It was one of Radio Shack’s early computers. I think it followed the TRS-80 series at a time IBM compatibles were taking over the market from all other competitors.
I still have my Tandy 102 Laptop. Runs for 40 hours on 4 AA batteries, 32KB of onboard data storage. Got me through high school though – teachers allowed it because I couldn’t cheat. No wifi & no spellcheck!
The Tandy 102 was and still is a wonderful machine. Years ahead of its time. In an era where “portable” computer weighed more than a full suitcase, it was small enough and usable enough for my technophobe journalist friend to take it on his bike tour of the United States, sending his columns by acoustic modem every other day, and that was in the mid-1980s. Fun fact: the Tandy 102 was probably the last computer that Bill Gates personally wrote any commercial code for.
The bike tour was done with a Model 100, before the 102 came out. I was tech support at a Radio Shack computer store in those days and followed things on CompuServe at 1200 bps.
I still have my old Tandy 1000. You kids today have it spoiled!
I remember when we got our first hard drive installed into it. It was a whopping 20mb. Once upon a time, computers didn’t have C drives by default.
Our first one was a Lazer XT from Radio Shack. Sadly, we couldn’t convince Mum to spend the extra $200 for the colour monitor so it was the monochrome orange one. I still remember the day the tech came by and installed… something… (no idea what, I doubt it was an internal hard drive but it might have been something like that) so instead of inserting the one floppy into it, letting that run for about ten minutes, and then swapping in the second and letting that run for another seven or so to boot it up, you only had to do the second disk. I had mixed feelings about that. On the one hand, only seven minutes instead of neatly twenty! OTOH, seven minutes wasn’t really long enough to go do anything else like making myself a cup of tea while I waited for it to boot up.
Haha, yeah, man. Twenty minutes just to turn on your computer! Hahaha!! It was a great machine. It had a word processor AND a flight simulation game on it! I used the word processor to write horrible fantasy and to draw pictures of Darth Vader with ANSI text. Oh, and to transcribe episodes of “Knight Rider” I’d taped off the TV with my CASSETTE RECORDER (by holding the tape deck up to the TV’s speaker for the WHOLE EPISODE) into something I could reread at my leisure because VCRs hadn’t been invented yet. XD Everyone at school was very jealous of my tape recorder. At only half a foot long or so it was so small it looked like a Walkman, but it had a SPEAKER so my friends could listen along with me. Plus it had TWO HEADS so when it got to the end of the tape it would just play the other side without having to eject the tape and manually flip it!! Man, I listened to it forever.
I had one, and we kept it till like 8 years till it was given away. If you were a 80’s kid chances are you had one or a Apple II. This was before the NES made these old computers look pathetic and expensive.
First I remember was a (Vic20, though I only saw it a few times) Commodore 64, parents had an IBM PC. My first own computer was an Amiga 600HD though.
Think we got a NES when I was like 6, 7 or 8, fuzzy on the time. By that time the Commodore 64 had stopped working for some reason.
I was born 82, so… Yeah, we got a NES kind of late.
Outside of Strong Bad I’ve never even seen mention of the Tandy until now. Suspect it might not have been that big in Europe (or outside the US, even).
The Tandy 1000 was a IBM clone computer put out by Radio Shack (part of the Tandy corporation) around ’87 or ’88. I had a Tandy 1000TL. It had a 286 processor, 16 color graphics and a 20 Megabyte hard drive. Which was smoking back then. I sold it when I bought a game – Police Quest- that required 21Meg of hard drive memory to install. I also used to sell them at Radio Shack (87-90)
I think I had the same model. I remember when I hit a storage wall — 9 MB to install Monkey Island 2, and nothing we were willing to uninstall. And I quote: “What kind of game needs NINE megabytes?”
Well, at least we still had Starflight and Bard’s Tale!
Oh man, Bard’s Tale was great! Remember the excellent cut-scene graphics? It would suck now but we’d never seen anything like that! (I may be thinking of BT2).
