I wrote and drew this whole Gender Studies segment that runs this week and into next within a frantic 24-hour period before I left for San Diego for Christmas. LET’S SEE HOW IT HOLDS UP.
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I wrote and drew this whole Gender Studies segment that runs this week and into next within a frantic 24-hour period before I left for San Diego for Christmas. LET’S SEE HOW IT HOLDS UP.
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Threesomes? I’m disappointed in you, Joe. I expected at least a sixsome.
It only BEGINS as a Threesome. Others join in soon after. (Or Joe-In, if you pardon the terrible pun)
A “Joe threesome” is a party of three standard threesomes. He felt it unnecessary to mention such an obvious thing.
Plot twist: At any one moment in time it was a threesome, but it was a rotating cast of six.
Threesomes, as in plural, more than one threesome.
Wait, that shirt…was Dina part of the…? Nah, that’s crazy talk.
Indeed, it’s near excellent!
It must have been a new experience for Dina, she’s used to digging up bones, not burying them.
You know who else like to bury bones?
Mike, with your mom, for a nickle.
In the *wait for it*
There is no way in hell a shirt that fits Dina reasonably well would fit Joe just as well.
One size fits all /asspull
I bet Joe is good at stretching things out.
Turns out that Joe and Dina are the same shirt size.
My theory is that there’s a hidden vendor selling this particular shirt to all the students. Eventually EVERY character will wear a Dig It shirt.
Wait … isn’t that Dina’s shirt? Did they.. wha.. huh??
Our timing is impeccable!
If it actually was Dina’s shirt, I’m sure it would be cutting off Joe’s circulation.
So he also enjoys boners?
Well, he does get them often.
Whew! Had me worried there. Unless you’re trying to deflect our attention…
Well what do you know
Can’t you just let us assume that Joe and Dina did all kinds of the nasty together in peace, Willis? Must you ruin everything with your vaunted “Canon” and “Logic”?
If joe can stretch the truth, then I’m reasonably sure he can stretch a shirt no problem.
Wasn’t that a children’s song? “Dinah won’t you blow my horn?”
Now I’m picturing Dinah blowing the Horn of Gondor…
Well, in the song, Dina was being asked to blow their *own* horn… make of that what you will.
Was Joyce actually checking to see if her tits were calm?
How does one check for that?
With Jell-O.
With a seismograph.
with two chest pillows and a sympathetic ear.
Here, I’ll show you.
…did I just say that?
No, you typed it.
Between that and some of the other stuff she’s getting exposed to right now, the current situation probably ranks in the top 5 sanity-testing moments so far this comic.
Who was in this threesome?
Mike, your mom, and Joe.
Also, Everyone.
No, my mom got jiggy with Mike AFTER he finished the threesome.
Mike and Joe are into really fat grannys, now that’s a twist
Oh, your mother was twistable, all right.
Head Alien, Soggies, and that pet-rifying dog from Persona 3.
It was totally babies.
Joe, Amber, and Amazi-Girl.
Don’t forget spider-car!
That’s what he said. Joe, Amber, and Spider-Car.
Will we find out who particpated? I’m gonna go with Billie and Ruth, which is why Billie was sleeping in and Ruth is so nice to her.
Thumbs up just for saying something so incredibly hot
Read every comment since Billie first interacted with Ruth. You’ll find lots of people enjoy the idea of billie or ruth, or as I like to call it Boozeshipping.
So is Joe here an accurate depiction of how you were feeling while drawing the comic?
Yes the American system is a bit schizoid.
I love Joyce’s expression in the second panel. “Were my tits NOT calm?!”
Why is it that I read that in Starfire’s voice? (Teen Titans, 2004–200something)
Wait, PB has tits?
She’s made of gum. Why wouldn’t she have tits?
Probably look like Hershey’s Kisses.
Oh, the images, the images, the horrible, horrible, awful beautiful images! They make me want to slather myself in butter and oil and butter made of oil and oil made of butter!
Ease up on the oils will ya! the janitor complained about extra hours to clean that mess up.
It’s also bad for the latex.
That can’t be good for your complexion.
“Gee, you’re right, lefty’s getting a little excited.”
When tits aren’t calm it means a storm’s a comin’.
They were, indeed, excited. While Joyce is very pure and innocent, her tits are quite debaucherous.
So they’re like Bill Shatner’s toupee?
Joe’s like a foot-plus taller than Dina, right?
Also, is there any way Joe doesn’t hear that as “hanky-spanky”?
