I actually don’t get duck penises. They are birds. What’s wrong with a good old-fashioned cloaca? The only thing more ridiculous with regard to emancipation is the female hyena penis. Giving birth through that is really stretching it.
That’s because about 1/4 of duck sex is forced. Basically, male and female ducks have an evolutionary arms race going on.
“WHAT’S THAT?! YOUR VAGINA CORKSCREWS TO PREVENT FORCED ENTRY?! WELL, NOW MY PENIS CORKSCREWS THE OTHER WAY AROUND, TO GAIN ENTRY!” and so on. It’s gotten to the point where the duck penis can be around as large as the duck itself, if not larger.
Saying a duck vagina corkscrews in the opposite direction of a duck penis exhibits a poor grasp of geometry. A right-winding spiral from the other side is still right-winded.
Revelation (and I apologize if this turns up later in the thread): when Mr. Akin said “the female body has ways of shutting that down,” he was talking about ducks.
Not certain where I stand on the issue of duck abortion, though.
No need to imagine it. It happened in one of the recent Disney shorts. Donald and Mickey are at a beach and come across Goofy who’s running a food hut. Goofy has a rule: No shirt, no pants, no shoes, no service. Donald and Mickey fight over clothes and Donald ends up with Mickey’s clothes. Mickey is naked (and trying to hide himself from passing people) thru most of the toon…till they fight again and it’s Donald who’s naked causing Daisy to exclaim “Donald! You’re naked!” *L*
The short ends with Goofy scratching his crotch (note: The only thing he’s wearing is an apron). *shudders*
Just imagine a topless Sal in a red short yoga pants with two big buttons, a pair of basket shoes, and a pair of white gloves. Also her hair is shaped into two large buns.
But I used my graphics program to conclusively determine that Sal’s skin tone on both of her boobs uses exactly the same RGB and HSV color codes, so I don’t see how anyone could say that one is perkier than the other!
So then I did a comprehensive survey of the color codes of all the boobs in DoA, and statistical analysis proves that Sal’s RGB color values are closer to Dina’s, who has the perkiest breasts, than to Billie’s, who has the roundest, most supple breasts, so therefore Sal’s boobs must both be more perky than round and supple!
It is not in any way possible that I could be completely missing the point and putting entirely too much effort into analyzing something totally irrelevant!
Clearly this is a character revelation about Joyce! She speaks Incoherent Mumble fluently, and Billie is in the lower bunk and can’t understand any of this conversation.
Obviously, having tackled alcoholism, this plotline will be about the dangers of seeding a semiconductor with metal ions to change the location of the conduction bands.
…The Blue Meanies don’t wear gloves, do they? Although I never registered that they weren’t wearing anything on top. Because their top half is so…poofy.
This IS the girl who wore her pj bottoms under a full length dress, and freaked out about showing her shins. I’m not surprised she’s shocked! But girl, haven’t you seen boobs other than your own? Like, in the showers? They’re just boobs, not the Satan’s tools. Idle hands are the devil’s tools.
I’m wondering what everyone else’s dorms were like. When I was in the dorms, we all went into the individual shower stall and removed clothing in there, put it outside of the shower and then turned the water on. Unpleasant. Some people would start up the shower and be in a towel, and then step in and remove the towel at the same time.
I never saw another female topless while in the dorms, and I made damned sure no one saw me topless.
This brings up a disturbing question.
What happened in Sal’s life where she wakes up strangling people?
The implications are disturbing at best, heartbreaking at worst.
Wait, you still notice the fanservice? I’ve been almost completely desensitized, particularly in shows where it’s pointless and rampant.
I say ‘almost’ because sometimes I can’t avoid thinking how much some of those poor girls’ backs must hurt. Divergence Eve in particular leaves me wincing when I’m supposed to be panting.
Unless you have a physical need for them. Which depends person to person. I’d definitely say that there’s no way I am NOT wearing at least pajama bottoms of some sort while on my period.
Why underwear at all? (Or gloves, for that matter?)
If there are covers over you and a sheet under you, any clothing is just a restrictive thing to get pushed/twisted every time you move and wake you up by applying uncomfortable pressure.
(Plus the semi-important thing about letting your skin breathe rather than having cloth wrapped snugly around it all the time.)
If one is not warm enough, then get a thicker (or second) cover/duvet/blanket. Clothes add nothing unless one has a pathological fear of being unclothed, in which case showers are presumably likewise done while wearing a swimsuit which likewise detracts from enjoyability and the main role of the activity (in this instance, washing all parts of yourself).
Maybe I’m just weird, but I just don’t feel right unless I have underwear on. I’m fine in the shower and… other occasions (I am a married woman after all), but unless the situation requires otherwise, I’m simply more comfortable in clothes. I don’t even like going around the house in just underwear.
But clothes stops bits of your skin from touching other bits of your skin and getting all gross and sweaty! Also, if you have a couple sneeze-y, drooling older pets, it’s easier to change a shirt than to take another shower. At least, those are some of my main concerns about pajamas.
Girls’ vaginas secrete mucus constantly. It has a changing pH depending on the part of the cycle the woman is on, and it can cause [small] holes in fabric over a long enough period of time.
The amount actually varies, in some women it varies a LOT, depending on where they are in their cycle. There is typically a lot more of it when a woman is fertile, and it’s of a different consistency than at other times in her cycle. It changes to be sperm-friendly to encourage pregnancy.