A minidisc or microcassette recorder would be even more professional and embarrassingly obsolete (and a digital one, somewhat borderline – they still see use because they’re less of a theft risk than a phone so better for confidential recordings), but no-one would have recognised what they were
So? At least he didn’t royally screw it up like I did. How was I supposed to know she’s already spoken for and her boyfriend is standing right next to her?
Unless, of course, you begin numbering from 0. So the first mistake is Mistake #0 of the day, calling Mistake of the Day too early is Mistake #1, and so on.
A simple work around… you have to acknowledge it was a mistake in the first place. it’s really difficult for those who think they are always right… like in the case of Billie.
It’s amazing how often those two can be similar. One of the hallmarks of being a nerd is that flirting gets you laughed at, so we learn to make that part of the plan.
Just because he chose that name does not mean he needs to act the part. He does not need to stay ‘in character’ for his names sake.
Im starting to hate such standards here. :{D
I had a Tandy 1000. It didn’t have cartridge slots. It used MS-DOS 3.3 and it used 3.5″ floppy disks, many of which I still have and use the stuff from thanks to DOSBox having Tandy emulation available.
(In fact, it was the 2000s Internet that told me it ever had cartridge slots – I think those were more prevalent for its predecessor the TRS-80.)
And, before asked about my specific Tandy, I had a Tandy 1000 TX model, with 12 mhz on its processor, one double-density 3.5″ floppy drive, a Tandy keyboard, a CM5 monitor, and an OKIDATA dot-matrix printer. And it was GRAND. (In fact, I’m in plans currently to get it down from the attic and see if it still operates.) I used that computer from 1987 to 1993. No joke.
Original Tandy 1000, cost about 2000$ with 640K ram, two floppy disc drives, RGB color monitor and ran at 4.77Mhz. No cartridge slot on this either.
When we later got a 286 suddenly the music on everything sucked. It wasn’t until later Sierra games that I realized that the Tandy systems had a 3 Voice chip that PC’s didn’t was the reason.
I’m trying to imagine a torrent love affair and while it’s very naughty it’s also frustrating, because the lovers can’t touch each other, merely exchange forbidden bits to each other late into the night. “Download this!” “Oh baby, faster, do it faster!”
And TELL NO ONE ABOUT JOKE CLUB! I don’t care if they catch you dead to rights with seltzer-soaked hair, greasepaint behind your ear, and banana peel stains on your pantlegs!
The only way that could happen is if Danny twists her girlfriend’s supple flesh into a lifeless, bloody husk, her crushing her brilliant mind to thoughtless meat in a drunken rage. And since the best candidate for that position is Sal, let’s hope that doesn’t happen!
“Groping your grinder.”
“Establishing your cannon.”
“Pampering your paragon.”
“Floating your frigate.”
“Curling your toes.”
Or perhaps, “Joe your Rosenthal.”
Did they name them after typewriters? Because that would be awesome, and after a quick Google search, I may start calling my junk the “Underwood Touch-Master 5.”
If Danny were able to show off his fully functional TRS-80 Model 1 complete with expansion unit then I might give him some credit. If I were Billie, I wouldn’t take Danny seriously until he was able to at least produce a Commodore Colt.
Yeah, but the minute he powers a TRS-80 Model 1 on, the wifi for the whole campus would be down The FCC was rather horrified that those machines were completely unshielded…
Billie receives a compliment, interprets it as condescension, responds with scathing sarcasm. She just went from foreign to relatable in a single panel.
Casette tape recorders still used until today because unlike digital it can’t be tampered easily. It’s good for interviews and business discussion to avoid scam and trickery. Also good for detective work as confession won’t be tampered.
Or the accidental exchange of supposedly benign material with highly classified data at the center of madcap antics which by freakish coincidence is on the exact same obsolete medium.
No, it’s the “run into a spy by accident and pick up each other’s briefcases” story. The recording the innocent person actually made is benign both in and out of context.
