He actually is a lesbian icon! I read a paper about it in undergrad in a gay lit class, and wikipedia has more:
“Lesbian icons, sometimes called dykons, a portmanteau of the words “dyke” and “icon” are most often powerful women who are, or are rumored to be, lesbian or bisexual.[7][8] However, a few male entertainers have also had iconic status for lesbian people. James Dean was an early lesbian icon who, along with Marlon Brando, influenced the butch look and self-image in the 1950s and after.”
OK, there’s a Famicom Star Wars game in which in the first stage in the sandcrawler, you fight Darth Vader. However, after you hit Vader once, he turns into a scorpion. Or, you could just watch that one episode of AVGN that covers the Star Wars games.
Yeah. I’m having some trouble discussing cartoon boobs with a straight face (though I think I’m on the wrong site in that case) but boobs don’t look like that without help. I can tell from some of the pixels and seeing a lot of, uh…boobs in my time?
I guess technically these *are* all Photoshopped (sleep time now please)
There was nothing to go nuts about until I looked at panel 4 and realized that the topmost button done up is below Dorothy’s breasts. She’s one good yawn-stretch from giving Joyce a view of her navel.
Eh, I don’t pay a ton of attention to the comments but I think it came up over the last few strips and these two do generally dress pretty conservatively so it might be indicative of something or other.
Joyce’s irises are actually a portal to another dimension. The blue dimension. One of these days Willis is going to draw too close of a close up, we’re going to fall through, and nobody will ever hear from any of us ever again.
I said, I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of the boughs thereof: now also thy breasts shall be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of thy nose like apples;
And the roof of thy mouth like the best wine for my beloved, that goeth down sweetly, causing the lips of those that are asleep to speak.
Ding ding ding! While it may not be accurate to current continuities, Billie and Walky grew up together and there was some indication they may have bathed together in the past.
OH GOD THEY’RE TALKING ABOUT GAY PEOPLE will they talk about me oh god oh god oh god
That’s what his face looks like to me. xD Either that or he’s just looking down. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar…(or is it?)
I’m seeing more of an ‘oh my, is that a dog turd on the floor over there? Glad I didn’t step in it’ expression. But I’m not that good at reading faces.
It’s right below his right eye (pretty much exactly where he seems to be looking) and it moves with the picture when I scroll, so not just a dead pixel or something on my screen. I’m guessing just something that didn’t get erased from the blue sketch, but couldn’t pass up on the joke.
And with a single mouse stroke Willis destroys the only wholly Holy artifact of the New Church of Ethan the Smurfcheeked. The hopes and dreams of many are instantly crushed.
No, no, see Joyce, what you should do is make wild, passionate love to Dorothy right here and now. If you do that and you don’t enjoy it, you can say for absolute sure you aren’t gay!
Course, you should do it again every few days just to make sure nothing has changed.
Well, that was about sex and it was all innuendo. Here, she’s just imagining her parents’ response to hearing the word “date” in the same sentence with her name and Dorothy’s. (Joyce is such a good Christian that even if she was a lesbian, she would wait until she’s married. No [lesbian] pre-marital hanky-panky!)
Panel one: Joyce is looking at Dot’s mouth, which is actually a fairly standard thing for two women in conversation. Ethan is looking at her hair. Totes gay, like
Panel four: Both of them are avoiding eye – and indeed, eye-to-body – contact with her.
Besides, Joyce has almost as much decolletage on show as Dorothy, so he could have oogled that as much as he wanted.
BTW, all babies suckle, including gay male and straight female ones, and he is rather a manchild. He might well still look at a well endowed woman and (mostly subconsciously) think… mmm… I could do with a drink right now. Maybe without even realising why/the link.
Joyce’s parents probably already assume that Dorothy is a lesbian. She’s an avowed atheist and all atheists are lesbians, even the men. That’s why you should find your husband at a Bible college.
It’s casual, but that’s not necessarily the same thing as open. I think either of them would be upset if they found that the other were smooching someone else without prior notification.
On the other hand, I don’t think it would take a lot of talking to convince Walky to be the other slice of bread in a Dorothy sandwich. He’s already offered to let Joyce watch.
James Dean? Total lesbian.
The good Doctor? Total rebel.