I heard it as “hanky-spanky” and I’m reading this.
actually I seriously tried to pronounce it as ‘hankies-panky’.
always comes out as ‘hanky-spanky’. Possibly I’m not laying enough pause at the hyphen.
When I say it, I understate the ‘s’ and emphasize the ‘p’, since they’re not the conjoined sound ‘sp’.
It doesn’t quite not sound like ‘hanky spanky’, but if you think of it that way is sounds quite odd.
I guess we need a native-english-speaker to clear up the pronounciation for us
Very nice.
If you old enough to die for your country, you should be able to have a bloody drink.
…if you did that, wouldn’t you die? Of blood loss?
Not if it’s someone elses blood.
Why do I have the feeling there’s somebody behind me with a knife and a fresh jug straight from Copperhead Road?
Because the plot demands it?
Well, my mind demands that I get fifty million dollars in cash, a tank, a rubber chicken, an albino giraffe, five members of the House of Lords, that Jason guy’s bowtie, that other Jason guy’s hockey mask, that other OTHER Jason guy’s glasses, David Willis’ avatar, a haircut, a hamburger, a cheeseburger (no pickles or onions, bacon on the side), a pickle, some lobster, 12 angry men who have lobsters clamped onto their hineys, Santa’s sleigh, a disco ball, and Johnny Ramone’s guitar.
I’m sorry, all we have is the box of one dozen crazed weasels/
Oy, the typos!!!
Only a half-dozen, I’m afraid.
Got a bit peckish.
Are you from Albequerque, where the air smells like root beer and the towels are oh so fluffy?
Wow, that is one demanding brain.
Alternative-though-similar answer: “Nope, of iron poisoning.”
Well…at least Joyce knows one of several common euphemistic names of some of her “girly parts” in this comic, as well :>
“I don’t care” is the correct answer.
In Monday’s first panel, Joyce realizes that it sounded like she said “hanky-spanky” and blushes even more!
In fact she blushes too hard and all her blood gathers up in her head…killing her instantly.
Initiating a seven-month long storyline grieving and confusion and trauma by the rest of the cast as they try to deal with the loss of someone so nearby to them.
During which, in normal time, the confused fans also grieve.
Don’t forget the part where four girls show up, each claiming to be Joyce reborn: A young Joyce clone, a black Joyce, a Joyce energy being, and an evil cyborg Joyce.
But it turns out they’re all imposters, and the real Joyce shows up alive and well, with hip 90s hair.
And Joe just scored.
Joe is perpetually scoring. He’s never not scoring.
You forget Joe’s date with Joyce. Unless that counts as scoring with Mike, which I doubt, since there were neither moms nor nickles involved.
He was scoring with conquest.
Can anyone prove that sex for mike isn’t punching someone in the face?
I like how Joyce is acting like her breasts were bared, just because he said the word tits.
I think she’s trying to stop them jiggling thus ruining any possible fanservice.
Oh god, now you made me imagine Joyce having DOA sized knockers.
The matching acronyms do kinda make me wonder if we’ll ever see the female cast playing volleyball.
We had a beach episode, guys. How much fanservice do you NEED!? HOW MUCH DOES IT TAKE TO SUSTAIN YOU!?
Hella lots.
Yesss, feed the fan furnace with fanservice.
Oh, c’mon, that beach episode was (checks calendar) Jesus. Forget ‘sustain,’ we’ve already starved to death.
Thank goodness for that brief interlude with pantless Sal, to keep us a breath away from death.
One can only hope.
Now that’s what I call happy thoughts.
Now that’s an image that’s going to stick with me for the rest of the night.
Joyce already has DOA sized knockers – Dumbing Of Age sized knockers.
…Well played.
I assumed it was more the suggestion that they were not “calm.”
Aw, poor Joyce.
And by poor Joyce I mean I would like to exploit her expression in the second panel as a gravatar.
Seven, five, and forty one! She’s gone braless, lots of fun!
Would it be hankies-panky as Joyce says or hanky-pankies as I thought it would’ve been.
The grammarian side of me loves the notion that the noun in “hanky-panky” is “hanky.”
Perhaps Hankies-Pankies.
I looked back at all the comics that Joe has appeared in DoA and he sure likes his green shirts.
as a marine, i’ve come to that conclusion that the “old enough to die for your country” line only really works if your in the position to actually die for your country. while i myself have used it, it always seemed to fall flat for a college student who wouldn’t even really be eligible for a draft
If it makes you feel any better, there is an alternate Joe who not only fought for his country, but fought for his planet against aliens. At least one Joe fulls those shoes.
