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No Billie.
*Insert Kevin Spacy “WRONG!” here*
“c’mon, lemme hear you say it, just once….”
You’re insane!
“No, the other one.”
Superman will never
I see I’m not needed here.
“Somebody shit on the coats.”
You don’t wanna be the bearer of bad news. “I think someone shit on the coats. I think somebody might have shit on or around the coats.”
ZZZZT! Nope, nope, nope. I’ve seen Sal, she look’s more like Batman. Not as cute as Amazi-Girl.
No Billie. She’s Spider-car.
I’m glad SOMEONE realizes this.
Ok, that image makes that perfect.
Just not quite as perfect as your mom was.
For a nickel.
Basically Batman, but a girl….
…. Batgirl??
Do you really think Sal is a virgin?
Depends on if you count scissoring.
This avatar makes that comment look much less snarky and much more sexy/mischievous.
Why wouldn’t you? :\
With that kind of attitude, I don’t think there’s any high school boy can get their weewee into her waawaa.
Don’t think she hung around highschool boys.
Billie, it’s 2012. You should know by now that colorblindness is not a virtue.
Although… reporter… superhero… there’s tradition there.
Not to mention the hair’s all wrong.
Sure, I suppose Sal could be wearing a wig (but that seems unlikely; easy to find out though, although problematic if you yank on Sal’s hair and you’re wrong– haha, problematic if you’re right too). Amazi-Girl could be wearing a wig with long hair stuffed up underneath it, but that’s hard enough to do (especially if your hair is as full as Sal’s; mine isn’t although it’s a bit longer and yeah, not easy) that it’s a bit obvious what you’re doing. Also it makes quick changes right out.
So… Yeah. Investigative reporter skills need a bit of an improvement on the observation front, eh?
While I don’t think Billie would remember Amazi-Girl very well, it is possible that Amazi-Girl is a shape-shifter.
Amazi-Girl is many things but she isn’t Batman, thus not Sal.
Yeah, Amazi-Girl is more of a cape than a cowl.
She (Amazi-Girl) is more like Robin.
Nah, she’s more like Spoiler.
If only you could tell me who she’s more like without ruining the ending for me…
She’s like Snape Kills Dumbledore.
Whoops, ruined it didn’t I?
Not enough for me not to continue.
Because she’s TOTES like Rosebud.
Nah, she’s totally Aeris dies.
She’s like Bruce Willis Is Dead The Whole Time.
She’s uh…. I don’t think DC superhero Spoiler is well known around here. She’s a teenager superhero and used to work together with Robin.
And she’s pregnant, not Robin’s though.
This logic is infallible.
LOL… well played with the flashbacks, man… well played…
It kind of makes sense if you’re a blind person… Unless of course Sal is just REALLY good at disguises.
This seems like a storyline that sounded brilliant in the planning stages until the inevitable exchange:
“…but what about that totally obvious problem?”
“…um… screw it, it’s too fun an idea not to use.”
The first time she saw Amazi-Girl was only from above and behind. The second time she was drunk and probably doesn’t remember it clearly. So race doesn’t much enter into it. I mean, Sal could’ve died her hair lighter brown. And be wearing extensions or a wig or something. Bit of a stretch…
…but the completely different body types should be a tip-off.
The only explanation I can think of is that, Billie being as self-involved as she is, couldn’t be bothered to retain what little visual info she had on that geek in the costume.
The accent?
Batman’s accent is different than Wayne’s. Accents are pretty easy to fake if you have a good coach.
Check out the Amazi-Girl comics and imagine they’re being said by Christian Bale doing his Batman voice.
You’re welcome.
No thanks, I imagined it being said by Kevin Conroy.
I am VENGEANCE, I am the NIGHT… I am…
These are FACTS. They are TRUE. Therefore, you may call them TRUFAX.
Nah, Bruce Wayne is like “Oh hi there my good fellow!” while Batman is like “rhhagh urgh grrah rrgh grrrh hockey pad.”
Oh man! How come we didnt see this coming, the signs were all there! It all fits so well!
It’s all connected…
I just saw that episode! Apparently Gail Simone wrote it. Good stuff. Touching.
Swing and a miss.
It’s actually fairly logical. We just all as readers can see the obvious problems with it since we know the truth from the outside continuity.
It’s obvoius to me, and I don’t know anything about the outside continuity.
Yay, I got Joyce!
Well we also got to see other stuff, like Amazi-girl dissapear and reappear as her alter ego, not to mention her face when not behind heavy beer goggles
Oh wait she has seen her head on. DAMN YOU SELECTIVE MEMORY!
I always view DoA from behind heavy beer goggles.
