It’s not strictly Dumbiverse (and by “strictly” I mean “not at all”), but Walky Performs a Sex is being followed up by another sexytimes story set in my Vintage Webcomics Universe, the Walkyverse, by way of Shortpacked!. “My Lesbian” or “Once We Hit 88mph We’re Going to See Some Serious [blank]” features (SPOILERS???) soon-to-be-wed couple Leslie and Robin DeSanto, whose Dumbing of Age doppelgangers are our favorite gender studies teacher and Roz’s congresswoman sister. It’s sixteen pages and it’s going live at midnight the morning of Valentine’s Day on Slipshine. If you’ve already got a Slipshine account, sweet! If you don’t, well, now I’ve provided you at least two reasons to get one.
Shortpacked!‘s website doesn’t really have, like, a news section anymore, nor does it update as frequently as Dumbing of Age, so, uh, have the newspost over here, I guess?
UPDATE: A short preview on Tumblr!
Damn, no Robin baby belly during this sex. Sadness.
…Was that a thing that existed in another sex? Asking for a friend who happens to be me.
it happens in Shortpacked…kind of ? though that was with a super soaker and a dildo attachment
They have excellent taste in movies.
Who did the epic-fail Shortpacked site redesign anyway, ooc?
Alternate titles:
“Dongs? We don’t need no stinkin’ dongs!”
“Don’t you worry about dongs, let me worry about blank.”
etc etc
I miss the Shortpacked! News section. I used to pretty much always read it, even when it was just toy stuff I didn’t care about. It was nice. I find Tumbler and Twitter so much clumsier and more difficult to navigate.
I haz a sad! The straight-porn fans have Walky and Dorothy, and the lesbian-porn fans will soon have Robin and Leslie? But what will gay-male-porn fans have (besides the rest of the internet)? Manny *so* doesn’t do anything for me . . .
Mr. Willis, sir: if you write/draw a male-on-male pornographique in the future, could it please be a flashback to Drew? He may have turned out to be a jerk, but you know the sex was hot! And I can’t think of any other dude-dude pairings (except Mike that one time) in either universe.
I think Mr. Willis prefers his Dumbiverse. Maybe he could draw Ethan talking his roommate into experimenting?
I will draw a male/male porn, using a couple that is at this point a spoiler.
Let the pre-emptive shipping BEGIN!
Please. It’s gotta be Ethan and Joyce’s dad.
As a hetero male, how do you feel about drawing a male/male porn? I think I would have difficulty writing it. Not so much because I’m uncomfortable with it (though admittedly I am a little… I don’t want to watch gay porn), but because I’d be afraid I’d misrepresent it.
I’ll let you know when I get there!
I am v stoked to hear that~!
Bless you, Willis! I am preemptively grateful!
(Also, now I must obsessively re-read every past comic to see if my gaydar works on fictional comic strip characters . . . )
Ethan and Mike such that Joyce will walk in on it and be destroyed…
And maybe consider joining in.
Daaaaaaaamn You Willis!!
… and damn my self-imposed integrity
The Willis titles… Uuuuuuuniiiiique?
Seeing this actually made me kind of upset because it’s kind of transphobic to enforce the whole “genitals = gender” mindset. I guess what I’m saying is that I feel like the title of this is invalidating lesbians with dongs and doing that is kind of shitty.
What? I mean, I understand exclusionary language, but I don’t see any here. The name of this thing isn’t “where we’re going we don’t need dongs because all ladies don’t have dongs.” But I will ask around to see if I am off-base here.
I asked some non-cis folks and while the consensus is the title makes sense for the characters and doesn’t technically exclude anyone, I don’t want to make anybody feel bad either by echoing hurtful things said by other people, so I will find another title somehow.
Did real life just get retconned? Because I think I like it.
Oh wow, thanks David Willis
To disclose a bit, I commented because I am a trans woman and while I still identify as Pan because people are hot, I’m in relationships with trans lesbians and this just feels really validating so thanks David Willis <3
Never commented here before, but I have to now. That was pretty aces, Willis.
Asking sincerely to understand: if the old title was invalidating lesbians with dongs, isn’t the new title invalidating lesbians without clits? If not, why not?
The new title doesn’t talk about “needing” anything.
(Additionally, I learned during the whole brouhaha that some transgender ladies refer to their equipment using that word regardless of what it looks like.)
The latter makes sense to me. (I assume the word you mean is “clit”, since that’s what it would have developed into if the genitals had agreed with the gender.)