It’s certainly harder than revising an audio file, but this is one case where people might believe older stuff is safer, when it really isn’t. If you really want to manipulate stuff, at worst you can just record the cassette onto an audiofile, manipulate the file, then rerecord the audiofile into the cassette.
They’re also not that great at keeping information safe. Let me introduce you to my friend, Mr E. Magnet.
Hey, if it can connect to the Internet and do video call, it would damn well record someone’s voice. I have one but why in God’s name that they have to remove the flashlight feature? That’s the most useful feature, aside from the alarm clock and music player of course.
Placing calls is what phones do so I don’t think of it as a feature but more of as it’s function. Texting on the other hand is something that I rarely do so I might have forgotten about it.
Anybody else think Danny’s suddenly over his ex-girlfriend a little too easily? Does this mean plot hole or dick character? I’m leaning toward the latter.
When I’m recently free from a dude, even if I’m not over it yet I still go a little nuts, because the newness of being single, and therefore able to pursue cute boys, is pretty damn cool. I’m not surprised he’s flirting, but if he were to be completely drama-free in any level deeper than flirting, that would be weird.
So, is matchingness a notable enough property of jammies to rate particular mention? Does the normal user of jammies wear a non-matching set? If they sold jammies in non-matching sets, would they still be non-matching sets?
From what I’ve seen, most jammies=t-shirt and pajama pants, with little attention to matchingness. It’s weird to see someone wearing a matching jammie set. Unless that person is my boyfriend, in which case it’s adorable.
Hah! You had stellar dust? Kids these days. We had to use stray hydrogen atoms from the Big Bang. Nobody had even thought up start yet. None of that fancy-schmancy stuff.
It came out in the late ’80s and was on the market for several years. I grew up with one as a kid and I’m only 28. I still have it, actually, and it’s still working last time I checked!
…. wow, I can’t tell if I’m channeling Danny or if he’s me in comic form. Freaky.
The first Tandy 1000 model came out in 1984. 128k to 768k RAM, 5.25″ 360k floppies. Sound and video like the PC Jr, much better than PC/XT. Second biggest tech support nightmare the company ever produced. My own collection of old Tandy equipment doesn’t feature anything that new, I hated MS-DOS (still do).
Danny 1 Billie -1.
80s Girl Billie still thinks it’s the 1980s.
Neat thing is, I don’t think she was even born until the decade was 3/4s over.
Actually, I think she was born in 1994.
In DOA? Or the Walkyverse?
I think math can answer that question pretty well.
Oh, c’mon, Willis. Math? This is a strip about college! Why should we have to think?
Only Furthers the Point.
That’s my birth year! Sweet!
If she started in 2011 fresh out of high school, she’d have been born in 1993, chances are.
I am from 94 and did the same, but didn’t start until 2012.
that would make her in her forties. Somehow I don’t think that’s correct.
Last time I checked I was under 40, born 78…
What the hell is a Tandy 1000?
I’m assuming from his expression it’s either something sexual, or something Danny can make sexual.
the tandy 1000 as something sexual….maybe 8-bit graphic porn…with that illustrious 128 kilobytes of memory….
It was one of Radio Shack’s early computers. I think it followed the TRS-80 series at a time IBM compatibles were taking over the market from all other competitors.
The Tandy 1000 IS porn for technophiles.
It’s a computer. I want one.
As an antique?
To play “Animal Quest”. Haven’t seen that once since I was five.
Have you looked into emulators?
Bah! Everyone knows that to truly play Spacewar! you have to play on the original hardware!
I still have my Tandy 102 Laptop. Runs for 40 hours on 4 AA batteries, 32KB of onboard data storage. Got me through high school though – teachers allowed it because I couldn’t cheat. No wifi & no spellcheck!
The Tandy 102 was and still is a wonderful machine. Years ahead of its time. In an era where “portable” computer weighed more than a full suitcase, it was small enough and usable enough for my technophobe journalist friend to take it on his bike tour of the United States, sending his columns by acoustic modem every other day, and that was in the mid-1980s. Fun fact: the Tandy 102 was probably the last computer that Bill Gates personally wrote any commercial code for.
