it was *multiple orders of magnitude better than anything else.*
If you think it’s lame? Imagine what it *replaced*.
As terrifying as what you actually said is, I initially read that as Combine Santa Clause. As in, a Combine from Half-Life 2… dressed as Santa.
That sounds rad actually. Way preferable to the movie in Joyce’s hands
You will like this, then:
What is this delicious sounding Ice Cream Bunny you speak of?
Not so great outside of context, definitely not delicious, best served with RiffTrax.
I don’t drink either, but this would make me do so heavily, in an attempt to kill whatever part of my brain is storing those images.
You can drive a lady to drink, Joyce.
Dorothy:”someone get me some damn vodka for this.”
It was a woman that drove me to drink, and I never did thank her for it.
And then we see that the ditty in this episode was filked from an old drinking song…
Yes Dorothy…stare at the fourth wall.
Actually I think that was a bleak and scary future of costumed folk singing feel good show tunes. I have the same look on myself whenever faced with Mitten the Kitten O_O
Soon the beast will come to consume us all!- Hymmel the Hymnal.
As if the one with the triangle smile is not enough.
Get me a fruity drink, this is going to be rough.
*reads alt text*
Yes – all you folks who haven’t checked the author’s tumblr wallpaper must do so RIGHT NOW.
Here’s the linki, Bee-Tee-Dubya:
Ever see The Witches? Those creepy Creature Shop effects for when people are midway to becoming mice?
Looks like one of those.
Not as bad as what I was expecting. More School House Rock than Candle Cove
I was thinking more special effects from Beauty and the Beast (the late ’80s tv show) gone bad…which is no good when you take Ron Pearlman out of the equation.
I dont’ feel right rating this new gravatar “G.” That picture’s a hit of acid away from being nightmare fuel.
Well there is this one scary looking mouse puppet/animatronic in one of those video board game…I don’t know what’s it called but I saw it once on the intro of the Black Hole of Boardgames.
Was it Rap Rat?
Damn your inquiry, and damn my compulsive Google Fu. (I don’t think it’s scary, but those videos on YouTube certainly shaved some IQ points)
Yeah….that one. And I found out that that monstrosity has its own creepypasta…that’s just what I needed, make that even scarier.
“Looks like I picked the right day to start drinking”
That moment when I realize just how many wrestling tumblers I follow…
Also WTF is that?!?
That is what happens when your nightmares drop a gallon of LSD.
All the circles make a reason for me not to sleep tonight.
Also I take full responsibility for missing this reference.
Little obscure, I admit. Its a Team Fourstar Dragonball Abridged episode.
I dunno how to imbed a link with specific timeframes to skip to, but the reference is at 7:10 or so.
This is why we research!
Thanks I keep forgetting to finish this series.
The farther you get, the more skilled their writing gets, and the higher the videos grow in quality. Honestly, I think it might actually rival the show itself in terms of quality.
As much as I love Dragonball and DBZ, it’s not at all hard to rival its writing quality.
Wrestling tumbles? Can you direct me to one?
Dude, I AM ONE. Click ME! CLICK ME!
Oh…now your username makes sense. That horrible gimmick for Viscera….well, before Big Daddy V and the World’s Largest Love Machine that is.
Yeah I never understand WWE’s logic with large men
“500 lbs man? Several tatoos? Scary face? Lets make you a ladies man!”
I feel bad for Brodus Clay… and Henry… and even Khali a bit…
Well at least Earthquake never got the Ladies Man gimmick and at least Mark Henry got better with the World’s Strongest Man gimmick. Khali….at least he didn’t go Giant Gonzales.
Say what you want about how they eventually did right by Mark Henry…he still had to knock up Mae Young with a hand baby.
Why do you have to bring that up? Some of us had repressed the memories of that.
Does Billie have any alcohol? Yes, Dorothy, yes she does. In other news, the sky is still blue, the ocean still smells of salt, and the sun continues to be a mass of incandescent gas(es). Just in case you wanted to double check.
Actually, the sun is a miasma of incandescent plasma. The sun’s not really made out of gas, no, no, no.
