i imagine ruth going off like a volcano at both of them, for calling her those. it will also have people flocking to her like Joyce when we discovered our PSL for her…just different reason, this time
Galasso mr wilson- “that boy is a menace, I shall smite him ‘neath the heel of my boot and mount his severed head in my garden, so swears galass- er, um, I mean mr wilson
As she’s going down the hall in the opposite direction, she knows that Ruth is there as well, and likely wouldn’t take kindly to Billie bad-mouthing her.
Were you someone with the ability to pull others out of a dangerous situation and leap away into the shadows of anonymity like Amazigirl, you might be able to do something about this situation.
But as the notion of you being Amazigirl is nothing short of absurd, you, as a bystanding citizen, should hasten your escape from the powder-keg that’s about to go off.
i dunno… sal may not be as bad-assed as she was in the other verse, but anyone who climes in an out of a 4th story window just cuz it reminds her of the good old days is not one to be trifled with
Still, by the time Billie was making “R.A. Monster” remarks Ruth must have been, what, a foot and a half away? Exactly how much attention was she paying to Sal?
Ruth enforces the law with extreme prejudice using means beyond what should be justifiable. That counts. Definite antihero, and you know how those get along with the paragon heroes. They’re always fighting eachother over their differences before being forced to begrudgingly work together for a common goal that neither could accomplish using their methods individually.
Maybe this was all just an elaborate ploy by Ruth to bring Sal out into the open. Sort of like the plot of Entrapment but with floor meetings instead of art heists.
Even if it isn’t, she needs to apologize for not believing in Sal’s sneaky-ness. Cause, you know… A break-in was necessary and… No maybe Billie’s just crazy nm.
All I can picture is the two of them fighting while Billie stands in the background in that pose Ash Ketchum always takes when he’s giving orders to the pokemon.
“Go get her Sal! You can do it! I believe in you! Dodge! Now use your crabhammer attack! Our friendship is stronger than anything! Go for the jugular!”
I was always waiting for the episode of that show where the pokemon finally turned to look at Ash, covered in bruises and blood and just leapt at him, tearing him apart while screaming “You want friendship bongo?! How about I put YOU in a F**KING cock fighting ring against monsters that throw freakin’ energy nukes you and you show me what the power for friendship can do you sick f**k!”
I love how Ash is effectively an object lesson on how ineffectual his methods are. Say what you want about his dickish rivals with their utilitarian views on pokemon, they don’t have the problems he has.
Ash’s rival during the Diamond & Pearl era, Paul may be a complete dick to his Pokemon but when it comes down to it, the way he treats his Pokemon is the way we treat our Pokemon when we play the game.
The only difference is that Paul’s Pokemon are intelligent creatures with feelings while our Pokemon are just 1s & 0s on a screen.
You’re confusing high school instincts with college instincts. In college, the instinct is not that, but rather, “Go fight over there! I’m studying, you inconsiderate jerks!” There, *now* it’s a college thing to say.
“Oh, maybe someone’s shirt will get ripped and I’ll see a bra strap or something,” is totally pathetic high school boy thinking. In college, you can skip all that B.S. and just go straight for “two girls expanding their sexual horizons in your bed”.
I say “Bah” at your tame Dennis the Menace. He’s barely a nuisance. Our Dennis is a real Menace, as is his dog Gnasher. And Minnie the Minx would have both Sal and Ruth for breakfast.
It wasn’t a screw up, it was one of those rare coincidences where two different people in two different countries happen to create a story of a young bratty kid known as Dennis The Menace almost at the same time.
Took me a minute to realise that you meant the lame American Dennis the Menace rather than the superior British one. Was wondering if Margaret is the real name of Pie-Face or Curly and I’d forgotten.
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari Drennen@aridrennen.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
Ruth is pissed.
to be fair i hear someone broke into her room and stole her beer and a shirt
And took photos of her sleeping.
to be fair, she did wrongly steal the shirt first
What’s THAT face, Amber?
They are walking toward the dragons lair. Not the fun one, the dangerous one full of agony, pain and permanent psychological scars.
I thought that WAS the fun one.
No, more like” Oh damn it! Looks like it’s a job fro Amazi Girl. Now where is she?”
Maybe Amazi Girl IS considering Sal as her new sidekick.
Damn it. It’s “for” not “fro”.
Though now I can’t stop picturing Amazi Girl with a sweet ‘fro.
“Dammit, you’re not supposed to be my Lois.”
Looks like Amber is smitten with Sal. PSL time!
Amber is disappointed that Sal’s hair is preventing her from being able to check out Sal’s ass
Or Amber is dreaming how nice it would be if Sal was clothed only in that long hair.
Which isn’t unusual, is it?
Amber sees her archnemesis?
3 years later, well…
Billie’s been assigned to the Amazi-Girl story. Why that would concern Amber, I have NO IDEA, but it must factor in somehow.
Because Amber’s car IS Amazi-girl!