This has been your daily Fertility Awareness lesson.
I wear a T-shirt and flannel PJ bottoms, unless it’s really hot/cold. Pajamas don’t get drafts like covers do, they don’t get stolen or slide off the bed and make me wake up to figure out where the hell they went, and they mean that when I get up in the middle of the noon to take a leak, I don’t have to choose between taking time to get dressed or stumbling across the living room (past the big plate-glass front window) with my tackle hanging out. And also I keep the thermostat set to 56°F, so in the winter it’s nice to have something on already when I get up.
And it means that if Joyce were to come in to wake me up before noon, I wouldn’t be flashing everyone else in the room while strangling her.
(Dunno who else is there, but there’s apparently someone. I’m guessing at least Billie. Could be really awkward if Walky came over to apologize…)
I dunno, except when I’m camping I can’t stand to wear long sleeves of any kind while sleeping. The feel of fabric surrounding my limbs (as opposed to draped uniformly over me) is really distracting. Even t-shirts can be too uncomfortable. Though you’re right, it makes getting up in winter a pain…
Ironically, when camping, I just sleep in (fresh, dry) boxers. My sleeping bag is typically way warmer than required, and zips and cinches closed, which nullifies most of my other complaints, and I don’t want the usually-damp clothes I was wearing during the day in the bag with me. I only bother with the boxers because sleeping bags are a pain in the butt to wash.
Zero to Kill. Would not have expected less of Sal. The underwear is a surprise though, gloves ok, but didn’t expect the undies.
Cartoons have lots of weirdness: consider
Mickey wears pants and no top.
Donald wears a top and no pants.
Goofy is a dog that wears clothes and drives a car and he owns:
Pluto, who is a dog?
Popeye and Olive Oyl were never married which is no biggie now, but in the 40s was a bit shocking -so where did Sweetpea come from?
Donald Duck has his 3 nephews and his Uncle Scrooge. Where are all the female ducks? Gottawonder about him and Daisy.
Think of your own to wonder about.
1. Disney did a short recently about the pants/shirt thing. Hilarity ensues with a shirt-pants-shoes policy is enforced at a burger joint.
2. It came up somewhere that the distinction between people-dogs and pet-dogs was the ability to speak.
3. Sweetpea is a foundling.
4. Donald’s sister explained in a note that the nephews had to live with him, after there father was injured by a firecracker “accidentally” going off under his chair. Donald and his sister are the children of: Uncle Scrooge’s older of two younger sisters (the one with the temper) and “Grandma” Duck’s son (the one with the temper).
5. Daisy is not a relation. (At least, not close enough to end up on the extensive family tree.)
6. The lack of marriage is to allow for rivals of affection, without crossing the adultery line.
Y’know, a lot of that “weirdness” can be answered by Google within a few minutes. Where Swee’Pea came from and who the parents of Hewey, Dewey, and Louie are… are not exactly mysteries. Hell, Donald Duck’s family is easily the most geneologically-chronicled of all cartoons. There were literally hundreds of comics written about them.
Yep, we can read about how Donald’s parents met and fell in love (and talking about what name they going to give to their children). How Donald’s sister and her husband disappeared on a trip overseas.
Also the nights spent when Scrooge and Goldie live together for a season…
Nah, Disney’s easy. Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle Cow, Horace Horsecollar. all fill a “people” niche in their world, being fully anthropomorphic and leading people lives. Pluto, Minnie’s cat Figaro, they fill “animal” niches. There’s a clear distinction between full anthro- and non-anthro-. (Mind you, you get characters like Chip ‘n Dale to blur the lines, but as a rule…)
It’s Warner Brothers that gets weird. Bugs, Daffy, Sylvester, they all behave as people, but fill animal niches (being hunted, flying south, chasing birds and extremely fast Mexican mice). (Except Porky, who lives in a house and has a job). So when a less anthro- animal comes along (which happens on occasion), you have to think “What the hell is wrong with that guy?”
Right! He made a big deal about her getting her hair straightened, why does she still look cool in the morning? Her hair should be wrapped up in all kinds of swaddling.
No offense people, but how the hell did not a single one of the people who posted before me notice that JOYCE HAD HER FINGERS SPREAD TO PEEK AT SAL WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT! OMG NUU! Dorothy claim your Joyce while there’s still time!
You seriously are telling me that as a kid you’ve never done it? The whole ‘hands in front of your face but fingers spread and eyes peeking through the lashes so you can see but make people think you weren’t able to’ thing isn’t the first thing you see when you look at that?
Geeze I thought everyone did it. And I’m sorry but the way Willis very specifically showed her eyes between fingers in the third panel and then never closed the fingers in the 4th panel tells me that the finger spread was deliberate. xD
In the third panel, Joyce has her hand over her eyes. There is her eyebrow; her left index finger, and then a straight line which is supposed to be her tightly closed eye (the line is the eyelash), then the rest of Joyce’s hand partially covering her nose and mouth.
Her eyes are so offended that she doesn’t notice that Sal also broke her arm. But remember that Joyce wasn’t allowed to ride her bike around the block until recently. And she was the most socialized of her home school group.
I had an ex-girlfriend who would sometimes wake up to find that while she was asleep she had stuck her fingers up her butt. Being grossed out at this, she began handcuffing her left hand when she went to bed. I suppose Sal may have decided to wear gloves for similar reasons.
