I will be at Phoenix Comicon this weekend! I’ll be tabling with Rob DenBleyker of Cyanide and Happiness in Artist Alley. I’ve never been to Phoenix, so I’m excited for it. I hope to see you there!
Did you know that Michael Dorn’s writeup on their website doesn’t mention I am Weasel at all? It’s like they don’t want me to be excited to see him.
This comment is more important than anything I was going to say.
Indeed, a quite impressive display of, um, reference-smithing?
It’s a really embarrassing photo of SpongeBob at that Christmas party.
by that logic it could also be full of IMAGINATION
This is most epic of wins.
Well if SNL has taught me anything, it’s probably a penis
If Boys in the hall have taught me anything at all, its the head of a guy with a cabbage for a head …. or the chicken lady ….
It’s a miniature naked Walky riding a miniature naked dinosaur!
I’d buy it.
Ooh lawdy; gravatar win.
Who knew DoA Joyce was so sex-mad? *wink*
So, question. Are random gravatars persistent? Like, will people from 100 years in the future who are reading the archive know that you’re posting as Mike?
You do realise that in a hunderd years, it has been more that
it has been more then one year in doa time (not counting
more time skips of course)…
No, they re-randomise every so often.
In 100 years, though, the webpage format of the internet will be obsolete, so no-one will care.
Also, I have no idea what G127 said, although I can guess the general theme based on some key words.
To be completely accurate, randomly assigned gravatars are retained until Willis adds more gravatars to the pool from which randomly assigned gravatars are assigned. (I personally suspect that what’s happening is that everybody has a numerical id assigned by the internet gods, the modulus of which it taken with the number of gravatars available. You know, as in “eenie, meenie, miney, moe”. Okay, enough of that.)
So generally when new characters are added to the comic all the randomly assigned gravatars change, but until then they’re pretty stable.
I decided to bring my own. But that’s only because the “balloon on her head” was already taken, & the one I want from Ma3 might not pass (but my words will!).
Just don’t splash on my face.
Obviously the severed head of someone close to him. He will then of course have to find Mike and shoot him.
Solid Snake.
Solid Snake? Why did you mention my arch-nemesis?
Why is it always solid snake?
Why not malleable snake or plastic snake or liquid snake or squeeze snake or slightly runny with a pungent aroma snake?
Liquid snake is actually a real character, but he’s apparently not as fond of cardboard boxes as his twin brother. Go figure.
I haven’t played some of the latest, but have they come up with names for the 5 dead brothers (or whatever, might be retconned alive like Solidus) from the Les Enfants Terribles project?
Nothing! Absolutely noting! Stupid! You so stupid!
Clocks, blocks, rocks, locks, a feller named Jacques?
Joyce you are going to have to tell your parents sometime.
Reading this made me realize the implications of what she just said.
I know, two weeks at school and she already has a taco fix? She is on a slippery slope, and not the fun kind
Based on WHAT? My parents don’t know I’m not a virgin(though they could seriously suspect) and they have no idea I was in an abusive relationship or contemplated suicide(unrelated to the relationship).
For some people it eats away at them untill they tell someone.
Well it’s a good thing that you’ve told the random internets instead of your loving family.
Keep ’em in the loop, buster. And don’t gimme no backtalk. DoA will be here when you get back.
To be fair, we random internets are much nicer and understanding people than anybody’s parents. Invariably. Cuter, too.
It’s not any of a parent’s business if you’re a virgin or not. The abusive relationship and suicide thing…well, I sure hope they talked to *somebody*.
Somebody human, that is – not just us.
we random internets are much nicer and understanding people
Man, begbert, what internets have you been visiting? Because if your internets are nice and understanding, I want to go to there.
No offense, but you sound really stupid if you’re arguing against telling your family that you contemplated suicide and have been in abusive relationships.
Stop giving easy advice that people want to hear. It isn’t helping serious issues like that.
TemplarKnight – Go talk to someone *real* in your life. We don’t really exist.
I’m not saying you’re wrong. Going on face value suicide and abusive relationship, yes I would advice seeking help or talking it out. But I did specify past tense in both. I contemplated suicide between 5th-7th grade until I got help from church and football by gaining friends and confidence I didn’t have before. The abusive relationship was almost a decade ago, was three months long and although was abuse in every sense of the word, I could handle it because I was a 6’3 Defensive Lineman. If roles were reversed, I would have been thrown in jail. I didn’t even consider it an abusive relationship until I started comparing notes with other people who had been in abusive relationships and went “damn”.
It’s one of those things that would be out of left field and would only cause them to worry about why I was telling them this now.