How about this one then?
“I’m old enough to marry but not have a glass of champagne at the reception.”
Fortuneatly I live in Australia where you can serve your country, drink and get married in the same year. Not that i’ve done any of those things though I can.
Think of it this way, then: At eighteen, are you and adult, or not? The law is mixed.
If a twenty-year old isn’t mature enough to drink, why the hell do we let them vote?
We were hoping for at least a couple of years where they don’t come to the voting booth sloshed.
Obviously, that hasn’t worked out.
Why? It’s not like the internal logic isn’t consistent. He (presumably) signed his selective service paperwork, meaning he’s old enough to be *legally compelled* to die for his country.
Putting the onus on actually putting oneself in the line of fire isn’t the democratic way to approach it. If you’re eighteen, you can sign a legal contract, you can join the armed forces or be compelled to join the armed forces, you can be tried as an adult for a crime, you can marry, you can vote, you can hold (most) public offices. In America, however, you can’t have a beer?
Having lived and grown up in places with a sane drinking age (Europe) and an insane one (USA), all the 21 age limit does is make university students more at risk of alcohol poisoning or injury due to the clandestine nature of campus drinking and the relative unpreparedness for alcohol consumption, and it also just ensures that young people will have easier access to illegal drugs than alcohol.
Make American suburban and urban communities more walkable, and have heavier restrictions on driving. Then lower the drinking age. The only reason it’s 21 at all is that MADD, once they became a neo-prohibitionist group, had Congress compel states under pain of withholding highway funding to maintain a 21 age limit which would magically curb drunk driving.
Let’s just stop drinking altogether!! :DDDDD
Funnily enough, that’s sort of how it works in Australia. I was legally allowed to drink at eighteen, but I have to go through four successively restricted stages to get a drivers’ licence; if you got your learner license at 16 (the youngest possible), you can drive at 17, but only with restrictions that don’t really lift until you turn 20.
Not that it really helps — most things in Australia are so far away that “make it more walkable” isn’t an option, and having four stages of licence obviously doesn’t make when you become an adult any clearer.
I don’t know. I joined early in the war and you pretty much had to drink to bond. All I saw as a young Ranger was that these guys were trying to get us shitfaced. What I didn’t see until I was an “Old Ranger” was that the older guys designated people and at least one medic to watch the new kids.
I wasn’t a heavy drinker, but the older guys would control our alcohol intake. It wasn’t until I was a medic that I was tapped for watching the new kids. If they got too fucked up, I’d put them in a chair, they got an IV, and they were watched by sober people with medical training.
Equating civilian drinking with military drinking isn’t a great idea. In Europe, drinking to the point of being shitfaced is kind of taboo. In the military, we babysit as a matter of course. If you get hurt, we have trained EMTs that can keep you safe if you over indulge.
On the flip side. My first year in college, I treated three alcohol poisonings in my dorms in my first semester. As a civilian, I don’t have the equipment I do as an army medic. So my treatment is less effective. Hell, a student doing a stomach pump is barely legal. Every time I read of an alcohol related death in my school, it bugs me. I can teach a class on how to fix this. Give me some NS and LR bags and an afternoon with the RAs and I can train those knuckleheads how to save lives.
If they made medical training better and made different levels of training easily accessible, we’d see fewer alcohol related deaths in college. Hell, we train infantrymen to give IVs. These kids read on an 8th grade level on average.
My wife in college was the Catholic Version of Joyce, and the Virginia, of the Bill Joel song. Her battle plan did not survive contact with the Enemy (Me)!
I love that he is wearing Dina’s shirt. I know it’s not “her” shirt (he would look like a balloon about to burst) but still, I love it.
Boyoboy, that place sure is far away from Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec.
You can almost see her mind about to snap.
Next week on Dumbing of Age. Joyce snaps… Joe’s neck.
Once again Joyce’s girl boner is foiled by Joe.
I decided to pair Joyce with Joe. Because the chaos from that union will be deliciously entertaining.
Chaos? It would rip a hole into the Universe, allowing the SP Universe to cross over.
hanky-panky (n.)
also hanky panky, 1841, “trickery,” British slang, possibly a variant of hoky-poky “deception, fraud,” altered from hocus-pocus.
