1) Dumbing of Age Book 2 (and Roomies! Book 2) are now available in the store for holiday season purchasings!
2) In ten days I’m going to be in Bloomington, Indiana, again! Check me out at Vintage Phoenix Comics on November 20 from 5-8pm.
3) In roughly a month I’m going to be in Austin, Texas, again again again! Webcomic Rampage will be super mighty and at Dragon’s Lair’s new super mighty location on December 6 through 8. Here’s the schedule of happenings! Every webcomicker you like will be there.
Riley has easily jumped up on my list of favorite characters.
Yup, this is definitely a girl who knows exactly what to do with life.
Walky would approve.
You realize that with this sentence, you have created the super-indecisive WalkyxRily ship, right?
Dude she’s twelve.
So she’s more mature than Walky, right? It’ll work.
In six-plus years? Maybe.
But probably not.
Let’s not go there and say we didn’t.
Dina would too.
To bad she isn’t in the DoA poll
She needs a spinoff.
It’s Riley!
Riley and Dina; Freelance Police.
(“Sheesh, Riley, I’m a deinonychus! Look it up!”)
How about “Life of Riley”?
Or “Rile Life”
So much yes.
And in the spinoff, Riley’s younger sister, Rachel (who looks almost exactly like her) will come to visit for a short period of time!
Wait. Are you saying Rachel is actually a DeSanto from the future?
Not originally, it was just the first R name that came to mind, but now I totally am.
This is starting to sound disturbingly like a Sailor Moon plotline.
Some one tell me who Riley is! I’m missing something here!
Riley is Roz’s little sister.
And like that it all makes perfect sense.
Skull, you do know DoA is currently updating on the weekends, right? It’s a reward for the Kickstarter having gone so well. I think this is the last month it’s doing it? Reread the last two comics.
That girl up in the comic who wants cereal
12? Wow. I figured she was at least in high school or something. How much older is Robin than her?
Well, Robin is at last 25, so she is at last 13 years older than Riley.
Robin has to be at least 25. So there’s at least 13 years’ difference between Robin and Riley. That puts Roz right there in the middle, at 18.
Robin is at least 27. She’s constitutionally required to be 25 to be a Congresswoman, and she’s been in office at least one (two-year) term, with an election coming up in a month or so (in-universe time; probably more like five years our time).
Well, you have to be at least 25 to be a representative, and she was running for re-election, so she’s at least 27 (two-year election periods). Having a 16-year younger sibling isn’t *that* unheard of, though a bit of a stretch.
I have a half-sibling that’s 19 years younger than me.
I have three half siblings who ard 17, 19, and 20 years older than me. It’s my normal. It’s weird that people find it weird.
I have (with different mothers) an older sister of unknown age (my (full) older brother is 33) and a younger sister who just started permits, so 15-16 (I don’t have her birthday memorized, sue me :P). Since my dad claims his first was before he met my mother, I’d assume at least 2-3 years older than my brother. At 35 to 15, that’s possibly 20 years.
My little sister is 23 years younger then I am. I’m 29 and she’s 6.
What can I say, my mother has always been… fertile. She managed to squeeze her through just before menopause.
Imagine my surprise six years ago.
She could be a Half-Sibling, if their Dad slept around in this universe too.
From Roz’s dialogue in the second panel, I get the impression that this is a half-sibling.
If Mark is Riley’s dad, why do they share the last name? It’s possible all three siblings have their mother’s name, I guess, but if their parents were married it’s more likely they have their dad’s.
Fair enough, though I have also seen kids take the last name of their mother’s new husband (depending on their relationship with their father, etc).
It’s common for the mom to not change her last name once she’s divorced. It’s a huge pain to change your name. My mom and dad have been divorced for about 10 years now and my mom still hasn’t reverted to her maiden name.
My grandmother has a brother and sister (twins) who are the same age as my father. She has half-siblings who were born when Dad was ~10. And she’s not the oldest in her family. All told, there’s a stretch of about 40 years between my great grandfather’s eldest and youngest children.
I have two full sibs that are 15 and 16 years older than me.
I poked around the archives and this comic says that Robin ran for congress at 25 and this strip mentions that Robin is running for re-election. So Robin is at least 27
It’s funny how five people all just told you almost the exact same thing, give or take 2 years.
Connor RatliffRobin DeSanto and I’m3525 years old. That’s old enough to bePresidenta congresswoman.Oh wow, 12? I thought she’d be like, 16.
Less than 20000.
Honey Bunches of Lucky Charms. Flakes.
its too bad its November they wont have Count Chocula. :'(
Actually, it’s still September-ish in-universe… they actually might =p
It’s still September, actually…so they still won’t have it.
Wait, what are you people are talking about? What do you mean, “still have count chocula”? WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO COUNT CHOCULA, GODDAMNIT?!
Count Chocula is seasonal or at least it is at Wegmans.
There may be some mythic grocery store that sells it year round I have yet to find this magical place.
Oh thank god. I haven’t had it in a couple of years now, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it and Booberry at Target over the summer.
Booberry maybe delicious buts its not count chocula.
I’m still disappointed there’s no peanut-butter flavored monster cereal called Creature from the Cracked Legume.
@Wack’d: IT BURNSSSSSSSS! (It burnss sso good.)
This year Target was licensed, for the Halloween season, to carry Count Chocula, Frankenberry, Booberry, Fruit Brute (cherry flavored) and even Yummy Mummy (orange cream flavored, I had heard of his but never seen it before) but I am an adult with no children and therefore I, sob, failed to indulge.
I’ve seen all three at some stores as late as Easter time, but that is really dependent on how they sell during the late season and after that.
There is such a place! Some call it… Massachusetts! (DUN DUN DUUUUN)
They could… but the regions that get the earliest shipments (ie early to mid September) are those historically to have the highest sales of the three cereals in that line. I’m not sure if their area would be one of those.
Am I the only one that remembers Wolfruity, the fourth (unsuccessful, and hence short-lived) cereal in that line?
And seasonal? BAH! We had them year-round growing up in Pennsy.
Actually Fruit Brute made a comeback this year
The cereal use to be sold year round but now its seasonal.
So it’s almost time to wake up those guy’s from Green Day?