I thought the sun was a group of nuclear reactions localized around a certain gravitational point as particles continuously bonded hydrogen into helium.
Hence, plasma.
Wait, you mean they got it wrong? So…so what else did they get incorrect? Could…could they in fact NOT be Giants? I’m gonna cry!
There were giants in the earth in those days.
(Particularly in New York and Massachusetts.)
Also, Triangle Man does not, in fact, win.
(And now I have the sun song lyrics stuck in my head, thanks).
I’ll trade you that for Particular man, you bastard.
Triangle Man hates Particle Man.
Hey, they never said they definitely were, only that they might be.
But that is a terrifying thought. After all, what are we gonna do unless they are?
I feel like Joyce has had two settings this season: aghast sexual puritan and crazy religious cartoon fan.
Is D&MM religious, then?
Didn’t you know Fandoms are the new religions?
Dammit where’s the upvote arrow!?!
Why…. the rodents. I can’t…..
I could explain it to you…but I’m afraid I couldn’t give ::shades:: a rat’s ass.
Wow the more and more I hear about Joyce’s childhood the more and more it’s sounds fucked up, anyway ya let’s see what Billie’s doing.
That Tumblr background sent me down the rabbit hole of Psalty Salvation Celebration. I think I like the old costumes better.
Is it going to stay that now? Or will it change as soon as Willis finds something even more horrible, rendering the alt-text incorrect?
[said after having stopped reading the itswalky Tumblr due to laughing Megatron being TOO distracting]
[[no I don’t dashboard]]
It’s been like this for a long time now.
Good plan.
Also, it’s been decades since I lived in a dorm, but don’t kids get high anymore?
Yeah, but those who do don’t leave their rooms.
What do you think happened to Sarah’s last roommate?
OK let’s just face it, what almost everyone wants to see is the two of them get tipsy and just….( you decide what happens next).
This is pretty much how I started drinking.
Every time I read Joyce I imagine her sounding like Pinkie Pie, which makes lines like these particularly hilarious…
YES!!! I thought I was the only one who thought that!!!
Also, Dina sounds like Fluttershy, Sal like Apple Jack and Dorothy like Twilight Sparkle
Also, Walky sounds like Fry from Futurama to me for some reason, and Mike like Bender and Joe like Zap Branigan
Also this is the perfect time for Joyce to give some Holy Biblical life advice to her friend but she’s not doing NOTHING!
she just like ,”Hey I don’t care about your problem just watch this dumb crap show with me, I mean its not my job to give you advice to deal with your personal problems, I mean what do think I am a Christian? Oh wait…
Dude, she’s trying to have Dottie to watch a show that has such advice.
The more we hear about this Hymnel the Hymnal thing, the more utterly terrifying it seems – and that’s leaving aside the actual ideology it’s pushing! And it’s intended for children? Shudder.
Have you never seen the background of his Tumblr? Because seriously. IT IS THAT TERRIFYING. DEAR SWEET MERCIFUL HISTORIC JESUS IT IS THAT TERRIFYING.
The Dumbing of Age tumblr is just flat orange, maybe it’s not showing properly? The It’s Walky tumblr is some kind of blurry out-of-focus obscured-by-text-boxes clown thing. I’ll admit that clowns are kinda evil and terrifying though.
“My name is Jesus Christ, King of Kings; look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.”
Oh, it’s not a clown.
Then I think I’m glad it’s obscured by the text boxes. Truly, the god who can create such a thing is the same god who can create wasps which inject their larvae into live spiders.
Right click -> view background image. You will regret it though.
Thanks for that suggestion. You were right, I did regret it. I’ve seen worse though.
Your avatar is tremendously appropriate (mine, not so much).
Only one way to cope with this one, Dotty.
Hymmel the Humming Hymnal drinking game!
Whenever an unsympathetic character exhibits horrendously stereotyped ethno-religious traits, drink! (Only once per distinct trait, we’re not trying to kill people here.)
Whenever something is presented as indisputable truth that is neither factually nor Biblically correct, drink!
Whenever something absolutely horrible is presented as a life lesson for children, drink!
