Enjoy or disregard at your leisure:
If you want to see 17 full-color pages of Walky and Dorothy legit going at it naked wham-bam sexy-style, you totally can over on Slipshine. Also, it’s canon!
And you’re welcome.
1) Can you buy it separately? Nope!
2) Will it be available outside of Slipshine? Nope!
3) Will it be in the Dumbing of Age book collections? Nope!
4) Since it’s canon, do I need to read it to understand the regular comic? Nope!
5) Will it be around long enough for me to save up money? Yep!
6) Will there be more? Yep!
Like for seriously — this stuff ONLY EXISTS because Slipshine commissioned it from me. They bought it. They own it. It is not mine to give. Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please stop asking me if I can make it available to you outside of Slipshine. I cannot.
You fleshlings are so weird.
well someone’s read it
They are ruining her pooping time!
Will there be Sal in these comics?
Maybe at some point.
Make it happen. Pretty please.
I’ll bet Amazi-Girl is next.
The Prophet lives. All hail the Prophet.
238 votes for “I got so excited I blacked out and when I woke up I’d already consumed it”? Some people are lying. It’s like you can’t trust online polls any more.
Blacking out from excitement is a big problem on the internets. I know it’s true because I read it on the Internet.
Oops, silly me, The 208 new subscribers were for sunday only, and that’s without counting some of the existing Slipshine subscribers who could be visiting DoA now, so never mind, the
238296 consumptions may be true.And nobody would ever steal porn on the internet…never.
well, I screwed that up…
Not being able to purchase separately makes me sad.
How did you make your text do that?
“Will there be more? Yep!”
Does WPAS have a comment section for each page in a similar styling as the rest of DoA?
It doesn’t, though there’s a little comment feed on the right-hand side of the archive page for everything.
I naturally assumed the Sal/Bowtie was the next thinger.
Will Joyce be in one of these?
Not unless she suddenly becomes sexually active, so I wouldn’t hold your breath.
dream scene
We already had one of those anyway.
What about walkyverse Joyce?
There is only one proper reply to this, no matter how you look at it…
Didn’t see that one coming.
Neither did Walky *badum TSH!*
Stealth brand condoms: She will never see you coming. (It was a thing, look it up!)
So how long before the next meme comment will revolve around any two characters being in a comic strip together with “next time on Slipshine!”?
Sarah and Jacob? Next time on Slipshine!
Billie and Ruth? Next time on Slipshine!
Danny and Blaine? Next…no…NEVER.
Unless, of course, said DannyXBlaine Slipshine Sex results in their mutual deaths. I think most of the vocal commenters would then approve.
…Why can’t they just die WITHOUT having sex first?
(No, seriously, I don’t want Danny to die.)
1/3 ain’t bad, I guess.
Yep, I read it
Several times
It’s going to be weird watching this comic knowing what I’ve seen
I’d like to read it, but nothing else on Slipshine interests me really. Not going to pay $25 for a webcomic.
Yes. This is my problem. $25 is too much. If it was just the $9 recurring I might consider it.
I think the start up cost is to make up for the inevitable cancellations… but ya,a little bit too much for me. Sadface.
Yeah, that’s fairly common practice on large archive pay porn site. A lot of people just jump in for that initial month, binge and save a copy to their PC of everything they want, and then cancel at the end of the month.
Also, this was my issue with it as well. I woulda been good with some method to just see Walky and Dorothy have their fun (say a $2-$5 one day trial, such as other similar large archive sites offer) but no amount of sexual content is worth $25 to me (that’s about two games on a Steam sale, or my next five movies at the theater, or several books, or a cheaper board game, or…)
Just out of idle curiosity… what sort of magical land do you live in where twenty five bucks is FIVE movies at a theater?
No, seriously. I want to be part of your world.
… Look at these movies…
… aren’t they so neat?….
… wouldn’t you think my watching’s complete?…
… wouldn’t you think you’re the moviegoer….
… the movieger who has everything?…
…Look at this stat, Online it is told…
… that your movie count can be much more bold…
… looking around at them you’d think….
… naw, she’s got the best.
… when’s it your turn?