It’s in the 50% off section here!
Special Mini Frosted Honey Apple Nut Cocoa Bran Chocula Krispie Pebble Loops
Cinnamon Toast Waffle Berry Puffs Bunches of Oats Cookie Crispix Smacks.
New favorite character? New favorite character.
Still can’t replace Dina in my rankings.
She and Dina will sit quietly and eat cereal together. For a month.
My brain…it cannot contain the adorableness…must watch something awesome…
If you excuse me, I’m going to watch a video clip in which Ryoma Nagare punches dinosaurs..
This is a thing?
Yes, here’s the link:
What kind of National Lampoonery is this?! Those aren’t dinosaurs, they’re lizardmen!
Lizardmen? For shame, good sir, for shame.
have to be perfectly honest: if that’s how the next 30-31 days go, just strip after strip of riley and dina sitting at a table, eating cereal, occasionally getting up to get more cereal after we watch the bowls slowly empty between the panels, i would not object in the slightest. it would be such a silly thing to watch happen.
plus, i just know the comments will split into ‘pro-cereal saga’ and ‘get on with the plot already, willis!’ camps, which will be very entertaining.
Dumbing of Age!: The Endless Ate Saga
Maybe not favorite but she’s definitely up there for me
Who needs Orgasms when you can have Cereal!!!
Why not both?
For one, I think your pleasure centers might explode.
Its also very messy!
Cereal and orgasms are equally messy for me. Might as well get them done at the same time so that I only have to shower once.
Your reasoning is flawless.
Who says you can’t have both?
Apple Jacker?
Creamer of Wheat?
Okay, I’ve switched camps from “okay with the cake joke” to “we hates the cake joke.” ( )
The cake is fake???
The cake is a term meaning an individual has not told you the truth.
She gets off on Life.
Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
Cereal monogamy.
Ooo good one
Two thumbs up. Would LOL again.
So, she’s Captain Jack Harkness before the operation?
Or after. Hard to tell with Jack.
So does this make Riley “Pancereal”?
Does liking 5 different cereals count as a pancereal?
according to the hovertext, yes
Never doubt the hovertext
T o be fair if your reading this from your tablet or smart phone its hard to read the hovertext.
Yup :/
The hovertext is your friend. The hovertext will never betray you.
Mr. Willlis, has it ever occured to Roz that maybe her little sister just isn’t interested in sex or sexual preference yet?
Mr./Ms. Far, has it occurred to you that maybe that conflict is explicitly the point of today’s comic strip.
Ah, the clarifying point I was seeking.
Thank you.
She keeps it up, and she won’t be pancreal anymore.
I’m a cereal nom-nom-agist myself.
Finally! Age related knowledge! We can stop guessing.
And with that, Joe set a reminder on his phone for six years in the future.
I’ll be sure to check back with the strip in 2040.
That’s a very optimistic estimate.
So whose saying I choose all of them? Cause the context of statement REALLY changes depending on who says what.
I don’t believe you can be bisexual and asexual.
There’s bi-romantic, which is the midpoint between them.
I don’t believe you can be asexual and Roz.
This is where terminology becomes problematic. Does someone who is not interested in having sex, but has romantic feelings for men and women still qualify as bisexual? Could they potentially qualify as pansexual, since there’s no ‘sex’ involved?
We keep coming up with more and more words for ourselves, but areas like this where multiple things apply are where I start to give up. Every day, I love the word “queer” more and more. It’s easier than saying “I’m a bio-male non-cisgendered transfag still in a male body who doesn’t want to transition to a female body because ultimately I’m not at home in either, who is sexually attracted to the physical attributes of maleness/androgyny at equal and different measures at equal and different times, (so-called ‘butch’ girls, so-called ‘bearish’ men, etc.) prefers the social company of females, and sexually identifies as more of a ‘bottom’ than any other term because I have this crazy idea of myself as some primal sexual goddess who likes to receive in order to give pleasure.”
It doesn’t even fit on a gay business card!
Dude are you alternative universe reflection of myself?
“Transmasculine but I may as well call myself a guy to make life easier even though I’m only 85% guy but how much do I want to transition and when will I out myself to my family so I can stop living a double life where everyone from employers to friends know but not my folks; into girls usually but weirdly maybe it’s more about being into female bodies (and is that problematic?) because while most people I date identify as girls I’ve dated two trans guys who came out as trans after I started dating them but in the end I love androgynous and/or masculine and/or badass presentations on female frames; hey if I identify as a guy why are all my friends and fictional role models women??? why do I identify more with female characters???; in summary I am not straight!”
I also just call myself queer.
But to go back to your original argument, I don’t find it hard to separate romantic and sexual orientations. I’m gynophilic for sexual orientation and probably(?) panromantic. I want to bang female bodies but your gender can be whatever. Except because of my own gender issues dating another transmasculine, or even trans* at all, person would be uncomfortable, so in practice I try to date pansexual cisgender girls, which has worked out well enough.
We even have the same gravatar!
12? She’s more than old enough to be going on a Pokemon journey.
But she seems to enjoys animal crossing more.
AC doesn’t have animal fights does it?
Animal Fight Club, maybe
No it doesn’t it also doesn’t send pre-pubescent teenagers to capture dragons dinosaurs and whales and train them to battle. hence why Pokemon is awesome!
In the original, and it’s remake, your rival tells you, at the championship match, that he is the pokemon champion. That he “is the most powerful trainer in the world!” Someone, who is roughly ten/eleven and quite a big ego, has more power than anyone else. No wonder his uncle came when he heard his nephew won.
Call me old fashioned, but i too felt that sex was creepy when I was 12.
Me too. Hell, I still thought sex was weird after I had it, and I was fifteen then.
As did many others.
From a kid’s point of view sex just doesn’t make sense.
It doesn’t even make sense from an adult’s point of view, sometimes.
The scariest thing I ever heard was a 10-year-old yelling that something was better than sex. How would she know?!
Well, it produced her, so from her point of view it can’t be all that bad.
Riley is like me on tumblr.
Riley just became favorite character, unquestionably. Billie, Ruth and Mike are all knocked down a peg. All hail Riley’s awesomeness.
Poor li’l Riley.
Yes, sisters are like Sims.