Am I a bad person because I first thought of the porn star and not the actor?
That’s Deen with two ‘e’s. And yes you are a bad person.
He actually is a lesbian icon! I read a paper about it in undergrad in a gay lit class, and wikipedia has more:
“Lesbian icons, sometimes called dykons, a portmanteau of the words “dyke” and “icon” are most often powerful women who are, or are rumored to be, lesbian or bisexual.[7][8] However, a few male entertainers have also had iconic status for lesbian people. James Dean was an early lesbian icon who, along with Marlon Brando, influenced the butch look and self-image in the 1950s and after.”
Weird, he’s always been one of my own icons as well, though I’ve also read the accounts of his bisexuality may have been overrated
James Dean: Lesbian without a Cause.
Also, I’m totally going to start calling the Confederate naval jack “the lesbian flag” now just to piss off the neo-Confederates.
Here, use this one
Or maybe this one?
One just has to look at your gravatar to see the truth, Jen!
Omg, I hadn’t noticed that until you mentioned it! What an amazing gravatar! Is it canon that I somehow missed?? The hotness!
Seriously, go watch Star Wars again. The whole thing is an allegory for Gay Marriage and Lukes Jedi training is actually about his gender confusion.
Luke! I am your mother.
And I’m also a fucking scorpion!
Japanese Star Wars game.
Can I get some more context? I still don’t get it. ._.
OK, there’s a Famicom Star Wars game in which in the first stage in the sandcrawler, you fight Darth Vader. However, after you hit Vader once, he turns into a scorpion. Or, you could just watch that one episode of AVGN that covers the Star Wars games.
@_@ … I must see this.
This gives the whole Dagobah/Yoda sequence a whole new level of…really weird.
Which it totally needed, am I right?
Dagobah? Where it bubbles all the time like a giant carbonated soda?
s-o-d-a Soda
Never seen this Marcie/Sal avatar before… Does it come from a larger image?
Because it is approximately one day old, give or take some hours.
I like it! Did you draw it? It mimics Willis’s style really well!
Maybe because Willis did it for $300 =<
I am sure it was worth every penny.
So the entire Confederated States of America were lesbians? That’s a whole new take on the American Civil War.
So, AVALANCHE are a group of lesbians? FF7 just got more interesting.
I think every person who ever existed is now a lesbian.
Cleavage cleavage everywhere.
And not a bra in sight.
Well, yeah. There’s not really any way to see a bra from our vantage points with their shirts positioned the way they are unless it’s a sports bra.
I prefer to believe that they were simply never there in the first place.
Of course, if there wasn’t a bra, the cleavage wouldn’t be visible anyway. Without bras, boobs don’t really get pushed up to form cleavage like that.
Yeah. I’m having some trouble discussing cartoon boobs with a straight face (though I think I’m on the wrong site in that case) but boobs don’t look like that without help. I can tell from some of the pixels and seeing a lot of, uh…boobs in my time?
I guess technically these *are* all Photoshopped
(sleep time now please)
I guess there’s a little. Nothing to go nuts about.
There was nothing to go nuts about until I looked at panel 4 and realized that the topmost button done up is below Dorothy’s breasts. She’s one good yawn-stretch from giving Joyce a view of her navel.
In the immortal words of Jayne Cobb, “I’ll be in my bunk.”
Oh good; someone said “cleavage”.
Eh, I don’t pay a ton of attention to the comments but I think it came up over the last few strips and these two do generally dress pretty conservatively so it might be indicative of something or other.
Dear God, are Joyce’s irises always that big?
Only when she’s feeling appreciative or thinking about Jesus.
Joyce’s irises are actually a portal to another dimension. The blue dimension. One of these days Willis is going to draw too close of a close up, we’re going to fall through, and nobody will ever hear from any of us ever again.
Does anybody notice Ethan’s even there or has he just mastered perfect ninja…ry?
Don’t let Rick hear you say that.
He’s still shocked from yesterday. Everyone implicitly understands that talking to him will shatter his delicate sense of security.
Good. Ethan deserves to feel insecure >:T.
Aww, but why? Ethan is adorable!
And I totally don’t feel weird saying that as a non-gay dude!
That totally wasn’t sarcasm!
Perfect ninja-ry? Nonsense! Ethan had just mastered the art of not being noticed in plain sight.