I wear my pink pajamas in the Summer when it’s hot.
And I wear my woolen undies in the Winter when it’s not.
But sometimes in the Spring and sometimes in the Fall,
I slip between the covers with
Glory, Glory what’s it to ya’
Glory, Glory what’s it to ya’
If I slip between the covers with NOTHING ON AT ALL!
Hm, gloves she never ever takes off…. if CLAMP are any guide, this means she’s a talented medium who has to conceal the magical marks left on her hands by an assassin. That’s why, isn’t it.
Personally, I prefer that sapient rabbit who also wears gloves. Something about Bugs Bunny resonates with me for some reason. Maybe it’s his distaste for briefcases.
Oh, wait, wait, I’m thinking of something here. Could Sal and Amber eventually confront each other over the robbery, only to bond over their bad parents and general badassery and have lickytimes? Pleeeeeeeze?!?
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari Drennen@aridrennen.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
This is somehow completely unsurprising.
But immensely appreciated.
It exceeded expectations.
I hope she’s wearing low cut boots with heels…
I actually thought Sal sleeps with nothing on.
This is better than nothing
Full nudity is overrated. Semi nudity is way more erotic!
Still a flash of little brown titty would of been greatly appreciated… and would of made joyce fall off the bunk.
Get down on your knees, he might put something up on his tumblr if you do.
Willis really is the master of deliberate fetish fuel while still seeming… wholesome.
The avatars for this…. just so perfect…
don’t be creepy
Wanting to see boobage of a cute girl is creepy? Well, Sir, if that is the case, you may as well call me a creep.
there is a time and place and also word choice
Yeah, seriously. It’s “would have”!
“There is a time and place and also a word choice.”
Damn straight there is. Sadly, this isn’t the first time I’ve felt a bit weirded out by the comments here.
Without disagreeing, it made me chuckle that I’m currently getting a banner ad for “Titty-Time” on the site.
Maybe Joyce prefers Donald Duck? =>
Well, until she finds out about Donald’s corkscrew penis . . . maybe . . .
I hate myself for Googling that just now
In a few hours, the people working at Google will be utterly baffled at why this has gotten so many searches.
It’s google. They’re used to it
It’s Google, they have 24/7 shrinks ready just in case (and fully padded room for hopeless case).
This is why most people use Incognito.
true facts about the duck
Eh, one of my profs (I majored in biology) showed us an ejaculating duck penis in class.
*swallows lump of vomit*
You… you don’t say.
I actually don’t get duck penises. They are birds. What’s wrong with a good old-fashioned cloaca? The only thing more ridiculous with regard to emancipation is the female hyena penis. Giving birth through that is really stretching it.
What’s even weirder? Female duck’s vaginas corkscrew (generally) in the opposite direction, and “dead ends” to prevent pregnancy from rape.
ignoring the “stretching it” comment… femal duck vaginas also corkscrew, in the opposite direction, and have false bladders and dead ends.
And people say human rape culture is bad.
That’s because about 1/4 of duck sex is forced. Basically, male and female ducks have an evolutionary arms race going on.
“WHAT’S THAT?! YOUR VAGINA CORKSCREWS TO PREVENT FORCED ENTRY?! WELL, NOW MY PENIS CORKSCREWS THE OTHER WAY AROUND, TO GAIN ENTRY!” and so on. It’s gotten to the point where the duck penis can be around as large as the duck itself, if not larger.
I realize that sometimes it can be awkward to ask for consent but really, this is getting out of hand.
Saying a duck vagina corkscrews in the opposite direction of a duck penis exhibits a poor grasp of geometry. A right-winding spiral from the other side is still right-winded.
I was quoting the true facts about the duck video
Revelation (and I apologize if this turns up later in the thread): when Mr. Akin said “the female body has ways of shutting that down,” he was talking about ducks.
Not certain where I stand on the issue of duck abortion, though.
Gotta do it early, or you end up with little half-formed duckling bits in your omelet.
This is really the best comment.
I think ducks just love challenge. I mean look at Scrooge….
Just so happens I know of a wonderful youtube video that explains everything about this subject. It helps you leeeeeeeearn
Did you know that lots of reptiles have forked hemi-penises?
Probably so that they can purport to be doing forked tongue oral sex when in reality…
Mickey Mouse don’t got shit on this
Goddamnit! You beat me to a ‘Donald Duck’ joke.
The Mike AV fits, lol
Oh god, the image of naked mickey mouse sal….I’m now scarred for life.
Rule 34 will run with that.
Thank god I cannot process this image.
I can…and it’s gone.
Thankfully, my brain’s just getting a 404 error
I have a mental vault…yet sometimes, they came out.
I do too, but it has a crack. Thankfully that’s one of the less disturbing images to grace the confines of my deranged imagination.
Coming from a Joe gravitar, that’s more than ironic.
Welcome to my world. I’ve had that image in my head since a Very Special Episode of Diff’rent Strokes.
Sounds cute.
Sal, red shorts and white gloves only.
Feel better?
Don’t forget big yellow shoes.
how ’bout just yellow stockings?
Now I want to see Sal in stockings, yellow or otherwise.
Oh, God, the image of naked Sal… isv fnnz skk roozlll
Helps that one assumes Mickey Mouse is generally as anatomically impaired as a Ken doll, to quote everyone’s favorite snarky Metatron.