Does that mean if you take out the ladder from the swimming pool after she goes in, she will drown?
Depends on the version. Sometimes they can get out if the sides are unobstructed.
They speak inane gibberish, and are fun to torment. Yes, sisters are like Sims.
I never had a sister, little or otherwise so I’ll have to take your word on that. I do know that little brothers would trade your toys for ones they wanted, however.
Little Sis needs food BADLY.
DO NOT shoot the food.
Aww, but what else am I supposed to do with this gun? These cereal buffalo aren’t gonna shoot themselves to extinction!
Ooooh, the boat is now finished
But there’s still something on the wish-list
To keep us all going through the wind and the rain.
There’s no food on the table
And we can’t sail unless we’re able
So we ain’t going nowhere ’til we get some grain.
eidle eidle eee
eidle eidle eee
we simply can’t leave until we get some grain.
Therrrre’s no food on the table
And we can’t sail unless we’re able
So we ain’t going nowhere ’til we get some grain.
“Ooo, a sheep! Sheep have many uses.”
(… Don’t make me smite you.)
My EXTREMELY Scotsman father would definitely agree with you. I hear sheep are afraid of the sounds of zippers…
Why else do you think they switched to kilts?
From longish shirts with belts? Don’t think I see the advantage for that particular border pastime.
White DeSato needs food badly!
Buh-what? From her it looks like Riley has *exactly* the same skin tones as her sister.
It’s a Reference:
I make a similar reference from time to time when I am hungry. Very few people get it.
It’s past noon, poor thing.
I hope she meets Dina. They can bond over cereal. Then Dina will have 2 friends.
Are you sure Dina doesn’t have any friends off-camera?
Dina doesn’t really talk to people she doesn’t know unless they make the first move. Or at least she didn’t in the other universe and since characters are remaining consistent in their personalities for the most part.
“I can teach you much about cereal, young apprentice.
And dinosaurs.
Cereal and Dinosaurs. You shall learn about them.”
I’ll bet you Dina rages over any of the Pebbles cereals for being historically inaccurate
She will feel conflicted about eating it, like Walky with a perfectly symmetrically wrapped burrito.
If she was a little older and still kept this mentality, she would easily get along with walky
Damn, it’s like looking at a 10 year old version of myself.
Twelve. She says it right there.
I know but she acts like a 10 year old version of myself.
I really want an everycereal bowl of cereal
I want cereal bowlful of cereal coated cereal.
It seems out of character for Roz to say asexuality is a choice.
She’d say anything to quiet down her little sister.
Um…not really? I mean, she’s in favor of open sexual expression, doesn’t mean she assumes everyone wants sex.
I figure Jesse was focusing on Roz appearing to imply that it is a choice (instead of being inherent).
Hey, just because she likes something doesn’t mean she thinks everyone has to like it.
Yeah, Roz is declaring sexual preference to be a choice.
Not really. Roz is declaring that whatever Riley’s sexual orientation, she’s cool with it. I doubt “choice” is being used literally.
Given that Roz doesn’t appear to be fully awake yet, I’m more than willing to forgive her poor word choice.
I see no reason why Roz wouldn’t be okay with asexuality. It’s just another sexual orientation, albeit one that involves a lack of sexual attraction.
Do I really have to spell this out? Asexuality isn’t a choice. If Roz is so accepting of people’s sexual orientations, she should know that.
You win this round, Kladeos!
I win every round!
See, this is why Roz sort of rubs me the wrong way. It’s the same reason people like Mary bother me. Both of them are way too in to other people’s business, and it’s creepy and kind of invasive. The sex-positivity, the BC campaigning, that’s all great. People need to hear that, and college is a great place since a lot of people come from families where that sort of thing is taboo.
Roz just takes it too far though, the same way Mary takes her particular flavour of Christianity too far.
I mean, Riley is twelve for chrissakes. The kid just wants some damn cereal, not a pep talk.
But Roz didn’t do anything wrong in this strip….she just told her sister that sex isn’t creepy, how is that taking it too far?
I’ll be honest I could’ve used someone being this open with me about sex when I was twelve.
Because I feel like that’s all she ever talks about.
Also, if she was like Mary, she’d stop at “like girls too” and not mention asexuality. Roz isn’t for everyone to have sex like her, just for everyone to be ok with it.
And yeah, it is a bit odd, but it’s also the type of thing where parents probably go “and I’ll make sure MY kid knows it’s ok to be whatever orientation!” And the kids just go “what” because they usually are unaware there was an issue in the first palce.
In this instance her sister did kind of bring it up. Unless Riley was talking about that Feminist Arm-Flexing Wrench-Wielding icon poster (don’t know her name), and Roz just jumped the gun assuming that it was about some of the more sexual posters.
Though then I have to wonder what Riley finds so creepy about flexing women.
The arm-flexing woman is Rosie the Riveter.
Depends on what the posters are.
Well at least one of them says “Periodic Table Of Sex” right there next to Riley.
Roz also declared sexuality to be a choice. Sure, she AFFIRMS that “choice,” but it’s a “choice.” So, you can choose to be gay? Choose to be hetero? Choose to be asexual?
Wow, Roz. Just wow.
“A fine choice” is colloquial language, not something she’s meaning literally. Even so, one can choose how to define or label oneself.
It is also completely valid to, if you choose, disregard your sexuality and leave a life of total abstinence.
That’s not REALLY asexuality, but it could be close enough for government work.
people can, in fact, choose their sexual orientation in many cases! for example, i’m romantically attracted to individuals of all genders, but i choose to identify as gay because i feel uncomfortable with the power dynamics of heterosexual relationships. people make conscious choices about their sexuality and identity all the time, & it doesn’t make any of those decisions less valid.
I may be wrong but I think that’s behavior, not orientation. Also sexual attraction is different from romantic attraction. Here.
That’s not choosing a sexual orientation, that is choosing the gender you wish to pursue which is an active choice that anyone on the freakin’ planet can make, but that does not change their sexual orientation at all. Regardless of who you pursue, your sexual orientation will always include both males and females, because that is the way YOU are. You never chose to be that way, you just are and you can’t remove your sexual attraction to a gender, you can only choose the one you wish to pursue.
