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Mental Health? Dorothy, you’re hanging around the wrong crowd if you want your fun to HELP your mental stability.
And work and no play makes Dorothy a dull girl.
And work and no play makes Dorothy a dull girl.
And work and no play makes Dorothy a dull girl.
And work and no play makes Dorothy a dull girl.
And work and no play makes Dorothy a dull girl.
Rognik, it’s more effective of a tribute when you start misspelling.
edit: I just noticed the And. Well played, Rognik!
So is Danny saying that Dorothy has caught … jungle fever?
She’s in it for the “Bare Necessities” 😛
Oh, she sure made him her man-cub.
Really, Danny might get a second chance if he tells Walky, “I wanna be like you.””
Walky is her “Mancub”.
Drat, Wonder Wig beat me to it. This site is taking forever to post me comments for some reason.
It must be getting serious if it’s affecting your Tardis, Doctor.
Shortpacked must be set in the 1930’s New York and the Angels are doing…Angel stuff. That’s what’s causing The Doctor’s TARDIS issues.
I’ve being in the same boat with the Walkyverse sites for the past week now.
60 to 90 second comment load times followed by “why did it go there?”
For some reason, I read that as Jungle Love. Oh, well…I needed some good music anyway.
I have this image of Dorothy as a methodical mad scientist who plans out her fun and mental breakdowns to the minute, and I have no idea why.
Spontaneity is OK just as long as you plan for it first.
I will storm off angrily at 3:42 and 28 seconds. You’ll get me back at 3:46 and 39 seconds (laaaaazy) and then we’ll kiss and make up at exactly 3:47 and 53 seconds.
You will then use exactly 4.5cm of tongue and we will reach base 2.56.
The proximity of bood you will gropw will be around the circumferance of the bottom between degrees y=234 – y= 74, x=322 – x= 45 and z = (i think i’ve made my point)
(Only a 2D one, yet.)
I love gropwng boods!
“We’ll do everything by the book, and then my life will be officially fun!”
I’m sorry, it was the first thing that came into my head.
“Kid from The Jungle Book”? Is that supposed to be racist? Or a jibe at Walky’s general unkemptness?
I’m guessing it’s the latter. Plus with longer hair Walky does look a little like Mowgli.
To be fair, Walky sometimes acts like he was raised by animals.
Really? He looks more like a deer in front of the headlights.
And who raises deer? Is it other animals? Deer perhaps?
I’ve seen deer raised by humans.
A world where deer evolved from men!?!
You see, the deer’s parents have been shot by a mugger after the family had walked out of a Batman film. Well, you know the rest.
And now he dresses as a human and strikes fear into criminal hears as “Mandeer”.
A film was made about that deer’s life. It was called Bambi.
I just want to see what a Man-arang looks like.
Probably something akin to a kpinga throwing knife, in all it’s terrifying phallic glory.
“Get your hooves off of me, you damned dirty deer!”
Mm-mm, tasty tasty deer……. What?
Yeah, my mind went to racism too, though he probably meant the latter.
Still, calling a mixed race kid an animal is sort of racist.
Mowgli’s not an animal though. Raised by animals yeah but not an animal…I feel like we’re putting too much thought into this though. Danny’s not a racist.
An argument could be made, however, that most people think Tarzan when they think “raised by animals.” Danny went right for a brown-skinned character, though, even though it’s a more obscure reference.
On the other hand, Tarzan is most well known as an ape man, not an ape boy, while Mowgli is much younger in his stories, so it is reasonable to equate a man-child like Walky with Mowgli more than Tarzan.
I guess the point is, eh, it could go either way.
I saw The Jungle Book long before I ever heard of Tarzan. Heck, I’d heard of George of the Jungle before I heard of Tarzan.
Plus, Walky’s not exactly the lion-killing, heroic type. But scarfing stuff in the woods with Baloo (as in the old Disney animated film, not the stories)? He’d be all over that.
A baloo is a bear.