Apparently Foreshadowing
And after seeing the flashback comic where Amber first meets Sal… it all makes sense now.
Margaret was a lot prissier.
i imagine ruth going off like a volcano at both of them, for calling her those. it will also have people flocking to her like Joyce when we discovered our PSL for her…just different reason, this time
Great. Now I’m picturing Mike in the striped shirt and overalls.
And some unlucky schmuck as Mr Wilson.
*is picturing Joyce as Mrs Mitchell*
Who’s Mr Mitchell, then?
That is why Joyce is in college, she wants to find her ‘Mr Mitchell’.
Galasso would be the greatest Mr. Wilson.
Galasso mr wilson- “that boy is a menace, I shall smite him ‘neath the heel of my boot and mount his severed head in my garden, so swears galass- er, um, I mean mr wilson
Dennis the Menace -did- originally have a perpetual scowl…
I lie the “Margaret” analogy. I think it kinda fits.
Ruth is a pretty big pain in the ass.
Ruth/Sal OTP!
I can imagine that both of them would at least enjoy fracturing Billie’s fragile psyche, anyway.
Sal would make a great Gina.
Amber does not approve of Sal. The plot thickens.
What’s with Amber? And damn, is Ruth’s facial expression switch broken on ANGRY?
As she’s going down the hall in the opposite direction, she knows that Ruth is there as well, and likely wouldn’t take kindly to Billie bad-mouthing her.
Sort of a ‘she’s right behind you’ situation.
Just keep walking Amber, just keep walking.
Were you someone with the ability to pull others out of a dangerous situation and leap away into the shadows of anonymity like Amazigirl, you might be able to do something about this situation.
But as the notion of you being Amazigirl is nothing short of absurd, you, as a bystanding citizen, should hasten your escape from the powder-keg that’s about to go off.
Ruth wants her beer back, Billie.
Billie’s used the beer. I don’t think she wants it back now.
Then again, people have the darnedest kinks.
Thor writes: “Then again, people have the darnedest kinks.”
Secondly, I really don’t want to know the details.
Hm… Ruth vs. Sal smackdown! Taking all bets, taking all bets!
Ruth vs Billie and Sal handicap match. Ruth’s odds seems to be 50-50 to me.
Don’t call Billie that!
She knows she’s a handicap to Sal, she doesn’t need to be reminded of it.
No, a handicap match is when one person had to fight a team of two or three.
I know that. ^^
I was using the other meaning of the word.
i dunno… sal may not be as bad-assed as she was in the other verse, but anyone who climes in an out of a 4th story window just cuz it reminds her of the good old days is not one to be trifled with
Then again, she was sent to the boarding school because she held up some corner stores.
“What’s your power?”
“A poor upbringing”
That’s the power that every Emo claims to have, thus excusing their emoness.
I don’t know much about that kind of stuff, but I think we might be talking about different kinds of poor upbringing.
Here’s what I’m quoting.
Not all of them have a poor upbringing.
So we couldn’t see Ruth because she was off panel, but why couldn’t Billie see her?
Because Ruth can teleport like Jason Vorhees.
Because she saved Otacon on her first playthrough.
Ruth is an Assassin.
So that makes Sal a Templar?
Nah, it’s the other way around. Assassin’s don’t treat people like she does.
She’s a rogue Assassin?
Yeah, they just stab people in the eyeholes.
And for a real answer to your question, she was probably paying more attention to Sal to see that she didn’t vanish when she wasn’t looking.
And Sal probably did, but has no idea what Ruth looks like.
Still, by the time Billie was making “R.A. Monster” remarks Ruth must have been, what, a foot and a half away? Exactly how much attention was she paying to Sal?
Too much it seems.
That’s what happen when you got PSL for your roomate!
Even PSl is no excuse for not hearing the freaking Jaws theme when Jaws is like one meter away from you.
Maybe there was, like, a corner? You know, in the third panel, where there specifically is no background?
Billie has PSL for the corner.
Was Billie glaring at Amber in the panel right before Ruth popped up? I think that is why she missed her.
Amber’s in shock of Sal’s hair. Sal’s glorious, long, sexy, hair.
Amazigirl sense… Tingling.
Rival superhero in vicinity…
Requisit Superhero Fight Over Trivial Misunderstanding incoming… Must get into costume!
Rival Super hero?
Amazigirl has just seen the civilian identity of her lifelong nemesis, destined to battle her throughout the ages.
Ruth enforces the law with extreme prejudice using means beyond what should be justifiable. That counts. Definite antihero, and you know how those get along with the paragon heroes. They’re always fighting eachother over their differences before being forced to begrudgingly work together for a common goal that neither could accomplish using their methods individually.
So basically, Ruth is Judge Dredd?
More like Judge Death only prettier.
A sexy Judoon of sorts.
Maybe this was all just an elaborate ploy by Ruth to bring Sal out into the open. Sort of like the plot of Entrapment but with floor meetings instead of art heists.
