Irrational and never-ending aren’t the same thing…
Irrational means the number can’t be represented as a fraction
Never-ending is pretty self explanatory…
1/81 is never-ending but isn’t irrational
He’s kinda dumb, and somehow -also- kinda bland? Then again, I could just think so because A: everyone else is more -obviously- interesting, and B: he’s the main person to be caught up in the Amazigirl ruse –the only plot thread that really breaks my suspension of disbelief.
The last time we saw them was a few strips before Billie noticed the alcohol under Ruth’s door, so it’s been an hour or two. Which would not strike me as that long except that Jesus Christ they’re having sex in a classroom. Have your ill-advised sex behind locked doors, kids!
Actually I believe they are in his office, not a classroom. It is, however, a shared office with Penny… which does make this an awkward situation if she were to walk back in. On the whole I agree… sex, especially of the ill-advised persuasion, should be had behind private locked doors!
I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if he doesn’t care if she walked in, but I would be surprised if she said “Either I get in on this or the iPhone comes out of my pocket in 2 seconds!”
Yeah, Sal, I don’t think Jason’s the one who needs to shut up here. On the bright side the more time these two spend together the more I like Jason if only because Sal is so unpleasant around him. I don’t know why, some kind of subconscious response to side against the person causing the annoyance.
Maybe that’s the secret to making Danny likable, hook him up with Sal.
Ethan has probably downgraded in likability, though this seems intentional.
All three you mentioned are just lacking character development that they achieved in the other continuity. The way I see it, they’re still great characters in terms of depth as-is, even without the maturing done in walkyverse.
I don’t think they’re lacking in character development so much as they’re just acting like jerks and idiots. Ruth has done maybe two likable things so far, two. She has a sympathetic backstory but is not a sympathetic character because of the way she behaves. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter WHY someone acts like an ass, just that they do. Motivations are interesting but not an excuse.
I think the less likability is due to lack of characterization, as well. Walky is pretty much acting how he did near the end of high school. Ethan’s personal history has changed a fair bit, but this really doesn’t seem that out of character compared to his pre-‘coming out’ self. Now I’m gonna shut up before I talk too much about things that don’t have any effect on this continuity…
I find it weird that people are talking about how they seem immature and still need to grow up. They’re in college. Like the first month. College, aside from academics, is ALL about growing up.
I find Ruth much more relatable in her current incarnation. There was far too much “woe is me, my life sucks” from her in the Walkyverse. I liked her more when it was seemingly pointless rage, and I like her even more now that I actually get what drives her to make the mistakes she makes. I feel like Ruth, more than any other character, is a credit to how much Willis’ writing has grown since Roomies!.
Who isn’t more likable in the DoA-verse? Danny, Ethan, Joyce (as compared to post-Roomies! Joyce) maybe Mike (he’s kinda bland here vs Walkyverse Mike), anyone who hasn’t shown up in DoA yet, Conquest….
“Finite Mathematics”? Why would Sal be taking a course at that level? That’s the kind of mathematics where intuition, common sense and a rough grasp of things are exactly useless because the same question might have completely different answers depending on the choice of system.
Or is this Jason’s idea of smut, perused privately with glee?
Finite mathematicians do it discretely.
Function analysts do it smoothly, almost everywhere.
Linear algebraics do it straight.
Other algebraics do it in groups.
Graph analysts do it in forests or continuously.
Logicians either do it, or not.
Statisticians do it averagely.
Ah, yes, those three magical words that every man longs to hear after sex: “Just shut up.”
Sal’s grimace of rock-bottom shame is doubly funny when juxtaposed with the pure bliss in all the recent lesbian pin-ups. “Dang you, Willis! Why did yah hook me up with a… a man!”
Here’s a bit of an important question… Did someone out of these two have the presence of mind to shut the door? It’s impossible to tell from the lighting, and last we saw them it was still wide open and opens out into a lecture hall that would presumably get used for multiple different classes.
I know “good” relationships that start out like this,…
Both R in denial about what they say they want and what they REALLY want. It’s so cute when civilization and societal expectations get in the way of reality.
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
I don’t think any of us weren’t expecting that one.
Speak for yourself.
Hoping for is not the same as expecting.
On that thought,
Facepalm! Facepalm! facepalm!
Except for gloves. She’s still wearing gloves.
Roll on Rule 34!
Hand job with (leather) gloves? I dunno how well it goes but the fetish exist.
It goes uh, ahem, poorly.
Remember that coconut oil kids. Practice safe handjobs.
Really making me considering teaching again at the instructor level!!
No one expects the Spanish Copulation.
+2 Internet for the joke. -1 Internet for making the joke I was going to make. 8~P
-1 for neither character being from Spain.
So, zero points then!
no reason, just thanking =3
Yeah, Finite Math is so sexy!
Not like that Infinite Math. It needs to get over itself. Settle down like the rest of us!
It’s a horrid thing indeed, just look what it did to poor Georg Cantor!
He well and truly square rooted her pi.