He’s like Dina… ‘cept he’s Ethan.
…Drink! Arse! Girls!
Father Jack is an inspiration to us all.
Aw, Joyce, as long as you’re defying your parents, go big or go home, amirite?
You can’t stop with a LITTLE defiance. You gotta defy so hard that they don’t know what’s what!
Come on, Dorothy! Push her over that edge!
Given your “Angry Mike” gravatar you might mean that literally…
Is there even any cliffs near that school to get pushed offa?
No, but they’re headed towards the stairs and Dorothy’s got her hand behind Joyce….
There’s the old limestone quarries outside of town….
Rooftop Quarry!
Plenty of old quarries. That should work.
Is there any other kind of Mike gravatar?
“Alright, how about we just tell them that we’re eating out?”
I suspect that would fly over Jocye’s parents’ collective heads.
I dunno. They’ve got quite a few kids. They may know every trick in the book.
If they’re anything like they were in the Walkyverse, they probably have a couple copies of that book around the house.
The Good Book, I hope.
I said, I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of the boughs thereof: now also thy breasts shall be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of thy nose like apples;
And the roof of thy mouth like the best wine for my beloved, that goeth down sweetly, causing the lips of those that are asleep to speak.
The very good book…
Not sure if you’re being facetious or not, but if you were unaware and *minor spoiler alert* Joyce’s folks owned the kama sutra
This comment is my favorite.
Ethan’s just waiting for the conversation to naturally gravitate towards Transformers… then he’ll chip in.
….Aaaany day now.
It always happens eventually. Then, and only then, will he strike.
Batman would be proud.
I am proud.
Are you also batman?
In another universe Dorothy could be Ellen DeGeneres, and Joyce would be powerless to her charms.
Joyce wants Dorothy to lunch date her all night long.
Would that be a box lunch?
I’ll get me coat.
Love Ethan’s sort of shifty, “Uhhh…” look.
Dorry’s neckline really sells this punch line. Now if Joyce can see a topless Billie she’s even with Walky.
When did Walky see a topless Billie? And where was I?
Wait, Billie topless? When did this happen? WHAT YEAR IS THIS?
My guess is as kids?
Ding ding ding! While it may not be accurate to current continuities, Billie and Walky grew up together and there was some indication they may have bathed together in the past.
Dorothy – *buttons back up* “Yeaaahhhh…”
It seems Joyce doesn’t really have any personal objections to calling it a date.
OH GOD THEY’RE TALKING ABOUT GAY PEOPLE will they talk about me oh god oh god oh god
That’s what his face looks like to me. xD Either that or he’s just looking down. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar…(or is it?)
Took the words right out of my keyboard, Em.
Glad I’m not alone on this.
I think someone actually dropped their cigar and he’s trying to think of who might smoke that.
The obvious answer is Mike, just to piss off people who lobby for No-Smoking zones.
I’m seeing more of a “oh, they’re talking about gay people…oh. Joyce’s parents will hate me if they find out. Now I’m sad.”
I see it more as ‘even sheltered, naïve, innocent Joyce can stand up to her parents and I can’t.”
But he did stand up to them, sort of… with help. But yeah, I see it as an “uhhhh” reaction to Joyce’s parents disliking gay people.
I’m seeing more of an ‘oh my, is that a dog turd on the floor over there? Glad I didn’t step in it’ expression. But I’m not that good at reading faces.
Joyce, if you’re going to be eating out with Dorothy, it isn’t going to matter what you’re calling it.
You could use some prettier words for it, though.
That “with” is unnecessary.
Kids these days. Don’t appreciate the subtle difference between a double entendre and open obscenity.
Yeah. “Früher war alles besser”, as we say in our UAS.
Would it be better if I said, “I see what you did there”?
Oh come on, Joyce, you say that like they don’t already know.
Yeah, I mean, what kind of parents would they be if they didn’t notice the sexual preference of one of their childre-
They probably only suspect. It’s not like she’s been kissing girls on television in this universe.
It’s only a matter of time.
Les-be-friends indeed.
This is my favorite ship. ^^
My favorite ship is Billie/Sal. I hope one day Sal gives Billie a sloppy kiss. On the boobs
Why. Isn’t. It. Canon?