However, someone like Ethan, who is gay, and is not sexually attracted to girls, will never be sexually attracted to girls. He can pursue a relationship with Joyce all he likes, he can try to chase girls all he likes, but he will still only be sexually attracted to guys and he can’t change it, he cannot choose to be attracted to girls sexually. It is not something he can control.
Roz is awesome. Though if I were her I would’ve at least taken down some of the more explicit decorations.
But seriously, knowing you can talk to a family member openly about something like this without receiving judgement is pretty great.
Yeah, agreed. I don’t think it has anything to do with the topic, it just feels like Roz only wants to talk about one thing and one thing only. I think I would find her boring as a person!
With Riley on the other hand, we know she is into two things: Animal Crossing and cereal. That is the kind of character dynamic that I can support.
Let’s see, Robin’s obsession:sugar in all forms. Roz’s obsession: sex and sex activism. Riley’s obsession: …Cereal?
So Riley takes more after Robin then. A more refined palette of sugar you might say.
And it turns out that Riley is actually 5 as she fast forwarded through her life through a cereal induced sugar rush.
I can’t help but like Roz. Even if you don’t like sex with anyone, she understands. Heheh.
Even Product 19?
I loved Product 19 as a kid. It’s even better when you pour honey and/or sugar in the bowl, but the simple rice flakes pleased me enough on their own.
A 12yo who isn’t interested in boys or girls in the 21st century? 0.0
So? I’m not interested in boys or girls when I was 10. All I’m interested in is fighting and giant robots.
All the kids I know in this century has shown an interest in having boy/girlfriends before the age of 10.
I didn’t show any interest in 3D girls before I was 15 but that was back when owning a colour TV was a big deal.
Hell that’s not even all that new. I remember a lot of…precocious exploits… being a thing around the point I was in that age range during the late ’80s. Though dating at that age was an atypical thing for parents to allow back then, it’s become a more normalized, if heavily supervised, thing in the intervening years (per friends and coworkers who have kids in that age range).
Well, when I was 12(when was that? 2004 or something), there was this girl I’m interested in…but nothing ever came out of it.
Impossible! The bodily waste would build up inside her and kill her.
Also entirely possible that the experience is different for everyone.
Some people start crushing by age 10 and by 14 are ready to implode from hormones. Some people just don’t have any interest until they’re much older. Some people PRETEND to be interested or disinterested to fit in with their peers, depending on what their more outgoing friends or popular kids are like.
tl;dr confirmation bias
I’d also say it’s pretty likely Riley may find a poster of sex positions vaguely creepy if she’s not shown interest in sex before and is suddenly confronted with something unexpected. ^_^;
Roz is her sister. I doubt it’s the first time she’s been confronted with something like that,
I’m still not particularly interested, and I’m like, a thousand. Come to think of it, at this point in my life, Cereal options actually have played a bigger role than romantic ones. Of course, Count Chocula fulfills my needs in both categories.
It’s not unheard of. At all.
Shit, she’s adorable
I like her eyebrows.
That is an excellent choice, Riley. In fact, I will put it into action tomorrow.
When I was her age I was having funny feelings about guys already. And by guys I mean power rangers. Specifically Billy.
Tommy’s always been my man.
I liked Tommy but he always ranked third for me, after Jason and Billy. Though these days i’m noticing Adam isn’t too bad either, And blue suited Rocky better than red ever did.
Fricken Power Rangers totally made me gay. XD
By the time I was her age, I was 7 years past my first crushes.
roz stop pressuring your little sister.
Pancereal? More like PanCAKE!
dohohohohohoho-*is shot*
Bacon pancake.
Yeek, I rather have butter on my hot pancakes.
Bacon waffles
Choosing to eat all of the cereal is both Chaotic and Evil. Cthulhu approves!
lol at all these age calculations assuming that riley and robin are full sisters.
Fair point. But again, it’s possible they *are* full sisters since 15 years isn’t an entirely unheard of age difference.
Roz says “Mom and Mark” so Mark probably isn’t their father.
Or, at least, isn’t Roz’s.
Eh, not impossible. My dad’s the oldest of five and there’s a twenty, twenty-two-year age difference between him and his youngest brother. And yeah, they’re full siblings. It can happen.
A friend of mine has a (full) brother who was born right when we were 15; probably he wasn’t exactly planned, but I’m just saying that it’s not that strange.
(jeez, he was born when I was in high school and now he’s a 5th grader… I feel old
I’m confused–does the age difference change if they aren’t related? We have an established age for Robin of at least 27, and an established age of Riley as 12. Lineage doesn’t play much role in that math.
Oh, Riley, I remember being you, honey.
I remember being 12 and being creeped out by anything regarding intimate contact with people other than my family (not including hugs, and even those were only for girls). It was nothing to do with sexual activism and everything to do with needing boundaries at that age, physically and emotionally. Only difference is I was the oldest of my siblings and cousins, so I didn’t get exposed to a lot of sex talk for a couple more years.
I don’t think I would have liked Roz as a sister…
Aaaaand gravatar irony -___-
Randomly assigned DoA avatars are like that.
To be fair, I’m not 100% sure Robin’s on board with Roz as her sister.
I was much the same way. I had had crushes in elementary school, but in middle school I didn’t want to touch anybody. At 12, I was in the totally normal need-boundaries no-sex-talk-please phase.
Is it just me or is Willis using this to drive the point home about the unveilling of Riley where everyone was speculating if she was legal age for certain activities?
All the same, if I was a twelve year old waking up in Roz’s bed, the melancholy face and wish for cereal to make me forget would be foremost on my list of wants as well. [Not to judge Roz who is taking to her hangover wake up call far better than most would].
He’d have to be psychic for it to be anything like that. Months ahead in the buffer, remember?
It’s been almost two months since Riley was first shown. I don’t remember how far ahead the buffer had gotten at that point, but it’s theoretically possible.
/me points up at “BUFFER WATCH …: FEBRUARY 16, 2014” – buffer is currently roughly 3 months big.
I think it was slightly less big earlier?
Well, if I was twelve and I woke up one morning next to a teenager, the first thing I’d ask is “What did I do last night?”
Did Roz just declare sexual preference to be a choice?
Probably just poor wording. She’s hardly even awake right now.