Whenever you wake up screaming in horror in the middle of the night, drink until the nightmares go away! (That’s not really part of the game, just something you gotta do.)
Oh, and, I think Dorothy really ought to watch this. For Joyce. Not “because Joyce wants her to”, but so she’s seen the face of the enemy. So she knows. Because she may think she knows, but she doesn’t. She so, so, doesn’t.
(I’m saying this as someone who had a similar upbringing to what Dorothy’s appears to have been, and lived most of my grade school years in the Bible Belt, and thought I knew, but is still continually amazed and horrified by the things Willis reveals about his upbringing.)
I wonder if Hymmel has a song on the danger of alchohol consumption?
Unrelated-to-today’s-comic question: is Sarah being relieved that Jacob has no interest in Roz a bit hypocritical? She herself said that her interest in Jacob is purely physical. Maybe she was unintentionally slut-shaming and she realized and that’s why she looked sad in the last panel. (as in: if she really only wanted to bang Jacob, she should have no problem that Jacob had sex with other girls before her, Roz included.)
If you go back, the last panel shows that she realizes that Jacob isn’t going after Roz, which means she still has a chance. However, after that she realizes that Jacob literally said he didn’t want a one night stand which was what Sarah wanted. I think. In a way, I think it shows that Sarah, after getting to know Jacob a little might actually want a relationship with him. But she still hasn’t mentally adjusted her goal from Bang him to Date him. Once again, I think.
This is my assessment, as well.
I suppose I really should mention that: Before I came back to the comments on this page I started the first Gorillaz CD playing. I’m now up to the track titled Punk.
On a sort of related note, I want to act out the beginning of “Left Hand Suzuki Method” for the first time in years.
I thought LHSM was a J-pop band.
It’s also a track in the U.S. release of the self-titled Gorillaz album.
Sounds more like a masturbation technique to me.
Nice to know that Willie Aames has work in this universe.
This Girl has finally caught up with the whole comic
From start to finish in a few days so yay :D. And D: cause no more comic to read.
As for the episodes. I think I would be very very scared to even glance at them o.o
Man Willis, I’d apparently blocked all Kids Praise stuff out of my childhood memories as some form of PTSD and now all the horrible flashbacks are coming back.
Just remember to call it “booze” or “liquid courage” when you see billie, Dorothy.
Am I the only one who can’t find the Tumblr background in question? Or was it all a cruel hoax?
itswalky tumblr → [bg image].
Why did I zoom in.
And that, folks, is the danger of inbreeding. Please remember to spay or neuter your hillbillys.
Damn, that show IS real. Man. MAN. I never thought I’d see a show that made Bibleman downright dignified.
but.. but.. Bibleman wasn’t so bad.. I think..
Joyce has a mouth. This is very strange.
I used to watch Psalty’s Songs religiously (heh) when I was a child. Charity Churchmouse, too. I’d successfully blocked out that portion of my life and completely forgotten about it until I started reading this story arc, but now, it’s all coming back to me. Damn, fuck, and shit.
Here’s the famous background image, just so the uninitiated and unscathed can enjoy a small morsel of the suffering I’m now experiencing.
It was by the same folks that did WeeSing, wasn’t it? I remember those shows.
And, in the category of “Things I can only assume live in hell…”
Dotty, Dotty. You’ll never get to be President at this rate.
Am I the only one who is consistently going “Wait! What is a Christian like Joyce doing listening to someone with so obviously a Jewish name like Hymmel? For that matter, what’s a nice Jewish book like Hymmel doing singing to a bunch of the goyische?”
It’s doubly funny with your Joyce avatar.
As I pointed out once before, “Himmel” with an ‘I’ instead of the ‘Y’ is the German word for “heaven”.
Omigosh, I’ve actually reached the newest page. I was scared this would happen. I love this comic why did it have to end so soooooon. jk. but I do love this comic. I have never cared for comics and stuff that had a lot of main chars, but this comic has really helped me enjoy the unique personalities and lives of each char. Amber Sal Billie and Ruth are my faves tho. cus they all got zesty lifes.
Love that fourth panel. It looks like something has snapped in Dorothy’s brain.