So crushing. Really.
Because Billie is hilarious when she isn’t getting what she wants.
Maybe Sal’s waiting for a more sober Billie to proposition.
She might be waiting for a while, then
When every ship is cannon …none will be
“God damnit, why is my straight girlfriend better at being gay than me?”
Because pretty much everyone is.
Dorothy and Joyce are totes adorbz, as the kids would say.*
*probably not actually a thing the kids would say.
Sounds like something Robin would say, though.
Who even say totes?
Robin totes says totes.
Dude. I totes say totes all the time. For serious. Okay broseph?
“What’s that blue spot on my cheek? OH GOD, I’M A SMURF, TOO? HOW WILL I FIND A GAY, NERDY, JEWISH SMURF?!?!”
But seriously, what’s with the blue dot on Ethan’s cheek?
It’s right below his right eye (pretty much exactly where he seems to be looking) and it moves with the picture when I scroll, so not just a dead pixel or something on my screen. I’m guessing just something that didn’t get erased from the blue sketch, but couldn’t pass up on the joke.
I had to zoom in to 400%, but yeah it’s there.
I just found it and now I can’t not see it every time I look at the panel
Oh yeah, you’re right
That might be an artifact from your monitor. Try scrolling a pixel at a time to see if the blue spot moves on Ethan’s face…
It was a tiny translucent hole, which is now fixed. It was showing the teal background through the comic.
So the hole didn’t lead to the Ethan universe? Darn, I wanted to experiment with more tears in reality… Then Willis had to go and fix it.
And with a single mouse stroke Willis destroys the only wholly Holy artifact of the New Church of Ethan the Smurfcheeked. The hopes and dreams of many are instantly crushed.
Teal… the color of Champions
Or the science/medical branches.
The look of horror on Joyce’s face in the last panel. How could you not love that girl?
I dunno let’s ask Ethan.
~cymbal crash~
Drama bomb, Incoming. Warning, WARNING!
Bomb is incoming. Prepare for impact within one week!
Looks like Dorothy listened to Walky.
Or Walky is influencing her..
That’s what I like to call tactical cleavage….
didn’t know what you were talking about until I went back. Now I can’t unsee it.
Ha! That makes Joyce’s mind jumping to “lunch date” so much more!
What’s a cluster cleavage? Or even better, what’s an atomic cleavage?
Billie’s is atomic cleavage.
Dorothy’s expression in the last panel is perfection.
heh, yeah. “The horror…!”
More like “the pleasure!” Or “Walky is right all along?”
na, I mean, “the horror of my parents finding out…!”
But I hadn’t thought if the tactical cleavage when I wrote the horror. A new level is revealed!
Dorothy can be Joyce’s [business] partner. [Business] partners always go on [lunch] dates!
Replace business with….what exactly?
But what about lunch?
It is pronounced Meh-Widge.
Wuv… Twoo wuv…
i have a dirty mind so luch still works for what im thinking
It’s business time
you can tell because it’s Wednesday and I’m wearing my business socks
The conditions are perfect. There’s nothing good on TV. The conditions are perfect.
Dorothy may be taken but I’m sure there’s a girl out there for ya Joyce. I feel like I should throw out another “Kiss her you fool!”
Joe down the hall: “Now kiss!”
hi ethan
bye ethan
No, no, see Joyce, what you should do is make wild, passionate love to Dorothy right here and now. If you do that and you don’t enjoy it, you can say for absolute sure you aren’t gay!
Course, you should do it again every few days just to make sure nothing has changed.
Careful, you’re starting to sound like Ethan’s mom.
Maybe the alternate universe counterpart of her?
Y’know, if you tilt your computer back so the colors go all funny, Dorothy kinda looks like she’s wearing clown makeup.
Damn you, shoddy TN panels!
*weaves side to side in front of cheap SXGA panel turned to portrait orientation* … hahahaha
Ethan is a good conversationalist. Does he get that from his father?
Also: they both look SO happy to see each other it’s so ridiculously adorable.
….can DoA have a spinoff when it’s finished: ‘Joyce and Dorothy’?
In this spinoff, Ethan is straight and Mike is dating Walky.
2nd straight comic in which Ethan has no lines
This tells me he is an easily manipulated shell of a man.