See if you want to know more!
The bike tour was done with a Model 100, before the 102 came out. I was tech support at a Radio Shack computer store in those days and followed things on CompuServe at 1200 bps.
Apple II, Danno!
Suck it, Apple. That’s my final answer.
Apple IIe. Far superior. XD
I still have my old Tandy 1000. You kids today have it spoiled!
I remember when we got our first hard drive installed into it. It was a whopping 20mb. Once upon a time, computers didn’t have C drives by default.
And they did have A drives. Frequently B drives, too!
We had a B by default. I think we got our a drive much later as an add-on
Our first one was a Lazer XT from Radio Shack. Sadly, we couldn’t convince Mum to spend the extra $200 for the colour monitor so it was the monochrome orange one. I still remember the day the tech came by and installed… something… (no idea what, I doubt it was an internal hard drive but it might have been something like that) so instead of inserting the one floppy into it, letting that run for about ten minutes, and then swapping in the second and letting that run for another seven or so to boot it up, you only had to do the second disk. I had mixed feelings about that. On the one hand, only seven minutes instead of neatly twenty! OTOH, seven minutes wasn’t really long enough to go do anything else like making myself a cup of tea while I waited for it to boot up.
Haha, yeah, man. Twenty minutes just to turn on your computer! Hahaha!! It was a great machine. It had a word processor AND a flight simulation game on it! I used the word processor to write horrible fantasy and to draw pictures of Darth Vader with ANSI text. Oh, and to transcribe episodes of “Knight Rider” I’d taped off the TV with my CASSETTE RECORDER (by holding the tape deck up to the TV’s speaker for the WHOLE EPISODE) into something I could reread at my leisure because VCRs hadn’t been invented yet. XD Everyone at school was very jealous of my tape recorder. At only half a foot long or so it was so small it looked like a Walkman, but it had a SPEAKER so my friends could listen along with me. Plus it had TWO HEADS so when it got to the end of the tape it would just play the other side without having to eject the tape and manually flip it!! Man, I listened to it forever.
LOL, high tech from 1982 or so. XD
You win the oldest nerd award.
Emphasis on the ‘nerd’, not the old. Though you’re probably one of the older ones around here.
Haha, I totally am. Probably on both counts too.
And, hooray! XD
The Tandy 1000 is a technological step between Atari 2600 and Lite-Brite.
Except I gave up my lit-brite ages ago.
It doesn’t impress the ladies (over 4)
There’s a new version of lite brite now, uses a flat screen. Comes in blue or pink colours.
I’ve heard of that! They call it iPad.
It’s like a newer version of a typewriter.
You guys make me feel young.
They make me feel even older now.
Now it’s making me feel a little randy.
and believe me, Randy doesn’t like being touched, OR called little.
So that’s what you call it huh?
If it’s any comfort I’m probably older than you by a good ten years. XD
–Yeah, I know. It’s not. XD
I had one, and we kept it till like 8 years till it was given away. If you were a 80’s kid chances are you had one or a Apple II. This was before the NES made these old computers look pathetic and expensive.
First I remember was a (Vic20, though I only saw it a few times) Commodore 64, parents had an IBM PC. My first own computer was an Amiga 600HD though.
Think we got a NES when I was like 6, 7 or 8, fuzzy on the time. By that time the Commodore 64 had stopped working for some reason.
I was born 82, so… Yeah, we got a NES kind of late.
Outside of Strong Bad I’ve never even seen mention of the Tandy until now. Suspect it might not have been that big in Europe (or outside the US, even).
The Tandy 1000 was a IBM clone computer put out by Radio Shack (part of the Tandy corporation) around ’87 or ’88. I had a Tandy 1000TL. It had a 286 processor, 16 color graphics and a 20 Megabyte hard drive. Which was smoking back then. I sold it when I bought a game – Police Quest- that required 21Meg of hard drive memory to install. I also used to sell them at Radio Shack (87-90)
I think I had the same model. I remember when I hit a storage wall — 9 MB to install Monkey Island 2, and nothing we were willing to uninstall. And I quote: “What kind of game needs NINE megabytes?”