And shall we open book on how many people have never seen that movie and are about to tell me how I spelled that wrong?
I love Dogma!!!
No need to imagine it. It happened in one of the recent Disney shorts. Donald and Mickey are at a beach and come across Goofy who’s running a food hut. Goofy has a rule: No shirt, no pants, no shoes, no service. Donald and Mickey fight over clothes and Donald ends up with Mickey’s clothes. Mickey is naked (and trying to hide himself from passing people) thru most of the toon…till they fight again and it’s Donald who’s naked causing Daisy to exclaim “Donald! You’re naked!” *L*
The short ends with Goofy scratching his crotch (note: The only thing he’s wearing is an apron). *shudders*
He’s scratching his bellybutton, you perv.
Just imagine a topless Sal in a red short yoga pants with two big buttons, a pair of basket shoes, and a pair of white gloves. Also her hair is shaped into two large buns.
I’ll be in my bunk.
Joyce’s expression in the first panel: XD
They’re still called “Sal and Walky”, though.
She has Family Issues.
Walky is her least favorate boob.
But it’s the one her family likes more.
“But walk is much more perky!”
“Ah don’t Like the perky one. I like the round supple one!”
But I used my graphics program to conclusively determine that Sal’s skin tone on both of her boobs uses exactly the same RGB and HSV color codes, so I don’t see how anyone could say that one is perkier than the other!
So then I did a comprehensive survey of the color codes of all the boobs in DoA, and statistical analysis proves that Sal’s RGB color values are closer to Dina’s, who has the perkiest breasts, than to Billie’s, who has the roundest, most supple breasts, so therefore Sal’s boobs must both be more perky than round and supple!
It is not in any way possible that I could be completely missing the point and putting entirely too much effort into analyzing something totally irrelevant!
It came out whiter than the other one.
Her favorite being the left one.
Joyce is becoming a woman.
I approve of this. I also sleep like that. Well. Minus the gloves. And with boxers.
I am like that too. Minus all the clothing.
Either way you’d think she’d have seen more by now at the showers.
Doesn’t mean she wouldn’t shut her eyes.
I don’t want to look at a dudes Johnson.
Who’s Johnson?
The guy two doors down from Walky.
She only has eyes for the shower hair.
Boxers AND knickers on? Sounds uncomfortable, assuming you’re male.
Perhaps I should have worded that better…
Do the boxers you sleep with wear gloves?
Leave your gloves on.
No glove, no love.
You can leave your glove on . . .
Yep! Now picture Jason singing it… : D
Animal House flashback of the one sorority girl peeling off the surgical glove….
Dayyyum. She gonna lez it up yet?
Rule 34 will run with that as well.
I could try to help the proccess.
Yes, please.
please! if you’d be so kind!!!
Well this must go into my list of hottest comics in my DOA library.
Hey, did I miss a storyline? When did shirtless Galasso spank Jason with a pizza paddle?
Seriously. Sal is making me question my hetero.
Excellent gravatar pairing for that comment.
I’m shocked that Billie manages to not jump her bones…
Billie is conflicted between Sal and Ruth.
Which can be remedied with a 3-way.
Two hands, for one of each.
With a video camera, one would hope.
(Such events should be recorded for…uh, posterity. Yeah. That’s it.)
Isn’t ‘Posterity’ Roz’s cute nickname for the internet?
Keeping with the theme of the comic’s name (“Bunk”).
“I’ll be in my bunk.”
“Saying Sal isn’t super hot is a load of bunk”
Joyce wanted to debunk that myth.
Something got busted, but it wasn’t that myth.
Huh….Mickey mouse is a softcore pornstar….how did I never see it???
You were too young. There’s a reason most adults don’t admit to watching cartoons.
Minnie mouse also doesn’t where a top, has high heels, and her underwear is always showing under her short skirt.
Obviously you’ve never seen the cartoons from the ’20s where Mickey loses his pants!
Srsly they exist…
Umm… Sal? Mickey sleeps with pajamas on.
And Donald wraps a towel around his waist when getting out of the shower.
I’m beginning to think cartoons don’t make a lot of sense.
So does Benson.
Or Donald’s wachawacha goes out when he’s taking a bath and it take time to retract back?
you are just realizing that NOW?
Gosh, Sal’s incredibly lucid ten seconds after having been woken up. I’m incapable of anything but incoherent mumbling for at least five minutes.
Mumbling? I just make noises.
Clearly this is a character revelation about Joyce! She speaks Incoherent Mumble fluently, and Billie is in the lower bunk and can’t understand any of this conversation.
How long do you think she stroke that neck ?
Sal can go from zero to strangle in .5 seconds.
Waking up fast is a good survival skill. Sal is a guerilla soldier fighting a war against the world. Doesn’t exactly seem unlikely.
Alt Sal was. Anyway.
Not so fast, Sal!
Mickey Mouse ALSO wears shoes.
She pulls up the covers to reveal big dumb yellow shoes.
“Mah feet get cold.”
Coming soon: the inevitable drawing of Sal as Mickey Mouse, or vice versa…
Maybe she’ll dress up as classic Annette Funichello (sp?) for Halloween? Ears, turtleneck sweater, skirt et al.
Walky would make for a good Goofy.