This tells me he and Dorothy should non-bang.
Or he just has nothing to say
I’m not sure if this can be considered a “straight comic”. Nak nak nak.
He’s just the straight man. Trying to be, anyway.
If Ethan keeps this up he will turn into his father.
“Keeping it up” is probably an exceptionally important quality for that, in fact. That and the ability to grow a damn fine mustache.
Question is, which one will end up having to convert? Or will they maintain a mixed-faith marriage?
We should really run a kickstarter to get these two together.
That explains the storyline.
wow joyce you really did kiss billie
Alright I’ll bite. What?
Maybe Ethan just believes that if you have nothing to say…don’t say it?
Gottawonder if Joyce is alluding to the fact that her parents ‘have to know’ about her sisbrother, but maybe not.
Joyce’s Brosis will be my favorite thing that unfolds in this universe
I don’t think Joyce knows.
Elsewhere, Walky is suddenly tremendously aroused and he doesn’t know why.
I think you’re a little late. this strip doesn’t end with ffffffffff
I like to think that’s what Joyce was saying when Dorothy got out of the elevator.
So … lunch date leads to sex, right?
This is an incredible amount of awareness for miss “I wasn’t alone with my boyfriend, sometimes two other guys joined in”.
Well, that was about sex and it was all innuendo. Here, she’s just imagining her parents’ response to hearing the word “date” in the same sentence with her name and Dorothy’s. (Joyce is such a good Christian that even if she was a lesbian, she would wait until she’s married. No [lesbian] pre-marital hanky-panky!)
“You can push them around if I get to make the noises!”
Joyce’s eyes in the first panel are drawn to the cleavage.
… As are Ethan’s! Is he sure he’s gay?
Panel one: Joyce is looking at Dot’s mouth, which is actually a fairly standard thing for two women in conversation. Ethan is looking at her hair. Totes gay, like
Panel four: Both of them are avoiding eye – and indeed, eye-to-body – contact with her.
Besides, Joyce has almost as much decolletage on show as Dorothy, so he could have oogled that as much as he wanted.
BTW, all babies suckle, including gay male and straight female ones, and he is rather a manchild. He might well still look at a well endowed woman and (mostly subconsciously) think… mmm… I could do with a drink right now. Maybe without even realising why/the link.
“When you talk to someone, you should look at their eyes, not their mouth.” “But that’s the part that’s moving!”
It seems well-established by everyone, including gay guys, that boobs (in moderation) are awesome.
New research from U-Nebraska says that everyone — male, female, hetero or not — looks at boobies.
you are bad at following eyelines
Wow, somebody is projecting. A lot!
Joyce’s parents probably already assume that Dorothy is a lesbian. She’s an avowed atheist and all atheists are lesbians, even the men. That’s why you should find your husband at a Bible college.
Does that make Richard Dawkins king of the lesbians?
Joyce, Joyce….it’s a slippery slope from gluttony to the rest of the sins, so times a wastin’.
The key to living large is making sure all your sins are sins of commission, not sins of omission.
Panels two and three are even better than the cleavage of one and four. They are both swooning and blushing and making the googly eyes at each other.
I am disappointed that the first comment wasn’t “CLEAVAGE!”
Joyce is the name of Buffy’s mother in Buffy the vampire slayer.
So wait. Joyce and Dorothy are both aware of the Joyce/Dorothy ship?
Silly faces for everyone!
what an incredibly apt gravatar there :p
Let us hate them together. From our scowls combined there shall be no escape.
We are the Scowling Trinity.
Smiles don’t always mean good intent. The right smile can be more evil than a scowl.
I don’t trust people who smile.
I don’t trust people.
But what about Walky!! She can’t cheat on Walky!
I think it’s an open relationship, not a serious one.
Walky would probably be alright with it anyway, so long as he could join in.
It’s casual, but that’s not necessarily the same thing as open. I think either of them would be upset if they found that the other were smooching someone else without prior notification.
On the other hand, I don’t think it would take a lot of talking to convince Walky to be the other slice of bread in a Dorothy sandwich. He’s already offered to let Joyce watch.
Is Joyce’s face in panel 4 the same face she made when she said she could crawl into Billie’s boobs and be warm forever?
Similar, but not quite the same.
Now to ship