I can’t wrap my head around the former, though. I get how saying you need X to belong to group Y is exclusionary towards those who manage to belong to group Y just fine without X. But the title was talking about don’t needing X, which includes those who don’t have X without excluding those who have X.
And if the old title could be read to imply that “you can’t be a lesbian if you have a penis”, I don’t see why the new title couldn’t be read to imply that “if you’re a lesbian, you have a clitoris”. It seems to me that the new title requires less reinterpretation and attempts to read between the lines to be read as exclusionary.
(I’m ignoring that neither title is talking about lesbians as a group, but about two specific individuals, because however relevant it is, it wouldn’t help explain the difference between the two titles.)
Just to be clear: I’m not arguing against your decision to change it. You and JessTheBest both seem to be happy with the new title, I think it’s just as funny as the old one, and it doesn’t affect me beyond that. I just want to learn more about the noble art of talking to people without offending them.
BTW, was my reply to RickZarber deleted? If it was, whatever the reason, there were no ill intentions behind it.
Yeah, Willis pretty much said it. I’m honestly a non confrontational person and probably wouldn’t have said anything except I was checking DoA while on campus while super sick and between classes (this the season) so I’m glad a lot of good came out of the mess I ended up making :p
This is really admirable. Well done, Willis. Well done.
In a somewhat-related inquiry, do you think we’ll ever get to see Jocelyn as she prefers to express herself? I would really like that, although I suspect for a storyline to work up to that would take several months in-universe (and a decade or two in our time).
It likely won’t happen for that very reason, sadly. Their weeks are our years.
That’s what flashforwards are for.
Or mini-series!
I actually hate discussing this topic because I am afraid of hurting people while I am doing it… but when was trans-phobic mentality enforced? Because there is a pun regarding the fact that neither character has a penis?
Transphobic means that you are afraid and/or that you in some way denigrate the transexual. That word should only be used on those cases. Simply presenting two cis-lesbians as cis-lesbians doesn’t automatically make it transphobic.
Raising the “intolerance” flag should be done carefully, there is a lot of responsibility involved there.
If you really are concerned about not hurting others, I think maybe you should ponder why you’d, in essence, tell someone that her feelings are wrong.
Willis has already made clear that while there was certainly no transphobic intent, the old title used language that echoes things used to exclude people. Is it really such an aggrievance to make a consideration to someone’s feelings? Is it really more important to police “false” accusations?
No one should EVER be told that they should “be careful” saying they feel discriminated against. I’m being hopeful and assuming you didn’t mean things maliciously, but there is quite a murky depth behind your words. Take a deep look.
> If you really are concerned about not hurting others, I think maybe you should ponder why you’d, in essence, tell someone that her feelings are wrong
Let me start by saying that I’m completely in favor of changing language so that other people don’t feel attacked, when no attack was meant.
That having been said, I think there’s a confusion between two different meanings of “feelings” and two different meanings of “wrong”.
– “Feelings” in the sense of vague beliefs about the reality of a situation
– “Feelings” in the sense of finding something desirable or undesirable.
– “Wrong” in the sense of containing factual errors.
– “Wrong” in the sense of something you shouldn’t do.
In both cases this is the “is-vs-ought” distinction. When e.g a homophobe says “homosexuality is wrong” they’re using the ‘ought’ meaning. I disagree with them, likewise using the ‘ought’ meaning. If a bible-thumper says “the theory of evolution” is wrong, they’re using the “is” meaning. I disagree with them, again using the “is” meaning.
With the “is” meaning, one’s feelings *can* be wrong.
If e.g. someone’s feeling loved by an abusive spouse, when the abuser doesn’t really love them, then said feelings are wrong. In the “is” sense.
By the same content if someone’s feeling an attack was directed against them, when no such attack was meant, then said feelings are wrong. In the “is” sense, not the “ought” sense.
Fair and true enough, but it zeroes in on What and evades the Why. It sidesteps my point, which was not that “feelings cannot be wrong,” but rather that it is not at all necessary to call someone out about it in a case like this. It can perhaps be done as consolation but should not come across as accusation.
Even then, I should add, attempted consolation can easily swerve into condescension, intended or not. So unless you know the person you are dealing with, I think it is better to abstain.
Regarding potential Slipshine material, we know that Jacob and Amber’s mom had sex in Shortpacked!, but we never got to see them actually do anything with each other. So that could make for a fun scenario. And I’ve always had a soft spot for older woman-younger man sexy times
Yes, please!