No, no, Ultra-Car is Amazi-Girl.
What if Sal is Ultra-Car in disguise? Quick, feel her for tires…
You’re not suggesting that Sal is fat are you?
Show of hands, who doesn’t want to see Billie feel up Sal?
*Removes everyones hands to prevent raising*
Hey look, No hands! Let the groping commence.
Hey now – yer fantasies ain’t worth mutilatin’ lots of people over, nice try. =P (Also, go read It’s Walky if you want to see them wrestle that badly.)
Why did you everybody’s hands? I think you could have gotten a majority vote without any mutilation.
I accidentally at least 100 hands. Is this bad?
You’ve razed everyone’s hands, now it will NEVER happen!
Nice Job Breaking It, Hero.
Well, there’s no reason Sal -couldn’t- be Amazigirl in this continuity! There isn’t an evil alien conspiracy around, after all. That bloke in a bowtie probably isn’t from an alternate reality.
It -could- work. From an in-universe standpoint, it makes much more logical sense…
Computer says…no.
Computer says…no.
No evil alien conspiracy? That’s what the evil alien conspiracy *wants* you to think!
Umm…. Billie, you do know that Amazi-Girl doesn’t have an accent and is a short haired brunette, right?
Wigs and a good accent coach can fix that.
Afterall that what Supergirl did in that movie back in the 80s.
There’s a Supergirl movie?
YES there was a Supergirl movie.
So does exists. I thought the Nostalgia Critic made it up.
Sal’s hair is a bit too much to stuff under a wig cap.
I think they’re suggesting that Sal’s hair is the wig.
I do cosplay and I used to have long hair. I actually think it was easier when I had long hair, as I used the technique described at
It’s going to be so awkward now when Billie tries to give Amazi-Girl one of those upside down Spider-Man kisses.
Nah. The bunk beds make it easier.
Too bad Billie stopped Sal from getting to the window. I would have liked to see her detective skills as she tries to track down her superhero roommate.
Watch the Amazi-Girl=Ultra-Car=?Sal? jokes >i<goooooooo! Oh wait, too late, it’s already happened.
Is Spider-Car gay? In the faaaaaaaace? For a nickel?
What a twist!
Well, that’ll teach me to try html tagging.
Oh Billie. *facepalm*
Someday you’ll learn, Billie!
Aside from Sal’s long and abundant head of hair being too much to stuff under a wig cap there’s enough evidence to make Billie’s conclusion reasonable. It’s a question even Dorothy might’ve asked in her place.
The different skin color and the fact that Billie had an extended conversation, as well as having been carried, doesn’t help, though.
Unless that hair is also a wig.
So I am suggesting that Sal is bald.
Well, I’m not picky…..
Sal has too much boob to be amazigirl.
Amazigirl has too much boob to be Sal.
there FTFY.
Nope, Chuck Testa
Are you implying that Amazi-Girl is dead?
has billy even seen amazigirl?
*I keep breaking these links…*
ok then what makes her think sal is amazigirl? she is quite a bit taller
Billie is silly.
Billie, you are the worst journalist since that dude from Batman.
How so? Investigating a false lead is not bad journalism. Proving a lead is false is actually better than finding the right lead on the first go.
She’d be a bad journalist if she didn’t investigate Sal after coming across clues that she may be tied to the story she’s been assigned.
It would be AMAZING if this were somehow true, heh.
Billie… That’s like adding “2 + 2” and getting “Fish”.
You know you can do that, right?
Of course, it’s not a real fish… but then again, Sal isn’t really Amazi-Girl (I assume), so the analogy is apt.
Sal must be a superhero if she’s wearing her underwear on the outside.
Outside of what?
Her body, of course.
I honestly hope no one is wearing their underwear on the inside of their body.
It’s been done.
You mean if she only wear her underwear right?
Oh for effs sake!
It’s just like the Sailor Moon effect! Obvious costume is obvious but no one can tell!! And then they go and suspect someone who couldn’t be further from it!
Still funny, though.
You know, I loved how they handled it in the Sailor Moon manga; the first time Tuxedo Mask spots her in civilian clothes he recognizes her immediately. She claims to not be a super hero. She’s not convincing.
Oh come on, it wasn’t that hard to figure out, she is the only girl in Tokyo with long blond hair and meatballs, (speaking of which, looking at her parents, she must be adopted) and her school uniform is almost identical to the sailor scout uniform. Worst disguise ever.
Anime anatomy lesson:
Men and women of anime can have children with completely different hair colour.
Oh man I wish we live in a world where people had more hair colour palette.
I think most of us would enjoy such a world.
Smooth! Very nice set-up, David. Looking forward to the spike!
<a href="" Here you go.