K, just checking! Too many kids these days seek refuge on the internet without going to the proper sources for help. While plenty of people on the internet can seem ‘supportive’, the quality of advice is usually pretty poor. ‘Anonymous’ friends on the internet often give false senses of security which lead to further isolation and issues :/
I refer to everyone on the internet as ‘kids’ (so no offense there). I’m just old and have seen the same story many times before. “It’s too awwwkward to talk to my parents about!” And then I sigh a mighty sigh.
Sounds like you went to good resources for help. I just wish more people did what you did.
Sometimes families aren’t loving or for whatever reason they’re not competent to help with a certain situation. I wouldn’t make assumptions. When in trouble, search out those who would be able to help, not those who are similar to you by accident of biology. Oftentimes those two groups are the same, but not always.
Frankly, I don’t think I’d be so quick to tell someone what to do with their problems when I possess so little information.
While you’re here, can you tell us why Jeph titles his link “Dave Willis Is A Jerkface?”
Did you abuse him or take his butt virginity??
It’s because I jerked in his face.
I wish I could upvote this.
See above. Just seen this kinda thing too many times.
The internet REALLY isn’t very supportive :/ And you should always ATTEMPT the family approach. You often get (good) surprising results.
I didn’t know that bikes even had tacos.
My flashback sense is tingling. . .
Yup. Flashback of the past 4 days.
We’ll find out what’s really in the box in 2013.
It could be anything! It could even be a boat! You know how you’ve always wanted one of those.
Templar, than why don’t we just take the Bo-
I think Mike really got him the pants. But they’re like hot pink or something.
Walky won’t care. They’re comfy. And now Mike has to deal with a roommate who walks around in hot pink pajama jeans.
they’re covered in hearts and a swirly caligraphic “tough boys” writing
It says “Come and get it” on the butt.
Who orders a box of tacos?…who sells a box of tacos!?
Uh . . . Taco Bell:
fair enough…
but who packages and ships a box of tacos!?
There’s this service in my home town called “We Deliver”. You call them up, you tell them you want some tacos, and they go buy you some tacos, and bring them to your door. Then you pay them for the tacos.
that sounds so awesome. but how do they turn a profit? finder’s fee? shipping charge?
Shipping charge.
In college, we had something similar called “Takeout Taxi.” They charged you 15-20% on top of whatever the food charge was for order pickup and delivery fees.
Takeout Taxi is still around.
Proctor and Gamble
Could be worse. Could be a bobcat.
Clearly the shirt has affected Joyce, for better or worse.
I have a feeling Joyce is going to try and talk Dorothy out of being with Walky.
I think Joyce just doesn’t want to be alone.
Goddamn, now I want tacos too.
We always want tacos. It’s just we try to block them out so we don’t eat them all.
I’m actually sick of them. Haven’t had one in awhile.
I am also sick of them … lactose and some of the oil substitutes they use in making those things plus the mystery meat (pink slime?) attacks my soul and my digestive tract. (>’.'<)
I’m eating tacos right now.
Walky is worried that they might be actual butt tacos.
worried? that sounds awesome.
So you are telling me that if you found a literal butt taco in a box, you would be happy?
Um…yeah. I’d put it on my tv and draw faces on it*
That box contains a key to a door that is a gateway to where the souls of the damned reside!
Mickey D’s or the local banking establishment?
it’s alright joyce, i want tacos as well
I’m less interested in the box of what may or may not be tacos or taco pajama pants, and more interesting in why Joyce has that bandaid on her hand.
Glass + rapist’s face = cut hand
The cup thing at the party
After a week?
have you ever been cut deep? or at all….it takes a while to heal. I cut m pinky like 3 weeks ago and it still hasn’t fully healed.
Yeah, I was in a car accident and cleaved my supraorbital process . Stiches came out after 10 days. Or, there was the time I cut off the tip of my middle finger. I took those stitches out myself after 4 days.
It doesn’t seem quite Stitches-serious. It’s probably just a big chunk of flesh missing, which takes a while to grow back. And also Joyceis probably a bit of a sissy.
Sissy and/or the stigmata thing lord of dance mentioned. That’s my working theory right now.
There are good reasons to keep a bandaid on an injury even after it’s scabbed over. For one thing, it helps protect the scab from catching on things if it’s in a place with frequent contact. Also, IIRC, a bandage with topical antibiotic on it will help an injury heal faster and with less scarring.
Plus, you get to sing the band-aid song.
It’s probably still from when she glassed Ryan in the face, right before Sarah literally beat him with a baseball bat for attempted date rape.
Overall, her hand seems to be healing well.
nonsense! clearly her faith is so strong that shes developing a stigmata
Thank you! First thing I thought of as well
It’s covering up the countdown from the Reaper’s Game.