No freebie teaser panels other than the title sheet this time?
Willis, do you intend to release Slipshines on a regular basis? Like maybe once a month or so? With your first Slipshine, I really wanted to sign up but couldn’t justify the ~$25 for one month or the ~10/month cost for just one comic, but if you intend to release a bunch, than the lowered price-per-story makes the cost totally worth it and I can justify it to myself in my budget.
It depends on what Slipshine asks me for. At this point, I assume they want more eventually, but I have no idea how regularly.
Understood. Thanks!
I can see Willis’ parents sitting together, shaking their heads and saying quietly “Our son, the smut peddler.” [grin]
And then I can see *MY* parents, sitting together, shaking *THEIR* heads and saying quietly “Our son, the smut buyer.” [double grin]
I wish there was someway it wasnt so easy to find and steal, it was unprecedented how quickly the other sex comic was leaked, just so 4chan could tear the artwork to pieces. Buying something just so you can have your friends dump on it? They seem to really hate the expressions and details, but Im guessing Willis knows this already. Still… -_-0
>unprecedented how quickly the other sex comic was leaked
Er, this is the internet. Movies leak the day they go into theaters, if not before! Manga are often scanned and uploaded the day subscribers get them (often before newsstands get them), and fan-translated later that week (the big ones anyway).
So I don’t think you can say it is unprecedented. In fact it is practically de rigueur.
Note that doesn’t mean I necessarily approve of it leaking. Just that copyright infringement of that nature is basically inevitable, given the nature of the world…. and it has ups and down. There are definitely cases where it hurts, and there are cases where it has helped, by spreading the word, and some percent of those that find it that way then buy the material or related material.
Personally, I have money, I avoid piracy as much as I can… especially when it comes to smaller and/or independent authors. I subscribed to slipshine, there was no reason for me not to.
I do read manga on certain sites, but I also subscribe to SJ Alpha. I never read it, cause they are still slower than the fan sites, and SJ Alpha’s UI/UX sucks tremendously, while the fan sites are quite good at UX. The point is to pay into the system and ultimately help the original publishers and authors. I also buy some of the physical manga books for my favorite series.
I always try to find documentaries and obscure cartoons on netflix/hulu/what-have-you first; failing that I will try to buy them, but some of them are simply not available or are outrageously priced.
E.g. last time I looked, “The Day the Universe Changed” series (10 one hour shows) was over $150 on vhs from a specialty store (that was 2006ish) I see now it is “only” $99 on DVD at amazon…hmm). So I pirate them, and try to pay some other way (if I can at least buy something else of the author’s, or send paypal etc directly to them…), or buy it later if it becomes more reasonable/available.
Can your next one be of Ultra Car and Malaya? I mean, yeah, Ultra Car is asexual, but, since she/he/it is a robot, that could open up some major creative windows. That, and their relationship reminds me of Amy and Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory and I feel like if UC and Malaya do it, it’ll satisfy me long enough until Amy and Sheldon do
The problem with that scenario is that because UC is asexual, if zie were to consent, it’d be simply to please Malaya. So any “response” on UC’s part during sex would be deliberate and, of course, fake. Now granted, with live-action porn, we know the actors are faking their moans and gasps (or that their moans and gasps are dubbed), but while watching we suspend our disbelief. The problem is that with UC, we can’t really do that because of what we know about zir. Spoils the illusion. Now, maybe if Willis drew Malaya fantasizing about UC being able to respond and orgasm for real, it might work.
I have a question. Considering Robin’s super speed abilities would her oral and digital manipulation of Leslie not be unlike a vibrator? I kind of read it as so. Just seems like a natural fringe benefit of her powers
Yes, she can vibrate any part of her body as she wishes. It’s…. not something that lends itself as something nonawkwardly-rendered to the comic arts, but trust me it was going on. It’s part of why there’s, um, a more …. um… something reaction when Robin goes to town on Leslie’s posterior.
More Walky naughtiness please! Both we great… but *swoon* WALKY!
A Joyce and Walky sex scene would be nice, set in the Roomies continuity, of course
“Oh, Doc’s bringin’ out the DeLorean!”
I was going to joke about how that could be taken as a euphemism, but then I thought, “Nah, that joke’s probably been made in the comments fifteen times by now”. Then it turns out it hasn’t been made even once, and now I don’t really feel like doing it.
But I love that they have a movie titled “Actual Porn”.
Anyone else notice that by panel 12 of the preview on Tumblr Robin has her shorts back on?