Alicemacher who is your gravatar? It looks like a Chuck Jones.
Lisa from “Penny and Aggie”.
Thanks. Checking it out. Although the comic has more of the Archie style than the Jones style of the Gravatar.
No, it’s a character from a newspaper comic, not from a webcomic. I’ve seen it before but just can’t put a name to her.
Both twins are found to be attractive. Although I think one of them has an attitude problem. It stares at you.
The angriest boob I’d ever seen.
“The only dope for me is you” huh? Could this be anything other than a romance story? The dope could be Walky or, more likely, Danny.
Danny is the world’s biggest dope.
No one can surpass a Dope like Danny!
Nobody mopes like Danny!
420 dan it faggit
Now I feel dirty. I hate homophobic language in everyday usage.
Obviously, having tackled alcoholism, this plotline will be about the dangers of seeding a semiconductor with metal ions to change the location of the conduction bands.
I like this interpretation. I think I shall use it from now on.
This leaves only one question. Silicon or germanium?
So Sal is a Blue Meanie from Yellow Submarine?
…The Blue Meanies don’t wear gloves, do they? Although I never registered that they weren’t wearing anything on top. Because their top half is so…poofy.
She’s going to fight against the Beatles?
Actually, that’d be awesome.
W-A-L, K-I-N, G-T-O-N!
Walkington! Walkington!
That would probably have worked better if her last name wasn’t WalkERton.
Neither has the same number of letters as “Mickey Mouse”, anyway.
But the spelling of Walkerton has the same number of syllables. (“W, A-L-K, E-R-T-O-N . . .”)
You called that hardcore? Jake the Dog sleeps with nothing on.
No, he wears spider silk underwear.
Glad someone remembered!
No, he sleeps in the nude. He said that in that episode with the poo-brained horse.
So does Lazlo.
Wooo…topless Sal!
One of my top 5 favorate outfits for her.
You’re her BROTHER… wait?
And I now regret saying this…considering my gravatar!
But it makes for a more interesting family history.
The Walkertons are basically this universe’s Lannisters.
Dammit, now I’m going to spend the rest of the night trying to cast everyone.
Everyone is Tyrion Lannister and Danny is Joffrey, getting slapped in the face forever.
Nah, Danny is Ned; he tries to do the right thing, but is totally naive and in over his head. Faz is Joffrey.
Mike is totally Tyrion.
Joyce is Danerys.
Howard is the poor schmuck stuck watching at home. He can’t catch a break in any universe.
Mike is a mix between Tyrion and Jaime. Mary could be Cersei, or even Viserys.
I dunno. Tyrion is much more witty than Mike is, and generally a tad bet gentler.
lol incest
Forbidden shipping. Who want to go onboard?
Phoenix Wright just came out, and apparently it lets you inspect a scene from all angles, and WHY CAN’T I USE THAT HERE
What are you doing?
Running from my desires!
Thus, Sal gets slightly ahead of of Dorothy in the Whose Pussy Does Joyce Want to Eat Sweepstakes!
#1 is still that cat from Roomies. That was the first pussy she licked.
In my headcanon, that was Mike’s.
Mike has a pussy?
Mike has whatever you don’t want him to have.
Yeah; it shows up in Shortpacked!. Leslie, ironically, is allergic.
The first one being Dorothy’s.
This IS the girl who wore her pj bottoms under a full length dress, and freaked out about showing her shins. I’m not surprised she’s shocked! But girl, haven’t you seen boobs other than your own? Like, in the showers? They’re just boobs, not the Satan’s tools. Idle hands are the devil’s tools.
So, what you’re saying is…more hands should be on boobs?
She wants to stroke those puppies.
Yes, according to this argument, it would be wrong of Joyce NOT try to grope Sal.
well…while I am here. “HONK” “HONK”
Oh my gosh, Sal, your b- br-… your girl parts are there for everyone to see! Here, let me cover them. *squeeze squeeze fondle*
*dreamy voice* Yes… much better… Jesus is happy now…
The idea of Walky’s avatar honking Sal’s jiggypuffs amuses me to no end.
Uh, gross.
I don’t know how to feel about the fact that I can imagine Walky saying that.
That’s what I was wondering too.
In panel three, those little lines (to represent blushing, etc) on her cheekbones should be bright red. This is Joyce we’re talking about, after all.
I’m wondering what everyone else’s dorms were like. When I was in the dorms, we all went into the individual shower stall and removed clothing in there, put it outside of the shower and then turned the water on. Unpleasant. Some people would start up the shower and be in a towel, and then step in and remove the towel at the same time.
I never saw another female topless while in the dorms, and I made damned sure no one saw me topless.
Doesn’t matter; I’ll handle it for her.
This brings up a disturbing question.
What happened in Sal’s life where she wakes up strangling people?
The implications are disturbing at best, heartbreaking at worst.
I’d imagine it used to be Walky, years ago. I suspect her roommates at boarding school knew better.
Best alt-text ever.
Help those of us reading on phones!!!
Now, when Joyce says she’s seen the twins, she doesn’t mean Sal and Walky.
After the weeks of angst, pain and violence, it’s nice to see some fanservice again.
See, this is how you apply fanservice. Just a little bit at the right time…not ad naseum like some animes I could mention.
I know what you mean, the fanservice in animes like Ikki Tousen end up being so overblown that it actually becomes annoying instead of appealing.