… wouldn’t you love, love to see movies for a fiver…
… out of pricey
… wish you could be…
… part of his…
They are 5.50 in waco, tx
I would pay for this on its own, but I’m a little iffy about spending money on Slipshine, or at least that much money. I’m cool with the actual subscription, but the startup fee is… terrible.
That said, if it were Ruth and Billie, I’d pay double.
… for $25? No thanks.
I’d really REALLY love to see the arc, but the price is way WAY too high.
I am disapoint.
Dang, I was hoping that some newcomer would express its surprise and disgust at the idea of doing pornographic work of your own characters, who have a design that would be too cute for that.
Spreading a post thread that would reach the heavens.
The DoA public is a twisted one^^
Those folks go in the spam folder.
They’re his own characters. He can depict them in whatever way he likes. I can understand getting upset when someone makes porno of other people’s characters, especially if the original artist/author might not be okay with it. But that’s not what’s going on here. If you find it distasteful, don’t look at it.
…Aaaand I totally misinterpreted what HS was getting at. My comment is now valid but completely irrelevant.
My only issue? Too much Walky butt, not enough Dorothy’s! lol
Another one of those “So, Willis, what’s it like to do porn?” questions:
You did some full frontal nudity pinups of IW! characters way back when, and you’ve done canon sex scenes in both IW! and SP! (without visible genitals, but still). You’re also not afraid to talk about sex and sexuality in your comics. So, what was new about WPAS that made you nervous enough to throw up?
This is from someone who hasn’t read WPAS yet. I’m definitely going to. I mean, you barfed for our sins, the least I can do is commit them.
Boobs are boobs, but the act of sex is a much more intimate thing to share with the world.
So, like did Slipshine show a spike in subscriptions after you announced WPAS?
Slipshine had the best day for new subscriptions they’d ever had, by I think a factor of like a zillion.
They must like you lots now.
So, since you’ve said you plan on doing more of these…is this just going to be Walky and Dorothy? Or are we going to see other members of the cast in similar situations? There are some that would be hot, and there are some that would actually be extremely moving, due to the fact it would be showing one of the first (If not THE first) times they’ve done this.
I have other casts from other web comics which we’ll be seeing.
I’m definitely keeping my fingers crossed for some Billie/Ruth sexy times. Those two drawings you did of them previously were excellent, and I’d love to see more
In-story, though, I think they still have a long way to go before they end up in bed together. It’s not something that should be rushed.
And now I’ve read it.
Wow. They’re not doing anything I haven’t seen hundreds of times before, but somehow, I felt flustered like I haven’t done since the first few times I watched porn, in my early teens (we’re talking VHS era here). Like a wide eyed mix of revulsion and arousal and “OMG people can do that?!”
I assume it’s because I feel like I know them so well in other settings, and with their clothes on. When I see them in a private and intimate situation like this, it’s like I’m watching my own friends go at it and hoping like hell they won’t find me hidden behind the curtain.
I didn’t expect Dorothy to do that and finish it off like that, but now that she did, I’m a little disappointed that Walky didn’t even ask if she wanted him to return the favor.
Best part: horny faces. Not faces that make the reader horny, faces that are horny. If you watch them from two inches away while squinting, as the people involved tend to do, they look really sexy. If you watch them from the other side of the fourth wall, as we do, they look mostly stupid. And that’s the way it should be; Dorothy and Walky are there to please themselves, not me.
Does the Wanderer know? Will he tell Walyverse-Joyce?
The answer to question 2 was partially contradicted after last Kickstarter (some backers got WPAS). However, that was probably a one-time concession by Slipshine, so I wouldn’t expect it to happen again.
Slipshine is great if you enjoy the other artists on the site. They update stuff regularly and it’s actually worth the first payment. And then the monthly subscription isn’t that bad. I personally really enjoy it, it’s got some great stuff.
love them all
I realise the original Walkyverse has ended (been destroyed?) but is there any chance that one of the Slipshine comics will be original Walky and Joyce? …please…
My question for Mr. Willis. What exactly’s the title of your pornographique featuring Ruth and Billie? I’ve read the two pages of it. I’m not seeing one unless I subscribe to Slipshine.
well that’s generally the idea
I see. “Finally” it is. Your comic strips really are awesome! College life, this gets better… And the Ruth/Billie pairing, I like that too! In fact, I wanna draw a fan-art that features your characters from your comic strip…