Well, at least we still had Starflight and Bard’s Tale!
Oh man, Bard’s Tale was great! Remember the excellent cut-scene graphics? It would suck now but we’d never seen anything like that! (I may be thinking of BT2).
I remember that the ‘Z’ key rocked because it would allow you to instantly summon an Earth elemental into your party!
I had forgotten about Police Quest until you mentioned it.
I don’t actually remember much about it except I shot a guy and lost the game.
I suddenly feel old…
It’s one of these:
For a nickle, it’s anything you want baby.
Danny’s down with the “not in this universe” ship, too!
I think.
Danny, you’re not going to get in her pants acting like that. Offer her some booze.
“Well SHIT… I just wasted 40 bucks.”
Oh c’mon, old school is cool.
But she only got it cos she don’t even consider using her phone’s voice recorder before Danny mentioned it.
A minidisc or microcassette recorder would be even more professional and embarrassingly obsolete (and a digital one, somewhat borderline – they still see use because they’re less of a theft risk than a phone so better for confidential recordings), but no-one would have recognised what they were
Oh my god, is that Danny’s idea of spitting game?
Kinda hard to watch. I feel… pity. Yes, pity.
So? At least he didn’t royally screw it up like I did. How was I supposed to know she’s already spoken for and her boyfriend is standing right next to her?
Try asking someone out while her girlfriend is right behind you. That was not a good day.
The only thing to do at that point is propose a threesome.
If you’re already in it that deep, might as well go for the gold. Might get lucky.
Hey, he’s figuring her for a retro nerd. Words offering her a chance to play with his Tandy would be honey-dipped.
…especially, I guess, if he points out how big the joystick is
It’s too early to be calling mistakes of the day.
Mistake of the day: Called mistake of the day too early.
This totally sounds like a Texts From Last Night quote.
It’s not if you’re Billie.
It may be worse then. Calling mistake of the day is a guarantee of making you wrong. Especially if the universe loves watching you suffer.
Calling mistakes of the day too early: Mistake number 1.
Actually, you made a mistake there.
If you’ve called a “Mistake of the Day” then you’ve already made at least one mistake before that, so it would be at least mistake #2.
Unless, of course, you begin numbering from 0. So the first mistake is Mistake #0 of the day, calling Mistake of the Day too early is Mistake #1, and so on.
A simple work around… you have to acknowledge it was a mistake in the first place. it’s really difficult for those who think they are always right… like in the case of Billie.
Hmmm. Not sure if mockery or failed nerd flirtation attempt…
It’s amazing how often those two can be similar. One of the hallmarks of being a nerd is that flirting gets you laughed at, so we learn to make that part of the plan.
Definitely flirting.
Panel 4 will be someone’s gravatar. I can sense it.
Sense? You mean seen right.
I can seen it? That sounds wrong to me.
Because Dr Who can time travel, so why declare a hunch you haven’t already confirmed? I don’t think Mkvenner meant to correct grammar.
Just because he chose that name does not mean he needs to act the part. He does not need to stay ‘in character’ for his names sake.
Im starting to hate such standards here. :{D
Mine, once I get to a computer rather than my iphone.
Im sure it will someday. I mean look at my drunk mike Gravatar.
But does he have all the cartridges? (The Tandy 1000 was a hybrid quasi-PC/quasi-game console.)
I had a Tandy 1000. It didn’t have cartridge slots. It used MS-DOS 3.3 and it used 3.5″ floppy disks, many of which I still have and use the stuff from thanks to DOSBox having Tandy emulation available.
(In fact, it was the 2000s Internet that told me it ever had cartridge slots – I think those were more prevalent for its predecessor the TRS-80.)