Even if it isn’t, she needs to apologize for not believing in Sal’s sneaky-ness. Cause, you know… A break-in was necessary and… No maybe Billie’s just crazy nm.
And yet no one has voiced support for Sal/Ruth/Billie.
Disappointment. Where are the shippers from yesterday.
They’re too interested in the bloodbath to be turned on shipping or so it seems.
Why ship Sal/Ruth/Billie when you can ship Sal/Ruth/Billie/Amber?
I’ve been wondering who Ruth reminded me of for MONTHS. It seems so obvious now!
Oh, I thought they meant Jaws from Transformers.
Or from James Bond!
So we have to wait until Monday to see if she has razor sharp metal teeth or not.
Oh this should be good. Bad ass Rebel who doesn’t give a damn, versus the psycho-bongo ruler of the dorms.
All I can picture is the two of them fighting while Billie stands in the background in that pose Ash Ketchum always takes when he’s giving orders to the pokemon.
“Go get her Sal! You can do it! I believe in you! Dodge! Now use your crabhammer attack! Our friendship is stronger than anything! Go for the jugular!”
I was always waiting for the episode of that show where the pokemon finally turned to look at Ash, covered in bruises and blood and just leapt at him, tearing him apart while screaming “You want friendship bongo?! How about I put YOU in a F**KING cock fighting ring against monsters that throw freakin’ energy nukes you and you show me what the power for friendship can do you sick f**k!”
…obviously I was never a huge fan of the show.
I love how Ash is effectively an object lesson on how ineffectual his methods are. Say what you want about his dickish rivals with their utilitarian views on pokemon, they don’t have the problems he has.
Ash’s rival during the Diamond & Pearl era, Paul may be a complete dick to his Pokemon but when it comes down to it, the way he treats his Pokemon is the way we treat our Pokemon when we play the game.
The only difference is that Paul’s Pokemon are intelligent creatures with feelings while our Pokemon are just 1s & 0s on a screen.
Sal is not impressed. She is like the Harry Dresden of college.
Being that I am a male in college, I feel it is my duty to say this:
“Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!”
You’re confusing high school instincts with college instincts. In college, the instinct is not that, but rather, “Go fight over there! I’m studying, you inconsiderate jerks!” There, *now* it’s a college thing to say.
What school are YOU going to?
If they fight over here, they might RIP CLOTHING!
And there’s nothing more appealing to the Stereotypical College Male than two girls shredding each other’s shirts.
“Oh, maybe someone’s shirt will get ripped and I’ll see a bra strap or something,” is totally pathetic high school boy thinking. In college, you can skip all that B.S. and just go straight for “two girls expanding their sexual horizons in your bed”.
Or I could, at least.
There are no words to describe the dark abyss that is Sal’s hair.
If you gaze long into the hair, the hair gazes also into you.
It’s too late for us but Billie still has hope of escaping its thrall
Sal has Cthulhu hair now??? HOLY CRAP!
I like where this is going.
I say “Bah” at your tame Dennis the Menace. He’s barely a nuisance. Our Dennis is a real Menace, as is his dog Gnasher. And Minnie the Minx would have both Sal and Ruth for breakfast.
It has been decades since I read anything from the British Dennis The Menace.
oh god I remember that.
I wondered why they screwed up dennis when I saw the americans version.
It wasn’t a screw up, it was one of those rare coincidences where two different people in two different countries happen to create a story of a young bratty kid known as Dennis The Menace almost at the same time.
I think they were both published in the exact same month. The universe can be weird at times.
Jaws? Who is Jaws and what movie’s that from?
It’s Jaws. You know, from “Jaws?”
Took me a minute to realise that you meant the lame American Dennis the Menace rather than the superior British one. Was wondering if Margaret is the real name of Pie-Face or Curly and I’d forgotten.
Classic Friday cliffhanger.
Gums was a way better movie than Jaws ever was. (non sequitur)
This is quite unrelared, but I like your avatar… who is she?^^
Her name is Calice, she is an OC drawn in the DoA style.
Aha, I thought she was a character from another Walkyverse comic. XD
She looks cool.
I was wondering when the immovable barrier (Ruth) would meet the unstoppable force (Sal). This should be interesting….
Like the Blob Vs Juggernaut?
I like how they keep having this conversation with Ruth standing right in front of them.
The Ruth-Margaret resemblance is surprising, but present.
Are we going to see any more of Dinah today? Maybe she will be looking for the writer of those notes she had gotten by mistake
Am I the only one that is hoping Sal kicks the crap out of Ruth?
No. No, you aren’t.
Amber’s got that face like, “Oh man, shit’s about to go down.”
The shark is not named Jaws. It doesn’t have a name.
If it did have a name, it would be “Bruce”.
If this is a hint at today’s (22-12-13) comic, then bloody hell.
Looks like. Discoveries like these are why I re-read archives.
Duh. Lol
Ooof. 2.5 years later, that reaction finally makes sense.