Yes! Someone knows their standardized tests! “Wuzzle means ‘to mix'”
It’s a liiiiiiiiiitle bit racist
Well, everyone’s a little bit racist.
Is pointing out physical resemblance really racist, though? I mean, it’s hard to tell how strong that resemblance is beyond skin color from Willis’s kinda-simple art style, but both characters have a triangular bang and a little tuft of hair coming off the top.
I’d say Disney’s Tarzan is equally brown as Disney’s Mowgli. But Tarzan’s got a long pointy chin and dreads and not terribly boy-ish, so Mowgli’s a much closer match. (Mowgli also wanders off like a wide-eyed zombie whenever he sees a cute girl, but Danny doesn’t yet know that about Walky.)
I am not discounting the possibility that Danny could be a little bit racist. He is a white kid from an extremely white city in Indiana.
On the bright side, Danny doesn’t seem to have any problem with Joe, aside from his obvious personality defects, so I don’t think he’s getting fitted for a white hood any time soon.
On that note…what is Joe? Like I know he’s Jewish, but his skin is dark so I wonder if he has any other races mixed in.
I wouldn’t say it’s that dark. Probably, he gets some sun. Otherwise, a judicious Google search shows that given the origins of Judaism in the region where Europe, Africa, and Asia meet, “Ethnic Jews” (and I can’t overstate how terrified I was to see what came up when I put those words into Google) are, contrary to stereotype, really a very diverse group, with bloodlines reaching back across all three continents. So, a melanin-rich jew is really not that unusual.
A lot of Jews are dark-skinned, what is this question even?
A white kid from an extremely white city in Indiana with a thing for the victim mentality, sentimental drama, and other personality traits that are good for covering up weak character. His comment may have also been referring to Walky’s height and frame.
I’d say that picture shows that they’re *not* equally brown; Moygli is darker.
Not by a lot, though.
Plus, not to stir the pot even more or anything, however dark Tarzan is, he is still a deeply tanned caucasian, while Mowgli is from central India.
Walky, as I recall, is at least partially some flavor of Latin American, so none of the three of them are even the same ethnic group to begin with.
Isn’t he quarter-black?
His skin tone in CMYK is 20-33-54-0. No black at all.
The majority of Indians are caucasians. The Dravidians, who ,, lives in Souj India
I really hope you’re not implying all white southerners are racist.
Only if you don’t know where Indiana is.
Well, anything south of 43°40’38.000″ N is southern to me but everything is relative.
All the states except Alaska are southern to me.
Those crazy southerners in New York City…
No, but it’s comfortable to think so because that means we’re not racist
Even if it’s the latter, he wouldn’t have said it if Walky weren’t dark-skinned. Still racist.
Fun without regulation is just chaos.
Walky’s an agent of chaos.
I thought Mike was the agent of C.H.A.O.S.
Zis ees KAOS! We do not fuck mothers here!
If Mike is KAOS, does that make Walky Agent 86?
No, Walky’s too smart.
Closest other parallel that leaps to mind is Daisy as the Chief.
Isn’t that the idea? What’s life without a little chaos?
Fun without regulations is Calvinball!!
Calvinball is chaos!
Calvinball has rules, but they are very irregular and subject to change.
Danny actually has the upper hand!? Ask her to leave now. She’s clearly only going to make your life worse during this conversation, and the more succinct you are, the more weight your observations will have. Seriously, the more Danny says, the more invested he’ll feel in this losing battle. I didn’t like the guy at first (big Walky fan), but now I’m actually feeling quite a bit of empathy for him.
Knowing what I know about Danny he will let her say her peace because he’s kind of a doormat.
Bear in mind he moved on by now, having a crush on the big superhero and all, Danny’s confused and upset but he isn’t like “I must have vengeance”. Dorothy asked him for his time and cause Danny is overly polite he will give it to her. It’s not the smartest move but it’s likely the one he will make anyway.
Mowgli? Walky looks more like Captain Caramel.