And, before asked about my specific Tandy, I had a Tandy 1000 TX model, with 12 mhz on its processor, one double-density 3.5″ floppy drive, a Tandy keyboard, a CM5 monitor, and an OKIDATA dot-matrix printer. And it was GRAND. (In fact, I’m in plans currently to get it down from the attic and see if it still operates.) I used that computer from 1987 to 1993. No joke.
Original Tandy 1000, cost about 2000$ with 640K ram, two floppy disc drives, RGB color monitor and ran at 4.77Mhz. No cartridge slot on this either.
When we later got a 286 suddenly the music on everything sucked. It wasn’t until later Sierra games that I realized that the Tandy systems had a 3 Voice chip that PC’s didn’t was the reason.
After saying that Billie jumps Danny and thus begins a torrent love affair which Joe supports.
That’s because she thinks Tandy is a type of booze, and Danny just offered her 1000 vintage bottles of it.
I’m trying to imagine a torrent love affair and while it’s very naughty it’s also frustrating, because the lovers can’t touch each other, merely exchange forbidden bits to each other late into the night. “Download this!” “Oh baby, faster, do it faster!”
All the best affairs involve the participants forbidden bits.
Wow, you just make downloading sexually attractive.
It wasn’t before?
Before, no. Now, yes.
If downloading isn’t sexy you aren’t doing it right.
Hint: Torrent =/= torrid.
Yes. Hence why I made a joke equating downloading to sex. The OP’s mistake amused me.
Honestly, it’s like my innuendo is wasted on you people.
Creative misspellings amuse me. It’s probably the author in me.
The first rule of the joke is DON’T EXPLAIN THE JOKE.
And TELL NO ONE ABOUT JOKE CLUB! I don’t care if they catch you dead to rights with seltzer-soaked hair, greasepaint behind your ear, and banana peel stains on your pantlegs!
What’s the Third Rule? Because everything comes in threes.
The only way that could happen is if Danny twists her girlfriend’s supple flesh into a lifeless, bloody husk, her crushing her brilliant mind to thoughtless meat in a drunken rage. And since the best candidate for that position is Sal, let’s hope that doesn’t happen!
That sounds like it could be the plot to a decent movie.
Errr…. yes, “vintage Tandy 1000”.
Geek’s have weird names for their junk sometimes.
Y’know, like “Tardis” , or “Jelly Baby”, or “Sonic Screwdriver”.
…Not that I know anyone who does that.
I know a guy who called his junk “Goldion Hammer”. I don’t know if I should be weird out or ask him why he’d do it.
So when he pulls it out, the action is over an instant later? Or it makes girls disappear? I could believe either of those.
I remember a Japanese giant robot called Goldion….
Actually, Goldion Hammer is a name of an attack/ weapon from GaoGaiGar.
If that’s what Danny meant I hope he’s careful not to cause her to want to boot up the ol’ Tandy.
If it’s named the Crawling Chaos, run. Run fast. Run far.
not sure about the wisdom of naming your junk “tardis,” regardless of one’s sex.
…i mean, “it’s bigger on the inside”?
It can penetrate the time vortex.
But if is makes that grinding noise when it’s in use, something is very, very wrong.
He’s clearly meant for Amber. She’d get that.
Or Dina….
Or both.
Bow chicka bow wow
If they want to get REALLY dirty, they can commit the Biblical sin of “wasting seed.”
You mean “slapping the one-eyed champ”?
Rollin’ the bone
Playing tug-of-war with the cyclops.
Stroking the one-eyed snake.
Bashing the Bishop.
Strangling the wombat.
Freeing the whales
Rubbing the lamp
Shaking hands with Mister Happy
floggin the dolphin
Unclogging the pipes.
Washing the wookie.
Paddling… the… canoe?
Making peace with the Germans….wait, that’s not it. Uhm… LigLightening the load.
Damn it, I meant lightening the load.
Slaying the Cerberus?
Okay that is a messed up doodad if it has any similarity with Cerberus.
