Hey, remember when I had to do that “Ethan is gay” post? This is another of those.
Roz asked Joe if she could tape them having sex and if she could put it up on the Internet. She did. She did she did she did. Now everyone can stop claiming she didn’t. Which is being claimed at an alarming rate, I gotta tell you. I am seriously baffled.
For the record, Joe’s in-canon response to being used as a political pawn? “I got to touch boobies, so we’re even.” Same comic, even! It’s a good’un!
(I feel weird categorizing a post as “news” when it’s just repeating the contents verbatim of a six-month-old strip.)
People were claiming that Roz and Joe didn’t agree to the video? Huh. How do people keep missing this strips? Hell, when the Ethan thing happened his PROFILE also stated he was gay.
It’s not so much that they miss the strips necessarily, it is just that they have extremely short memories/attentions spans.
Did she give context? (I am fully aware that Joe’s answer wouldn’t have changed anyway, but I doubt Roz had enough character analysis of Joe done in that time to be able to make a judgement there)
By the time Joe read the article about himself in the newspaper, he didn’t know that Roz was the sister of a public official, either through not being told or not remembering/paying attention.
I don’t really want to answer any more specifically than that.
It’s not so baffling that a few people might forget a line or plot point or two from a comic strip they read months ago. Nothing to fret over. People forget stuff, misinterpret stuff, and even completely miss stuff all the time.
I was about to say the same thing. This strip was 3 months ago. (That’s the consequence of such a slow-moving strip.) And people are more likely to remember the beginning of this plotline, in which Joe opened the newspaper and didn’t realize the headline was about him.
I casually read a dozen webcomics regularly and neither remember nor care. What is wrong with you people?
I expect people to forget details. What rubs me the wrong way is when people post over and over again that the specific reason they despise a character is because they should have done something… when evidence suggests otherwise. Forming such a strong negative a opinion on somebody based on a falsehood bugs me.
Oh yeah, that bugs me too.
I think I see part of the problem (although I’d always assumed Joe had consented, given his personality, so wasn’t one of the folks griping): the linked strip simply never made it to my RSS reader (as well as the one right before it, it looks like). Wonder if maybe a few other folks had issues, too.
*shakes fist*
But did Mike do our moms for a nickle in this universe? That’s the burning question.
Mike is always doing everyone’s moms. In every universe.
Next time Malaya shows up in Shortpacked, you might want to do one of these PSAs to remind people that she started making goo-goo eyes at Leslie BEFORE knowing anything about Leslie’s history with Robin, or even that Leslie was gay, so the people who claim that she’s just pretending with Les to be a dick don’t know what they’re talking about. Those are the ones that bug me.
I actually had to find that strip and you’re right. but then in the comic after that, she’s walking with leslie and sticks her tongue out at robin. i think that’s what sticks with people. She may not be pretending, but she’s still a dick.
That’s true. But to be fair, Malaya established herself as a terrible human being from her very inception. It isn’t as if she discovered Leslie and Robin’s history together and then suddenly started having second thoughts.
Would that history include how they broke up months ago because Robin finally stamped too hard on Leslie’s self-esteem? I know *we* have reason to root for Robin and maybe even for a Robin-Leslie rapprochement. But from Malaya’s perspective, SHE is the good one here. And if I were in her place, I’d feel the same!
Just wait ’til David posts a flashback SP! comic showing Malaya finding out about the Robin/Leslie break-up on the news, planting in Ken the idea to recommend her for a job at Shortpacked! via inception, and then taking acting classes to act all “I don’t wanna work there.” She’s truly an evil genius. Unlike Sidney.
Oh cheese…Malaya is Sidney! Clearly she’s realised the best way to go about ruining all of the SP! crews lives is drive a wedge even further between Robin and Leslie, all the while generally being a dick to all of the other characters!
Heh, Mike is a horrible person and is adored.
I’ve read about this before. It’s because Mike’s such an exaggeration of negative traits that it’s hard to see him as a normal person, thus we like him. With Malaya, her traits are much more subtle so it’s easier to see her as that “one person” we all know and don’t like.
Fine… but is Joe still straight in this Universe? Because there hasn’t been ANY evidence to suggest it yet.
I apologize for my contribution to this matter and wish I could offer something better than I forgot, but I can’t. I will engage in self flagellation as is required by my kind.
> (I feel weird categorizing a post as “news” when it’s just repeating the contents verbatim of a six-month-old strip.)
You posted it three months and three days before posting this “news”, I think you’ll find :p
I just want to say that I HAVE been in a sex tape posted online, and I DID have to sign multiple release forms and in duplicates. It was awesome.
(Please don’t tell my parents)
I’m going out on a limb and guessing that it was through a company rather than an individual.
Eh, sorta in-between. It was a pro-dominatrix who ran her own business out of her apartment/dungeon.
And yes, my identity was concealed behind a gimp mask: because I know how to get freaky.
So are Davids comics big in the BDSM community, or is your interest in his comic a coincidence? I’m curious and I’ll pry never get the chance to ask again.
Coincidence. I find Willi’s comics decidedly un-sexy.
Wait, wait, wait, ETHAN IS GAY?!
Also, I’m surprised people would miss *that*. I mean, it’s right there. In the panel. Come on, folks.
Sure, sure. But things would be different if only Joe had been given a choice about the sex video being posted!