Dorothy may not realize it right this second, but while she may not want Danny back, her ego is going to miss the power she once had over him. That’s a little sting that almost everyone feels after a breakup if they still see the ex around. Between her own divergence from her self-image and Danny’s thing for Amazi-Girl, that power’s got to be ebbing fast.
I can honestly say at this point that I am glad Mike intervened.
So she’s dating Walky for her mental health? Irony.
I don’t date anyone and I’m still sane…….well mostly sane.
I’m not…eats a cardboard box.
There is a thin line between insanity and stupidity.
(Now where did I put my glasses?)
Also, sanity is relative and its the relatives that move you away from that state of being on a regular basis ….
So, Dorothy is a robot?
“This robotic emotional detachment is why I choose to speak with you!” 😀
Well shit. xD
I cannot help but hear this with Dorothy using the Lisa Simpson voice.
What does that make Danny? Millhouse?
That’s not actually a completely off-based comparision, if you’ve watched enough Simpsons to remember the episode where she followed her to the White House…
I didn’t watch enough I guess since I watched it since season 22.
He actually reads amazingly well if you use the voice of Mabel Pines.
Ehh, I always here a voice similar to Yuri Lowenthal.
Well I can relate to Dorothy here. Some of us just aren’t wired for casual things no matter how much we might want to be. I say this as someone who made a disastrous attempt a couple years ago. Sure I could try and try again but once burned ya know?
I think the point behind casual things is to NOT get burned.
Anybody who tries to treat dating someone (as in, a single person serially) as a casual thing is playing with fire anyway. Sure, some people can avoid crossing the line, but if i know anything from movies and cheap teen girl fiction, sooner or later somebody’s going to forget it’s not supposed to get serious.
But Danny, planning out the fun is half the fun.
And then they banged
An alternate way of reading this (or any) comic is that after the last panel, or even between panels, everyone present suddenly had a wild orgy. And then cleaned up and resumed their conversation where they left off.
I dare someone to read the climax of It’s Walky! now!
“The greater the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play.”
And you cannot get much simplier than Walky.
I dunno. I’ve met Dina.
You take that back! Dana lives a rich inner life!
I would say equal as their minds are filled with dinosaurs.
I feel like what Danny is saying is…racist…
I get the feeling that next week’s entire week worth of strips just for Danny’s frothing lecture on racial purity is going to be mildly uncomfortable to read.
You’re ruining EVERYTHING Dorothy! THE MASTER PLAN!!!
… Okay, I’m a cross between “Oh dear sweet Yog-Sothoth that would be terrifying” and “I MUST SEE THIS NOW.” The comments would be the stuff of legends.
… Provided, of course, I could watch this about… two weeks later, from a flamewar-proof bunker. Maybe more.
I’d almost be willing to do it, if it didn’t mean I’d have to google through so much human filth to be able to accurately present the talking points. The joke’s just not worth that much. :6
Huh, you know Danny knows Dorothy pretty well.
So how long until Dorothy finally admits (realizes?) that the reason she broke up with Danny isn’t because of college, but because he was clingy as hell?
On a note unrelated to Danny’s conroversial use of the word “Jungle” when referring to a brown person:
While I certainly haven’t always been a fan of the way Dorothy treats the guys in her life, I can’t help but want her to set Danny straight that she did not leave Danny for Walky. She left Danny, and then she decided to start seeing Walky. It can be a very important distinction.
And did so quickly enough that it’s hard to tell the difference. Seriously, this is, what, a week later? Add in the fact that she dumped Danny because she didn’t want a relationship at IU and pretty immediately jumped into another relationship, and it does seem like she dropped Danny to go after someone else.
She didn’t, as we know, but that’s almost impossible to see from Danny’s perspective. Even if she did tell him, I don’t think he’d believe her.
I hope Dorothy realizes she doesn’t owe Danny an apology.