Yeah, when you’re tired you tend to censor your speech less.
please read my response to you above
Riley: Pancearealsexual.
I regret nothing.
You regret not reading the hovertext first!
Seeing Riley in all her adorableness and watching everybody fall in love with the character (myself included), a part of me can’t help but wonder if and how Mister Willis is going to use her as a way to crowbar open our hearts that he might rip them in half.
she’s not in college so she doesn’t get to stay
So that’s how it is. You give us joy and then take it away. That should be on your family crest.
Will she at least be in the next gravatar pool?
I was tired at the time. As such, my regrets remain nonexistant.
I was going to celebrate how great Riley is by eating some cereal…
and then I checked and realized I was out of milk
sadness. sadness forever
Cereal and milk? You Americans have strange eating habits.
What’s wrong with cereal and milk? I’m no big fan of cereals, but here in Italy I always saw them eaten with milk or yogurt…
What do you put in it, water?
My guess is, nothing. That’s what I do with my cereal. I never eat cereal fast enough to prevent sogginess, and honestly, I don’t see why milk in cereal is even a desirable thing anyways.
Then again, I also dislike peanut butter and popcorn, so you can probably just write me off as an anomaly without much trouble.
Yeah, maybe it’s just me but Peanut Butter Captain Crunch is way too goddamn sweet without milk. And even Multigrain Cheerios is far, far too dry. Of course, the root of this is that milk is how I’ve always eaten cereal and I’m used to it, but
“dislike peanut butter”…“write me off as an anomaly”
Yeahhhh, I’ve already put you in the same category as “people who don’t like chocolate”, i.e. aliens wearing human disguises.
I’m on to you…
Multigrain Cheeries is better without milk! I pour it into a bowl and pick out the blander ones (wheat and rice) first, then eat the bran, and save the sweetest corn ones for last. But maybe I have issues.
Nah, only really level-headed, super normal people pick apart their food in very specific ways and eat the separated components in a certain order.
Like Joyce, for instance.
OH GOD NO. I am NOT like Joyce!
Chocolate is always way too bitter or way too sweet. I just avoid the stuff in general.
Soggy cereal tastes terrible and there are some food that should not mix.
My nephews used juice on their cereal. But their mom is lactose and kasien intolerant. And allergic to soy, so that limited their options.
That sounds really gross and sweet. Almond milk? Lactose-free milk? Kids can drink milk even if mom can’t. I’m lactose intolerant so my mom has regular 1% and I have my own lactose-free 2%.
Huh. That mention of Mark- does that mean we can assume Mrs. DeSanto is divorced and remarried, at least in this universe?
Given the depiction of Roz, it’s not entirely assumable. Her activism seems to cause conflict with her family, and it’s not altogether-uncommon for the greatest conflict to be with the paternal figure. My parents are still married, and my brother and I call them separate things–For me, they’re Mom and Bernie, and for my brother, they’re Mom and Dad. But then, he and my Dad like each other, so it changes things.
Not saying it’s not a definite possibility, but if Willis has taught us anything about family relationships, it’s that assumptions at all are often incorrect.
Greedy much?
Despite Roz’s slightly disturbing nonchalance about exposing a 12-year-old sibling to R-rated materials, I like her more and more!
I doubt Roz has anything actually pornographic on her walls. Just the entire DoA Pinup line.
And I say I doubt because I don’t think Mary would let her (although people do keep walking in on her naked). But, I do not know for certain.
Would not display this around kids OR family.
Heh, my familly let worst things lying around when I was a kid.
Still, I can vouch that all my weirdness comes from being showed the Rocky Horror Picture Show at 10 (Totally woth it, I regret nothing !).
High Five for Rocky. I was the only kid in my Catholic Elementary School who knew what a transvestite was, and I can tell you the nuns did NOT like me singing Sweet Transvestite in the talent show.
And Riley makes the correct choice.
careful Riley that’s a dangerous amount of power to be carelessly be weilding
Riley is adorable.
I can just see Willis, inundated with all of these inquiries into Riley’s age, the implication being “Is she fuckable?” getting fed up and going “Mother fucker, she was til you asked. Now she’s 12!”
Why would someone even asked that? You can’t see my face but imagine the face of a horrified madman.
Apparently it was actually quite the problem.
I bet Dave already filled out the whole periodic table of sex. I bet he’ll post it up here in a week or two.
(hint hint)
I don’t have to. It’s an existing thing. Google it!
I bet you’ll post it here so I don’t have to.
(hint hint)
I lost both of my bets!
Good thing there was no money riding on them…right?
my life savings!
Oops. Oh, well. At least you have an excuse to damn Willis.
If you want to bail on it on a technicality, someone posted a link to this poster in yesterday’s comments.
All 20 cents of it?
Wait? It exists…YEAH! SCIENCE!
Dude of course it does. Who so you think MAKES science? Horny geeks
so cereal is an acceptable substitute for sexuality let me tell my mom
I expect my Mom would tell me that the reverse isn’t true, though.
Riley definitely has her priorities straight!
so Robin has a sister about 16 years younger than her, in short packed she mentioned that her and her sister used to hate her father as kids for abandoning them. In DoA her fater had to have been around while she was 18. hey maybe, just maybe robin’s parents have been happily married all this time in this universe. (i can hope)
I think Roz’s reference to “Mom and Mark” suggests otherwise.
Note “Mom and Mark.” People who call their parents by the first name probably don’t just single out their dad.
So either Mark is their stepdad or Mark is the older brother?
They don’t have any brothers. I was thinking mom’s boyfriend.
Actually some do. For reasons I don’t remember, when my brother was a kid he started calling our dad by his first name. My other brother and I picked it up, and we’ve done it ever since. I know it’s weird and that that probably isn’t the case here, but it happens!
My brother and I call our mother by her first name, we think calling her as mom, mommy or mother is just plain bizarre.
That’s weird! I think my parents would find it disrespectful if I did.
My mother calls my grandmother by her first name as well don’t ask me why my family’s like this I honestly don’t know.
Actually I have a friend whose parents have been married her entire life and among us she will, at times, refer to her dad by his first name.
Have you ever watch That 70s show? Eric Foreman referred to his father by name to other people pretty much all the time.