An unclosed tag is no tag at all!
Oh, and here I was thinking you meant the baby dragon.
Called it, I knew it was Sal from the beginning.
yes of curse Sal is amazi girl if you shorter her by a couple inches change her skin and hair color shorten her hair change the voice and add a costume with a mask you she totally looks like amazi girl! Cue Picard
“curse?” OF COURSE!!!!! Amazi-Girl is Sal under a CURSE! It all makes sense now! your small typo helped me see the light, thank you!
Cue Nostalgia Critic reaction.
I played too much DCUO, but maybe I can create a character that look like Sal but with Power Girl style costume…..
Or I create Captain Obvious, only one slot left!
It is waaaay too tempting to make characters that look existing fictional characters. Incidentally I think Amazi-Girl would be very easy to create.
Actually it’s kinda hard, DCUO female templates only had three setup:
1) Tall-kinda tall-medium height and fit busty girl.
2) Kinda tall-medium-almost medium height slim girl with big head.
3) Medium-almost medium-loli short height skinny girl.
And no “a bit pudgy girl” template. So yeah, it is easier to create Sal look alike.
Anyone notice, in all the joyous drooling over Billie’s error in panel 4, that Walky’s (er, “David’s”) tone “Our Hero” is in quote-marks, indicating SARCASM? apparently DoA Sal is potentially what, more volatile than Walkyverse Sal? How much trouble did she get into that had to be sealed?
Billie failed a sarcasm check.
“I think we just failed a spot check.”
“I don’t see anything.”
Sal is the hero Indiana deserves.
That…could be taken a LOT of different ways AJ.
You might want to clarify before the state rises up and demands satisfaction for the slight against it.
You would prefer “Amazi-Girl is the hero Indiana deserves”?
If the entire state is going to get upset over a harmless little joke, then I say “BRING IT ON”. I’m pretty tough, I’m sure I can take out a significant land mass and all the humans living on it.
So…when was the last time Billie was sober?
My guess? Last year. In comic.
Meanwhile! Amber O’Malley, mild-mannered college student in a great Indiana campus, is enjoying a quiet morning drink!
*spinning beer keg*
In this continuity, Walky knows a lot more about his sister. And her propensity for getting into trouble. Yeah, she defused and walked away from a confrontation, but she was almost as ready as Ruth to escalate.
No, no, that’s wrong. Sal can’t be Amazi-girl.
She clearly uses a motorcycle. Car on Motorcycle action is just messy.
Why is everyone so caught up in Billie’s mistake. Wasn’t she super drunk when Amazi-Girl showed up at the party?
Sure, but she was fairly sober, or at least had a nice adrenaline rush going when Amazi-girl stole her away from Ruth at the dorm meeting.
My shipping-sense are tingling!
I predict Walky.x.Ruth is on its way.
(It would make NO SENSE, since they have nothing in common. But there is no such as “sense” in shipping. Moreover, this nonsense makes it even more interesting.)
What you are sensing is a ship-wreck waiting to happen.
Okay, I’m very amused by this plot twist.
Dear Walky, please drop that time-bomb you are holding in panel one as Ruth is more likely to break every single bone in your face than thank you for helping her up off the floor ^o__o^;;
Technically we’ve never seen her go after anybody who didn’t first disrespect her athoritay, so he might be safe. (No, threatening femur removal does not technically count as going after somebody, as it was merely a warning – and a necessary one, since she does in fact react to resistance with force. And eternal unceasing harassment.)
*sigh*…billie you got it all wrong…super heroes were never the cool kids in school….
Come on, surely at least one super hero was the cool kid in school. Like in X-men Evo Jean was obe for a while. (Does that show count?)
Don’t feed the Troll.
I don’t have to take this kind of abuse from someone named “Tucker”. It’s not that I’m a pacifist, I just don’t want your disgusting DNA getting all over my shirt.
Now kiss… UPSIDE DOWN!
Wrong superhero. That’s superman, you doodoohead.
Hey, every superhero who has the ability to become upside down should kiss upside down at least once.
So THAT’S why everyone thought Amazi-girl was Sal when she first appeared in DoA…because she WAS Sal! Great detective work, Billie! xD
For Walky: Pajama Jeans for Men
Now he doesn’t have to live vicariously through women being comfortable, he can buy his own pajama jeans.
I can be both manly AND comfortable. Good good.
I found ’em first!
Yeah, well I don’t read the comments on this comic that often. I just happened to see the link on a news article I was linking to my blog.
AHAHAHAHAH! XD That is priceless!
Sal is my hero. I want all her babies
Skin is too dark and hair is too long, plus she is more muscular.
She doesn’t look like a car…