Wait, you still notice the fanservice? I’ve been almost completely desensitized, particularly in shows where it’s pointless and rampant.
I say ‘almost’ because sometimes I can’t avoid thinking how much some of those poor girls’ backs must hurt. Divergence Eve in particular leaves me wincing when I’m supposed to be panting.
Pfft, I sleep naked except for my underwear all the time.
I mean, except when it’s cold.
I’m more like Donald Duck in that regards, shirt on, pants off.
Pajamas = largely unnecessary.
Unless you have a physical need for them. Which depends person to person. I’d definitely say that there’s no way I am NOT wearing at least pajama bottoms of some sort while on my period.
Why underwear at all? (Or gloves, for that matter?)
If there are covers over you and a sheet under you, any clothing is just a restrictive thing to get pushed/twisted every time you move and wake you up by applying uncomfortable pressure.
(Plus the semi-important thing about letting your skin breathe rather than having cloth wrapped snugly around it all the time.)
If one is not warm enough, then get a thicker (or second) cover/duvet/blanket. Clothes add nothing unless one has a pathological fear of being unclothed, in which case showers are presumably likewise done while wearing a swimsuit which likewise detracts from enjoyability and the main role of the activity (in this instance, washing all parts of yourself).
Maybe I’m just weird, but I just don’t feel right unless I have underwear on. I’m fine in the shower and… other occasions (I am a married woman after all), but unless the situation requires otherwise, I’m simply more comfortable in clothes. I don’t even like going around the house in just underwear.
I just feel more comfortable keeping it holstered. /shrug
Michael, you are the only person who understands me.
Some of us wear underwear because our balls are huge and we need to keep them from adhering wetly to our shapely thighs.
And that’s why you’re writing webcomics instead of taking over for Ron Jeremy or Peter North.
That’s a mental image I would have cheerfully gone the rest of my life without.
(unnnngh) Damn. You. Willis.
Well, you just need a small fans directed near the gonad area to cool them down.
No, I’m not talking from personal experience >.>
Now I’m imagining tiny Willis fans …. no, no…I…I can’t.
And the mental image that conjured up just made my brain lock up. Thanks Sir Willis.
Bwahahahaha! So ridiculous, it’s perfect!
Oh man, and I was eating, too…
But clothes stops bits of your skin from touching other bits of your skin and getting all gross and sweaty! Also, if you have a couple sneeze-y, drooling older pets, it’s easier to change a shirt than to take another shower. At least, those are some of my main concerns about pajamas.
Also, wearing underwear delays the need for sheet-washing sometimes. Some people get… moist in their sleep.
Particularly at age eighteen.
Girls too?
Girls’ vaginas secrete mucus constantly. It has a changing pH depending on the part of the cycle the woman is on, and it can cause [small] holes in fabric over a long enough period of time.
And by constant, I don’t mean it’s a never-ending stream. It’s a pretty minimal amount. This is a way for it to regulate its pH balance.
The amount actually varies, in some women it varies a LOT, depending on where they are in their cycle. There is typically a lot more of it when a woman is fertile, and it’s of a different consistency than at other times in her cycle. It changes to be sperm-friendly to encourage pregnancy.
This has been your daily Fertility Awareness lesson.
*Fertility Awareness lesson of the day. I didn’t mean to suggest I’d do it every single day, LoL. I didn’t think much about what I was typing, there.
Look, I like boxer shorts, okay? They’re comfy and easy to wear.
I wear a T-shirt and flannel PJ bottoms, unless it’s really hot/cold. Pajamas don’t get drafts like covers do, they don’t get stolen or slide off the bed and make me wake up to figure out where the hell they went, and they mean that when I get up in the middle of the noon to take a leak, I don’t have to choose between taking time to get dressed or stumbling across the living room (past the big plate-glass front window) with my tackle hanging out. And also I keep the thermostat set to 56°F, so in the winter it’s nice to have something on already when I get up.
And it means that if Joyce were to come in to wake me up before noon, I wouldn’t be flashing everyone else in the room while strangling her.
(Dunno who else is there, but there’s apparently someone. I’m guessing at least Billie. Could be really awkward if Walky came over to apologize…)
I dunno, except when I’m camping I can’t stand to wear long sleeves of any kind while sleeping. The feel of fabric surrounding my limbs (as opposed to draped uniformly over me) is really distracting. Even t-shirts can be too uncomfortable. Though you’re right, it makes getting up in winter a pain…
I’m sure Billie enjoyed the show.
Ironically, when camping, I just sleep in (fresh, dry) boxers. My sleeping bag is typically way warmer than required, and zips and cinches closed, which nullifies most of my other complaints, and I don’t want the usually-damp clothes I was wearing during the day in the bag with me. I only bother with the boxers because sleeping bags are a pain in the butt to wash.
Skillful hiding of the boobular region, Willis.
I’m half expecting a full version to pop up on his tumblr dash.
One can hope!
Here you go.
I’ll take it.
You know, Joyce didn’t answer Sal’s question.
I was thinking the same thing.
Zero to Kill. Would not have expected less of Sal. The underwear is a surprise though, gloves ok, but didn’t expect the undies.
Cartoons have lots of weirdness: consider
Mickey wears pants and no top.
Donald wears a top and no pants.
Goofy is a dog that wears clothes and drives a car and he owns:
Pluto, who is a dog?