… Playing a solo.
toweling a dwarf.
Going for the gold
@Jinxed44: More of a Hydra are we? Must be popular with the ladies.
Shaking the sauce bottle.
Going on a date with Palmela Handerson
Spanking the monkey.
Spanking the plank.
Slapping the happy monkey.
Confuscious Say:
“Man who go to bed with sex problem on mind wake up with solution on hand.”
C-C-COMBO BREAKER!! dang it.
Watering the lizard! –No, wait. Um, having a date with Five-Fingered Mary?
Waxing the missile.
Polishing his wand
Shaving an orangutan.
“Groping your grinder.”
“Establishing your cannon.”
“Pampering your paragon.”
“Floating your frigate.”
“Curling your toes.”
Or perhaps, “Joe your Rosenthal.”
Masturbating with his penis!
Danny got his Joe Faaace on, (his penis) after looking at the back of her Femurs, he wants to joe her so bad he would sell her his tandy for a nickle.
Yeah, that look kind of concerns me. Anyone who can leer while referencing the Tandy 1000 concerns me.
Times have really changed XD
Yes, back in the old days, people doesn’t name their junk after an old computer.
Did they name them after typewriters? Because that would be awesome, and after a quick Google search, I may start calling my junk the “Underwood Touch-Master 5.”
Dude, that sounds incredibly porn-y. I love it.
If Danny were able to show off his fully functional TRS-80 Model 1 complete with expansion unit then I might give him some credit. If I were Billie, I wouldn’t take Danny seriously until he was able to at least produce a Commodore Colt.
Yeah, but the minute he powers a TRS-80 Model 1 on, the wifi for the whole campus would be down
The FCC was rather horrified that those machines were completely unshielded…
Nah, I’m not impressed. If he produce a typewriter, then I’ll be impressed.
I have an Underwood…
Swing and a miss Danny.
At least it’s better than swing and the ball ricochet off a tree and hit you square in the face. We are using golf as metaphor, right?
You might be able to go for baseball in a forest as well
Billie receives a compliment, interprets it as condescension, responds with scathing sarcasm. She just went from foreign to relatable in a single panel.
Actually, Billie, soon you will be topped. Or you will do the topping. In any case, topping will occur, and Billie will be involved.
Ice cream?
You keep using the word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.
If you’re trying to say that it has a sexual connotation, I think agentksilver knows exactly what it means.
Danny strikes me as more of a bottom.
Oh my!
…and the YouTube link only confirms that my inner dialog nailed the celebrity voice cue.
sex face!
I think this interaction is *adorable*. They’re both swinging and missing, and swinging again. Dorothy is forgiven, indeed!
Where did she even find a cassette recorder in this day and age?
Mini-cassettes survived waaaaay longer than normal cassettes.
G1 Soundwave is still relevant!
Darn, you beat to me it.
Not only relevant, Soundwave superior.
Every college bookstore sells mini recorders and cassettes… at least as recently as 2009
And they’re freaking expensive too.
Casette tape recorders still used until today because unlike digital it can’t be tampered easily. It’s good for interviews and business discussion to avoid scam and trickery. Also good for detective work as confession won’t be tampered.
The risk is cassette can be destroyed.
As such, tapes make very good MacGuffins. Hmm, what could Willis be planning? Is there a “gotta get that tape” story on the way?
Or the “recorded conversation that could easily be mistaken out of context” story.
Or the secret recording that exposes the bad guy!
Or the accidental exchange of supposedly benign material with highly classified data at the center of madcap antics which by freakish coincidence is on the exact same obsolete medium.
Isn’t that the same as the”out of context recorded conversation” story?
No, it’s the “run into a spy by accident and pick up each other’s briefcases” story. The recording the innocent person actually made is benign both in and out of context.
It’s certainly harder than revising an audio file, but this is one case where people might believe older stuff is safer, when it really isn’t. If you really want to manipulate stuff, at worst you can just record the cassette onto an audiofile, manipulate the file, then rerecord the audiofile into the cassette.