Dammit Riley, stop trying to out-adorable Dina!!!
Also, Roz, seriously, give the far-left ramblings a rest, will ya?
There’s nothing far-left about not being homophobic or against asexuality. :/
please explain how roz’s ramblings here are “far left”
Depriving children of no-doubt GMO-derived, unethically sourced, non-locally produced sugary cereal full of artificial flavours and colours is very far-left these days, I’ve been told.
…I dunno.
No no, it’s clearly because Roz is on the far left side of the bed.
Eh? Eh?
(I’ll show myself out)
Fozzie Bear would be pleased
Except from their perspective, she’s on the far right.
(But that totally made me laugh, yeah)
Well that’s the thing about any political spectrum, what’s “left” and “right” is all based on your perspective.
Apparently some people’s perspective is so warped that a statement of basic sexual acceptance is leftist.
(also, I’m surprised anyone laughed, I was expecting groans)
(fortunately groans are also a win-condition for puns)
(this is why puns are the best)
Yeah, I got no issues with “sexual acceptance”. It’s when a 12-year old says “boys are gross” and she starts saying “Well there’s girls too” and “Oh, so you can be asexual” and she’s twelve and just wants some damn cereal that it hits an extreme on the left.
I should’ve just left it at a joke, because your actual explanation- as expected- makes no sense to me.
I mean, what, she doesn’t try to counteract her sister’s (societally inherited) view that sex is gross? And it’s not like she’s not waking up while this conversation is going on. She’s trying to teach her younger sibling something and her sister’s not interested.
I find it extremely rightist that you’re either against teaching in general or think the mere existence of sex is some kind of special knowledge that should be withheld from kids.
Also I find it hilarious that we both have Roz gravatars right now.
I’ve finally figured it out!!! I am PANCEREAL. Thank you so much, Willis. ;_; I can’t wait to finally come out to everyone.
also, wrong comment location
It’s also hateful to otherkin.
Depriving children of no-doubt? Every child deserves Gwen Stefani
I am pretty sure the UN Convention on Right of the Child expressly condems the listening of Gwen Stefani post no doubt by any Child!
Maybe under the sad rule of thumb that any political belief you disagree with is “far” something or other that isn’t you.
She didn’t express anything political.
Hell, she barely expressed an opinion.
It’s not just this one. It’s also the stuff she put in the roommate agreement with Mary. I may not be speaking strictly from a political standpoint, left and right are ideologies you can find in most places. And in this rant, it’s very much regarding sexuality. Let’s face it, Riley doesn’t want to hear it right now, and Roz won’t let her keep her perfectly-normal-to-have-for-a-12-year-old-girl stance on it.
Riley is so adorably innocent! I want to give her the biggest of hugs!
I can’t help but read some of Roz’s dialogue as potential Peanuts specials.
Sex Isn’t Creepy, Charlie Brown!
It Doesn’t Have to be with Boys, Charlie Brown!
And this is why I recommend the play “Dog Sees God.”
The editors did not accept them, for some weird reason
You can be anything you want to and call yourself anything you want to. But humans are not ‘asexual’. You can be a nun or a monk. You can willingly abstain.
But people ain’t asexual. Not biologically possible.
You are wrong.
Here is an organization telling you that you are wrong.
My brain first interpreted the url as asexualityorgohome. It only had to add an o!
That is impressive. Way to send subliminal messages, AVEN.
I’d say “fuck you”, but…
I used to be asexual myself but when I realised that if didn’t stop multipling by two every week, I would have out-numbered humanity within 33 weeks.
ah, the amoeba argument.
uh, yeah, there’s a difference between voluntary celibacy and just not being interested in the first place.
i still don’t get how people can accept the natural existence of highly libidinous people, yet deny the natural existence of people who literally could not give a fuck.
Or maybe they actually parse “asexual” to mean “has no ‘biological sex’ property” and then say that everyone is some combination of male and female, based on chromosomes, if nothing else. (what’s left if you can’t have X chromosomes, and also can’t have Y chromosomes?)
Then they fail to recognize that the word “asexual” can mean at least seven different things, depending on context, parsing approach, phase of moon, mood of the DAB and well-doneness of yesterday’s pie.
Sex isn’t binary. Even on the chromosomal level, you can’t say “females have two X chromosomes” because there are XXY people. You can’t say, “males only have one X chromosome” because there are XO people.
That’s why I useed such ridiculous and convoluted phrasing.
For example, your “XO” and “XXY” both have at least 1 X in them, so neither is asexual in that particular meaning.
Asexuality isn’t a matter of “biology,” as you use the word. You can be physically capable of sex but just simply uninterested for a variety of reasons. Around 1% of the population is asexual by some estimates with a slightly greater number of women than men identifying as such.
Please do some reading before denying a notable segment of the population’s identity just because it boggles your mind. Asexuals face a lot of discrimination similar to the words you just spoke from people who don’t bother to understand that someone might simply not be interested in what, for them, is an important part of their own lives. This is especially ironic when it comes from the LGBT community. (Just another sign that being discriminated against is not magical ward against discriminating against smaller minorities “lower” on the pecking order.)
Nope, there is zero possibility of biphobic, transphobia and discrimination against aces in the LGBTQA spectrum (“A” is for “Allies!”)! Cease your blasphemy!
in a stunning turn of events, words can mean multiple things!
ohhh i just realized that this person is not denying the label “asexual,” but going even further by denying that human beings can experience a lack of sexual attraction.
ok! never mind. the proper response was “fuck off.”
You are completely wrong. Educate yourself before speaking about something you have absolutely no fucking clue about.
Gottawonder how we can survive the double adorableness: both Dina and Riley?
What Riley really needs is a nice bandana.
Solid Snake style Bandana that is.
Bandanas are awesome. ^_^
Everyone looks good in them. No exceptions.
I’m an exception. Putting anything on my head causes my hair to rebel and try sticking out in all directions. I wish I could wear a hat.
You could cut off all of your hair.
I’m an exception. Neither hats nor bandanas look good on me. Either they conflict with the shape of my face, makes my very curly hair poof out from underneath for a clownish effect or both.
That’s…. nice.
Well, I called the D’AWWWW pretty effectively, I’d say.