For that matter, nobody really “owes” anyone an apology for anything. There are no laws nor contracts signed that mandate apologies in reparations for breaches.
Therefore, no one should ever apologize to anyone.
It’s a non-optional social convention.
Yaaaay, somebody gets it!
So what? Nobody’s obligated to stay in a relationship that doesn’t make them happy, and there’s no mandate that says YOU MUST WAIT XX MONTHS BEFORE ENGAGING IN COITUS because that would seriously be a dick move on the universe’s part. Dorothy does not owe Danny an apology, and Danny would be an asshole to try to make her feel bad for being happy.
When did Dorothy turned From Lisa Simpson to Twilight Sparkle?
Oh good, I’m not the only one!
I don’t see the whoring tag, Willis. Your meta-sarcastic merch skills are getting awfully rusty…
Heh. Honestly, both these kids have valid points here.
Dorothy shouldn’t feel sorry in this instance. As someone who has been in *Danny’s* shoes, Dan was clingy as all get out and needed to be dropped like a bad habit.
I hope she _says_ that. To his FAAAACE.
But that’s not the reason she gave him!
OK, Dorothy just gave me wood. For the first time.
Hardwood or Softwood?
Dagwood or Elwood?
Sherwood or Mirkwood?
First time, so I’m going to guess cherry wood.
And THANKS, Mike, as always.
Man, Dorothy is such a party animal.
Dorothy’s last statement is pretty much exactly why I identify with her.
I officially love Dorothy now. It’s official!
They broke up. It’s not really his business who she’s dating or why.
This. Even if it comes from Galasso.
danny doesnt really have any right to complain considering this strip and the two preceding it
Actually, that gives him MORE right to complain. Think about it. If he told her to buzz off back then, WHY is she back sending her new boyfriend to swipe her ex-boyfriend’s shoes? Really, that makes her even MORE cold and insensitive to another’s feelings than before. So she breaks up from him abruptly–ok, good for her, but it leaves him in a lurch. Go back to a strip or two just before the ones you referenced–it shows her miffed that Danny has found another girl in four days. Unless it’s a relative of her’s or her best friend, Dorothy really shouldn’t be angry about Danny meeting another girl in just a few days since she’s the one that dumped him. Then a strip just one or two after the one you posted has her saying she’s gonna try to keep her distance and not hurt him anymore.
Then she sends Walky to swipe his shoes. Really, Dorothy is looking just worse and worse in this thing now that you posted those strips while Danny’s just trying his damndest to react and cope.
he doesnt even know about the shoes though hes complaining about her having a new boyfriend
Yeah, and Dorothy didn’t know the context of Amber going to his room with him either and she immediately complained about it only being four days. Danny was still annoyed enough about Walky’s presence and asking for shoes before Mike showed up. Then Dorothy showed up so it’s not hard to connect the two. Even if he doesn’t, he was still annoyed with Walky before and now knows the association with Dorothy. And Dorothy sent Walky and is around Danny after she said she would stay away from Danny. Dorothy is acting really, really dumb and insensitively now that you provided those links.
Despite all that, I think it’s a good thing that Danny and Dorothy are talking now. People (me included) rag on Danny for how clingy he was with Dorothy, which was bad, but I’m being reminded that it takes two to tango. Dorothy’s made some very bad decisions on how to handle Danny. She prolly made those during the relationship too. The way those two were together wasn’t any ONE person’s fault. Now that they’ve had some distance they can resolve any lingering issues between them and be amicable. That’d be a nice outcome for all involved, I think.
Yeah, Danny. It’s not that she didn’t want a boyfriend. She just didn’t want YOU.
Feel bad, damn it. Feel bad so that I may feel good.
Danny, tell her “no shoes” and kick her out.
My girlfriend can beat up your boyfriend!
The kid form the jungle book!? Ya that didn’t sound racist at all
I think it was primarily a reference to Walky’s unkempt appearance, also the fact that he was barefoot.
Besides his name any girl would dump their current boyfriend for a peice of mogly