For nickle!
He plugged his solution into her equation.
Just as long as he didn’t try to divide her legs by zero.
Naw…sex it’s like an improper fraction. If it can’t be split then it’s time to stop.
*Bo Burnham, New Math.*
Their “love” is like dividing by zero…. they cannot define it.
It is also like pi: never-ending and irrational.
Apparently, also redundant.
Irrational and never-ending aren’t the same thing…
Irrational means the number can’t be represented as a fraction
Never-ending is pretty self explanatory…
1/81 is never-ending but isn’t irrational
He divided her, long form.
He integrated his P into her V.
Jason is clearly the derivative of Sal. Check him out, lying tangent to her curves.
“the antiderivative of unf”
This sure beats Danny talking about some random shit.
Everything Beats dealing with Danny. I’d rather see what some of the background characters are up to over Danny.
Meanwhile, at the Marcie Cave…
I would so like to see that.
She and Sierra met for the first time, and realize they must start a gang.
“The Sierra Mist-fits”?
I would read the hell out of a comic with that name.
I wouldn’t mind seeing background characters beating Danny…
That would be good if only cos Amazi-Girl might appear again.
Why does everyone hate Danny so much? He’s one of my favorites.
I don’t hate him, I’m just not a big fan of his.
Never would’ve known.
It’s kind of an in-joke at this point.
He’s kinda dumb, and somehow -also- kinda bland? Then again, I could just think so because A: everyone else is more -obviously- interesting, and B: he’s the main person to be caught up in the Amazigirl ruse –the only plot thread that really breaks my suspension of disbelief.
And I want to know why they are over Danny.
Now on to the “successful” student-authority figure relationship.
Oh yeah.
Forgot about these two.
…so do we tell them the building’s locked up for the night, or…?
Naw, they haven’t exhausted their finite supply of Math Books.
Wow, they were at it for a long time …
The last time we saw them was a few strips before Billie noticed the alcohol under Ruth’s door, so it’s been an hour or two. Which would not strike me as that long except that Jesus Christ they’re having sex in a classroom. Have your ill-advised sex behind locked doors, kids!
They aren’t in a classroom. They are in some adjoining room. Probably an office. Which would have lockable doors.
Actually I believe they are in his office, not a classroom. It is, however, a shared office with Penny… which does make this an awkward situation if she were to walk back in. On the whole I agree… sex, especially of the ill-advised persuasion, should be had behind private locked doors!
You don’t mention the possible threesome?
I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if he doesn’t care if she walked in, but I would be surprised if she said “Either I get in on this or the iPhone comes out of my pocket in 2 seconds!”
Of course, it is the average time of sex according to the University of Sotte in France.
2 hours? That’s a quickie.
Again, complicated. As in real life, these things do happen.
They’re going to be sore after this. Math is one of the hard sciences, after all.
As is Jason.
Oh the (lack of) humanities.
Well, he was, anyway.
What’s that blue thing at the bottom of panel 1? “Convenient Side-Boob Blocker” (TM)?
From the maker of Fig leaves and Serendipitous person standing in front of the nudity.
A page of a book or a corner of her jacket perhaps.
I don’t think there’s a book big enough to cover that part….
Also who’s your avatar now? anime version of Amber?
Nope, a Rule 63 of Steve Jobs.
Panel Shark! (It sorta likes a fin)
I was wondering that as well. Amazi-girl’s cape?
The most comfortable kind of pillow.
I thought Billie was.
Seconded. Billie is the best pillow.
Notice how the bow tie was one of the last articles of clothing to be removed.
“For your information, we pound each other every night in the most epic of
hatestronglydislikefucks.”Beat me to it.
Yeah, Sal, I don’t think Jason’s the one who needs to shut up here. On the bright side the more time these two spend together the more I like Jason if only because Sal is so unpleasant around him. I don’t know why, some kind of subconscious response to side against the person causing the annoyance.
Maybe that’s the secret to making Danny likable, hook him up with Sal.
I dunno. Last time Danny and Sal hooked up it lead to a lot of other compicated shiz goin’ down.
Aaaaaaaaaaand I completely forgot they had a thing in the Walkyverse. Though Sal is much more likable in this continuity.
Who ISN’T more likable in this continuity?
Not a big fan of Sal smoking or having tattoos, but that’s just me.
Ruth? Walky? Ethan?
Ethan has probably downgraded in likability, though this seems intentional.
All three you mentioned are just lacking character development that they achieved in the other continuity. The way I see it, they’re still great characters in terms of depth as-is, even without the maturing done in walkyverse.
I don’t think they’re lacking in character development so much as they’re just acting like jerks and idiots. Ruth has done maybe two likable things so far, two. She has a sympathetic backstory but is not a sympathetic character because of the way she behaves. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter WHY someone acts like an ass, just that they do. Motivations are interesting but not an excuse.