They’re also not that great at keeping information safe. Let me introduce you to my friend, Mr E. Magnet.
Hey, speaking of magnets, how do they work?
They use magic naturally.
Danny could show me his Tandy any day…
Hey, I just remembered something. Wasn’t there some Whiz Kids that are somewhat related to the Tandy Computer?
Maybe I missed it but I’m surprised I didn’t see a comment by Linkara yet
Maybe he’s busy.
Probably but it was late and I was tired and I was surprised
There’s a voice recorder on my phone?
Hey, if it can connect to the Internet and do video call, it would damn well record someone’s voice. I have one but why in God’s name that they have to remove the flashlight feature? That’s the most useful feature, aside from the alarm clock and music player of course.
And texting and, you know, placing phone calls.
They can make phone calls too?
Placing calls is what phones do so I don’t think of it as a feature but more of as it’s function. Texting on the other hand is something that I rarely do so I might have forgotten about it.
Android user here, but anyway: Check your camera function, advanced settings. Flashlight feature might the be there for you.
Not an Android user. Sorry pal.
Dude, there’s a voice recorder on MY phone and it’s a bottom-end Virgin that does nothing but text and make calls. And record voices.
Now, getting the recording OFF the phone…
Omigod! O.O
Danny is the larval form of Jon Arbuckle!
That is a disturbing insight. Well done.
I’ll never be able to unknow that.
If he adopts a ginger kitten later on, then this myth will be confirmed.
Danny’s got me beat. My computer’s a Demension 3000.
Anybody else think Danny’s suddenly over his ex-girlfriend a little too easily? Does this mean plot hole or dick character? I’m leaning toward the latter.
Or he’s just an 18-year-old boy, as they tend to think with their dicks from time to time.
When I’m recently free from a dude, even if I’m not over it yet I still go a little nuts, because the newness of being single, and therefore able to pursue cute boys, is pretty damn cool. I’m not surprised he’s flirting, but if he were to be completely drama-free in any level deeper than flirting, that would be weird.
I think it just means stacked girl in glasses.
I like “realfuckin'” as one word. I can see a lot of great uses for that one…
Haha, there are so many great faces in this comic.
please, once I got a typewriter with a backspace key technology was already at its zenith. Everything since then was just showing off
So, is matchingness a notable enough property of jammies to rate particular mention? Does the normal user of jammies wear a non-matching set? If they sold jammies in non-matching sets, would they still be non-matching sets?
From what I’ve seen, most jammies=t-shirt and pajama pants, with little attention to matchingness. It’s weird to see someone wearing a matching jammie set. Unless that person is my boyfriend, in which case it’s adorable.
I remember my old vic20 with 2 tape cassette drives
When I was a kid my Dad had a horse that could add up numbers by stamping its hoof.
We used a dinosaur.
We used stray bits of stellar dust before they collected into anything.
Hah! You had stellar dust? Kids these days. We had to use stray hydrogen atoms from the Big Bang. Nobody had even thought up start yet. None of that fancy-schmancy stuff.
Are you kidding? For us numbers were still an abstract construct. All we had was a single point of indefinite mass.
Anyone realize that Danny’s face in the last panel is the same as Walky’s in the title bar? :O
It would seem that Joe had to eat his words:
She just did! Oh Snap!
How does Danny even know about the existence of the Tandy 1000? It’s a decade older than he is!
It came out in the late ’80s and was on the market for several years. I grew up with one as a kid and I’m only 28. I still have it, actually, and it’s still working last time I checked!
…. wow, I can’t tell if I’m channeling Danny or if he’s me in comic form. Freaky.
The first Tandy 1000 model came out in 1984. 128k to 768k RAM, 5.25″ 360k floppies. Sound and video like the PC Jr, much better than PC/XT. Second biggest tech support nightmare the company ever produced. My own collection of old Tandy equipment doesn’t feature anything that new, I hated MS-DOS (still do).