Respect earned Joyce. RESPECT EARNED
I’m so glad someone else here thinks that Michael Dorn’s experience as Weasel should be celebrated by the fandom community. A true champion of dignity for us all.
At least it mentions his other imprtant work such as the role of Maero ifrom Saints Row 2.
It doesn’t mention his role as Lord Nebula in Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys either. Or the Martian Centurions in Duck Dodgers.
Okay, so…Joyce wants to borrow Dorothy….and has a craving for tacos.
. . .
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WE HAVE SUBTEXT. My ship has hit the high seas!
Ram Cthulhu with it. And Godspeed, good sir.
Oh gods you are right XD
Can’t spell “subtext” without “buttsex”.
…although that’s neither rear nor there…
Whoops. Consider that last line null and Freud.
(That’s when you say one thing, but you mean your mother.)
((If you mentally added a “rimshot” to the end of each line, give yourself a cookie. Also, look up the real meaning of “rimshot”, because whatever that “badum-TISH” thing is, it isn’t the act of hitting a drumstick on the rim of your snare without striking the drum head.))
I know it’s at least sometimes called a “sting” but “sting” feels too generic – it can refer to a number of different thingers.
I didn’t hear any rimshots, but I did hear the audience in my brain hissing and groaning at all the oldjokes/badpuns.
Well NOW I want tacos as well!
They’re meant for each other!
They’re meant for each other!
Oops, sorry for the double-post! Willis, do you still delete these? if so, could you please delete this one?
First nine days:Over a year IRL.
Following four days:One panel.
In comic world, time is relative.
And so’s your mother.
For a…
…eh, I’m bored, could someone else pick up where I left off?
Quater. Wait I messed up my line. Let’s start over.
The word you’re searching for here is “gamete.” Your mother is relative for a gamete.
I was so waiting for this comment!
I’m reminded of Megatokyo, only they did the time skip first.
(You are now imagining a bull wearing jamjar glasses and an ascot, smugly looking down his nose at you.)
What Joyce can’t bring herself to say is…she wants a butt taco.
Walky’s starting to turn her.
He managed to Turn her, but did not roll enough Turning Damage to Destroy her. Joyce must be a powerful lich indeed.
> powerful lich
Maybe not yet, but she could be. 人◕ ‿‿ ◕人
Something tells me that even benign magical talking animals should approach Joyce with offers of power.
Though that said, a magical girl show involving a fundamentalist Christian would be such a hilarious culture clash.
“The Power of Christ compels you!”
“…um, no, boss, you have to say ‘star diamond zap’.”
“Shut up, cute demon talking kitty cat! I’m doing it the God way!”
“The power of inertia impels you!”
I’m doing it with SCIENCE!
Four days later and Joyce’s horrible taco addiction hits its stride.
In another continuity, Walky would find Joyce’s last line incredibly romantic.
I’m not sure why I found “I just…I just want tacos…” hilarious. But there you go; I did.
Now I want tacos too.
Its a conspiracy, I’ll bet.
I’m sure Willis is an artist of integrity and would never accept large cash bribes from Taco Bell to use his comics to make people crave tacos.
No, who am I kidding, he totally did that.
Maybe Joyce wants to show Dorothy her partial stigmatta
I want to put Joyce into a “Yuri Zone” t-shirt and drop her off in the middle of Comic Con.
We are excited to have you here in AZ. Don’t stay outside too long, even we avoid it right now.
…Damn it Willis, you pick the one time to make the phoenix con that I’m just too fucking poor to catch. : (
Behold, the power of the Butt-tacco t-shirt!
Walky should get inside the box. It’s soothing.
Is Walky a cat? Are you a cat?
Cats with condoms on their heads would be a whole new kind of breading.
And from taco bell, at that.
She sounds like she’s stoned.
“I just…I just want tacos”
Yeah, it’d be awesome if there was a clunky exposition panel where someone goes, “Hey Joyce, remember how you became a pothead atheist lesbian at the coven meeting on Tuesday?”
Gwyneth Paltrow’s head is in that box.
I am curious about the first panel. Am I missing something here, as I don’t see the connection to the rest of the page. Or is this a shot at all the comments asking what happened to Joyce’s bandage in the previous pages? Also, that cut was pretty deep, shouldn’t there be more than just a small bandaid on it?
Finally, I look forward to what the taco’s comment leads to.
Joyce/Dorothy/Walky OT3
also, “tacos”
Obvious foreshadowing, or just a really good taquería near campus?
Joyce takes everything I like and makes it bad!Nooooooo!