I think the less likability is due to lack of characterization, as well. Walky is pretty much acting how he did near the end of high school. Ethan’s personal history has changed a fair bit, but this really doesn’t seem that out of character compared to his pre-‘coming out’ self. Now I’m gonna shut up before I talk too much about things that don’t have any effect on this continuity…
I find it weird that people are talking about how they seem immature and still need to grow up. They’re in college. Like the first month. College, aside from academics, is ALL about growing up.
I find Ruth much more relatable in her current incarnation. There was far too much “woe is me, my life sucks” from her in the Walkyverse. I liked her more when it was seemingly pointless rage, and I like her even more now that I actually get what drives her to make the mistakes she makes. I feel like Ruth, more than any other character, is a credit to how much Willis’ writing has grown since Roomies!.
Who isn’t more likable in the DoA-verse? Danny, Ethan, Joyce (as compared to post-Roomies! Joyce) maybe Mike (he’s kinda bland here vs Walkyverse Mike), anyone who hasn’t shown up in DoA yet, Conquest….
Dumbing of Age and Roomies. Why must you tempt me with drawing nude, Dark-skinned ladies? I’m only a man!!!
No glove, no love.
She’s doing it wrong then.
No love here, just hate-fuck.
Or, I guess, ‘Very strong dislike’-fuck.
I prefer a nice calculus book talk. That way I can make some cheesy remarks about curves.
Meh, those can be kind of derivative.
Oh my….
I like how, even though the tie came off, it’s still close at hand.
Maybe they used it while they were “studying”.
Sal can always wear that.
Sal with bowtie, sexy.
He clipped it to his foreskin so as not to lose it.
Not what I was expecting, but pleasant.
Hmm. Yes, excellent, bravo, standing ovation, full funding of all your kickstarter books, forever.
Or Willis can put “Read the whole event leading to this, uncut, in the book if you willing to fork extra 100 dollars”
One.Million.Dollars *Dr Evil face*
And…that was a smooth transition. Interesting as always.
So just like Khan, she takes her shirt off but always leaves at least one glove on.
Revenge is a dish best served sexy…
Dem physics
Need moar sizzlin’ smoke & steam coming outta their skin.
Additionally, if I had the chance, I’d go back and re-cast my vote for the hottest guy poll. Y’know, switch it to Jason… twice.
My thoughts exactly.
It’s cause he took off his bow tie-tie, isn’t?
…And I thought bow-ties were cool… ;-;
Of course she kept the gloves on.
Someone needs to wear protection. XD
The most epic of very-strongly-dislike-fucks.
PLEASE have Sal keep her hair that way !
pretty, pretty please ?
Hahahaha your avatar is perfect for that comment!
Please no; I prefer the usual style.
Oh look, Jason got an eye art upgrade too. Nice.
Apparently, Jason’s eye whites are post-coital.
Sal & Jason are everything i want in a pairing. admittedly, all i ever want in a pairing is that they hate each other.
“Finite Mathematics”? Why would Sal be taking a course at that level? That’s the kind of mathematics where intuition, common sense and a rough grasp of things are exactly useless because the same question might have completely different answers depending on the choice of system.
Or is this Jason’s idea of smut, perused privately with glee?
But… Amazi-girl is already dating Danny! How could she!
Dorothy? Is that you?
What, no “nipple” tag?
Finite math, eh? Given the nature of their relationship, I guess it’s good that they’re being discrete.
Finite mathematicians do it discretely.
Function analysts do it smoothly, almost everywhere.
Linear algebraics do it straight.
Other algebraics do it in groups.
Graph analysts do it in forests or continuously.
Logicians either do it, or not.
Statisticians do it averagely.
As an avid driver and glove wearer (while driving): You take the darned things off constantly. But that’s irrelevant. Love your work
Between panels 1 and 2, she moves his bow tie?
“There _must_ be Taft slash fic!”
William Howard Taft? I hope not.
omg, he wears his bow-tie in bed! Squee!
Jason has the most uninterested sex face I’ve ever seen in my life.
Well, they already did it for 2 hours possibly non stop so Jason doesn’t have the strength to move his face muscles.
He’s British.
Aaaaand suddenly a sex scene. Also love her hair like that, She’s pretty sexy with that hair.
I might adopt Jason as a style guide.
Ah, yes, those three magical words that every man longs to hear after sex: “Just shut up.”
Sal’s grimace of rock-bottom shame is doubly funny when juxtaposed with the pure bliss in all the recent lesbian pin-ups. “Dang you, Willis! Why did yah hook me up with a… a man!”
Here’s a bit of an important question… Did someone out of these two have the presence of mind to shut the door? It’s impossible to tell from the lighting, and last we saw them it was still wide open and opens out into a lecture hall that would presumably get used for multiple different classes.
I know “good” relationships that start out like this,…
Both R in denial about what they say they want and what they REALLY want. It’s so cute when civilization and societal expectations get in the way of reality.
Jason was my favorite character in It’s Walky!, and I think he’s my favorite character in this comic now too.
I was thinking, “the gloves are how you tell she’s not Sarah,” but she already said she’s got toys for that…