Also, wasn’t Asexuality Awareness Week a couple of weeks ago? [flinches]
It was! We got ~~~~~~~~~ Awareness Week instead over at Shortpacked!.
It’s kind of hilariously ironic that her name gets censored in that context.
I wasn’t sure if it was so I actually just typed out the ~s.
And that would be the cause for the [flinch]…
This girl…I like her!!!
I demand more Riley, it doesn’t matter if its here…or in shortpacked…
All I know is I want more of her!!!
Riley and Dina….never shall these two meet…or else we’d go squee…
And now…because of all the Dina & Riley talk…
I now want a picture of Dina giving Riley a hug!!!
Riley is adorable, she and Dina would probably get along well, they could bond over a love of cereal.
All of them? Even Bran Flakes? What about that shredded wheat without the frosting, that you have to break apart to eat?
New Bran Flakes: Bold new taste! Bran Flakes! And it’s a nice cereal box too.
As if you’re going to find either of those in a college dorm kitchen, like, come on.
My college had Bran Flakes. You had to get there early if you wanted Lucky Charms, and sometimes the Life and Cinnamon Toast Crunch dispensers would run out too, but Bran Flakes and Corn Flakes were always full.
Wait, who’s refilling those? Is cereal included as part of your dorm fees? Are there particular staff who go in and refill them? Or is it a sort of money-in-the-kitty, rota based system?
Or are we talking dorms which don’t have their own kitchen, merely a refectory kind of arrangement in the very same building? Do you, like, have to pay every day in that case? Erm.
(My own university only had one of its blocks set up like that, and it’s one that has since been demolished (good thing too, as it was a friggin’ ghetto). It was open to all students as well as those living above it, went in there maybe twice out of my entire time there. Utterly rank, yet still overpriced. Much preferred to just stick with our surprisingly spacious and moderately well-equipped shared kitchen…)
And I must say, I’m still surprised at the appearance of extreme healthfood cereal even so. I think the best we would have had would have been a choice between cornflakes or rice krispies, with an option on cheerios and weetabix.
soggies arn’t cereal
I see this and I just remember, sometime in late September/ early October, when Willis dropped the first artwork for Riley, and then subsequently stated that he:
“should have known better than to trust folks wouldn’t immediately ask the INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT QUESTION as to whether she’s old enough to be fucked”
I wonder how all those questioning folk are feeling, now that her true age has been revealed.
I wish my faith in humanity was high enough. I tend to think those folks are not feeling nearly as crappy as they ought.
Something I always wonder when people talk about lack of faith in humanity. Don’t you think humanity needs you to believe in it if you want it to do better than it does at something? Do you think it’s going to improve faster if you complain about what it does wrong or if you help?
They say your friends are the ones who love you the most when you deserve it the least. I’d rather be a friend to humanity than a bystander, but maybe that’s just me.
I like that she’s still in the cooties stage (and/or potentially asexual), so not even the fourteen year old boys who probably posed that question can be satisfied to find out. They’ll be reading this and be all like “This did not go as I had planned”.
Um, it’s not creepy to mock hypothetical fourteen your old boys for lusting after a drawing of a girl, is it?
Count Chocula is available on Amazon, Right NOW!
Isn’t Count Chocula the one monster cereal that’s available all year long?
No, I don’t think so. The Frankenberry and the Booberry are also available on Amazon.
i love every DeSanto in this universe. i honestly wish i had someone in my life when i was twelve to challenge all of the heteronormativity and sex-shaming in my life. some would say that Roz is going to far, but man, i don’t think it’s ever too early to let a kid know that they can be positive about their body and their desires, no matter what those are.
i mean regardless, Riley’s twelve. i’m sure half the kids in her class are already talking about sex & dating.
You realise you’re basically saying these things out loud, right…
There’s a difference between letting a kid know that they can be body-positive and shoving sex in their face when it’s not wanted. Yeah, Riley’s in her sister’s space, but she’s twelve, if I had that stuff laying about my dorm room and my fourteen year old sister came by I’d clean it up just because she doesn’t want to think about that stuff around me and I’m not an asshole.
exactly! All my love for Roz but she isn’t the perfect person yet, nor is she the most open. One day she needs to learn a bit of tact and learn that unless her sister COMES to her with questions or unless she is presented with an opportunity (like discussing a book character or something seen on t.v. or in real life) to discuss sexuality with her 12 year old sister, it’s okay to try and understand that some people (including almost teenage children) are going to be a bit uncomfortable with graphic sex things surrounding them and it doesn’t make them a bad person.
I completely, 100% agree with you. Roz is a wonderful person & sister.
I’ve never thought about having a cereal based orgy, but now I am.
You know, when I think about it, that came out much wronger than intended…
It just sounds… well… painful
Haha, had to get the age in there for all the creeps.
This is going to sound like a really weird thing to say, but she has awesome eyebrows.
And now I’m going to spend half the morning trying to figure out who else she reminds me of as a result. I *think* it’s another comic/cartoon character…
…the kid from Book Of Kells? Erm. Not 100% sure that’s the one.
[looks squintily at everyone]
Is this going to include… the Cadbury Egg Cereal?!?!
‘cuz I for one can’t wait to see what kind of wacky hijinks are alluded to in the strips following her eating that and then coming round from the subsequent blackout.
The only person who blacked out from eating that was Robin, because of superpowers.
She has also been the only person who actually ate it, though (afaik). We can’t be sure it doesn’t also confer at least SOME minor superego wacky-hijink abilities amongst the wider population. And they ARE related after all… could be not all of Robin’s abilities were alien-granted.
Also, preteen + mass amounts of sugar = oh god make it stop how can they move that quickly and be that loud
Adult + mass amounts of sugar = headache, nausea, and an extra half inch on your wasteline
Hang on – didn’t Robin at one point momentarily grant someone a bit of superspeed by eating the cereal then kissing them? Or did I dream that whilst out of my mind on a mixture of flu, and poorly formulated value-brand flu remedies?
Possibly even it was the other way round. Erm.
*picks up antique looking phone, cranks handle* … WACK’D GET IN HERE I WANT YOU
Is it just me, or does Riley have HUGE eyebrows?
is it just me or is there a better way of expressing allcaps incredulity at a physical characteristic many real humans possess in front of other humans
A form of expressing incredulity at other people that’s better than all-caps?