1620s, Hocas Pocas, common name of a magician or juggler, a sham-Latin invocation used in tricks, probably based on a perversion of the sacramental blessing from the Mass, Hoc est corpus meum “This is my body.” The first to make this speculation on its origin apparently was English prelate John Tillotson (1630-1694).
hankies panky :: These are my body… in the Latin
also juggle (jug)
I can’t decide what I like more about panel 2: Joyce, or Willis finally calling bullshit on that same line from when it was used in Roomies!
Joyce is awesome in today’s strip
Joyce ensuring calmness of her tits: comedy gold
Joyce pluralizing “premarital hanky-panky”: comedy platinum
So a book is unto tits as oil to waters?
A book doesn’t dissolve in tits, so, yes.
Huh, the USA drinking age is not only a ban on selling but also on actually drinking?
Also Joyce is covering her tits because Joe was looking and him bringing them up made her feel self conscious about them.
Well, the US federal law isn’t a ban on anything per se. It really just provides penalties to states whose laws don’t meet the regulated standards.
In terms of state laws, 14 states have no prohibition on private consumption, but do on purchase (as do all). 14 states, including Indiana, are absolute bans on consumption. The remainder have various exceptions, such as parental consent/provision/presence and religious consumption. Here in Ohio it’s allowed for medical use, religious use (considering the state’s significant Catholic population, that’s no big surprise), and with parental consent and presence (<a href="http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4301.69"citing it because I can).
Looking at the Indiana state laws regarding punishment for class C misdemeanors, which underage consumption qualifies as there, I’d personally not run that risk if I were Joe… up to 60 days in prison, up to a $500 fine and up to 2 years probation on top of a license suspension (specified in the underage drinking part of the law itself).
Honestly officer! It was all for God!
I don’t drink, but if I did I would drink religiously.
But that’s only if you get caught. And, unless you go out of your way to do something stupid, you probly won’t get caught. So as long as your party isn’t too loud, or you’re not clearly drunk out on the street, you’re probly ok unless someone narcs on you.
…The scary thing is I heard guys in High School try to use that exact same excuse.
… Why is that scary?
“Calm your tits” And I let out a sigh of satisfaction. Thank you.
Joe is of course correct.
Don’t ask me how I know that. I just do.
He’s not correct in Indiana!
Booze can’t facilitate threesomes in Indiana? Who knew!
Wikipedia agrees that Joe is incorrect in Indiana (and Alabama, Idaho, Kansas, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Vermont). Wikipedia has the final say on all matters of law.
The law Joe is referring to is actually true for like, 3/5ths of the states, I think.
By which, I mean, the actual consumption is not illegal, just where you do it and how you do it factor in.
It’s called Illegal Possession by Consumption.
Nice try though.
Once again it still is different state by state.
I love that Joyce seems to jolt in panel 2. It’s like she’s expecting her apparently non-calm tits to leap from her chest and voraciously savage Joe, and the only way she can hold them back is to push them down with her book.
The darker side of Joyce’s tits. And an Ironic end for Joe.
Then move to Canada, where you can do both. Cheers Joe,
Or like… anywhere but the US.
Joyce, it’s premarital hanky-pankies! Premarital hankies-panky gets misheard as Premarital hanky-spanky.
Premarital hankie-pankies is when the act is done plural times. Premarital hankies-panky is multiple participants. And premarital hankies-pankies is an outright orgy.
Can I just ask who Hank is?
so long have I waited for this to happen in DA
Joyce’s face in panel 2…lol
This scene was actually unscripted. Joyce messed up her line, and rather than having to draw her speech bubble again, David told Joe to say something about threesomes in the background.
Anyone else notice Joe’s hair hard-on in panel 5?
Man I wish Willis would sell a T-shirt saying “calm your tits” with some appropriate illustration accompanying it.
Actually Joe is kinda right, it’s only illegal if he is *caught* drinking.
Actually, alcohol laws vary from state to state!
For example, as you can read here – https://alcoholpolicy.niaaa.nih.gov/APIS_State_Profile.html?state=NV – in Nevada, it is illegal to sell alcohol to minors, and it’s illegal for minors to *buy* alcohol, and it’s even illegal to *provide* alcohol (except apparently if you’re the parent/guardian) ….But. In private locations, it’s not actually illegal to *drink* alcohol.
So if you go to a friends house, and drink – they could get in trouble, but you couldn’t. Unless you’re accused of stealing their drinks, anyhow.
Interestingly, in Indiana, it’s illegal to drink it, illegal to furnish it to them, and illegal for them to possess it… But. It’s not strictly illegal for them to buy it.