Popeye and Olive Oyl were never married which is no biggie now, but in the 40s was a bit shocking -so where did Sweetpea come from?
Donald Duck has his 3 nephews and his Uncle Scrooge. Where are all the female ducks? Gottawonder about him and Daisy.
Think of your own to wonder about.
Weirdness in cartoons?
All anime ever.
Yes. Consider a show where ancient beasts are called from glorified tops.
Imagine a world where the fate of the world is decided by a card game.
You have entered, the Twilight Zone.
1. Disney did a short recently about the pants/shirt thing. Hilarity ensues with a shirt-pants-shoes policy is enforced at a burger joint.
2. It came up somewhere that the distinction between people-dogs and pet-dogs was the ability to speak.
3. Sweetpea is a foundling.
4. Donald’s sister explained in a note that the nephews had to live with him, after there father was injured by a firecracker “accidentally” going off under his chair. Donald and his sister are the children of: Uncle Scrooge’s older of two younger sisters (the one with the temper) and “Grandma” Duck’s son (the one with the temper).
5. Daisy is not a relation. (At least, not close enough to end up on the extensive family tree.)
6. The lack of marriage is to allow for rivals of affection, without crossing the adultery line.
Y’know, a lot of that “weirdness” can be answered by Google within a few minutes. Where Swee’Pea came from and who the parents of Hewey, Dewey, and Louie are… are not exactly mysteries. Hell, Donald Duck’s family is easily the most geneologically-chronicled of all cartoons. There were literally hundreds of comics written about them.
Yep, we can read about how Donald’s parents met and fell in love (and talking about what name they going to give to their children). How Donald’s sister and her husband disappeared on a trip overseas.
Also the nights spent when Scrooge and Goldie live together for a season…
Nah, Disney’s easy. Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle Cow, Horace Horsecollar. all fill a “people” niche in their world, being fully anthropomorphic and leading people lives. Pluto, Minnie’s cat Figaro, they fill “animal” niches. There’s a clear distinction between full anthro- and non-anthro-. (Mind you, you get characters like Chip ‘n Dale to blur the lines, but as a rule…)
It’s Warner Brothers that gets weird. Bugs, Daffy, Sylvester, they all behave as people, but fill animal niches (being hunted, flying south, chasing birds and extremely fast Mexican mice). (Except Porky, who lives in a house and has a job). So when a less anthro- animal comes along (which happens on occasion), you have to think “What the hell is wrong with that guy?”
Mickey Mouse never looked that good
I think this answers both the questions of what Billie was looking at on Wednesday, and why she felt the need to drink.
“I need to keep control. I must save myself for Ruth. I… OMG SHE ROLLED over !
Okay, screw it, I need a drink”
It was only conscientiousness about fire safety and also the fact she doesn’t have any that she didn’t reach for an old-fashioned cigarette.
She could have bummed one from Sal, but that would have been… awkward.
Obviously not the first time Sal has said that sentence.
Let’s not hope that first time was to Walky.
Hey! i resemble that remark!!!
Sleeping with gloves? XD I guess she is the kind of people who feels cold on her hands and maybe her feet XD
Another reason to like Sal…
-Sighs, hearts floating around me as a bird lands on my shoulder, singing-
I like how Sal calls Joyce “Kid” despite being the same age.
Obviously the greatest and most terrible day in Joyce’s life before college was every day of Sal’s life.
In the last panel Joyce sounds exactly like T-Rex from Dinosaur Comics. Weird.
That’s what you get when you muse about how awesome/hardcore things are and end declarative sentences with question marks?
Apparently, I have way too much free time.
Apparently you are totally super amazing!
Nah, she’s seen the quadruplets. Sal, Walky, and the two girls everyone loves, yet can’t differentiate between the two.
Uh, Sal, unless we’re talking British those don’t really qualify as ‘pants’…
…I guess Jason is rubbing off on her?
Faz would make that joke.
I guess it’s ok, I pretty much put that one on the t-ball stand.
Well, we know he’s been rubbing -onto- her…
I support Joyce/Sal.
Yeah, I know, late to the party.
Welcome aboard the HMS JoySal…please enjoy the voyage!
“Love, exciting and new,
Come aboard, we’re expecting you!
The Love Boat will be making another run,
The Love Boat we have something for everyone!”
So the shipchain is Dorothy-Joyce-Sal-Billie-Ruth?
Okay… badass = sleeping in panties and gloves. Now… to find some gloves.
I am disappointed with everyone on the internet that 2 hours late I am the first to be thinking MAKE OUT! MAKE OUT!
Besides, Sal, you look nothing like Mickey Mouse or any other early Disney character that I know of. You are clearly just trying to change the topic
Panel four is surprisingly adorable.
She doesn’t cover her hair? Guess it’s less kinkier than we though.
; )
Right! He made a big deal about her getting her hair straightened, why does she still look cool in the morning? Her hair should be wrapped up in all kinds of swaddling.
ha ha ha – Mickey Mouse is hardcore
Mickey Mouse is EPic!
More like HAWTCORE
Mickey Mouse is totally hardcore—or so Joyce assumes. Her parents were really strict with what she was allowed to watch growing up.
But if she wasn’t wearing gloves, how would you know it was her in the last comic, huh?