Upon first consideration, the use of allcaps seems like a very good way to express allcaps incredulity. However, a closer examination of the post you replied to reveals some ambiguities that might make it not the best way of expressing that. First, the use of allcaps might be a modifier of “huge”, meaning “very huge”. In this circumstance, it is probably an expression of some other form of incredulity, and not allcaps incredulity. Second, the opening clause is open to the interpretation that the poster claims to have very huge eyebrows, and wonders if Riley also shares that characteristic.
Given these possibilities, if the poster’s intent was to specifically express “allcaps incredulity” then there was probably a better way to express this.
But that isn’t what you asked (anymore).
Since you used the same opening clause, you could be asserting that YOU are a way of expressing allcaps incredulity at a physical… etcetera, and are wondering if there isn’t a better one.
That’s a question that will require some research.
Oh God, I offended David Willis!
*bows down*
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it!
Can’t tell if sincere or not.
Yeah, that’s the unfortunate thing about typed comments. You can’t really tell if a person is being sincere or sarcastic. But that was indeed sincere.
She does, though.
And they are magnificent, too. Hopefully CianM1301 wasn’t being disparaging of her glorious forehead-caterpillars.
I had bigger eyebrows in my early teen years than I do now, because I hadn’t started tweezing and shaping them yet. So that’s pretty realistic.
Rather appropriate that your gravatar seems to have no eyebrows at all
I don’t know why – excusin’ your presence … er, ma’am?? – it’s become such a common thing for people to obsess about them. So long as you haven’t got a slightly threatening monobrow going on, having a little extra protective eyefuzz looks perfectly good. Overly messed-about-with ones run the risk of making you look like a vampire…
She’s got nothing on Mighty Eyebrows Boy.
Oh come on, those have clearly been applied with a flipchart marker.
I’m just gonna go ahead and say, I love ya DoA comments section. If nothing else than for fighting against idiots that know nothing about asexuality or know nothing about politics and just wanna say something is wrong.
Thank you, DoA comments section always makes me happy, even moreso when it’s things I care about.
Certainly they can be infuriating or even terrifying at times, but you can be assured that they’re never dull…
That’s an epic pout in panel 4.
Riely is my new hero.
Roz remains my fave. Whatever Riley’s romantic life is gonna be like in the future, once she’s into sex (or not at all, as it were), she’s gonna have the best, most supportive sister around
I agree, I love Roz so much. I’m glad we get to see more of her today. (And Riley! Who is adorable!)
On the other hand, she’ll have Robin, who, by that point, will probably be angling for a presidential run.
Be careful, Riley. Soggies may rule.
I think it’s on the Desanto coat of arms.
If it isn’t, it damn well should be.
We need Laci Green (no relation to Bros. Green) to wade in here with one of her {Don’t Forget to be} Awesome videos on sexuality and stuff! Go Green18!
Eh, she’s really problematic. I wouldn’t advocate for some who is transphobic, Islamaphobic and anti-religion in this comic. Speaking of which, we need to see more Asma.
Is she really transphobic though? I know she said the t-word way back when, but lately her videos have been pretty trans friendly? Correct me if I’m wrong, of course. I’m not trying to start an argument.
I don’t follow her. I’ve just heard the complaints and backlash.
A Google search of “Laci Green problematic” turns up a bunch of stuff.
Thanks, I’ll look into it.
Riley has her priorities straight. Go cereal girl! ^^
So, Riley is a cereal girl in all the cereal worlds?
wait, she’s TWELVE?! Roz’s room mate honestly believes a twelve year old can be a horrible person?
People can be horrible persons when they’re seven and eight, which is when I went through my time of being bullied, and nine and ten as well, which was around the time I became a bully myself. But granted, given Mary’s character that’s probably not the sort of horrible she’s thinking of.
Wasn’t that the point of Lord of the Flies?
Mary knows that a twelve-year-old can be a horrible person. She was twelve once, after all.
trust me, some of my little sister’s friends can be pretty awful. They’re all around 12 and hearing about some of them makes me think they deserve a pinch
I tend to assume that everyone under the age of 16 is by default a terrible person. And everyone over that limit too, actually.
So 16-year olds are the only good people in the world?
tl;dr version: Kids are little shits, and don’t ever let them con you into thinking otherwise.
There’s a reason we don’t let them drive, drink, fly aircraft, vote, or do any number of other things. They’re a perfect ball of untempered, semi-feral id.
Occasionally cute, yes, but still little monsters inside.
PS, as the T-shirt goes, don’t trust anyone over 30. Basically, late teens to late 20s is the most honest, proactive and dependable age. Which is why protest groups are mainly made up of people in that bracket.
One of my favorite qualities in a person, especially a young person, is their willingness to just be the age they are. It’s a good barometer of future mental health. Way to go Riley.
My God… she’s like a little lady-Walky!
What is Roz’s actual name? o.O
Roz DeSanto
Rose I would assume
If you’re asking, “what is Roz short for,” then Rosaline/Rosalynd/Rozaline/other spellings are a pretty logical choice, but if it’s been explicitly stated, then I missed it.
Presumably it’s “Roz, as in Roz From Frasier”
welp. i’m definitely a fan of Riley.
Cereal, the toughest choice in life.
Riley is a person after my own heart… I was and remain sincerely pancereal.
Huh, normally at 12 many people actually start to develop their sexuality. Though not everyone so i guess it’s fine Riley’s just pancereal.
Even if one starts to develop their sexuality at 12, they might not feel comfortable expressing it or acting on it until much later. I say this as someone who started developing at 9.
Riley, you can only like one type of cereal, and society will judge you based on the kind you like.
I wonder if Mark might be the youngest DeSanto. As in Dad kept trying until he got a boy.
Sex posters on the walls huh? Mary must really love that.
Are twelve year olds supposed to be like that?If that’s the case, then I’m WAY ahead of my age
Alt-text: did anyone else read “pancreal” (like “of the pancreas”)? No? Just me? Okay, well no one will be back to read this, anyway…
Kudos for knowing what asexuality is!
speaking as an ace, this is pretty much what being ace is like