Sal’s pretty mentally sharp in the morning. For added realism, substitute the fourth panel dialogue with this:
“Mgrhuh. Mnghnhn. G’night.”
No offense people, but how the hell did not a single one of the people who posted before me notice that JOYCE HAD HER FINGERS SPREAD TO PEEK AT SAL WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT! OMG NUU! Dorothy claim your Joyce while there’s still time!
But her eyes are closed!! Those big blue orbs are nowhere to be seen!!
You seriously are telling me that as a kid you’ve never done it? The whole ‘hands in front of your face but fingers spread and eyes peeking through the lashes so you can see but make people think you weren’t able to’ thing isn’t the first thing you see when you look at that?
Geeze I thought everyone did it. And I’m sorry but the way Willis very specifically showed her eyes between fingers in the third panel and then never closed the fingers in the 4th panel tells me that the finger spread was deliberate. xD
In the third panel, Joyce has her hand over her eyes. There is her eyebrow; her left index finger, and then a straight line which is supposed to be her tightly closed eye (the line is the eyelash), then the rest of Joyce’s hand partially covering her nose and mouth.
It would appear that Joyce’s eyes hurt more currently than her throat. That should provide Sal with an easier defense vector for future wake-up calls.
On the other hand, she’d seem to have either technique available at the drop of a hat.
And now we can have Joyce running around scared thinking she is turning into a lesbian. Again.
There aren’t any heterosexual women. Just women who haven’t seen Sal topless.
+1 for that statement.
I secretly hope this traumatizes Joyce into having an asphyxiation fetish.
Pretty sure Archer has that one covered.
Hopefully the pants are changed more often than the gloves…
I know right. Her hands must smell like feet by now.
Joyce’s arm in panel one makes me think of Kevin Ware’s broken leg…
Her eyes are so offended that she doesn’t notice that Sal also broke her arm. But remember that Joyce wasn’t allowed to ride her bike around the block until recently. And she was the most socialized of her home school group.
The first time Becky met an atheist, she exploded. That’s why she hasn’t been responding to Joyce’s calls.
Oh dear. Would somebody apply the defibrillator to Animal, please?
You know Joyce, you are the one who entered Sal’s bed and woke her up. If you don’t like Sal’s sleeping habits, you shouldn’t intrude.
I would see bring there and waking up someone, but climbing a ladder to an upper bunk shows a lot of curiosity.
I like how, for all the ways she presents, Sal knows better than to be too impressed with herself. Pretense bothers her.
And you did’nt tell me “the hell you doing in my bunk”.
So does Joyce just end up on top of a different cast member every Saturday morning?
From your lips to God’s (i.e. Willis’) ear.
Hopefully, she will.
Err… I think this is supposed to be the Sunday morning of Parent’s Weekend.
Wow. Sal force chokes people when she’s waken up too early. What do you think: Sith? Sith apprentice? Dark jedi?
What’s wrong with strangling people who wake you up too early in the morning? O_o?
Sleeping till noon leads to the Dark Side
Poor Joyce is blinded by Sal’s twin suns.
Sale, secretly a Micky Mouse Fan.
Sal* it’s too early to use Keyboardz apparently…
Joyce is so into it.
Seriously why the gloves?
Everyone knows that if you want to sleep warm, you keep SOCKS on.
Yeah, I’m still stuck on the gloves too. How’d she to take everything else off and leave the gloves?
**manage to
Socks are just foot mittens
I had an ex-girlfriend who would sometimes wake up to find that while she was asleep she had stuck her fingers up her butt. Being grossed out at this, she began handcuffing her left hand when she went to bed. I suppose Sal may have decided to wear gloves for similar reasons.
Fire safety: It’s better to have to wash your fingers every morning than burn to death in the night. Don’t handcuff your hand.
And that’s how Joyce’s fetish with Mickey Mouse started.
I wear my pink pajamas in the Summer when it’s hot.
And I wear my woolen undies in the Winter when it’s not.
But sometimes in the Spring and sometimes in the Fall,
I slip between the covers with
Glory, Glory what’s it to ya’
Glory, Glory what’s it to ya’
If I slip between the covers with NOTHING ON AT ALL!
Stupid sexy brionl
If Joyce is so shocked by Sal sleeping in the raw, it begs the question of just what Joyce wears when it’s time to go beddy-bye.
Wow… this thread is creepy… went from talking about boobs to duck dick in 2 posts.
“The Mickey (Mouse)” means something different now.
If Mickey Mouse ever got that sexy I’d have to start questioning a lot about reality in general.
Hm, gloves she never ever takes off…. if CLAMP are any guide, this means she’s a talented medium who has to conceal the magical marks left on her hands by an assassin. That’s why, isn’t it.
Must be quite a magical assassin.
Isn’t that everyone’s sleepwear? That’s MY sleepwear!
Hee hee, butt-crack.
Mickey can be hardcore…
Are you saying Mickey Mouse is NOT hardcore? Because he is basically Yoda as far as Square Enix is concerned.
Personally, I prefer that sapient rabbit who also wears gloves. Something about Bugs Bunny resonates with me for some reason. Maybe it’s his distaste for briefcases.
I’m mostly confused about the gloves.
Oh, wait, wait, I’m thinking of something here. Could Sal and Amber eventually confront each other over the robbery, only to bond over their bad parents and general badassery and have lickytimes? Pleeeeeeeze?!?